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Кудинова Практическиы курс англиыского языка для студентов международник Ч.4 2014

10.38 Mб

d) The streets look slightly / completely different from before.


e)The streets of Moscow look slightly / completely different from the old days.

f)Irina thinks Moscow feels more / less Russian.

g)The traffic in Moscow is much worse than / more or less the same as before.

h)Prices in Moscow are very similar to / very different from before.

Listening and Speaking: Comparing Buildings

1. Look at the two pictures below. Then listen and say whether the statements about the pictures are true or false.


2.In pairs. Find six more similarities and differences between the pictures. Use the phrases in the analysis box.

3.In pairs. Think about a well-known town or city which has changed a lot during the past years. Describe it to your partner but don’t tell him/her the name of that city/town, he has to guess it. Make sentences using

comparative phrases. These features can be the most changing ones, so consider them when thinking of a city/town to describe: shops and restaurants, traffic, public transport, street names, cost of living, daily life.

4. Find these in the pictures: a cash point, a kiosk, a pavement café, a phone box, a post box, a souvenir shop, a tour bus, the church roof, a tourist information office, steps

Reading: Famous for Fifteen Minutes

1. Read the article, find these vocabulary units in the text, translate them and say where they were used: to be about sth, a print, a Campbell Soup Can, predictably, a quote (= quotation), in private, to go out, constant, (in)ability to do sth, to lead to sth (led, led), an attempt on sb’s life, to put on a play, to leave sb alone, to shoot (shot, shot), to point out that, as well as.

Andy Warhol (1928-1987)

Andy Warhol's whole life was about fame. As far as he was concerned, self-promotion and image were as important as the art he produced. His paintings and prints are all of wellknown people and things – Hollywood stars Liz Taylor and Marilyn Monroe, comic heroes Popeye and Superman and everyday objects (like his series of Campbell's Soup cans). He even started his own magazine of interviews with the big names

of the time, predictably called Andy Warhol's interview, in the 1960s. Around that time everyone was talking about putting a man on the moon and Ultra Violet, an actress in Andy Warhol's films, asked him whether he thought there was life on other planets. “It's hard enough to be famous here,” he replied. In his book of philosophy From A to В and back again Andy predicted that “In the future, everyone will be famous for fifteen minutes.” This quote became so famous that the MTV programme he presented in the 1980s was called “Andy Warhol's Fifteen Minutes of Fame”.

Although Andy was an apparently nervous person in private, he always managed to get his name in the papers. He made sure he was seen at every fashionable nightclub, party or art “happening”. “I have a 'social disease'," he said. “I have to go out every night.” Andy's studio, “The Factory”, became the centre of avant-garde art in New York and was a never-ending parade of actors, musicians, artists ... Andy needed to have people around him all the time. Many


people think that this constant need to be loved, together with his inability to say no to anyone, led to an unsuccessful attempt on his life. One member of the Warhol crowd, Valerie Solanas, wanted Andy to put on a play she had written. Although Andy wasn't interested, he couldn't tell her to leave him alone: and she was “disappointed” that he didn't help her. On June 4th 1968 Valerie came to Andy's office and shot him.

Lou Reed, singer and guitarist in the Velvet Underground whose 1965 album Andy had produced, recognised that Andy wore his "uniform" – the glasses, leather jacket and white hair – to attract attention. However, as Lou pointed out, sometimes you attract negative attention as well as positive.

2. Tick the jobs mentioned in the text that Andy Warhol did:


pop / rock musician




print maker






television presenter





m) actor


film director






record producer





3. Find an adjective in the text which means:

1) famous

6) very modern and different from

2) ordinary, usual

existing styles

3) difficult

7) happening all the time

4) shy and not confident

8) not achieving what you wanted to

5) popular or thought to be good at a


particular time


4.In groups. Make a list of famous people who are famous for more than one thing.

Example: Will Smith: actor, singer, songwriter...

5.Choose the person from your list who you know the most about. Write 100-200 words about what he / she has done or did and why he / she is important.

