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Кудинова Практическиы курс англиыского языка для студентов международник Ч.4 2014

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Министерство образования и науки Российской Федерации Национальный исследовательский ядерный университет «МИФИ»

Н.Л. Кудинова, К.В. Солнцева

Практический курс английского языка для студентов-международников

и специалистов в области наукоемких технологий. Уровень – бакалавриат.

II год обучения. Часть 4.

Inventions, Art, Advertising, Media, Cinema

Рекомендовано к изданию УМО «Ядерные физика и технологии»

Москва 2014

УДК 811.111 (075)

ББК 81.2Англя7


Кудинова Н.Л., Солнцева К.В. Практический курс английского

языка для студентов-международников и специалистов в области наукоемких технологий. Уровень – бакалавриат. II год обучения.

Ч. 4. Inventions, Art, Advertising, Media, Cinema: учебное пособие. М.:

НИЯУ МИФИ, 2014. 116 с.

Учебное пособие состоит из четырех частей и представляет собой базовый учебный курс для студентов II курса Института международных отношений НИЯУ МИФИ, владеющих английским на уровне UpperIntermediate. Пособие включает в себя тексты, аудиоматериалы и задания, обеспечивающие развитие всех видов речевой деятельности (говорения, чтения, аудирования и письма), а также языковой, социокультурной и информационной компетенции студента. Дополнительные материалы представлены грамматической теорией, упражнениями и собранным в одном разделе активным словарем, изученными за семестр. Все дополнительные материалы тесно увязаны с заданиями для самостоятельной и работы и работы на семинарах.

Издание полностью соответствует программе курса «Английский язык» для 3, 4 семестра обучения групп У01-03/04, У02-03/04 ИМО НИЯУ МИФИ факультета управления и экономики высоких технологий. Пособие также может быть использовано в качестве дополнительной литературы по курсу «Английский язык» другими факультетами НИЯУ МИФИ и широким кругом лиц, изучающих английский язык.

Подготовлено в рамках Программы создания и развития НИЯУ МИФИ.

Рецензент Банкова О.К., канд. филол. нак, доц. кафедры № 62 «Специальная лингвистическая подготовка» Института международных отношений НИЯУ МИФИ

ISBN 978-5-7262-2013-0

© Национальный исследовательский


ядерный университет «МИФИ», 2014

Корректор М.В. Макарова

Подписано в печать 20.11.2014. Формат 60х84 1/8.

Уч.-изд. л. 14,5. П. л. 14,5. Тираж 120 экз.

Изд. № 1/25. Заказ № 41.

Национальный исследовательский ядерный университет «МИФИ». 115409, Москва, Каширское ш., 31.

ООО “Клаб Принт”.

127018, Москва, Марьиной Рощи 3-й проезд, д. 40, корп. 1.


Unit Ten. Genius: Inventions, Architecture, Art

Grammar: Modals – possibilities, Narrative tenses (Past Tenses)____________4

Unit Eleven. Advertising, the media, cinema

Grammar: Relative clauses, Cleft sentences____________________________53

Supplementary Materials:

Grammar Theory_______________________________________________103

Active Vocabulary to Units Ten and Eleven _________________________112

List of References _______________________________________________115


Unit Ten. Genius: Inventions, Architecture, Art

Reading and Speaking: The Nearly Men

1. What inventions do you associate these names with?

Alexander Graham Bell

John Boyd Dunlop

W.H. Hoover

Elisha Otis

King Camp Gillette

Orville and Wilbur Wright

Lazlo Biro

(the Wright brothers)

2. Work in groups of three. Each of you reads the introduction and one of the texts below. Before reading do the matching exercises to help you with unknown vocabulary.

The Nearly Men

Technological advance is not a smooth process. Often the pioneers don’t get the credit they deserve, or they pay the price for being first. Sometimes they fail to protect their ideas by taking out a patent. In this short article our correspondent celebrates three of these unsung heroes responsible for some of the most important pieces of communication technology.

