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Английский язык для студентов факультета ИВТ и математического факультета (90

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The Computer Journal is one of the longest-established journals serving all branches of the academic computer science community. It is currently published in three sections:

Section A: Computer Science, Methods and Tools publishes high quality research papers, review articles and special issues in all computer science topics other than those covered in Section B. Topics for inclusion in Section A may include areas such as theory, algorithms, software engineering, data structures, and complexity.

Section B: Networks and Computer Systems focuses on the latest ideas and research in computer systems and networks. This section is for researchers involved in the latest developments in topics such as architectures, mobile and wireless computing, network protocols, security, reliability and performance optimization. In addition to research papers, this section will also publish commissioned reviews and special issues.

Section C: Computational Intelligence builds on artificial intelligence, robotics and machine intelligence to develop smart methods and tools that solve challenging problems in areas such as data mining, image processing, knowledge-based systems and the semantic web.

A fourth section, to be launched in 2011, is:

Section D: Security in Computer Systems and Networks

The Editors of the Journal welcome ideas for reviews and special issues for any section.

J.What section of this journal would you choose to read? What topic? Explain your choice.

K.You can go to http://comjnl.oxfordjournals.org to read information about this journal. Some of the numbers may be read free online.



A. Before reading the text do the following tasks:

Try to guess the meanings of the following words: 1) to criticize/ to formulate (find a synonym of the word in the text)/ to diversify. What will be the corresponding nouns? 2) potential/ raw materials/ strategic

Search for these words’ transcription: archaic/ breakthroughs/ enterpreneurship/ pharmaceuticals

Remember these words and phrases relating to the sphere of economy:

to decrease a country’s dependency on oil and gas revenues –

снизить зависимость (экономики) какой-либо страны от доходов от нефти и газа

to create a diversified economy based on … – создать диверси-

фицированную экономику, основанную на …

to achieve breakthroughs in … – добиться прорывов, крупных достижений в …

energy efficiency – энергоэффективность

Text 1. Russia Modernization Programme

In the article titled Go Russia, published online in September 2009, President Medvedev set out the so-called Medvedev modernisation programme. First he criticized Russia’s economic “backwardness” and what he called Russia’s “humiliating” dependency on oil and raw materials. He described the Russian society as “archaic” and “paternalistic,” and said that the country could no longer rely on the achievements of the past to secure a prosperous future.

Finally, Medvedev formulated his strategic objective of modernizing Russia. The modernization programme aims at modernizing Russia’s economy and society, decreasing the country’s dependency on oil and gas revenues and creating a diversified economy based on high technology and innovation.

The programme is based on the five key areas for economic modernization, in which breakthroughs must be achieved:

1. energy efficiency use and new fuels. 2. medical technologies and pharmaceuticals.


3. nuclear power engineering. 4. information technologies.

5. space technology in combination with telecommunications. The process of modernization must come via the development

of the creative potential of every individual, through private enterpreneurship and initiative.

B. Read definitions of the following words used in the text above:

Archaic – архаический, архаичный, древний, старинный, устарелый.

Paternalistic – патерналистский, отеческий, отцовский; as an economic term – being overprotective towards the employees.

See also: Paternalistic management style – a way of managing where the employer takes all the decisions and tries to keep the loyalty of the workforce (сохранять лояльность работников) by giving them special treatment (путем предоставления особых условий/ режима).

C.How can you explain Medvedev’s statement that the Russian society is “archaic” and “paternalistic”? What does he imply? Give your reasons.

D.Read what projects in the field of information technologies and space technology and telecommunications have been initiated, are being currently realized or are to be carried out. Use the dictionary.

Information technologies

 Development of supercomputing and grid technology –

creation of the common space for the domestically produced highperformance supercomputers on the basis of grid computing, in order to provide means for the complex calculations for nuclear technology centers, aircraft industry and other major clients which need highperformance computing for computer simulation of their projects.

 Electronic government – gradual movement towards the e-government,whichincludestheprovidingofinteractionwiththestate and access to the state services via Internet and other communication technologies; reducing the volume of paper documentation in favour of electronic one (first in the pilot regions, then on the state level); full


transfer to the public announcement of the government procurement orders in electronic form.

 IT and communication services in education and social development – creation and development of the new e-learning Internet resources aimed into improving the access to higher and professional education, especially for people with disabilities, inhabitants of remote regions of the country, and Russian speakers outsideofRussia;establishmentofthespecialcentersfortheeducation of specialists in IT and the involvement of gifted secondary and higher education students into IT development.

 IT and communication services in medical science, health care and social security – creation and development of the Internet resources and automatic systems aimed at providing quality state services in public health and social security; IT-based monitoring of the personal health of citizens; development of systems that improve the interaction between medical scientists and physicians; transfer of medical records into the electronic form and introduction of the similar electronic «social cards».

