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Лексикологический анализ текста

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It is not surprising that shopaholics - like foodaholics - are, by and large, women. Both represent a traditional female function gone haywire. Women are expected to feed and clothe their families, to be the nourishers, the nest-builders. It is easy to see how such intensive programming can go into overdrivewhenwomenaresurroundedalldaybythingstoeat and exhortations - blatant and subliminal - to buy.

Advertisements have traditionally targetted “the housewife”, who was supposed to have nothing better to do all day thandeliberateonthewhitenessofrivalwashingpowdersand therespectivemeritsofinstantcoffees.Door-to-doorsalesmen rely on her susceptibility and the lucrative system of “partyplan” selling depends upon a network of women to whom shopping is perceived as a social activity.(Can you imagine a man being enticed to invite ten of his mates round to buy boxer shorts or plastic sandwich boxes - let alone consider it an evening’s entertainment?)...

ArecentsurveycountedtheargumentthatSundayshopping would destroy the fabric of family life by claiming that the shopping centre was now the center of family recreation in Britain.Another, equally depressing (and aimed at marketing training shoes) suggested that the average American woman gets more exercise mall walking than jogging. Both would seem to justify the move here towards American-style malls - their marble halls an awesome monument to the consumer society.

Teleshopping, its critics claim, will never take off because it is too solitary a function which strips shopping of the joy of social interraction and the deliciously tactile deliberation over a silk shirt or pound of peaches. For the elderly, or the housebound mother of young children, shopping - however difficult on a pension or with a pushchair - can be a lifeline.


points of view, that of the subject and that of the object.There is a reciprocal shift in the roles of participants in the relation.

Questions and assignments.

1.Are tele-in “television” and “teleshopping” identical?

2.Find compoundwords. Discriminatebetweenideomatic and nonideomatic compounds. Explain the difference between “pushchair” and “wheelchair”.

3.Point out cases of conversion.

4.Give the etymological analysis of “exhortation”, “survey”, “delicious”.

5.Whattypeofsemanticchangeisrepresentedby“drown”, “target”, “fabric”?

6.Give synonyms to the adj. “solitary” and describe the semantic difference between them.

Текст для самостоятельной работы


OnthenightofJune17,1972,policeinWashingtonarrested five burglars. They caught the burglars inside the Democratic Party’s national headquarters in the Watergate Hotel. Two WashingtonPostreporters,CarlBernsteinandBobWoodward, startedtolookintotheburglaryanddiscoveredthattheburglars hadbeenpaidtostealinformationinodertodiscreditPresident Nixon’s Democratic opponents.

In February 1973, the Senate set up a committee to investigate the Watergate affair. Its meetings were broadcast live on television. Day by day the whole nation watched the committee uncover a network of lies and dishonesty at the very heart of the nation’s government. Nixon vowed time and again that he had known nothing about the Watergate break-


from Latin suscipere (past participle susceptus) , to take up, receive;

Lucrative - Middle English lucratif, from old French, from Latin lucrativus, to profit, from lucrum, gain.

The above mentioned words are bookish and belong to the formal functional style. The colloquial functional style is represented by such words as :”haywire”(Informal. Not functioning properly, broken.) and “ditch” (Slang. To throw aside; to discard; desert ). The majority of words in the text are neutral in style, e.g.”life”,”boyfriend”, “record”,”act”, “worry”etc.

As an example of polysemy, let us consider the semantic structure of the word “encumber”.

ThisishowthissynonymicsetispresentedintheAmerican Heritage Dictionary:

“Synonyms: hinder, hamper, impede, retard, encumber, obstruct, block, dam, bar, balk. These verbs mean to slow or prevent progress, movement, or other desired action. Hinder and hamper are applied to any restraining influence, physical orotherwise,intentionaloraccidental.Impede usuallyimplies slowing by making movement difficult. To retard is to delay or hold back, and to encumber is to weigh down or burden, physically or figuratively .Obstruct implies interference that brings progress to a virtual halt or prevents a desired action. Block refers to preventing progress, passage, or other action, and dam to restraining the progress or release of something, such as water or emotion, by interposing a barrier. To bar is to prevent entry or exit or to rule out a course of action and to balk istofrustrateacoursebyputtingobstaclesinone’spath”.

There is a pair of converses in the text: “buy” and “sell”. These words exhibit the reversal of a relationship between items: If A sells to B, B buys from A. Converses denote one and the same referential situation as viewed from different


House councillors in aviation and get profitable contracts in transporting goods by air.


1.Find neologisms in the text.

2.Are they significant?

3.Why did they come into the language?



Наряду с традиционными подходами к классификации словарногосоставаязыкаприменительноканализутекста можно использовать объединение лексических единиц в лексико-семантические и синонимические ряды на основе общих семантических признаков.

