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0 Foundry Department )

Dr* Bastrakov V.

Casting Defects and Measures of

Their Prevention

( Methodical Supplement to the Course *' Technological Fundamentals of

Foundry Production” )

production,# The purpose


this text-hook is to provide

a functional perspective


the technician and engineers

whose dob requires correct decisions, related to the det­

ermination of a kind


a casting

defect and to its succ­

essful elimination from





modern notions about

a character




thermal, hydrodinamical, and mechanical interactions of metal and mould it gives a realistic understanding of rea­ sons of main casting defects which are observed in the fo­ undry practice.

Although the book is intended for students of meta­ llurgical specialities, especially for foundrymen, it can be successfully used by technicians, engineers, research men, and investigators whose .job is connected, with the foundry production,


1* Classification of Casting Defects

Following different principles of various kinds of

defects classification

may be used at the

quality control

of castings* Each type

of a defect can be

subdivided acc­

ording to a shape, size, position or other special features

and can be brought to one or to another group of defects.

On the other hand, an origin of defects may be associated

with molten metal, mould, core,

or castinjg process chara­


Each of them can be

the base of

the cla ssifi­

cation too.




Another classification may be founded

on the base of

defects division in accordance with a technological opera­ tions of a casting manufacture during which some defect may arise (during melting of the metal, pouring, s o lid ifi­ cation or cooling a casting). But such the classification is not available as in this case real reasons of some def­ ect origin are overshaded by other unessential, but raised into a classification principle, signs typical for the def­ inite stage of forming a casting.

Well-known classification of casting defects accor­

ding to external indications and to special


is generally

accepted. Following this a ll

defects in ca-

sting can be

divided ihto four main groups


complex of different newest devices allowing foundrymen to control needed properties very quickly and to reoieve the detail information in a suitable form j

unsatisfactory nochunical properties of a casting metal, or alloy, such ,.s a low strength or plasticity, a small shock resistance, ^tc. c.eterminati'on of mochanxcal properties is carried out with the help of special st­ andard machines and equipment using standard methods of tests and quality control of specially made and machir.ec1 samples.


a ll kinds of


are divided



three groups,

In this case

two last

groups are



ether г.ь mechanical properties of a casting metal are sup­

posed to depend on its composition and structure. Is


opinion it is not so in general cane beceuse composition

standards establish the basic chemical indehtity of

an a ll—

oy and,. It is oovious, that a wide row of structures


hence, different properties, can be obtained in castings mad? of the ailoy of the samp composition.- Especially it

is true for cast iron as different mechanical properties of this meta , at a constant chemical composition^ can be obt­ ained ar different rates of a metal coolingr

Or. the other hand, an alley with a proper c.nomical composition and structure may possess different properties as they oan be affected by microscopic cavities- .inclusi­ ons or by small additions of elements not normally .-.cte-i-:.

These castings are allowed to be used in different devices and machines only with a permission of main specialists of industrial enterprises ;

- remediable or partial rejects. This is castings having such defects after the repairing of which the cas­ tings can be allowed to be machined and to be used in d if­ ferent devices ;

— irremediable or final rejects. That is castings having such defects the repairing of which is technically impossible or economically unprofitable.

However it ought to mean that the decision about m admissibility or inadmissibility of some defect is in a great degree, determined by technical conditions or by spe­ cia l requirements of technical documents. Therefore the notion "quality of castings" is relative and depends on technical conditions or requirements to castings.

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