 IT and communication services in public and personal security – development of systems of automatic speech recognition, closed-circuit television, and security-related pattern recognition.

 Supercomputer education – creation of the national system of education of specialists in supercomputing on the basis of Supercomputer Consortium of Russian universities; no less than 500 experts in supercomputing are expected to be prepared in 2010-2012, and 25 universities are expected to join the system of supercomputer education.

Space technology and telecommunications

 Space-based navigation, including the commercialization of the GLONASS system – providing the satellite navigation services of Russian GLONASS system to various type of clients, including emergency services, construction and freight companies, natural gas and petroleum industry, energy supply and logistics, and individual customers.

 Space-based monitoring and search – distant space-based monitoring of the Earth atmosphere and surface, aimed at the search


of mineral resourses, ecological control, climate change and weather forecasting, and rescue operations support.

 Space-based targeting systems – implementation of the capabilitiesofmilitaryandanti-terroristspace-basedtargetingsystems into the area of dealing with certain types of emergencies, control of the atmospheric processes, etc.

 Space-based telecommunications in the broadband access systems – transfer to the space-based broadband access systems, including in the area of digital television and radio.

E. Give English equivalents to the names of the projects in Russian.

«Мониторинг и слежение из космоса».

«ИКТ-услуги в области безопасности жизнедеятельности». «Суперкомпьютерное образование».

«ИКТ-услуги в области медицины, здравоохранения и социального обеспечения».

«Системы наведения из космоса».

«Развитие суперкомпьютеров и ГРИД-технологий». «ИКТ-услуги в области развития образования и социального

развития личности».

«Космическая навигация, включая коммерческое использование системы ГЛОНАСС».

«Космические телекоммуникации как часть системы широкополосного доступа».

«Электронное правительство».

F.Which of the projects do you consider the most important, the most realistic/pragmatic, the most difficult to fulfil, the most costly, the most promising?

G.This is an official site of Presidential Commission on the

modernization and technological development of the Russian economy http://www.i-russia.ru We recommend that you regularly go to this site to be well informed in the results of this programme’s fulfilment. The site is in Russian.

H. Read the following citations of the two Presidents. Do you find similar ideas in their statements? Explain your opinion.


«We are absolutely sure that, without urgent modernization, the Russian economy has no future, even with the enormous natural resources Russia has».

President Medvedev in a televized speech in December 2009.

«Instead of the primitive raw material economy, we will create a smart economy generating unique knowledge, new useful things and technologies. Instead of the archaic society, in which the leaders think and make decisions for everyone, we will become a country of intelligent, free and responsible people».

President Medvedev in a speech in November 2009.

«I want us to all think about new creative ways to engage young people in science and engineering, whether it’s science festivals, robotics competitions, fairs that encourage young people to create and build and invent – to be makers of things, not just consumers of things». – President Obama.

I. Render the text in English.

Наноиндустрия в России

Президент РФ Медведев заявил о курсе страны на построение инновационной экономики.

Стратегия акционерного общества «Роснано» предусматривает, что к 2015 году продажи нанопродукции, произведённой с его участием, должны достичь 300 млрд руб., а объём наноиндустрии в целом – 900 млрд руб.

От выполнения этих показателей зависит бюджетное финансирование корпорации и репутация ее руководителя Анатолия Чубайса. Но методик подобных подсчетов не существует. Россия может стать первой страной мира, где нанотехнологии будут учитываться официальной статистикой. Пока даже в развитых странах статистики не знают точно, что можно считать нанопродукцией, а что нет.

«Росстат» заявил, что готов поучаствовать в процессе построения новой экономики и уже в следующем году обещает разработать четкий классификатор нанопродукции и начать регулярно обследовать предприятия, которые ее производят.


Useful words and phrases:

заявить о курсе – to announce/declare the course of the country to build …

акционерное общество – joint-stock company предусматривать – to stipulate

продажа – sale

произведённый с участием – produced with one’s participation

достигать to make up

объём продукции – production output

бюджетное финансированиеbudgetary investment показатели – figures

методики подобных подсчетов – methods of how to estimate


учитываться официальной статистикой – to be taken stock of by official statistics

статистики – statisticians

разработать – to work out

нанопродукция – nanoindustry output

обследовать предприятия – to inspect enterprises

Supplementary section

Assignment I. Translate in written form from English into Russian. Use a dictionary.


A left-hand brain, analytical and logical, involved in language, and a right-hand brain, empirical and intuitive, processing images – this is, put crudely, the concept that neuro-psychologists have today of this human asymmetry. But this functional lateralization is difficult to explain in terms of neuronal circuits. It is to the elucidation of these neuro-anatomical bases that the Paul Broca II project in particular is devoted. «As the two hemispheres are roughly identical in volume and mass, the difference needs to come from the shape», explains project coordinator Timothy Crow. «One new idea is that the cortex is thinner and enlarged on one side only». The structural deformation, which is imperceptible to the naked eye but identifiable by computer


reconstruction, would then place architectural constraints on the neurons, forcing them to create different circuits in the two halves of the brain.