Murdoch Iris

Text 1

AWord Child

Some boys were flying kites, racing along, trying to persuade strange bird-like structures to rise, to lift themselves mysteriously into the air, to tug, to be checked, to rise again, tofloat,tosoar,untiltheyshouldbecomehighcolourlessspots and then vanish into the yellow sky which must after all be composed of mist, excited dogs with sensitive spotted noses gambolled upon the glaringly green grass, mad with canine joys. Large and small beasts raced and circled in an ecstasy of motion, stopping abruptly to perform those intimate freemasonical ceremonies whereby alsatians, mastiffs, terriers, chichuahuas and pekinese all somehow recognise each other


in. But as the investigation went on, fewer and fewer people believed him.

The end came in August 1974. A tape recording made in Nixon’s office proved that he had known all about the Watergateaffair.Hisimpeachmentandevenimprisonmentnow seemedcertain.Toavoidthis,Nixonhadtoretirefromhispost.

This scandal gave rise to a new suffix in the English language: - gate.

Its meaning is “a political scandal involving some sort of corruption”.

AfterWatergateascandalinFrancedealingwithadulteration of wines was dubbed Winegate.

When it became known in 1976 that an investigation had been launched into corruption of members of Congress by the South Korea CIA, this action was dubbed Koreagate.

In 1986 another scandal was uncovered in the US. Several members of the Reagan administration were found to have sold weapons to Iran in exchange for the return of American hostages, and to have sent the profits to support the Contra rebelsinNicaragua.ThepoliticalscandalinvolvingtheReagan administration is known as Irangate or Contragate.

The divorce case between Princess Diana and Prince Charles gave birth to Dianagate.

Some modern “-gate” words are connected with the Clintons:

Whitewatergate - a scandal connectedwith HillaryClinton whoworkedasapartnerinthefirmRoseLawwhenB.Clinton was Governor of Arkansas state. Hillary was accused of participating in a lawless deal which brought to the Clintons 100 000 dollars.

Travelgate - a scandal connected with Hillary who in 1993 ordered to sack officers of the White House Travel bureau so that the Clintons’friends might be appointedWhite


торые являются совокупностью слов, принадлежащих к одной и той же части речи и соотнесенных с одной и той жеобластьювнеязыковойдействительности.Так,наосновании общего (интегрального) семантического признака “человек” слова boys, owners, child, man входят в ЛСГ именлица,семантическийпризнак“животное”объединя-

етсловаdogs,beasts,alsations,mastiffs,terriers,chichuahuas, pekinese,ducks,swans,Canadiangeese,sparrows,birds,coots, collie в ЛСГ зоонимов, семантический признак “цвет” относит прилагательные yellow, green к ЛСГ цветообозна-

чений, слова noses, fingers, feet,arm,muzzle,hand входятв ЛСГчастейтела,благодаряобщемусемантическомупризнаку“перемещениевпространстве”глаголыtofly,torace, to rise, to lift, to tug, to float, to soar, to gambol, to circle, to swing,todive,todrive,toapproach,torunвходятвЛСГгла-

голов движения.

3. На примере некоторых слов текста можно показать,чтораспределениеЛЕпоЛСГноситусловныйхарактер и сопряжено с известными трудностями, вызванными тем, что отдельные ЛСГ соприкасаются, тесно примыкают друг к другу, частично пересекаются / если понимать движение широко, противопоставляя его понятию “покой”, то имеющиеся в тексте глаголы to vanish, to perform, to catch, to adjust, to send, to squeeze, to become и др., кото-

рые хотя и не показывают перемещения в пространстве, но все же обозначают, что субъект не находится в состоянии покоя, тоже могут быть отнесены к названной ЛСГ/. Однако, трактуя движение как передвижение, изменение местонахождения объекта и выделяя в глаголах движения два общих семантических признака “способ движения” и “направление”, мы не можем включить ранее перечисленные глаголы в ЛСГ глаголов движения, хотя отмечаем, что ЛСГ глаголов движения довольно тесно со-


as dogs.

We admired the cunning speed of the model yachts, their owners swinging round the pond in dignified absorption to catch their vessels on the other side, adjust their sails and send them off again. We watched the diving ducks diving, and the swan swanning and the Canadian geese driving in convoy, groaningsoftlywithexcitementastheyapproachedsomebreadbestowing child. We watched an old man feeding sparrows, the tiny birds hovering like little frenzied helicopters above his fingers. We saw the beautiful feet of coots through green transparentwater.Tommylaughedwithhappinessandsqueezed my arm. I laughed too. We sat down on a wet bench. A collie ran up and trust its warm firm muzzle into Tommy’s hand.

