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ИздательствоБашкирский государственный педагогический университет им.М. АкмуллыISBNГод2001Страниц20. Упражнения по грамматике английского языка для студентов неязыковых факультетов

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The Present Continuous Tense

Remember: the Present Continuous Tense denotes an action going on at the moment of speaking.

1.Answer the following questions:

Model: Is he looking for the book? - Yes, he is.

He is looking for the book. (or: No, he isn’t. He isn’t looking for the


1.Are you doing an exercise? 2.Are you writing a dictation now?

3.Is your friend opening the window? 4.Are your parents working now?

5.Is your friend having lunch in the cafeteria now? 6.Are you standing near the blackboard?

7.Are you sitting now? 8.Am I reading a story?

9.Are you discussing an article now? 10. Are you laughing now?

2.Answer the following questions using the words given below:

1.What are you doing now? (to write a dictation; to listen to the teacher; to discuss an article)

2.What is your mother doing now? (to cook; to work; to do the flat; to do the shopping).

3.What is your friend doing now? (to sleep; to do his homework; to read). 4.What is your little sister doing now? (to play; to study at school; to make noise).

5.What are the students in the next room doing now? (to speak; to listen to the lecture; to listen to the music).

3.Answer the question using the given words:

1.What is Helen doing in the kitchen? (to cook) 2.What are you doing in the shop? (to buy) 3.What is she doing with dress? (to try on )

4.What is Ann doing at the railway station?(to meet) 5.Why isn’t she sleeping?(to wait for)

6.What are the students doing?(to speak to)

7.Why is Peter playing the piano so late?(to rehearse) 8.What is Nick doing here?(to look for)

9.Why are you speaking in a whisper?(to sleep)


10.What are Nick and Kate doing in the children’s room?(to play)

4.Put the verb in brackets in the correct tense:

Remember: Certain verbs are usually not used in the Continuous Tenses. They are :to be, to have, to believe, to like, to want, to hear, to know, to see, to hate, to understand, to notice, etc.

1.Kate and Mary (to talk) on the phone. 2.We (play) chess in half an hour.

3.I (to hate) people like that. 4.…you (to like) the film?

5.I (to see) my friend in window; he (to look) at me.

6.We (to have) a wonderful garden. There are a lot of beautiful flower there. 7.Bill (to want) to improve his English.

8.I (to hear) a beautiful voice. Somebody (to sing). 9.She (to listen) to her favorite music.

10.I (to look) for my gloves.

5.Practice the following according to the model. Add a sentence to develop a situation. Mind the difference between the Present Indefinite and the Present Continuous:

Model: My father reads the newspaper at lunch but he is not reading it today. He is busy with other things.

1.We often walk in the park. 2.My friends often visit me.

3.We always help our mother with the housework. 4.She never quarrels with her sister.

5.I often go to the theatre.

6.We often play tennis on Saturdays. 7.I sometimes walk to the University.

8.My friend goes to the library every day. 9.He watches TV every evening.

10.I read a lot every day.

6.Use the Present Continuous or the Present Indefinite to the sense:

1.It often (to rain) in this part of the world. 2.I don’t know English, but I (to learn) it now. 3.John still (to work) in the garden.

4.My grandmother is in the kitchen. She (to make) a plum-cake. 5.My father usually (to work) on Saturdays.

6.Usually I (to have coffee) in the morning, but now I (to drink) tea. 7.We sometimes (to go) to the cinema.

8.Listen! Somebody (to sing) in the next room.


9.Tom is in his room. He (to play) the piano. 10.I (to hate) big cities.

7.Translate into English:

1.Что ты делаешь? - Я читаю мою любимою газету ”Вечерняя Уфа”. 2.Мы смотрим сейчас телевизор.

3.Где Миша? – Он играет в футбол. 4.Мои родители смотрят телевизор сейчас. 5.Тепло. Светит солнце.

6.Что он делает? - Он звонит другу сейчас. 7.Где дети? - Они играют во дворе. 8.Куда ты идёшь? - Я иду на рынок. 9.Ребенок открывает окно.

10.Моя мать сидит у окна.

11.Мой друг стоит у доски.

12.Рабочий рассказывает студентам о своей жизни и работе. 13.Мы работаем над своими проектами.

