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matlab\polyfun- Интерполяция и многочлены

Data interpolation

<pchip> - Piecewise cubic Hermite interpolating polynomial.

PCHIP Piecewise Cubic Hermite Interpolating Polynomial.

PP = PCHIP(X,Y) provides the piecewise polynomial form of a certain

shape-preserving piecewise cubic Hermite interpolant, to the values

Y at the sites X, for later use with PPVAL and the spline utility UNMKPP.

X must be a vector.

If Y is a vector, then Y(j) is taken as the value to be matched at X(j),

hence Y must be of the same length as X.

If Y is a matrix or ND array, then Y(:,...,:,j) is taken as the value to

be matched at X(j), hence the last dimension of Y must equal length(X).

YY = PCHIP(X,Y,XX) is the same as YY = PPVAL(PCHIP(X,Y),XX), thus

providing, in YY, the values of the interpolant at XX.

The PCHIP interpolating function, p(x), satisfies:

On each subinterval, X(k) <= x <= X(k+1), p(x) is the cubic Hermite

interpolant to the given values and certain slopes at the two endpoints.

Therefore, p(x) interpolates Y, i.e., p(X(j)) = Y(:,j), and

the first derivative, Dp(x), is continuous, but

D^2p(x) is probably not continuous; there may be jumps at the X(j).

The slopes at the X(j) are chosen in such a way that

p(x) is "shape preserving" and "respects monotonicity". This means that,

on intervals where the data is monotonic, so is p(x);

at points where the data have a local extremum, so does p(x).

Comparing PCHIP with SPLINE:

The function s(x) supplied by SPLINE is constructed in exactly the same way,

except that the slopes at the X(j) are chosen differently, namely to make

even D^2s(x) continuous. This has the following effects.

SPLINE is smoother, i.e., D^2s(x) is continuous.

SPLINE is more accurate if the data are values of a smooth function.

PCHIP has no overshoots and less oscillation if the data are not smooth.

PCHIP is less expensive to set up.

The two are equally expensive to evaluate.


x = -3:3;

y = [-1 -1 -1 0 1 1 1];

t = -3:.01:3;

plot(x,y,'o',t,[pchip(x,y,t); spline(x,y,t)])


Class support for inputs x, y, xx:

float: double, single

See also interp1, spline, ppval, unmkpp.

Reference page in Help browser

doc pchip

<interp1> - 1-D interpolation (table lookup).

INTERP1 1-D interpolation (table lookup)

YI = INTERP1(X,Y,XI) interpolates to find YI, the values of the

underlying function Y at the points in the array XI. X must be a

vector of length N.

If Y is a vector, then it must also have length N, and YI is the

same size as XI. If Y is an array of size [N,D1,D2,...,Dk], then

the interpolation is performed for each D1-by-D2-by-...-Dk value

in Y(i,:,:,...,:).

If XI is a vector of length M, then YI has size [M,D1,D2,...,Dk].

If XI is an array of size [M1,M2,...,Mj], then YI is of size


YI = INTERP1(Y,XI) assumes X = 1:N, where N is LENGTH(Y)

for vector Y or SIZE(Y,1) for array Y.

Interpolation is the same operation as "table lookup". Described in

"table lookup" terms, the "table" is [X,Y] and INTERP1 "looks-up"

the elements of XI in X, and, based upon their location, returns

values YI interpolated within the elements of Y.

YI = INTERP1(X,Y,XI,METHOD) specifies alternate methods.

The default is linear interpolation. Use an empty matrix [] to specify

the default. Available methods are:

'nearest' - nearest neighbor interpolation

'linear' - linear interpolation

'spline' - piecewise cubic spline interpolation (SPLINE)

'pchip' - shape-preserving piecewise cubic interpolation

'cubic' - same as 'pchip'

'v5cubic' - the cubic interpolation from MATLAB 5, which does not

extrapolate and uses 'spline' if X is not equally


YI = INTERP1(X,Y,XI,METHOD,'extrap') uses the interpolation algorithm

specified by METHOD to perform extrapolation for elements of XI outside the

interval spanned by X. YI = INTERP1(X,Y,XI,METHOD,EXTRAPVAL) replaces the

values outside of the interval spanned by X with EXTRAPVAL. NaN and 0 are

often used for EXTRAPVAL. The default extrapolation behavior with four

input arguments is 'extrap' for 'spline' and 'pchip' and EXTRAPVAL = NaN for

the other methods.