6.Translate into English: 1. Почему его репродукции стоят так дорого?

2.Он как раз вспомнил хорошую цитату, но разговор уже шел дальше.

3.Мы сегодня вечером куда-то идем? Кажется, нас приглашали к Софии.

4.Его уволили из-за неспособности соблюдать сроки.

5.Марию раздражала постоянная головная боль и она обратилась к врачу.

6.Просто оставь его в покое, хорошо?

7.Как уже было отмечено, Пикассо удалось продать только одну картину.

7.Translate these sentences with the structure “as well as” (а также;

(также) как и…; не только но и; равно как и).

1.Andy Warhol was a publisher as well as a philosopher.

2.You can be not only well-informed, but opinionated as well.

3.The tycoons as well as their children were at that ski resort.

Make up 5 sentences with the structure.


Vocabulary, Speaking and Listening: Pictures

1. In pairs: identify the types of pictures you see on this spread. The information below might help you:

a colour / black and white photograph;

a watercolour / oil / crayon painting

a portrait / a still life / a landscape a pencil / ink / crayon sketch /

drawing an original

a reproduction a print

a poster

an engraving an etching

a photographed / painted / drawn illustration

2. Can you identify the following characteristics of the pictures on this spread:

the subject the painter the title

3. Discuss in pairs your attitude to pictorial art. Are you indifferent to it? Or are you only interested in one genre / painter?



4. You are going to hear 5 people


talking about the pictures they have


in their homes and their preferences


in art. Try to identify what picture


from the ones in front of you they


are talking about. What motivated


their choice? Before you listen make


sure you know this vocabulary: 1. to


go for sth, an advert, a seagull, a


slogan, 2. to reckon, to match sth, 3.


texture, mediocre, 4. to go in for sth, a


collage, a damp patch, a cookery book.

Listening: Junk Shop


Justin Wedgewood and Lenny Smith

1. Listen to the conversation and put

are antique-dealers. They’ve got a very

down all the main events. Before

successful business. They travel around

you listen make sure you know this

the country buying antique furniture

vocabulary: a signature, Constable,

and paintings from junk shops and from

fifty quid, a van, on one’s own, a fair

elderly people, and then they sell them

price, there is no market for sth, a

from their shop in Kensington, a

frame, to wrap sth.

fashionable part of London. Today

2. Is any of the antique dealers in

they’re in a small Welsh town. Justin’s

this story an honest one? Why not?

just come out of a little junk-shop, and

3. Write a summary of the story in

he seems very excited.

the third person.

Reading: Fallingwater, Bear Run, Pennsylvania


1. Match the words to the correct translation and read the text:






to fit in with sth


быть приспособленным к


to surround




a landscape




a feature of sth




to emphasise


подчеркивать, выделять






a masterpiece



Falling Water, Bear Run, Pennsylvania

Fallingwater (1936-1939) is the most famous house that Frank Lloyd Wright designed. It combines nature and living space in a poetic, effective manner. The building demonstrates perfectly Wright s concept of organic architecture.

The house seems to grow out of the cliff and ledges, so it fits in perfectly with the surrounding landscape. It consists of several concrete trays which project over a waterfall.

The rooms are arranged in a clever way so that the house seems very spacious. The

floor of the living room is built over a natural rock, parts of which are incorporated into the interior.

The house has other interesting features. Its floor-to-ceiling windows emphasise the close connection between the inside and outside of the building, as do the stairs which lead to the water. Its rushing sound is heard constantly in the house. In spite of its daring construction and dramatic effect, the building appears to be an integral part of the natural setting. It is admired by architects all over the world and is considered by many to be Frank Lloyd Wright’s masterpiece.

2. Number the points below to show the organisation of the text:

1.detailed descriptions of the floor, windows and stairs

2.the writer’s and other people’s opinions about the house

3.the exterior appearance of the house

4.the most important facts about the house

3. Which word is used to avoid:

the repetition of the phrase “natural rock” (paragraph 3); the repetition of the word “to emphasise” (paragraph 4)?