14.Мы слушаем учителя.

15.Что они сейчас делают? -Поют и танцуют.


The Past Continuous Tense

Remember: The Past Continuous Tense denotes an action in process at some definite period of time in the past.

1.Change the following sentences into the Past Continuous Tense:

Model: Your sister is waiting for you-Your sister was waiting for you. 1.She is reading a book.

2.He is writing a letter.

3.The students are playing football in the garden. 4.They are laughing what you said.

5.He is looking for the book which he lost. 6.All the birds are flying south.

7.The baby is sleeping.

8.My son is listening to a new song. 9.I am preparing my homework. 10.Mother is cooking dinner.


2.Put the verb in bracket in the correct tense:

1.When I arrived, Tom (to lie) on the sofa and (to speak) over the phone. 2.While my son (to wait) for my call, somebody knocked at the door. 3.I (to sit) by the window when I heard the noise.

4.Just as Mary(to cross) the street, a car came round the corner. 5.At six o’clock I (to wait) for my friend at the station.

6.It (to rain) cats and dogs as I (to walk) towards their house. 7.When you rang me yesterday, I (to have) a bath.

8.When I got up that morning , the sun (to shine) brightly and the birds (to sing). 9.What you (to do) between one and two? I phoned you several times.-I (to play) the piano and heard nothing.

10.He couldn’t speak because he (to die) of laugh.

3.Ask questions on the words in brackets:

Model: We were waiting for you at five yesterday (we). – Who was waiting for you at five yesterday?

1.They were discussing this question when we came in (this question). 2.I was reading when you rang me up ( I ).

3.I was speaking to my son when you sow me (was speaking to my son). 4.My mother was cooking when I got home yesterday (my mother).

5.They were doing their exercises at ten yesterday evening (at ten yesterday evening).

6.I was hurrying to the canteen when I met you (to the canteen). 7.We were having our English at nine in the morning (we).

8.I was having supper when you rang me up (when you rang me up).

9.His mother was making dinner in the kitchen when I came in(in the kitchen). 10.It was getting dark at six yesterday (at six yesterday).

4.Translate into English:

1.Мы путешествовали в это время в прошлом году. 2.Где вы были вчера в 11 часов вчера?

3.Когда мы пришли домой, мой сын крепко спал.

4.Они не пришли к нам вчера. В это время они готовились к экзамену. 5.На прошлой неделе он работал с 8 до 12.часов.

6.Когда мы вышли из дома, шел сильный дождь. 7.Когда они разговаривали, я писал письмо. 8.Что он делал, когда вы вошли?

9.Я читал книгу, когда раздался звонок.

10.Пока мы с тобой разговаривали, мой сын разбил чашку. 11.Чем ты занималась, пока я делал уборку?

12.Я работала в саду, когда началась гроза.


13.Когда я переходила улицу в неположенном месте, меня остановил милиционер.

14.Я слушал музыку, а она делала уборку в это время. 15.Когда я мыла полы, моя сестра разговаривала по телефону.


The Future Continuous Tense

1.Mind the formation of Future Continuous





Shall be working


will be working









be working?


she be working?









Shall not be working


will not be working





2.Make the following sentences negative and interrogative:

1.She will be having her music lesson at 10 o’clock tomorrow.

2.I shall be waiting on the corner for you at the usual time tomorrow morning. 3.My sister will be translating an English text when you come to see her. 4.My parents will be working when I finish my homework.

5.It probably will be raining when you get back. 6.We shall be watching TV at 10 o’clock tonight.

7.If you come before six, I shall be working in my garden.

8.At this time tomorrow afternoon the students will be taking their final English examination.

9.At this time next year he will be studying at the university. 10.They will be playing chess when their mother comes

3.Open the brackets, using Future Continuous.

Model: I (to see) the engineers tomorrow afternoon.

- I shall be seeing the engineers tomorrow afternoon. 1.This time tomorrow they (to sit) in the train.

2.Don’t phone Nick from 5 to 6. He (to have) English.


3.Why are you in a hurry? If you arrive at 8 o’clock, they still (to cook) the meal.

4.He (to sleep) when you come back tonight. 5.- Let’s meet at the station at 5 o’clock.

O.K. I (to wait) for you there.

6.I (to meet) my old friends in Kiev soon.

