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Input c is a cell array of strings. The function returns tf, a logical

array that is the same size as C and contains logical 1 (true) for those

elements of C that are a match, except for letter case, and logical 0

(false) for those elements that are not. The order of the two input

arguments is not important.

TF = STRNCMPI(C1,C2,N) performs a case-insensitive comparison between

the first N characters of each element of cell array C1 and the first N

characters of the same element in cell array C2. Inputs C1 and C2 are

equal-size cell arrays of strings. Input C1 and/or C2 can also be a

character array having the same number of rows as there are cells in the

cell array. The function returns TF, a logical array that is the same size

as C1 or C2, and contains logical 1 (true) for those elements of C1 and C2

that are a match, except for letter case, and logical 0 (false) for those

elements that are not.

When one of the inputs is a cell array, scalar expansion will occur as


STRNCMPI supports international character sets.

See also strcmp, strncmp, strcmpi, regexpi.

Overloaded methods:


Reference page in Help browser

doc strncmpi

<strfind> - Find one string within another.

STRFIND Find one string within another.

K = STRFIND(TEXT,PATTERN) returns the starting indices of any

occurrences of the string PATTERN in the string TEXT.

STRFIND will always return [] if PATTERN is longer than TEXT.


s = 'How much wood would a woodchuck chuck?';

strfind(s,'a') returns 21

strfind('a',s) returns []

strfind(s,'wood') returns [10 23]

strfind(s,'Wood') returns []

strfind(s,' ') returns [4 9 14 20 22 32]

See also strcmp, strncmp, regexp.

Overloaded methods:


Reference page in Help browser

doc strfind

<strjust> - Justify character array.

STRJUST Justify character array.

T = STRJUST(S) or T = STRJUST(S,'right') returns a right justified

Version of the character array s.

T = STRJUST(S,'left') returns a left justified version of S.

T = STRJUST(S,'center') returns a center justified version of S.

See also deblank, strtrim.

Overloaded methods:


Reference page in Help browser

doc strjust

<strrep> - Replace string with another.

STRREP Replace string with another.


occurrences of the string OLDSUBSTR within string ORIGSTR with the



* STRREP accepts input combinations of single strings, strings in

scalar cells, and same-sized cell arrays of strings. If any inputs

are cell arrays, STRREP returns a cell array.

* STRREP does not find empty strings for replacement. That is, when

ORIGSTR and OLDSUBSTR both contain the empty string (''), STRREP does

not replace '' with the contents of NEWSUBSTR.


% Example 1: Replace text in a character array.

claim = 'This is a good example';

new_claim = strrep(claim, 'good', 'great')

new_claim =

This is a great example.

% Example 2: Replace text in a cell array.

c_files = {'c:\cookies.m'; ...

'c:\candy.m'; ...


d_files = strrep(c_files, 'c:', 'd:')

d_files =




% Example 3: Replace text in a cell array with values in a second cell

% array.

missing_info = {'Start: __'; ...

'End: __'};

dates = {'01/01/2001'; ...


complete = strrep(missing_info, '__', dates)

complete =

'Start: 01/01/2001'

'End: 12/12/2002'

See also strfind, regexprep.

Reference page in Help browser

doc strrep

<strtok> - Find token in string.

STRTOK Find token in string.

TOKEN = STRTOK(STR) returns the first token in the string STR delimited

by white-space characters. STRTOK ignores any leading white space.

If STR is a cell array of strings, TOKEN is a cell array of tokens.

TOKEN = STRTOK(STR,DELIM) returns the first token delimited by one of

the characters in DELIM. STRTOK ignores any leading delimiters.

Do not use escape sequences as delimiters. For example, use char(9)

rather than '\t' for tab.

[TOKEN,REMAIN] = STRTOK(...) returns the remainder of the original


If the body of the input string does not contain any delimiter

characters, STRTOK returns the entire string in TOKEN (excluding any

leading delimiter characters), and REMAIN contains an empty string.


s = ' This is a simple example.';

[token, remain] = strtok(s)


token =


remain =

is a simple example.

See also isspace, strfind, strncmp, strcmp, textscan.

Overloaded methods:


Reference page in Help browser

doc strtok

<strtrim> - Remove insignificant whitespace.

STRTRIM Remove insignificant whitespace.

S = STRTRIM(M) removes insignificant whitespace from string M.

Whitespace characters are the following: V = char([9 10 11 12 13 32]), which

return true from ISSPACE(V). Per definition, insignificant leading

whitespace leads the first non-whitespace character, and insignificant

trailing whitespace follows the last non-whitespace character in a string.

B = STRTRIM(A) removes insignificant whitespace from the char array.

D = STRTRIM(C), when C is a cell array of strings, removes insignificant

whitespace from each element of C.

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