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Кудинова Практическиы курс англиыского языка для студентов международник Ч.4 2014

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3. Which of the following ads break the rules above?


4. Are there any ads you’ve seen recently that you object to? What don’t you like about them? Do you think they should be banned?


Reading and Speaking: Two Famous Brands

1.What do you know about Starbucks Coffee and Apple Macintosh? What is their reputation? Are they popular among your friends and family? Who are their rivals?

2.Work in pairs.

Student A: Read about Starbucks, do the matching task and retell your article to your partner answering the questions below.

Student В: Read about Apple Macintosh, do the matching task and retell your article to your partner answering the questions below.

1)When and where did the company begin?

2)Who founded it?

3)Where did the name of the company come from?

4)Why did the product become a success?

5)Has the company’s progress always been easy?

6)What makes the brand special?

7)What features of the product or company do people see as negative?

8)What are some examples of the company’s products?



Starbucks Coffee










to be on offer






coffee roaster and retailer






to serve sb


испытывать любовь, привязанность




в продаже




a bean


иметь свою цену









to care about






determination to do sth












фирменное (блюдо)


12.to be keen (on sth / sb)






m. страстно, очень сильно


14.to model sth on sth

n. оказаться каким-либо



o. быть увлеченным чем-либо


16.to come at a price

p. в конце концов




q. цель, мишень



18.a target







тем временем



20.to prove (to be) + adj


делать по образцу чего-либо



u. компания,










Anyone for a coffee? What about a Skinny Latte, or perhaps an Almond Truffle Mocha, or even a Raspberry Mocha Chip Frappuccino? These are just a few of the many speciality coffees on offer at Starbucks, the world’s leading coffee

roaster and retailer.

Starbucks serves over 25 million customers a week in 7,500 stores around the world. And this figure is increasing rapidly, with three or four new stores being opened every single day! So how did a company currently worth $5 billion get started?

Starbucks Coffee, Tea and Spice, as it was originally known, roasted its first coffee beans in 1971. This tiny coffee house in Seattle, named after a character in the novel Moby Dick, was the vision of three men – Baldwin, Siegel, and Bowker – who cared passionately about fine coffee and tea. Their determination

to provide the best quality coffee helped their business to succeed, and a decade later, their fourth store in Seattle opened.

Meanwhile, in New York, Howard Schultz, a businessman specializing in kitchen equipment, noticed that a small company in Seattle was ordering a large number of a special type of coffeemaker. Out of curiosity, he made the crosscountry trip to Seattle to find out more. Immediately he saw the Starbucks store, he knew that he wanted to be part of it. The three founder members weren't initially very keen, but a persistent

Schultz was eventually hired to be head of Starbucks marketing in 1982. He modelled the Starbucks stores on Italian espresso bars, and made them comfortable places to relax. Within the next ten years, Schultz had already opened 150 new stores and had bought the company! There are now stores all over Europe, Asia, and the Middle East. Today Starbucks is one of the world's most recognized brands.

But global success comes at a price. Although Starbucks has a company policy of fair trade and employee welfare, it has been the recent target of antiglobalization protests. Many people feel that big corporations, even responsible ones, are never a good thing, as small, independent companies can't compete and go out of business. However, Starbucks' continued success in the face of opposition shows that its blend of commercialism and comfy sofas is still proving an irresistible recipe for world domination.



Apple Macintosh






devotion to




to drop out of an educational c.

борьба за власть






to be based on sth


годовой, ежегодный


to raise capital


внимание к


to value sth




a possession


(для того,) чтобы


to introduce sb to sb / sth


из-за, благодаря


in order to do sth



10. to compete


доход(ность), прибыль(ность)

11. a power struggle



12. to resign


незаменимый (предмет)

13. due to sth



14. annual


блестящий (во всех смыслах)

15. profit(ability)


представить кому-то что-то / кого-

16. limited



17. appeal


вызывать, быть причиной

18. attention to sth


преданность чему-либо / кому-либо

19. a launch



20. sleek



21. a study


увеличить / добыть капитал

22. a lounge


основываться на


(a) must have


выпуск товара на рынок

24. to bring sth about= to cause sth


бросить учебу / быть исключенным

Are you a Maс user? For many, home computers have become synonymous with Windows and Bill Gates, but there has always been a loyal band of Apple Macintosh users, whose devotion to the Apple brand and its co-founder Steven

Jobs is almost religious.