PP = INTERP1(X,Y,METHOD,'pp') will use the interpolation algorithm specified

by METHOD to generate the ppform (piecewise polynomial form) of Y. The

method may be any of the above METHOD except for 'v5cubic'. PP may then be

evaluated via PPVAL. PPVAL(PP,XI) is the same as


For example, generate a coarse sine curve and interpolate over a

finer abscissa:

x = 0:10; y = sin(x); xi = 0:.25:10;

yi = interp1(x,y,xi); plot(x,y,'o',xi,yi)

For a multi-dimensional example, we construct a table of functional


x = [1:10]'; y = [ x.^2, x.^3, x.^4 ];

xi = [ 1.5, 1.75; 7.5, 7.75]; yi = interp1(x,y,xi);

creates 2-by-2 matrices of interpolated function values, one matrix for

each of the 3 functions. yi will be of size 2-by-2-by-3.

Class support for inputs X, Y, XI, EXTRAPVAL:

float: double, single

See also interp1q, interpft, spline, pchip, interp2, interp3, interpn, ppval.

Reference page in Help browser

doc interp1

<interp1q> - Quick 1-D linear interpolation.

INTERP1Q Quick 1-D linear interpolation.

F=INTERP1Q(X,Y,XI) returns the value of the 1-D function Y at the points

of column vector XI using linear interpolation. Length(F)=length(XI).

The vector X specifies the coordinates of the underlying interval.

If Y is a matrix, then the interpolation is performed for each column

of Y in which case F is length(XI)-by-size(Y,2).

NaN's are returned for values of XI outside the coordinates in X.

INTERP1Q is quicker than INTERP1 on non-uniformly spaced data because

it does no input checking. For INTERP1Q to work properly:

X must be a monotonically increasing column vector.

Y must be a column vector or matrix with length(X) rows.

Class support for inputs x, y, xi:

float: double, single

See also interp1.

Reference page in Help browser

doc interp1q

<interpft> - 1-D interpolation using FFT method.

INTERPFT 1-D interpolation using FFT method.

Y = INTERPFT(X,N) returns a vector Y of length N obtained

by interpolation in the Fourier transform of X.

If X is a matrix, interpolation is done on each column.

If X is an array, interpolation is performed along the first

non-singleton dimension.

INTERPFT(X,N,DIM) performs the interpolation along the

dimension DIM.

Assume x(t) is a periodic function of t with period p, sampled

at equally spaced points, X(i) = x(T(i)) where T(i) = (i-1)*p/M,

i = 1:M, M = length(X). Then y(t) is another periodic function

with the same period and Y(j) = y(T(j)) where T(j) = (j-1)*p/N,

j = 1:N, N = length(Y). If N is an integer multiple of M,

then Y(1:N/M:N) = X.


% Set up a triangle-like signal signal to be interpolated

y = [0:.5:2 1.5:-.5:-2 -1.5:.5:0]; % equally spaced

factor = 5; % Interpolate by a factor of 5

m = length(y)*factor;

x = 1:factor:m;

xi = 1:m;

yi = interpft(y,m);


legend('Original data','Interpolated data')

Class support for data input x:

float: double, single

See also interp1.

Reference page in Help browser

doc interpft

<interp2> - 2-D interpolation (table lookup).

INTERP2 2-D interpolation (table lookup).

ZI = INTERP2(X,Y,Z,XI,YI) interpolates to find ZI, the values of the

underlying 2-D function Z at the points in matrices XI and YI.

Matrices X and Y specify the points at which the data Z is given.

XI can be a row vector, in which case it specifies a matrix with

constant columns. Similarly, YI can be a column vector and it

specifies a matrix with constant rows.

ZI = INTERP2(Z,XI,YI) assumes X=1:N and Y=1:M where [M,N]=SIZE(Z).

ZI = INTERP2(Z,NTIMES) expands Z by interleaving interpolates between

every element, working recursively for NTIMES. INTERP2(Z) is the

same as INTERP2(Z,1).

