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Министерство образования и науки Российской Федерации Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования

«Хабаровская государственная академия экономики и права»

Н. В. Лобастова

Английский язык

Сборник текстов и упражнений к учебнику “Business Concepts”

Хабаровск 2012


ББК Ш 143.21 Х 12

Английский язык : cб. текстов и упражнений к учебнику “Business Concepts” для бакалаврантов 3-го курса направлений «Экономика», «Торговое дело», «Менеджмент», «Реклама и связи с общественностью», «Таможенное дело», обучающихся по профилям: «БУАиФА», «МЭ», «ММа», «МКД», «ММ», «МТГХ», «Логистика», «РиСО в коммерческой сфере» / сост. Н. В. Лобастова. – Хабаровск : РИЦ ХГАЭП, 2012. – 92 с.

Рецензенты И. Г. Гирина, завкафедрой переводоведения и межкультурной коммуникации института лингвистики и межкультурной коммуникации ДВГГУ, канд. филолог. наук; Т. П. Карпухина, профессор

кафедры английской филологии ДВГГУ, доктор филолог. наук.

Утверждено издательско-библиотечным советом в качестве учебного пособия

Учебное издание Наталья Вадимовна Лобастова

Английский язык Сборник текстов и упражнений к учебнику “Business Concepts”

Редактор Г.С. Одинцова

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Формат 60х84/16.

Бумага писчая.

Печать цифровая. Усл. п. л. 5,3.

Уч.-изд. л. 3,8.

Тираж 150 экз.

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680042, Хабаровск, ул. Тихоокеанская, 134, ХГАЭП, РИЦ © Хабаровская государственная академия экономики и права, 2012



Сборник дополнительных учебных текстов и упражнений к оригинальному учебнику “Business Concepts” авторы Marianne McDougal Arden, Barbara Tolley Dowling, предназначен для студентов и бакалаврантов 3-го курса, направления «Экономика», «Торговое дело», «Менеджмент», «Реклама и связи с общественностью», «Таможенное дело», обучающихся по профилям: «БУАиФА», «МЭ», «ММа», «МКД», «ММ», «МТГХ», «Логистика», «РиСО в коммерческой сфере» и продолжающих изучение английского языка в вузе.

Цель данного сборника – совершенствование языковых знаний, умений и навыков студентов, а именно навыков чтения и устной речи в рамках профессиональной тематики.

Сборник учебных текстов и упражнений включает 7 разделов по основным аспектам бизнеса: международная торговля, маркетинг, менеджмент, финансы, бухгалтерский учёт.

Сборник сохраняет структуру оригинального учебника “Business Concepts” и состоит из 7 разделов. Каждый раздел состоит из 2 частей и включает активный словарь, т.е. список слов с дефинициями на английском языке, упражнения на отработку и закрепление знания терминологии, упражнения на перевод с русского на английский язык и упражнения на развитие разговорных навыков.

Каждый раздел предлагает тексты для чтения, которые наполнены дополнительными словосочетаниями и терминами по основным разделам учебника. Кроме того, в сборнике представлены ролевые игры и учебные деловые ситуации, целью которых является отработка активной лексики текстов. При составлении данного сборника была использована оригинальная зарубежная литература.


Unit I

Business Basics

Part I What is Business

Words to remember

to act (v) – to do a particular job or have a particular role exact (adj) – correct in every detail; precise

to increase (v) – to make or become larger in amount, number and degree

to examine (v) – to look at, consider something closely and carefully in order to find out something

to exchange (v) – to give someone something and receive something in return to produce (v) – to make or grow things to be sold as products

to distribute (v) – to make goods available to customers, e.g. to move, to store, to sell products

concept (n) – an idea for business, for a product, etc.

to define (v) – to give the meaning of a word or an idea; describe exactly to deal with (v) – to have a particular job or function in an organization

dealership (n) – a business that sells products, especially cars, made by a particular company, eg. Volkswagen dealership in Boston

to perform (v) – to do work; to carry out a duty or task

to provide (v) – to give someone what they need, e.g. to provide service, to provide information

profit (n) – money that you gain from selling something, or from doing business in a particular period of time, after taking away costs

surplus (n) – an amount of something that is more than what is needed, wanted, or used

expense (n) – an amount of money that a business or organization has to spend on something; costs

to remain (v) – to stay or be left after others have gone, or other things have been used, etc.

