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matlab\scribe – Аннотация и графическое редактирование

Graph annotation

<annotation> - Create annotation objects for figures.

ANNOTATION creates an annotation object

ANNOTATION(ANNOTATIONTYPE) creates a default annotation of type

ANNOTATIONTYPE in the current figure. ANNOTATIONTYPE may be one of the







'doublearrow' = two headed arrow

'textarrow' = arrow with text at tail end

ANNOTATION('rectangle',POSITION) creates a rectangle annotation at the

position specified in normalized figure units by the vector POSITION

ANNOTATION('ellipse',POSITION) creates an ellise annotation at the

position specified in normalized figure units by the vector POSITION

ANNOTATION('textbox',POSITION) creates a textbox annotation at the

position specified in normalized figure units by the vector POSITION

ANNOTATION('line',X,Y) creates a line annotation with endpoints

specified in normalized figure coordinates by the vectors X and Y

ANNOTATION('arrow',X,Y) creates an arrow annotation with endpoints

specified in normalized figure coordinates by the vectors X and Y. X(1)

and Y(1) specify the position of the tail end of the arrow and X(2) and

Y(2) specify the position at the tip of the arrow head.

ANNOTATION('doublearrow',X,Y) creates a doublearrow annotation with

endpoints specified in normalized figure coordinates by the vectors X

and Y

ANNOTATION('textarrow',X,Y) creates a textarrow annotation with

endpoints specified in normalized figure coordinates by the vectors X

and Y. X(1) and Y(1) specify the position of the tail end of the arrow

and X(2) and Y(2) specify the position at the tip of the arrow head.

ANNOTATION(FIG,...) creates the annotation in the figure FIG

H=ANNOTATION(...) returns a handle to the annotation object

The arguments to ANNOTATION can be followed by parameter/value pairs to

specify additional properties of the annotation object. The X and Y or

POSITION arguments to ANNOTATION can be omitted entirely, and all

properties specified using parameter/value pairs.

Examples: rh=annotation('rectangle',[.1 .1 .3 .3]);

ah=annotation('arrow',[.9 .5],[.9,.5],'Color','r');


Reference page in Help browser

doc annotation

<colorbar> - Display color bar (color scale).

COLORBAR Display color bar (color scale)

COLORBAR appends a colorbar to the current axes in the default (right)


COLORBAR('peer',AX) creates a colorbar associated with axes AX

instead of the current axes.

COLORBAR(...,LOCATION) appends a colorbar in the specified location

relative to the axes. LOCATION may be any one of the following strings:

'North' inside plot box near top

'South' inside bottom

'East' inside right

'West' inside left

'NorthOutside' outside plot box near top

'SouthOutside' outside bottom

'EastOutside' outside right

'WestOutside' outside left

COLORBAR(...,P/V Pairs) specifies additional property name/value pairs

for colorbar

COLORBAR('off'), COLORBAR('hide'), and COLORBAR('delete') delete all

colorbars associated with the current axes.

COLORBAR(H,'off'), COLORBAR(H,'hide'), and COLORBAR(H,'delete') delete

the colorbar specified by H.

H = COLORBAR(...) returns a handle to the colorbar axes, which is a

child of the current figure. If a colorbar exists, a new one is still \


See also colormap.

Reference page in Help browser

doc colorbar

<legend> - Graph legend.

LEGEND Display legend.

LEGEND(string1,string2,string3, ...) puts a legend on the current plot

using the specified strings as labels. LEGEND works on line graphs,

bar graphs, pie graphs, ribbon plots, etc. You can label any

solid-colored patch or surface object. The fontsize and fontname for

the legend strings matches the axes fontsize and fontname.

LEGEND(H,string1,string2,string3, ...) puts a legend on the plot

containing the handles in the vector H using the specified strings as

labels for the corresponding handles.

LEGEND(M), where M is a string matrix or cell array of strings, and

LEGEND(H,M) where H is a vector of handles to lines and patches also


LEGEND(AX,...) puts a legend on the axes with handle AX.

LEGEND OFF removes the legend from the current axes and deletes

the legend handle.

LEGEND(AX,'off') removes the legend from the axis AX.

LEGEND TOGGLE toggles legend on or off. If no legend exists for the

current axes one is created using default strings. The default

string for an object is the value of the DisplayName property

if it is non-empty and otherwise it is a string of the form

'data1','data2', etc.

LEGEND(AX,'toggle') toggles legend for axes AX

LEGEND HIDE makes legend invisible.

LEGEND(AX,'hide') makes legend on axes AX invisible.

LEGEND SHOW makes legend visible. If no legend exists for the

current axes one is created using default strings.

LEGEND(AX,'show') makes legend on axes AX visible.

LEGEND BOXOFF makes legend background box invisible when legend is


LEGEND(AX,'boxoff') for axes AX makes legend background box invisible when

legend is visible.

LEGEND BOXON makes legend background box visible when legend is visible.

LEGEND(AX,'boxon') for axes AX making legend background box visible when

legend is visible.

LEGH = LEGEND returns the handle to legend on the current axes or

empty if none exists.

LEGEND(...,'Location',LOC) adds a legend in the specified

location, LOC, with respect to the axes. LOC may be either a

1x4 position vector or one of the following strings:

'North' inside plot box near top

'South' inside bottom

'East' inside right

'West' inside left

'NorthEast' inside top right (default for 2-D plots)

'NorthWest' inside top left

'SouthEast' inside bottom right

'SouthWest' inside bottom left

'NorthOutside' outside plot box near top

'SouthOutside' outside bottom

'EastOutside' outside right

'WestOutside' outside left

'NorthEastOutside' outside top right (default for 3-D plots)

'NorthWestOutside' outside top left

'SouthEastOutside' outside bottom right

'SouthWestOutside' outside bottom left

'Best' least conflict with data in plot

'BestOutside' least unused space outside plot

If the legend does not fit in the 1x4 position vector the position

vector is resized around the midpoint to fit the preferred legend size.

Moving the legend manually by dragging with the mouse or setting

the Position property will set the legend Location property to 'none'.

LEGEND(...,'Orientation',ORIENTATION) creates a legend with the

legend items arranged in the specified ORIENTATION. Allowed

values for ORIENTATION are 'vertical' (the default) and 'horizontal'.

[LEGH,OBJH,OUTH,OUTM] = LEGEND(...) returns a handle LEGH to the

legend axes; a vector OBJH containing handles for the text, lines,

and patches in the legend; a vector OUTH of handles to the

lines and patches in the plot; and a cell array OUTM containing

the text in the legend.


x = 0:.2:12;




b = bar(rand(10,5),'stacked'); colormap(summer); hold on

x = plot(1:10,5*rand(10,1),'marker','square','markersize',12,...

'markeredgecolor','y','markerfacecolor',[.6 0 .6],...

'linestyle','-','color','r','linewidth',2); hold off

legend([b,x],'Carrots','Peas','Peppers','Green Beans',...


Reference page in Help browser

doc legend

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