ZI = INTERP2(...,METHOD) specifies alternate methods. The default

is linear interpolation. Available methods are:

'nearest' - nearest neighbor interpolation

'linear' - bilinear interpolation

'spline' - spline interpolation

'cubic' - bicubic interpolation as long as the data is

uniformly spaced, otherwise the same as 'spline'

For faster interpolation when X and Y are equally spaced and monotonic,

use the syntax ZI = INTERP2(...,*METHOD).

ZI = INTERP2(...,METHOD,EXTRAPVAL) specificies a method and a scalar

value for ZI outside of the domain created by X and Y. Thus, ZI will

equal EXTRAPVAL for any value of YI or XI which is not spanned by Y

or X respectively. A method must be specified for EXTRAPVAL to be used,

the default method is 'linear'.

All the interpolation methods require that X and Y be monotonic and

plaid (as if they were created using MESHGRID). If you provide two

monotonic vectors, interp2 changes them to a plaid internally.

X and Y can be non-uniformly spaced.

For example, to generate a coarse approximation of PEAKS and

interpolate over a finer mesh:

[x,y,z] = peaks(10); [xi,yi] = meshgrid(-3:.1:3,-3:.1:3);

zi = interp2(x,y,z,xi,yi); mesh(xi,yi,zi)

Class support for inputs X, Y, Z, XI, YI:

float: double, single

See also interp1, interp3, interpn, meshgrid, TriScatteredInterp.

Reference page in Help browser

doc interp2

<interp3> - 3-D interpolation (table lookup).

INTERP3 3-D interpolation (table lookup).

VI = INTERP3(X,Y,Z,V,XI,YI,ZI) interpolates to find VI, the values

of the underlying 3-D function V at the points in arrays XI,YI

and ZI. XI,YI,ZI must be arrays of the same size or vectors.

Vector arguments that are not the same size, and have mixed

orientations (i.e. with both row and column vectors) are passed

through MESHGRID to create the Y1,Y2,Y3 arrays. Arrays X,Y and Z

specify the points at which the data V is given.

VI = INTERP3(V,XI,YI,ZI) assumes X=1:N, Y=1:M, Z=1:P

where [M,N,P]=SIZE(V).

VI = INTERP3(V,NTIMES) expands V by interleaving interpolates

between every element, working recursively for NTIMES.

INTERP3(V) is the same as INTERP3(V,1).

VI = INTERP3(...,METHOD) specifies alternate methods. The default

is linear interpolation. Available methods are:

'nearest' - nearest neighbor interpolation

'linear' - linear interpolation

'spline' - spline interpolation

'cubic' - cubic interpolation as long as the data is uniformly

spaced, otherwise the same as 'spline'

VI = INTERP3(...,METHOD,EXTRAPVAL) specifies a method and a value for

VI outside of the domain created by X,Y and Z. Thus, VI will equal

EXTRAPVAL for any value of XI,YI or ZI that is not spanned by X,Y and Z

respectively. A method must be specified for EXTRAPVAL to be used, the

default method is 'linear'.

All the interpolation methods require that X,Y and Z be monotonic and

plaid (as if they were created using MESHGRID). X,Y, and Z can be

non-uniformly spaced.

For example, to generate a course approximation of FLOW and

interpolate over a finer mesh:

[x,y,z,v] = flow(10);

[xi,yi,zi] = meshgrid(.1:.25:10,-3:.25:3,-3:.25:3);

vi = interp3(x,y,z,v,xi,yi,zi); % vi is 25-by-40-by-25

slice(xi,yi,zi,vi,[6 9.5],2,[-2 .2]), shading flat

See also interp1, interp2, interpn, meshgrid.

Reference page in Help browser

doc interp3

<interpn> - N-D interpolation (table lookup).

INTERPN N-D interpolation (table lookup).

VI = INTERPN(X1,X2,X3,...,V,Y1,Y2,Y3,...) interpolates to find VI,

the values of the underlying N-D function V at the points in

arrays Y1,Y2,Y3,etc. For an N-D V, INTERPN should be called with

2*N+1 arguments. Arrays X1,X2,X3,etc. specify the points at which

the data V is given. Out of range values are returned as NaN's.

Y1,Y2,Y3,etc. must be arrays of the same size or vectors. Vector

arguments that are not the same size, and have mixed orientations

(i.e. with both row and column vectors) are passed through NDGRID to

create the Y1,Y2,Y3,etc. arrays. INTERPN works for all N-D arrays

with 2 or more dimensions.

