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If you apply an integer or string conversion to a numeric value that

contains a fraction, MATLAB overrides the specified conversion, and

uses %e.

Numeric conversions print only the real component of complex numbers.


sprintf('%0.5g',(1+sqrt(5))/2) % 1.618

sprintf('%0.5g',1/eps) % 4.5036e+15

sprintf('%15.5f',1/eps) % 4503599627370496.00000

sprintf('%d',round(pi)) % 3

sprintf('%s','hello') % hello

sprintf('The array is %dx%d.',2,3) % The array is 2x3.

See also fprintf, sscanf, num2str, int2str, char.

Overloaded methods:



Reference page in Help browser

doc sprintf

<sscanf> - Read string under format control.

SSCANF Read string under format control.


MATLAB string variable S, converts it according to the specified

FORMAT string, and returns it in matrix A. COUNT is an optional output

argument that returns the number of elements successfully read.

ERRMSG is an optional output argument that returns an error message

string if an error occurred or an empty string if an error did not

occur. NEXTINDEX is an optional output argument specifying one more

than the number of characters scanned in S.

SSCANF is the same as FSCANF except that it reads the data from

a MATLAB string variable rather than reading it from a file.

SIZE is optional; it puts a limit on the number of elements that

can be scanned from the string; if not specified, the entire string

is considered; if specified, valid entries are:

N read at most N elements into a column vector.

inf read at most to the end of the string.

[M,N] read at most M * N elements filling at least an

M-by-N matrix, in column order. N can be inf, but not M.

If the matrix A results from using character conversions only and

SIZE is not of the form [M,N] then a row vector is returned.

FORMAT is a string containing C language conversion specifications.

Conversion specifications involve the character %, optional

assignment-suppressing asterisk and width field, and conversion

characters d, i, o, u, x, e, f, g, s, c, and [. . .] (scanset).

Complete ANSI C support for these conversion characters is

provided consistent with 'expected' MATLAB behavior. For a complete

conversion character specification, see a C manual.

If a conversion character s is used, an element read may cause

several MATLAB matrix elements to be used, each holding one


Mixing character and numeric conversion specifications causes the

resulting matrix to be numeric and any characters read to show up

as their numeric values, one character per MATLAB matrix element.

Scanning to end-of-string occurs when NEXTINDEX is greater than the

size of S.

SSCANF differs from its C language namesake in an important respect -

it is "vectorized" in order to return a matrix argument. The format

string is recycled through the string until its end is reached

or the amount of data specified by SIZE is converted in.

For example, the statements

S = '2.7183 3.1416';

A = sscanf(S,'%f')

create a two element vector containing approximations to e and pi.

See also fscanf, sprintf, fread.

Reference page in Help browser

doc sscanf

Соседние файлы в папке Библиотеки Matlab