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А.Б. Зотова



Учебно-методическое пособие для вузов

Издательско-полиграфический центр Воронежского государственного университета


Утверждено научно-методическим советом факультета романо-германской филологии 19 апреля 2011 г., протокол № 4

Рецензент канд. филол. наук, доц. С.А. Трухина

Учебно-методическое пособие подготовлено на кафедре английского языка гуманитарных факультетов факультета романо-германской филологии Воронежского государственного университета.

Рекомендуется для студентов 1 курса д/о.

Для специальности 030501 – Юриспруденция


1.Пояснительная записка……………………………………………………….4

2.Episode 5. An Explosion……………………………………………………....6 Pre-watching Tasks ………………………………………………………..……..6 Viewing Tasks ……………………………………………………………………7

After-viewing Tasks………………………………………………………………9 Comprehension Tasks ……………………………………………………..……13

Follow-up Activities ……………………………………………………………15

3.Episode 6. A Visit to the Prime Minister …………………………………….20

Pre-watching Tasks ………………………………………………………..……20

Viewing Tasks …………………………………………………………………..23 After-viewing Tasks……………………………………………………………..24 Comprehension Tasks ……………………………………………………..……28

Follow-up Activities ……………………………………………………………30



1. Пояснительная записка

Данное учебно-методическое пособие “Miss Mactaggart won’t Lie Down” (Part III) рекомендуется для студентов 1 курса дневного отделения юридического факультета.

Целью пособия является развитие у студентов необходимого уровня коммуникативной компетенции для решения социально-коммуникативных задачвразличныхобластях культурнойипрофессиональнойдеятельности.

Основными задачами, которые решаются в данном учебно-методическом пособии являются формирование навыков восприятия на слух и понимания просматриваемых фрагментов фильма с полным пониманием и с пониманием основного содержания, а также развитие лексико-грамматических навыков, развитие умений монологического высказывания по предложенным вопросам и умений обсуждать полученную информацию в различных формах взаимодействиястудентоввпределахгруппы.

Пособие состоит из двух разделов (эпизодов фильма), включающих вводные задания, затем сопутствующие просмотру фрагмента фильма задания

– на заполнение пропущенной информации или извлечение необходимой информации, задания после просмотра фильма: а) задания направленные на тренировку лексического материала, б) репродуктивные задания (выражение мнения по предложенным темам, изложение краткой информации по проблемам, поднятым в тексте), в) задания, представляющие дополнительную информацию по теме раздела, а также дискуссии на заданные темы. Все упражнения рассчитаны на формирование умений и навыков, необходимых для осуществления различныхвидовречевойдеятельности.

На каждый раздел рекомендуется отводить 4-6 аудиторных часов и 2,5 часа для самостоятельной работы, хотя в зависимости от уровня подготовленностистудентовпрограммаможетменяться.

Данное пособие будет соответствовать принципам коммуникативной на-


правленности, культурной и педагогической целесообразности, а также позволит студентам соответствовать уровню выпускных требований по дисциплине «Иностранныйязык» сучетомспецификивузаипотребностейстудентов.


Miss Mactaggart won’t Lie Down Episode 5. An Explosion Pre-watching tasks

Task 1. Warming-up Activity

Discuss the following questions with your groupmates. Express your own point of view and be ready to react to your groupmate’s opinion.

1)The title of the fifth episode is “An explosion”? Why do you think? What will happen in this part of the film? What are your ideas?

2)Has anyone ever tried to explode any governmental body in your country?

3)Why do people usually commit such crimes?

4)How should the government (or the police) fight against such crimes?

5)What punishment should criminals get for committing such crimes? (community service, fine, incarceration, life imprisonment, short-term imprisonment, long-term imprisonment, probation, suspended sentence, capital punishment, etc.)

The following expressions may be useful:

True… but…

This is my way of looking at it.

I think it goes further than that… a lot further. Well, you see what I mean.

That’s one way of looking at it. But… You may be right… All the same… That’s what I thought…

And that’s another thing. There’s much variety in …, etc.

Task 2. Match the following words and word combinations with their definitions:

1) blow up (v)

a) a single thing on a list or among a set;


2) appointment (n)

b) to leave a country after a period of time;

3) item (n)

c) a sudden, violent, loud burst of energy, for


example one caused by a bomb;

4) parcel (n)

d) to act in a socially acceptable or polite way;

5) lost property office

e) a spirit (strong alcoholic drink) made from malted


(malt) grain, such as barley produced especially


in Scotland;

6) come down from (v)

f) an idea or plan of what you are going to do;

6) intention (n)

g) to write a short, usually informal piece of writing


about some event;

7) explosion (n)

h) a special place where articles found in public


places because people have forgotten them are


kept and to which people who have lost some-


thing can go in the hope of getting it back;

8) to make a note of smh.

i) a thing or collection of things wrapped in paper


and tied or fastened in some other way for easy


carrying, posting etc.;

9) behave oneself (v)

j) to cause to explode or be destroyed by exploding;

10) whiskey (n)

k) an arrangement for a meeting at an agreed time


and place, especially a formal meeting with an


important or official person.