VI = INTERPN(V,Y1,Y2,Y3,...) assumes X1=1:SIZE(V,1),X2=1:SIZE(V,2),etc.

VI = INTERPN(V,NTIMES) expands V by interleaving interpolates between

every element, working recursively for NTIMES.

VI = INTERPN(V) is the same as INTERPN(V,1).

VI = INTERPN(...,METHOD) specifies alternate methods. The default

is linear interpolation. Available methods are:

'nearest' - nearest neighbor interpolation

'linear' - linear interpolation

'spline' - spline interpolation

'cubic' - cubic interpolation as long as the data is uniformly

spaced, otherwise the same as 'spline'

VI = INTERPN(...,METHOD,EXTRAPVAL) specifies a method and a value for

VI outside of the domain created by X1,X2,... Thus, VI will equal

EXTRAPVAL for any value of Y1,Y2,.. that is not spanned by X1,X2,...

respectively. A method must be specified for EXTRAPVAL to be used, the

default method is 'linear'.

INTERPN requires that X1,X2,X3,etc. be monotonic and plaid (as if

they were created using NDGRID). X1,X2,X3,etc. can be non-uniformly


For example, interpn may be used to interpolate the function:

f = @(x,y,z,t) t.*exp(-x.^2 - y.^2 - z.^2);

Build the lookup table by evaluating the function f on a grid

constructed by ndgrid:

[x,y,z,t] = ndgrid(-1:0.2:1,-1:0.2:1,-1:0.2:1,0:2:10);

v = f(x,y,z,t);

Construct a finer grid:

[xi,yi,zi,ti] = ndgrid(-1:0.05:1,-1:0.08:1,-1:0.05:1,0:0.5:10);

Interpolate f on the finer grid by using splines:

vi = interpn(x,y,z,t,v,xi,yi,zi,ti,'spline');

And finally, visualize the function:

nframes = size(ti, 4);

for j = 1:nframes

slice(yi(:,:,:,j), xi(:,:,:,j), zi(:,:,:,j), vi(:,:,:,j),0,0,0);

caxis([0 10]);

M(j) = getframe;



Class support for data inputs:

float: double, single

See also interp1, interp2, interp3, ndgrid.

Reference page in Help browser

doc interpn

<griddata> - Data gridding and surface fitting.

GRIDDATA Data gridding and surface fitting.

Note: TriScatteredInterp is the recommended alternative to GRIDDATA as

it is generally more efficient.

ZI = GRIDDATA(X,Y,Z,XI,YI) fits a surface of the form Z = F(X,Y) to the

data in the (usually) nonuniformly-spaced vectors (X,Y,Z). GRIDDATA

interpolates this surface at the points specified by (XI,YI) to produce

ZI. The surface always goes through the data points. XI and YI are

usually a uniform grid (as produced by MESHGRID) and is where GRIDDATA

gets its name.

XI can be a row vector, in which case it specifies a matrix with

constant columns. Similarly, YI can be a column vector and it specifies

a matrix with constant rows.

[XI,YI,ZI] = GRIDDATA(X,Y,Z,XI,YI) also returns the XI and YI formed

this way (the results of [XI,YI] = MESHGRID(XI,YI)).

[...] = GRIDDATA(X,Y,Z,XI,YI,METHOD) where METHOD is one of

'linear' - Triangle-based linear interpolation (default)

'cubic' - Triangle-based cubic interpolation

'nearest' - Nearest neighbor interpolation

'v4' - MATLAB 4 griddata method

defines the type of surface fit to the data. The 'cubic' and 'v4'

methods produce smooth surfaces while 'linear' and 'nearest' have

discontinuities in the first and zero-th derivative respectively. All

the methods except 'v4' are based on a Delaunay triangulation of the


If METHOD is [], then the default 'linear' method will be used.