primary (adj) – chief, main, principal, e.g. primary goal or objective

finished product (n) – a product that has been made completely and is ready to be sold


Tasks to perform

1. Give English equivalents of the words and word partnerships used in the text.

Обычно (традиционно); точно (именно); понятие о бизнесе; увеличиваться, возрастать (стать больше в количественном отношении); определить понятие бизнеса; определение бизнеса; производить товары; производство товаров; распределять (размещать) товары; распределение товаров; продавать товары; продажа товаров и услуг; исследовать (рассмотреть) проблему; создавать услуги; создание услуг; превращать железную руду в металлические части машин; превращение сырья в товары; дилерская компания по продаже автомобилей; менять валюту; менять рубли на доллары; обмен товара на деньги; в обмен на деньги; выполнять действия; выполнять работу; предоставлять (оказывать услуги); автомеханик; ремонтировать автомобиль; создавать прибыль; создание прибыли; избыток (излишек); оплатить расходы (покрыть затраты); основная цель.

2. Match the words and word partnerships on the left with the words used in the text on the right.


to become larger in number

a) concept


to describe the word exactly

b) to provide somebody with


main goal

c) to be exact; to be precise



d) to perform, to do


to carry out some work

e) primary objective


to give someone some information

f) to define


a notion or an idea for a product

g) to examine


to consider something or someone carefully

h) to increase


to be correct in every detail

i) expenses

3.Complete the sentences with the noun / verb / adjective / adverb forms provided in the proper form. Translate the sentences.

1)definition / define

a)Who can … the concept of service? What does service mean?

b)Modern …. of business is different from the traditional one.


2)to increase / increase

a)Due to the activities of our sales people, there was a great … of sales in the company last year.

b)Our primary goal is to … profit.

3)dealership / dealer

a)I got my car directly from the …. in Japan.

b)Before buying a car we decided to get advice from an experienced car

…. .

4)profit / profitable / profitability

a)Recycling plastics is good and …. for the environment.

b)The company’s efforts to return its …. failed.

c)Making … is the principal objective of any business.

5)exact / exactly

a)Can you tell me … what you need?

b)He asked me for the … definition of this term.

4. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English.

1.Бизнес – это производство, покупка и продажа товаров или услуг ради получения прибыли.

2.Традиционно понятие бизнеса означало обмен товаров или услуг на деньги.

3.Производственный процесс состоит из создания услуг или превращения сырья (raw materials) в товары.

4.Размещение товаров означает движение товаров от производителя к покупателю.

5.Продажа – это обмен товаров или услуг на деньги.

6.Услуги – это деятельность, которую отдельный человек или компания производит для другого человека или компании.

7.Автомеханик оказывает услугу, ремонтируя автомобиль.

8.Создание прибыли – это основная цель деловой активности.

9.Насколько эффективно компания производит товары и продаёт их на рынке, определяет её успех.


5. Read the sentences and fill the gaps with the phrases given below. Translate the

sentences into Russian. to be in business

to go into business to go out of business

to close up one’s business to be / feel businesslike

to do business to run a business

to go / travel on business to have a business trip to get down to business to lose business

1.The company says it will never … with this bank again.

2.We have … in … for twenty years.

3.She decided to quit working for their company and …into … on her own.

4.1,800 furniture store companies … out of … because of bankruptcy last year.

5.Adam in Argentina on … now.

6.How many do you a year?

7.Who your?

8.We lack time. I offer to … down to … immediately.

9.He is running a department in a way.

10.Wearing a suit makes me … more… .

11.He understood that … … is not his business and soon it up.

6) Fill the gaps with the appropriate word partnership. Translate the






big business

core business

family business

small business

repeat business

business international community

1.There are not many employees in our company. We are a … .

2.Our company is considered as a powerful group with a lot of influence. We are a … .

3.Our company was established by our father. We are still a … .