4. Study the ways of using the word “fit”:

прил. fit 1) + for sth / doing sth – подходящий, стоящий, годный – Water fit for drinking, We need to decide on a fit time and place. This candidate is fit for


the position of the engineer. 2) в хорошей физической форме – You look very fit, do you do some sports?

глагол to fit 1) подойти, быть впору – The key fits the lock. This coat fits you but doesn’t suit you.

2)to fit in with sth вписаться – He will fit into our company perfectly. How does my plan fit in with your work schedule?

5. Translate into English using ex.1, 4:

1)Комфорт – неотемлемая черта этого дома.

2)Этот дом сливается с окружающим пейзажем и только украшает это место.

3)Так ты придешь? – Боюсь, у меня нет подходящего платья. – Глупости, приходи хоть в спортивном костюме! – Ну да, пусть все видят, в какой я прекрасной форме.

4)Вам не кажется что этот визит к губернатору не впишется в график нашей командировки?

5)Пожалуйста, не надо так напирать на полезность для здоровья, мы не будем больше закупать вашу продукцию.

6. Find these words in the text and say in what meaning they were used:

1)to project: a) проецировать b) выступать, выдаваться, c) проектировать

2)to arrange: a) уславливаться о b) систематизировать c) располагать в опр.


3) daring: a) смелый b) дерзкий c) открытый, обнажающий

Where to Go to See a Masterpiece (Inside Out, p. 89)

1. Match the words and phrases to their translation, read the text and say in what contexts these vocabulary units were used:


to wind [waind] through


нанять, сделать кому-то заказ на что-то






to be glimpsed


добираться извилистыми дорогами


urban sprawl


через холмы


to commission sb to do sth


начать переговоры с кем-то / чем-то


to cement sth




to approach sb / sth


бесполезная вещь, неосуществимая


to be eager to do sth




a site


гореть желанием что-то сделать


a non-starter


беспорядочная городская застройка

10. a bunch of sth /sb



11. to revel


мелькать, быть едва различимым вдали

k.группа чего-либо, кого-либо

2.In the text find equivalents for the following:

быть назначеннным на должность, плод размышлений, охристокоричневый, грубый, бывший, выходить на / быть обращенным к,


городской совет, склад, город на берегу реки, одобрить, смех, быть решительно настроенным что-то сделать.

3. Supply a literary translation to the sentences:

a)What on Earth possessed the Guggenheim museum to come to a place like

Bilbao? The story goes sth like this…

b)It’s well worth a visit…

Reading: Stranger than Fiction

1.Would you like to take a holiday in space? Why? Why not? What do you think a hotel in space might be like?

2.Read and translate the text. Find these words, translate them and say in

which situation they were used:

to grab, a surface, substantial, in the forefront, terra firma, a bed and breakfast, a concern, to cater, to envisage, a spinning wheel, a rim, accommodation, pod, hub, to house, gravity, to require, a requirement, to prevent sth, to chase, furthermore.

Stranger than Fiction

Twenty years from now, where will the most innovative new hotel be built? Mainland Europe, as the UK construction industry is finally integrated into Euroland? Possibly. Africa, as developing nations look to grab their share of tourist dollars? Maybe. Or will it be, as Howard Wolff predicts, 200 miles above the Earth's surface in a space hotel?

Wolff is Vice-President of international design consultancy Wimberly Allison Tong Et Goo, whose projects include the Wedding Pavilion at Florida's Walt Disney World. He is convinced the market will take off, so he is investing a substantial proportion of his company's research and development (R&D) budget into researching the needs of space tourists. “It’s important that we are in the forefront when the space race actually happens.” Wolff has one significant advantage in the race to build space hotels. He has got the second man to walk on the moon, Buzz Aldrin, working as a consultant on the project.

European and Asian companies are also becoming interested in space tourism. Last year, DaimlerChrysler and Germany's domestic space agency announced plans to build a bed and breakfast 300 miles above terra firma by 2020. In the same week, Japanese concern Shimizu announced plans for a space hotel to cater for 64 tourists at a time.