7.We (to discuss) this question tomorrow morning. 8.They (to pack) tomorrow.

9.Our family (to have) dinner at that time. 10.He (to wait) for you at 7 in the evening.

4.Translate the following sentences into English using Future Continuous:

1.Вы знаете, что вы будете делать вечером? 2.Интересно, когда ваш брат снова приедет в Москву. 3.На будущей неделе мы будем писать диктант. 4.Кто из вас будет встречать завтра делегацию? 5.Вы всё ещё будете работать, если я приду в 9 часов? 6.Через неделю, в это время, мы будем петь на сцене.

7.Через 2 дня, в это время, они будут проводить эксперименты в лаборатории.

8.Не приходи ко мне так рано, я ещё буду спать. 9.Боюсь, я не смогу прийти. Я буду готовиться к экзамену.

10.Через месяц, в это время, я буду встречать своих родителей на станции.


The Present Perfect Tense

Remember: The Present Perfect Tense denotes an action completed in the past, but connected with the present in its result.

1.Answer the following questions: Model: Take the pen , please – I have taken it 1.Write your exercise on the blackboard, please. 2.Switch on the light, please.

3.Take off your coat, please. 4.Open the window, please. 5.Shut the door, please.

6.Show me your plan of this text, please.


7.Pass the map, please. 8.Switch off the TV, please. 9.Take the books, please. 10.Clean the blackboard, please.

2.Give affirmative or negative answers to the following questions:

Model: Have you finished your work? – Yes, I have. I have finished my work. ( or: No, I haven’t. I haven’t finished my work)

1.Have you seen this letter? 2.Has she found the word?

3.Has he translated the book into English? 4.Have you ever been to Kiev?

5.Have you rung her up today? 6.Have you done your homework?

7.Has he bought these fruits and vegetables? 8.Has your friend written an answer to you? 9.Have you met your friend?

10.Have you seen the film “Hamlet” ?

3.Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Perfect Tense:

1.I never ( to be) to Paris.

2.We (to live) in Moscow since 1990.

3.Our country (to make) great achievements in all fields of industry, technology and science.

4.He (to finish) this work today. 5.I (to read) this magazine.

6.The worker (to bring) all his instruments. 7.We (to pass) our examination today.

8.We (to look through) all the diagrams this week. 9.They (to work) very hard today.

10.We (to know) him since childhood.

4.Answer the following questions using the Present Perfect Tense:

1.What have you read this month? 2.What has your friend seen lately? 3.How long have you lived in Ufa? 4.Where have you lived since 1999? 5.Have you ever been to Moscow?

6.Have you traveled all over Europe? 7.Have you had breakfast yet?

8.How many English books have you read this month? 17

9.Have you already done the translation?

10.Have you seen several interesting films this month?

5.Translate into English:

1.Сыну моей сестры только четыре года , но он уже научился читать. 2.Я никогда об этом не слышал.

3.Вы уже переехали на новую квартиру.

4.Он ещё не говорил мне об этом.

5.Вы сделали много ошибок в диктанте.

6.Вы когда-нибудь видели моего друга?

7.В этом месяце я прочитал три книги.

8.Вы читали сегодня в газете статью о нашем заводе? 9.Ваша дочь уже окончила институт?

10.В этом году я очень редко бывал в кино и в театре. 11.Вы уже были в библиотеке?

12.Она только что закончила готовить обед.

13.Я живу в этой деревне с детства.

14.Я ещё не посмотрел этот фильм.

15.Я слышал это по радио сегодня утром.







The Present Indefinite Tense.................................................................




The Past Indefinite Tense................................................................................




The Future Indefinite Tense..................................................................




The Present Continuous Tense............................................................




The Past Continuous Tense.................................................................




The Future Continuous Tense.............................................................




The Present Perfect Tense...................................................................



Упражнения по грамматике английского языка для студентов неязыковых факультетов

Составитель: Гузель Завильевна Батырова

Лиц. наиздт. деят. Б848421 от03.11.2000 г. Подписановпечать24.05.01. Формат60Х84/16. Компьютерныйнабор. ГарнитураTimes New Roman Отпечатано на ризографе. Усл.-печ. л. – 0,6. Уч.-изд..л. – 0,53.

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