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matlab\winfun – Файлы интерфейса операционной системы Windows (COM/DDE)

COM Automation Client Functions

<actxcontrol> - Create an ActiveX control.

No help found for actxcontrol.p.

<actxserver> - Create an ActiveX server.

ACTXSERVER Creates a COM Automation server.

H = ACTXSERVER('PROGID') Creates a local or remote COM Automation server where PROGID is the programmatic identifier of the COM server and H is

the handle of the server's default interface.

H = ACTXSERVER('PROGID', 'param1', value1,...) creates an ActiveX

server with optional parameter name/value pairs. Parameter names are:

machine: specifies the name of a remote machine on which to launch

the server.

Interface: "iUnknown" if user wants matlab to use iUnknown interface

of COM object, "IDispatch" for IDispatch interface

(default), or a custom interface name.


h=actxserver('myserver.test.1', 'machine', 'machinename',

'Interface', 'IUnknown')

h=actxserver('myserver.test.1', 'interface', 'IUnknown')


The following syntaxes are deprecated and will not become obsolete. They

are included for reference, but the above syntaxes are preferred.

H = ACTXSERVER(PROGID,'MACHINE') specifies the name of a remote machine on which to launch the server.

See also: actxcontrol

Reference page in Help browser

doc actxserver

<eventlisteners> - Lists all events that are registered.

EVENTLISTENERS Lists all event handler functions registered for a COM object.

EVENTLISTENERS(H) Lists all events that are registered,

where H is the handle to the COM control. Result is a cell

array of events and its registered eventhandlers.


See also registerevent, unregisterevent.

Reference page in Help browser

doc eventlisteners

<isevent> - True if event of object.

ISEVENT True if COM object event.

ISEVENT(OBJ,NAME) returns 1 if string NAME is an event of object

OBJ, and 0 otherwise.


h = actxcontrol('mwsamp.mwsampctrl.2');

f = isevent(h, 'click')

See also ismethod, isprop.

Reference page in Help browser

doc isevent

<registerevent> - Registers events for a specified control at runtime.

REGISTEREVENT Registers event handler for a specified COM object event at runtime.

REGISTEREVENT(H, USERINPUT) registers events, where H is

the handle to the COM object and USERINPUT is either a

1xn char array or an mx2 cell array of strings.

When USERINPUT is a char array it specifies the event handler

for all events that can be registered by the COM object. For example,

registerevent(h, 'allevents')

When USERINPUT is a cell array of strings, an event name

and event handler pair specify the event to be registered.

For example,

registerevent(h, {'Click' 'sampev'; 'Mousedown' 'sampev'})

See also unregisterevent, eventlisteners, actxcontrol, actxserver.

Reference page in Help browser

doc registerevent

<unregisterallevents> - Unregister all events for a specified control at runtime.

UNREGISTERALLEVENTS Unregister all event handlers for a specified COM object at runtime.

UNREGISTERALLEVENTS(H) unregisters all events from a control, where H is the handle to the COM control.


See also registerevent, unregisterevent, eventlisteners.

Reference page in Help browser

doc unregisterallevents

<unregisterevent> - Unregister events for a specified control at runtime.

UNREGISTEREVENT Unregister event handler for a specified COM object event at runtime.

UNREGISTEREVENT(H, USERINPUT) unregisters events, where H is

the handle to the COM control and USERINPUT is either a

char array or a cell array of strings.

When USERINPUT is a char array all events are removed from the

specified file.

unregisterevent(h, 'sampev')

- Removes all events of h from sampev.m file

When USERINPUT is a cell array of strings, it must contain valid

event names and eventhandlers that are to be unregistered. For example,

unregisterevent(h, {'Click' 'sampev'; 'dblclick' 'sampev'})

See also registerevent, eventlisteners.

Reference page in Help browser

doc unregisterevent

<iscom> - True if input handle is a COM/ActiveX object.

ISCOM true for COM/ActiveX objects.

ISCOM(H) returns true if H is a COM/ActiveX object, false otherwise.



ret = iscom(h)

See also isinterface, isobject, actxcontrol, actxserver.

Reference page in Help browser

doc iscom

<isinterface> - True if input handle is a COM Interface.

ISINTERFACE true for COM Interfaces.

ISINTERFACE(H) returns true if H is a COM Interface, false otherwise.


h = actxserver('excel.application');

workbooks = get(h, 'workbooks');

ret = isinterface(workbooks);

See also iscom, isobject, actxcontrol, actxserver.

Reference page in Help browser

doc isinterface

<COM/set> - Set a property value on a COM object.

SET Set a property value on a COM object.

SET(OBJ) displays all property names and their possible values for COM

object OBJ. The return value is a structure whose field names are the

property names of OBJ, and whose field values are cell arrays of

possible property values. For those properties that have no predefined

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