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matlab\verctrl – Контроль версии

Version control commands

<checkin> - checkin files into a version control system.

--- help for xregusermod/checkin ---

CHECKIN Test and check a user-defined model into MBC Toolbox

[U,OK]= CHECKIN(U,FNAME,X) checks the user-defined model into the MBC Toolbox.


U is a xregusermod object. Use the constructor 'xregusermod' to specify a default object.

FNAME is the name of the function file that contains the required model

definition information.

X is a matrix of test input data that is used to check if the model

file can be executed.

Example usage:

[u,ok] = checkin(xregusermod,'weibul',[0.1:0.01:0.2 ]');

See also xregusermod/weibul, xregtransient/fuelPuddle

<checkout> - checkout files from a version control system.

checkout not found.

Use the Help browser search field to search the documentation, or

type "help help" for help command options, such as help for methods.

<undocheckout> - undo checkout files from a version control system.

undocheckout not found.

Use the Help browser search field to search the documentation, or

type "help help" for help command options, such as help for methods.

Specific version control

<rcs> - Version control actions using RCS.

rcs not found.

Use the Help browser search field to search the documentation, or

type "help help" for help command options, such as help for methods.

<pvcs> - Version control actions using PVCS.

pvcs not found.

Use the Help browser search field to search the documentation, or

type "help help" for help command options, such as help for methods.

<clearcase> - Version control actions using ClearCase.

clearcase not found.

Use the Help browser search field to search the documentation, or

type "help help" for help command options, such as help for methods.

<sourcesafe> - Version control actions using Visual SourceSafe.

sourcesafe not found.

Use the Help browser search field to search the documentation, or

type "help help" for help command options, such as help for methods.

<customverctrl> - Custom version control template.

customverctrl not found.

Use the Help browser search field to search the documentation, or

type "help help" for help command options, such as help for methods.

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