Text analysis

1.Проанализируем данный текст с точки зрения системныхсвязейсоставляющихегослов.Всеимеющиесяв текстеЛЕмогутбытьотнесеныкразличнымчастямречи. Деление слов по частям речи является классификацией, охватывающей весь словарный состав, что в известной степени может считаться свидетельством его системности.Впределахчастейречивыделяютсяболеемелкиеподразделения - лексико-грамматические разряды. Все имеющиеся в тексте существительные могут быть подразделены на существительные, обозначающие одушевленные предметы(boys,dogs,beasts,owners,ducks,child,etc),кон-

кретные неодушевленные предметы (kites, sports, yachts, pond, sails, arm, hand, etc), вещества (air, mist, water), процессы и действия (motion, absorption), состояния (ecstasy, excitement, happiness).

2.Дальнейшее, более мелкое членение ЛЕ можно проводитьполексико-семантическимгруппам(ЛСГ),ко-


said: “Joe!”

“What’sthematter,Tom?”repliedJoe’svoicefromtheother end of the bed.

“Why,there’samaninmybed”,saidGeorge’sfather,here’s his feet on my pillow”.

“Well,it’sanextraordinarything,Tom,”answeredtheother, but I’m blest if there isn’t a man in my bed, too.”

“What are you going to do?” asked George’s father. “Well, I’m going to chuck him out,” replied Joe. “So am I,” said George’s father valiantly.

There was a brief struggle, followed by two heavy bumps on the floor and then rather doleful voice said:

“I say, Tom!” “Yes!”

“How have you got on?”

“Well, to tell you the truth, my man’s chucked me out.” “So’s mine! I say, I don’t think much of this inn, do you?” “What was the name of that inn?” said Harris.

“The Pig and Whistle,” said George. “Why?”

“Ah, no then it isn’t the same,” replied Harris. “What do you mean?” queried George.

“Why, it’s so curious,” murmured Harris, “but precisely that very same thing happened to my father once at a country inn. I’ve often heard him tell the tale. I thought it might have been the same inn.”

Text analysis

1. В тексте может быть выделена группа глаголов (to say, to reply, to answer, to ask, to tell, to query, to murmur),


прикасается с ЛСГ глаголов действия, глаголов пребывания, глаголов восприятия.

4.РаспределивимеющиесявтекстесловапоЛСГ,необходимоустановитьвнутреннююструктуруЛСГ,определивпреждевсегосемантическиеразличиямеждусловами, входящимивеесостав.Признаки,покоторымвходящиев одну и ту же ЛСГ единицы отличаются друг от друга, называются дифференциальными или дифференцирующими. Для глаголов, отнесенных нами к ЛСГ глаголов движения, такими дифференциальными признаками являются зависимость/независимость движенияto fly, to lift, to tug, to race, to rise, to run; направление движенияto soar, to circle, to approach; способ движенияto float, to swing, to dive.


(to race - to run, small - tiny-little, ecstasy - excitement) и ан-

тонимические пары (large - small).

5.ГруппируясловатекставЛСГ,семантическиеподгруппы, синонимические ряды, мы исходим из парадигматических отношений между словами, т. е. из отношений смысловой близости. Парадигматические связи между словами имеют определяющее значение для лексикосемантической системы языка в целом, т. к. все единицы словаря связаны с другими, близкими по смыслу единицами, их значения в большей или меньшей степени зависят от значений других единиц микросистемы, в которую они входят.

Jerome K. Jerome

Text 2

Three Men InABoat

There was silence for a moment, and then George’s father


query, to murmur находятся на периферии ЛСГ.

Jerome K. Jerome

Text 3

Three Men InABoat

I noticed, as the song progressed, that a good many other peopleseemedtohavetheireyesfixedonthetwoyoungmen, as well as myself. These other people also tittered when the young men tittered, and roared when the young men roared, and as the two young men tittered and roared and exploded withlaughterprettycontinuouslyallthroughthesong,itwent exceedingly well.

AndyetthatGermanProfessordidnotseemhappy.Atfirst, when we began to laugh the expression of his face was one of intense surprise, as if laughter were the very last thing he had expected to be greeted with... As we continued to laugh, his surprise gave way to an air of annoyance and indignation, and he scowled fiercely round upon us all (except upon the two young men, who being behind him, he could not see)...

In the last verse, he surpassed himself. He glowered round upon us with a look of such concentrated ferocity that but for our being forewarned as to the German method of comic singing, we should have been nervous; and he threw such a wailing note of agony into the weird music that if we had not known it was a funny song we might have wept.

Text analysis

1. Данный текст дает возможность прокомментировать такое важное лексическое явление, как глагольная синонимия.

Глаголы to titter, to roar, to laugh входят в синоними-


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