Viewing tasks

Task 3. Watch the fifth episode of the film and fill in the missing phrases in the following dialogues.

(boy, mother, Miss MacTaggart, policeman, editor, newsvendor, McLaut Sergeant, Mr. Morrison)

The mother and the boy near the monument to Gay Fawkes.


Boy: Where is that Guy Fawkes?


Mother: He is not here.


Boy: Why can’t I see him?


Mother: Because he tried to ________ the Parliament.


Boy: Why can’t I see him today?


Mother: Because he is a bad man and tried to

the Parliament.

Near the Parliament.

Mct: I’ve got an ________ to see the Minister for Scottish Affairs. Is it all right if I have my bag in here?

Policeman: Oh I think unless you have a bomb in it. Mct: It is just a very little one.

Policeman: Go ahead the main Hall until you get to the man and ask you for this.

In the editorial office.

Mct: Are you the gentleman that writes the news? Editor: News desk here?

Mct: Well, I have ________ that I think it might be of interest to you. I left

________ in the House of Commons.

Editor: That’s very interesting, Madam. Shouldn’t you be speaking to the lost property office.

Mct: I’m quite sure. I ________ from Scotland especially to create ________ in the House of Parliament.

Editor: You what?

Mct: I’ve said I ________ from Scotland with ________ to create an explosion in the English Parliament at about 11 o’clock. That’s when things usually happen. Is it usually not at 11 …… I think your paper should make ________ of it.

Editor: Madam! Mct: Buy, buy.

Editor: Madam, hallo, Madam. Give me Scotland Yard. Hello.


Buying a newspaper.

Mct: Could I have ________ please? Newsvendor: Mmm...here you are.

Mct: Thank you.

Newsvendor: Shouldn’t you believe it lady? Mct: You can’t be serious.

Newsvendor: Could be someone trying to be funny.

Stuffy Morrison and sergeant McLaut are drinking whiskey.

Mr Morrison: It’s very smooth _______ . McLaut: Yes, ey, it is.

Mr Morrison: It is very ________ here without her? McLaut: Yes it is.

Mr Morrison: I hope she is ________ ________ in London. b) Decide whether the following statements are true or false:

1)Miss MacTaggart has come to see the Queen of England.

2)Miss MacTaggart wanted the editor to write an article about her.

3)She came down from Scotland to explode St. Paul’s Cathedral.

4)The editor was very pleased when he heard what Miss MacTaggart asked him to do.

5)Mr Morrison and McLaut Sergeant were drinking tea and discussing possible ways of crime prevention.

After Viewing Tasks

Task 4. Match the word or the word combination to its synonym.

1) appointment (n)

a) explode (v)

2) blow up (v)

b) if … not (conj)

3) unless (conj)

c) belongings, possessions (n)

4) editorial (adj)

d) even (adj), without lumps

5) parcel (n)

e) silly, stupid (adj)



6) property (n)

f) make (v)

7) create (v)

g) detonation (n)

8) explosion (n)

h) package (n)

9) make a note of smth (n)

i) involved in preparing a newspaper

10) stuffy (adj)

j) arrangement (n)

11) peaceful (adj)

k) record (v)

12) smooth (adj)

l) tranquil (adj)

Task 5. Fill in the gaps with the suitable verbs from the list below and put them in the correct form.

To blow up, to try, to write, to leave, to come down from, to create, to happen, to buy, to behave oneself

1)Miss MacTaggart ________ Scotland in order to settle the matter of her identity.

2)In all legal systems there are institutions for ________, modifying, abolishing and applying the law.

3)The government keep saying inflation will fall soon, but it hasn’t ________


4)Anyone who buys goods or services, whether an individual shopper or a large business, is a consumer.

5)Guy Fawkes is an English Roman catholic who was killed as punishment for his part in a secret plan, known as the Gunpowder Plot, to ________ the Houses of Parliament on November 5th, 1605.

6)In the USA precise ________ contracts, lawyers and courts have become a part of daily life, whereas in Japan lawyers are few an people tend to rely on informal ways of solving disagreements.

7)Non-industrialized tribes in South America use lawyers in order to _______ to stop governments from destroying the rainforests in which they live.


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