Text 2. NOBEL PRIZE 2010: Graphene lands award for Russian-born scientists

TwoRussian-bornscientistshavewontheNobelphysicsprizefor developingamicroscopicmaterialthatcouldrevolutionizeelectronics. Andrey Geim and Konstantin Novosyolov have been working on ‘graphene’, which is a layer of carbon that’s just an atom in thickness. The Nobel Academy said graphene could lead to technological leaps in computer chips, touch screens and solar cells. The winning scientistsbegantheircareersataSovietresearchcentreintheMoscow region, and now work at Manchester University in Britain. Geim and Novosyolov get to share $1.5 million for their ground-breaking developments. Ten years ago, Geim received the so-called Ig Nobel Prize – which celebrates some of science’s most-ridiculous research – for proving that magnets can cause frogs to levitate.

Assignment II. Topics for discussion.

1. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? With the help of technology, students nowadays can learn more information and learn it more quickly. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

2. Some people prefer to work for a large company. Others prefer to work for a small company. Which would you prefer? Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.

3. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Face- to-face communication is better than other types of communication such as letters, e-mail, or telephone calls. Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.

4. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The most important aspect of a job is the money a person earns. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

5. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? A person should never make an important decision alone. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.


6. Somepeoplethinkthattheycanlearnbetterbythemselvesthan with a teacher. Others think that it is always better to have a teacher. Which do you prefer?

7. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Games areasimportantforadultsastheyareforchildren.Usespecificreasons and examples to support your answer.

8. You have received a gift of money. The money is enough to buy either a piece of jewelry you like or ticket to a concert you want to attend. Which would you buy? Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.

Assignment III. Retell texts (15) in English.

Text 1. Интернет ускорят в 1000 раз

Разработчики новых сетевых технологий говорят о скором создании новой сетевой технологии, способной передавать очень большие объемы данных на большие расстояния по всего одному оптическому кабелю, толщиной не более 0,05 мм. Сейчас разработка этой технологии идет в Университете Калифорнии в Санта-Барбаре.

Эта технология предназначается для нового поколения Ethernet-сетей, которые будут работать в тысячу раз быстрее нынешних сетей передачи данных. Инженеры говорят, что к 2015 году будет возможно передавать всего по одному кабелю 1 триллион бит в секунду или 1 терабит в секунду. К 2020 году эту скорость планируется увеличить еще в 100 раз – до 100 терабит в секунду.

Бизнес и различные группы пользователей передают все большие массивы данных по Интернету, передают «живое» видео и транслируют HD-записи. Прогнозируется, что вскоре миллионы людей будут потреблять трафик сотнями терабайт прямо из своей гостиной дома. Миллионы человек будут одновременно получать огромные массивы информации.

Можно смело утверждать, что менее чем через пять лет все технологии, используемые в компьютерных сетях сейчас, ока-


жутся непригодными. Массовому потребителю будет необходима скорость в 1 Тбит/сек. Современные самые скоростные магистральные Ethernet-сети ограничены скоростью в 100 Гбит/сек. По словам Дэниэля Блюменталя, именно на эту отметку следует ориентироваться магистральным операторам при создании сетей, причем уже сейчас следует предусмотреть возможность обновления до терабитных скоростей и выше.

Чтобы достичь желаемой скорости в случае со 100-терабит- ными Ethernet-сетями, инженеры обещают сделать ряд фундаментальных улучшений в сетевой архитектуре. Novosti-n.mk.ua,

2010 г.

Text 2. Гейм-зависимость убивает корейский пользователей

ВЮжнойКореезарегистрированоочередноепреступлениена почве компьютерных игр. 15 ноября 15-летний подросток во время домашней ссоры задушил свою мать и после этого повесился. Младшая сестра самоубийцы рассказала, что мать с сыном поссорились из-за компьютерных игр. По ее словам, последние два-три года брат активно играл через Интернет в «жестокие» игры.

Южная Корея является одной из стран – лидеров по числу подключенных к Сети: по последним данным, доступ в Интернет имеют более 90% домохозяйств. Это обуславливает высокую долю в обществе интернет-зависимых людей — таких в Южной Корее насчитывается около 2 млн.

Одержимость молодежи компьютерными играми была признана одной из главных социальных проблем страны. Для геймеров разработали специальные программы. Первая программа ограничивает время пребывания в Сети. С ее помощью сам пользователь или контролирующее лицо, например родители, могут определить, сколько времени можно тратить на прогулки по Интернету. По истечении срока доступ к Сети будет перекрыт.

Вторая программа ориентирована на геймеров и получила название Internet Fatigue. С течением времени игра усложняется, пока игроку не надоест пытаться пройти один и тот же эпизод.


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