Call Waiting

1. a description of sth

a. признавать

2. to file a patent

b. описание

3. to renew

с. зарегистрировать

4. to register

d. подать в суд

5. to sue

e. судебное дело

6. a case

f. подать заявку на патент

7. to be credited with

g. возобновить

8. to recognise = to acknowledge.

h. приписывать что-то кому-то

Antonio Meucci was an Italian inventor living in New York. In 1860, he demonstrated a device he called the teletrofono, for electronic voice communication. He had a description of it printed in New York's Italian newspaper. Between 1856 and 1870, he developed more than 30 different prototype telephones. He filed a caveat (a kind of intermediate patent) in 1871, a full five years before Alexander Graham Bell. After being injured in an accident, Meucci became ill and was unable to work so he did not have enough money to renew his caveat in 1874. When Bell registered his own patent in 1876, Meucci sued, but died before the case was


finished. Bell won and was credited with the invention of the telephone. Finally, in 2002, the US House of Representatives passed a resolution that ‘the life and achievements of Antonio Meucci should be recognised, and his work in the invention of the telephone should be acknowledged’.


The Write Man

1. to leak

a. красильщик кож

2. to dry

b. пользоваться

3. a leather tanner

c. высыхать

4. to recognise a problem

d. признать наличие проблемы

5. to rotate

e. ежегодный

6. a nib

f. протекать

7. rough

g. вращаться

8. to exploit

h. шероховатый (неровный)

9. annual

i. острие пера

The problems of writing with a pen and ink were that they often leaked and ink was slow to dry on the page. John J. Loud, an American leather tanner, recognised this problem and invented a new gadget for writing – a pen with a small rotating ball instead of a nib. He patented his invention on 30 October 1888. Although it still leaked, it could be used to mark rough surfaces such as

leather. Loud, however, failed to exploit his patent commercially and it was left to the Hungarian Lazio Biro, working with his brother, to patent the ballpoint pen between 1938 and 1943. Biro later licensed his pen to the Frenchman Marcel Bich, who called his company BiC. This is today the market leader in ballpoint pens, with annual sales of 1.38 billion euros. The company sells 14 million per day of the Bic Cristal.


Up in the Air


1. a glider

a. достигать чего-либо


2. to soar

b. планер


3. to disappoint sb

c. столетняя годовщина


4. to achieve sth

d. копия


5. a centenary

e. разочаровывать


6. a replica




Percy Pilcher was an English engineer and pioneer aviator. In the 1890s he built and flew a glider called ‘the

Hawk’. However, Pilcher’s dream was to achieve powered flight. He

built another ‘soaring machine’, this time with an engine. In September 1899, he was ready to make his first test flight. Unfortunately, the engine broke, and not wanting to disappoint the audience, he decided to fly his

‘Hawk’ glider instead. Tragically, he crashed and died of his injuries two days later. As there was no one to carry on his work, his designs were lost. The American Wright brothers were to achieve the first powered flight four years later on 17 December 1903. In 2003, at the time of the centenary of powered flight, a replica of Pilcher’s plane was built and flown, achieving a controlled flight of one minute and 26 seconds, significantly longer than the Wright

brothers’ first flight of 39 seconds.

3. Answer the questions.

1.Who is the text about?

2.What did the person do?

3.When did they do it?

4.Why did they fail?

5.What recent developments have there been?

4. Exchange information about your texts.

Reading: Me and My Gizmo*

1. Guess the meaning of the words and words combinations:

to turn one’s hand to sth / to doing sth, a breakthrough, a string of coincidences, a solution (to solve a problem), stress level, to retain shape in boiling water

2. Match these words and word combinations to the correct translation:


to end up doing sth


установить, выяснить


congestion, traffic congestion


в конце концов


to retrieve




a peg


пластиковый зажим, крепление


a plastic grip


скопление, пробка




достать, вытащить обратно


to establish


в конце концов сделать что-либо


to crack


рекламная аннотация


eventually = finally


жестокий мир

10.rough and tumble world



11.an advertisement blurb








Match each


verb to the correct translation:


to take sth apart


остановить свой выбор на чем-либо


to put sth


отказаться от чего-либо




взяться за что-либо


to go for sth


разобрать на части


to see sth through


довести до конца


to turn sth down




to settle on sth


отделываться от кого-то, раскритиковав


to put sb off


его/ ее

4. Read through the article quickly, and find answers to these questions:

a.What does Andrea Gordon's invention do?

b.How did she start thinking about it?

c.How does it work?

d. What was the main problem in producing it?

e. Is she going to give up acting?