4.Our business makes the most money for the company and it is considered to be its important and central one. We are a … .

5.Our company is highly popular among customers. They return to it to buy more of its products or services. We are a … .

6.All the countries in the world, i.e. … agreed that industrialized countries should allocate (give) 4% of overall foreign aid to population program





Read the texts and match them with the headings a – d below.


New management

c) Be different!


Brain power

d) Do it faster, do it now!

1. Workers now control the principle means of production. In a modern company 70 to 80 per cent of what people do, is done using their intellects. The critical means of production is small, grey, and weighs around 1.3 kilograms. It is the human brain.

intellect (n) – ability to think, intelligence critical (adj) – most important

2.In the wild market economy which now exists it is increasingly difficult to differentiate yourself. If you think about it, most of what your business does could be bought from someone else using the Yellow Pages or an Internet search engine. If you have a unique idea, your competitors will steal it in two or three weeks. There is only one way out. Do something that the world has not seen before. Innovate, so that what you are, for a moment in time, is unique and

uniquely competitive. wild (adj) – not in control

differentiate yourself (v) – to be different from increasingly difficult (adj) – more and more difficult unique (adj) – the only one like this

innovate (v) – to introduce new ideas / ways of doing things

3.The need for renewal is something that applies to everything in an organization; it concerns everyone, goes on everywhere and is non-stop …

Move it: In1995, 1,000 new soft drinks were launched on the Japanese market. A year later, 1 per cent of them were still for sale.

Move it faster: At Hewlett Packard, the majority of revenues come from products that did not exist a year ago.

Move it now: In Tokyo, you can order a customized Toyota on Monday and be driving it on Friday.

renewal (n) – making new improvement

apply to (v) – to concern something / somebody launch (v) – to introduce a new product


customized (adj) – designed and built specially for that customer, making the product different from other things of the same kind

revenue (n) – money that a business or organization receives after selling goods or services

4.The most critical resource a business has wears shoes and walks out of the door around five o’clock every day. As a result, management and leadership are keys to competitive advantage. How you attract, train, and motivate your people is more important than technology…. The boss is dead. No longer can we believe in a leader who claims to know more about everything and who is always right.

key (n) – the thing that makes something possible

advantage (n) – something that helps you to be better and more competitive than others

claim (v) – to declare (to say officially) to be always true and right

8. Read the texts again. Are the following true or false?

1.What most people do at work all day is use their brains.

2.Because of the Internet, it is now easier to be different and unique.

3.Hewlett Packard makes most money from products launched last year.

4.A company will be more competitive if it manages its employees well.

5.A strong boss is important in good management.

9.What do you think makes a modern company successful? Put the following in order of importance. Give your reasons to prove it.

a)high-quality products and services

b)good people management

c)aggressive marketing and advertising

d)fast reaction to change

10.Complete the sentences with the noun / verb / adjective / adverb forms provided in the proper form. Translate the sentences.

1.productive / production / producer / productivity

a)There are lots of different car …. on the global market.

b)…. workers are always highly valued in any business.


c)Our goal is to increase … of labour.

d)… of goods is steadily growing.

2.compete / competition / competitive / competitor

a)They always … with each other.

b)They are … .

c)There is heavy … on the overseas market.

d)To be ahead of the competition, our company has to keep its … advantage.

3.leading / leadership

a)Their …. relies on their high quality product, efficient distribution and communication systems.

b)Coca Cola company has been … on the international market for many years.

4.innovate / innovation / innovative / innovator

a)Their … idea attracted lots of internet readers all over the world.

b)It’s very important to … products or services in order to maintain customers’ interest.

c)Amazon company was the …. in selling books online, i.e. in e- commerce.

d)We encourage creativity and … .

5.manage / manager/ management

a)A person who deals with making materials or goods is a production … .

b)To direct or control a business or the people who work in it means to … .

c)I’d like you to describe your … structure.

6.differentiate / different / difference

a)There is a great … in their approaches to managing people. While she is interested in motivating people to work better, he is focusing only on increasing their workers’ productivity.

b)If a company wants to be successful, it has to …. its products, i.e. the company has to show how its products are … from competing products, for example in its advertising.

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