[...] = GRIDDATA(X,Y,Z,XI,YI,METHOD,OPTIONS) specifies a cell array of

strings OPTIONS that were previously used by Qhull. Qhull-specific

OPTIONS are no longer required and are currently ignored. Support for

these options will be removed in a future release.


x = rand(100,1)*4-2; y = rand(100,1)*4-2; z = x.*exp(-x.^2-y.^2);

ti = -2:.25:2;

[xi,yi] = meshgrid(ti,ti);

zi = griddata(x,y,z,xi,yi);

mesh(xi,yi,zi), hold on, plot3(x,y,z,'o'), hold off

See also TriScatteredInterp, DelaunayTri, griddatan, delaunay,

interp2, meshgrid, delaunayn.

Reference page in Help browser

doc griddata

<griddata3> - Data gridding and hyper-surface fitting for 3-dimensional data.

GRIDDATA3 Data gridding and hyper-surface fitting for 3-dimensional data.

GRIDDATA3 will be removed in a future release. Use TriScatteredInterp instead.

W = GRIDDATA3(X,Y,Z,V,XI,YI,ZI) fits a hyper-surface of the form

W = F(X,Y,Z) to the data in the (usually) nonuniformly-spaced vectors

(X,Y,Z,V). GRIDDATA3 interpolates this hyper-surface at the points

specified by (XI,YI,ZI) to produce W.

(XI,YI,ZI) is usually a uniform grid (as produced by MESHGRID) and is

where GRIDDATA3 gets its name.

[...] = GRIDDATA3(X,Y,Z,V,XI,YI,ZI,METHOD) where METHOD is one of

'linear' - Tessellation-based linear interpolation (default)

'nearest' - Nearest neighbor interpolation

defines the type of surface fit to the data.

All the methods are based on a Delaunay triangulation of the data.

If METHOD is [], then the default 'linear' method will be used.

[...] = GRIDDATA3(X,Y,Z,V,XI,YI,ZI,METHOD,OPTIONS) specifies a cell

array of strings OPTIONS that were previously used by Qhull.

Qhull-specific OPTIONS are no longer required and are currently ignored.


x = 2*rand(5000,1)-1; y = 2*rand(5000,1)-1; z = 2*rand(5000,1)-1;

v = x.^2 + y.^2 + z.^2;

d = -0.8:0.05:0.8;

[xi,yi,zi] = meshgrid(d,d,d);

w = griddata3(x,y,z,v,xi,yi,zi);

Since it is difficult to visualize 4D data sets, use isosurface at 0.8:

p = patch(isosurface(xi,yi,zi,w,0.8));



view(3), axis equal, axis off, camlight, lighting phong

Class support for inputs X,Y,Z,V,XI,YI,ZI: double

See also TriScatteredInterp, DelaunayTri, griddatan, delaunayn, meshgrid.

Reference page in Help browser

doc griddata3

<griddatan> - Data gridding and hyper-surface fitting (dimension >= 2).

GRIDDATAN Data gridding and hyper-surface fitting (dimension >= 2).

YI = GRIDDATAN(X,Y,XI) fits a hyper-surface of the form Y = F(X) to the

data in the (usually) nonuniformly-spaced vectors (X, Y). GRIDDATAN

interpolates this hyper-surface at the points specified by XI to

produce YI. XI can be nonuniform.

X is of dimension m-by-n, representing m points in n-D space. Y is of

dimension m-by-1, representing m values of the hyper-surface F(X). XI

is a vector of size p-by-n, representing p points in the n-D space

whose surface value is to be fitted. YI is a vector of length p

approximating the values F(XI). The hyper-surface always goes through

the data points (X,Y). XI is usually a uniform grid (as produced by



'linear' - Tessellation-based linear interpolation (default)

'nearest' - Nearest neighbor interpolation

defines the type of surface fit to the data.

All the methods are based on a Delaunay tessellation of the data.

If METHOD is [], then the default 'linear' method will be used.

YI = GRIDDATAN(X,Y,XI,METHOD,OPTIONS) specifies a cell array of strings

OPTIONS to be used as options in Qhull via DELAUNAYN.

If OPTIONS is [], the default options will be used.

If OPTIONS is {''}, no options will be used, not even the default.


X = 2*rand(5000,3)-1; Y = sum(X.^2,2);

d = -0.8:0.05:0.8; [x0,y0,z0] = meshgrid(d,d,d);

XI = [x0(:) y0(:) z0(:)];

YI = griddatan(X,Y,XI);

Since it is difficult to visualize 4D data sets, use isosurface at 0.8:

YI = reshape(YI, size(x0));

p = patch(isosurface(x0,y0,z0,YI,0.8));



view(3), axis equal, axis off, camlight, lighting phong

See also TriScatteredInterp, DelaunayTri, delaunayn, meshgrid.