The race to create hotels in space may just be starting, but bookings are already being made for accommodation in future space hotels. What will a space hotel be like, people wonder? Howard Wolff’s team envisages a resort based on a


spinning wheel. The rim of the wheel will provide the hotel's accommodation pods, and the central hub will house its activities. The hotel is expected to cater for about 100 guests, as well as support staff. Guests will dine on food grown on board.

One requirement for the designers is that it allows people to experience weightlessness. But some form of artificial gravity will be required so that guests can sleep without being strapped to their beds. They will also want to eat without having to chase food around the room. Furthermore, artificial gravity is necessary to prevent space sickness, which affects more than 50% of all astronauts.

3a. These sentences are taken from the text and translated for you. Look at sentences which are built according to similar models and translate them

into Russian:

1) ... as developing nations look to grab their share of tourist dollars – ...

поскольку развивающиеся страны стремятся получить свою долю денег, тратящихся туристами

I know it as I have documents proving this.

I must stop work now as I have to go out.

2) It’s important that we are in the forefront when the space race actually happens. – Важно, чтобы мы были впереди, когда случится эта гонка за


It is necessary, that you come at exactly 7 p.m.

It was absolutely unacceptable for the coach that his sportsmen got the silver medal.

Why was it so difficult to believe that the Earth is round?

3) The race to create hotels may be just starting, but bookings are already being made for accommodation in future space hotels. – И пусть ажиотаж вокруг

строительства отелей в космосе только начинается, но уже бронируются места в непостроенных отелях.

The latest issue of our magazine is being so quickly sold, that we need to print more copies.

I’m looking at the picture transmitted by the camera in your house, Mrs.

Robinson, and I am afraid you are being robbed.

4) Guests will dine on food grown on board. – Гостям будет подаваться еда,

выращенная на борту.

Vegetables deep-frozen in this machine preserve all the vitamins.

How about a holiday paid for by the company?

5) But some form of artificial gravity will be required so that guests can sleep without being strapped to their beds. – Но какая-то искусственная сила

тяжести будет необходима, чтобы гости могли спать не пристегивая себя к кровати.

They will also want to eat without having to chase their food around the room.


I don’t think anyone can succeed without working hard. Please don’t do anything without being asked.

I’ll have to register your name so that you could use our library.

Why are you taking my fingerprints? – So that we know who you are next time you get here.

3b. Now make up your own sentences with the models and then translate them into Russian for your partner to translate them back into English. The models are: 1) as = поскольку, так как

2)It + to be + adj (for sb) that …;

3)sth is / will be/ was being done;

4)sth done somehow;

5)without doing sth; so that.

4.Complete the sentences with no more than three words for each answer.

1) Wolff plans to spend a __________ of his R&D budget on a space project.

2) There are plans for the provision of __________ accommodation above the Earth by 2020.

3) In space hotels, there will have to be some kind of __________ so that guests can do their normal activities.

5.Look at these expressions in the article. Choose the correct definition for

the underlined part.

1) ... look to grab their share of... (line 8) a) request b) take quickly

2) ... the market will take off... (line 19)

a) offer opportunities for business b) be more difficult to enter 3)... we are in the forefront... (lines 24-25)

a) have a leading position b) are able to take part in 4)... has one significant advantage in the race ... (line 27) a) important b) surprising

5) ...to cater for 64 tourists ... (line 41)

a) provide for the needs of b) offer special food for

6. Complete the sentences with the correct passive form of the verb: present simple, future, present continuous or -ing form.

1)At present, several inflatable space modules __________ (manufacture) by Bigelow Aerospace.

2)An orbital hotel __________ (build) in space in the near future.

3)The project cannot be completed without more money __________ (invest).

4)Progress of the construction project __________ (check) each week while it is ongoing.

5)Expansion of the tourist industry will depend on more hotels __________


6)Research __________ (carry out) by Wolff's R&D team into the needs of space tourists.


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