Socking it to 'em**

Actress Andrea Gordon has got little feet coming out of her ears***. At least, she has since she turned her hand to invention. She is the proud inventor of a foot-shaped plastic device which keeps your pairs of socks together in the washing machine.

So how did the idea occur to her for such an important breakthrough in domestic technology? Archimedes would have approved of her answer.

“It was just a string of little coincidences,” says Andrea modestly. “A group of us were having dinner after working all day in the studio, and we got talking about universal problems like traffic congestion and lost socks. One of the actors said he had ended up taking his washing machine apart to retrieve a sock and had to spend all day Saturday putting it back together again. The problem was


“I just got thinking “Why doesn't somebody invent a peg or something just to

keep them together?” Indeed. I was just thinking about it and a couple of hours later I was drying up the dishes and I put the tea-towel in one of those plastic

grips you get. Eureka!”

“It seemed so obvious that it would work,” she confesses, “that I was sure someone must have thought of it already. Nobody had. So when I lost an expensive £20 silk sock, that was what finally persuaded me to go for it.”

But was this a real problem for which people really needed a solution? MIA Marketing thought so, and took on the idea.

“I don't set out to solve the world's problems,” says Andrea, “but at least it is


one annoying little thing out of the way. This invention is going to reduce stress

levels, so I've done my bit.”

Once the real need for this gizmo had been established, the process of testing began. “It wasn't easy,” remembers Andrea. The first plastic cracked. They eventually settled on the more expensive thermoplastic polyurethane elastoma, a plastic that retains its shape in boiling water, and even in the rough and tumble world of sock-washing.”

Now Little Feet are available from major shops at 1.95 pound for a pack of five. According to the advertising blurb on the packet, they are 'suitable for men's, women's and children's socks' and they come in different colours for 'all the family'.

So will this breakthrough change Andrea's life? Will she be turning down acting work to become a full-time inventor? “Acting is what I do,” she insists. “But I'm glad I saw this idea through. A lot of people have ideas and they don't do

anything about them, or they are put off by people not listening to them.”

So now you know – marketing people will listen to anything that might make money.

William Mayes

*gizmo: a device; gadget

**to sock it to sb (here: to them): to make a forceful impression on sb

***have something coming out of your ears (informal): to have more of something than you want or need: He's going to have money coming out of his

ears if he signs the deal.

5. What did Andrea say about these things?

the studio, the tea-towel, a silk sock, MIA Marketing, stress levels, elastoma.

6. Find these sentences in the text and use the context to help you translate these phrases:

a.How did the idea occur to her?

b.We got talking about universal problems.

c.They come in different colours.

d.Acting is what I do.

e.I don’t set out to solve the world’s problems, but at least it is one annoying little thing out of the way.

f.Once the real need for this gizmo had been established, the process of testing began.

7. Study the use of the verb “to occur”:

1)происходить, случаться (= to happen): If it occurs again, I’ll fire you.

2)It + occur+ to sb – приходить в голову: It suddenly occurred to Mark that he

could find a job and that would solve all his problems. You can never guess what stupid idea will occur to him in the next moment.

8. Invent 5 sentences (questions, statements and negations) with the construction ‘it + occur + to + sb’.


9. Translate the sentences into English:

1.Почему же вы в конце концов согласились взяться за этот заказ?

2.Когда Винни застрял в норе Кролика, тот использовал задние лапы медведя в качестве крючков для полотенец.

3.Не позволяй им расстраивать тебя критикой и не вздумай отказаться от этого проекта.

4.Как вы оказались в этом странном месте?

5.Какой выход ты предлагаешь?

6.Данное открытие оказалось прорывом для науки 19 века.

7.Джон разобрал кофемолку и не может ее собрать.

8.Почему вы не занялись разработкой данной проблематики?

9.Я отказался от этого предложения, потому что такая работа слишком нервная.

10.Откуда все эти скопления машин на дорогах?

Speaking: Domestic Inventions


2. Look at the gadgets on this page. What can they be used for? How do they work? Talk about them using the words in the box.


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