Reference page in Help browser

doc griddatan

<TriScatteredInterp> - Scattered data interpolant

TriScatteredInterp Scattered data interpolant

TriScatteredInterp is used to perform interpolation on a scattered

dataset that resides in 2D/3D space. A scattered data set defined by

locations X and corresponding values V can be interpolated using a

Delaunay triangulation of X. This produces a surface of the form V = F(X).

The surface can be evaluated at any query location QX, using QV = F(QX),

where QX lies within the convex hull of X. The interpolant F always

goes through the data points specified by the sample.

F = TriScatteredInterp() Creates an empty scattered data interpolant.

This can subsequently be initialized with sample data points and values

(Xdata, Vdata) via F.X = Xdata and F.V = Vdata.

F = TriScatteredInterp(X, V) Creates an interpolant that fits a surface

of the form V = F(X) to the scattered data in (X, V). X is a matrix

of size mpts-by-ndim, where mpts is the number of points and ndim is

the dimension of the space where the points reside, ndim >= 2. V is a

column vector that defines the values at X, where the length of V

equals mpts.

F = TriScatteredInterp(X, Y, V) and F = TriScatteredInterp(X, Y, Z, V)

allow the data point locations to be specified in alternative column

Vector format when working in 2d and 3d.

F = TriScatteredInterp(DT, V) Uses the specified DelaunayTri DT as a

basis for computing the interpolant. DT is a Delaunay triangulation of

the scattered data locations, DT.X. The matrix DT.X is of size

mpts-by-ndim, where mpts is the number of points and ndim is the

dimension of the space where the points reside, 2 <= ndim <= 3. V is a

column vector that defines the values at DT.X, where the length of V

equals mpts.

F = TriScatteredInterp(..., METHOD) allows selection of the technique

used to interpolate the data, where METHOD is one of the following;

'natural' Natural neighbor interpolation

'linear' Linear interpolation (default)

'nearest' Nearest neighbor interpolation

The 'natural' method is C1 continuous except at the scattered data

locations. The 'linear' method is C0 continuous, and the 'nearest'

method is discontinuous.

Example 1:

x = rand(100,1)*4-2;

y = rand(100,1)*4-2;

z = x.*exp(-x.^2-y.^2);

% Construct the interpolant

F = TriScatteredInterp(x,y,z);

% Evaluate the interpolant at the locations (qx, qy), qz

% is the corresponding value at these locations.

ti = -2:.25:2;

[qx,qy] = meshgrid(ti,ti);

qz = F(qx,qy);

mesh(qx,qy,qz); hold on; plot3(x,y,z,'o'); hold off

Example 2: Edit the interpolant created in Example 1

to add/remove points or replace values

% Insert 5 additional sample points, we need to update both F.V and F.X


x = rand(5,1)*4-2;

y = rand(5,1)*4-2;

v = x.*exp(-x.^2-y.^2);

F.V(end+(1:5)) = v;

F.X(end+(1:5), :) = [x, y];

% Replace the location and value of the fifth point

F.X(5,:) = [0.1, 0.1];

F.V(5) = 0.098;

% Remove the fourth point

F.X(4,:) = [];

F.V(4) = [];

% Replace the value of all sample points

vnew = 1.2*(F.V);

F.V(1:length(vnew)) = vnew;

TriScatteredInterp methods:

TriScatteredInterp provides subscripted evaluation of the

interpolant. It is evaluated in the same manner as evaluating a

function expressed in Monge's form.

QV = F(QX), evaluates the interpolant at the specified query

locations QX to produce the query values QV.

QV = F(QX, QY, ...) and QV = F(QX, QY, QZ, ...) allow the query

points to be specified in alternative column vector format when

working in 2D and 3D.

TriScatteredInterp properties:

X - Defines the locations of the scattered data points

V - Defines the value associated with each data point

Method - Defines the method used to interpolate the data

See also DelaunayTri, interp1, interp2, interp3, meshgrid.

Reference page in Help browser

doc TriScatteredInterp

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