Steven Jobs and Steven Wozniak dropped out of college and got jobs in Silicon Valley, where they founded the Apple Computer company in 1976, the name based on Jobs’ favourite fruit. They

designed the Apple I computer in Jobs’ bedroom, having raised the capital by selling their most valued possessions – an old Volkswagen bus and a scientific calculator. The later model, the Apple Macintosh, introduced the public to point and click graphics. It was the first home computer to be truly user-friendly, or as the


first advertising campaign put it, ‘the computer for the rest of us’.

When IBM released its first PC in 1981, Jobs realized that Apple would have to become a more grown-up company in order to compete effectively. He brought in John Sculley, the president of Pepsi-Cola, to do the job, asking him, ‘Do you want to just sell sugared water for the rest of your life, or do you want to change the world?’ Sculley and Jobs began to argue bitterly, however, and after a power struggle, Jobs was reluctantly forced to resign.

By 1996 Apple was in trouble, due to the dominance of Windows software and the increasing number of PC clones which could use it. Jobs, having had great success with his animation studio Pixar, was brought back to the ailing firm for an annual salary of $1, and the company gradually returned to profitability.

Apple's computers cost more than most PCs, and have a more limited range of software available for them, but their great appeal has been the attention to design, making Apple the cool computer company. The launch of the stunning multi-coloured iMac in 1997, followed by the sleek new iMac in 2002, marked

the end of the computer as an ugly, utilitarian machine, and brought the home computer out of the study and into the lounge. As Steve Jobs put it, ‘Other companies don't care about design. We think it’s vitally important.’

Apple's fortunes were transformed again with the development of the iPod in 2003, which soon became a must-have gadget and brought about a boom in Internet music sales. And of course, it was beautifully stylish.

3. Here are eight answers. Decide which four are about your article. Then

write the questions.

In Silicon Valley. Three or four. $5 billion.

In 1997. (When... launched?) Ten years. (How long... take... ?)

Because he argued with his partner. (Why... resign?) Because they can't compete. (Why... out of business?) By selling some of their possessions. (How ... ?)

4. Find adverbs ending in -ly in the texts that have these meanings. Starbucks

a)at great speed

b)at the present time

с) in the beginning, before a change

d)with strong feeling and enthusiasm

e)at the beginning


f) after a long time, especially after a delay

Apple Macintosh

a)really / genuinely

b)in a way that produces a successful result

с) in a way that shows feelings of sadness or anger

d)in a way that shows hesitation because you don’t want to do sth

e)slowly over a long period of time

f)in a very important way

5a. How do you understand the sentence “Three or four new stores are being opened every single day”? How do you translate “single” in this phrase? Translate the following sentences:

1.Every single candidate seems to have a degree in Computer Science.

2.There was not a single person on the beach at such an early hour.

3.I can’t bear her cooking porridge every single morning. How can she eat that!

4.I can’t stop thinking about it every single minute.

5.What’s wrong with the fashion week this time? Every single designer seems to be keen on violet.

5b. Make up five sentences of your own with the word “single” in the same meaning as in ex. 5a (1 statement, 1 negation, 1 question, 1 negative

question, 1 command).



6. Match the two parts of the sentences:




I don’t understand his determination…


about some major piece of luck


I don’t know how many times you


for the firm.


should be introduced…


on falsified figures.


None of them really cared…


to be a great success.


I had no idea that he had based his


to be a laughing-stock.




to the rain. Accept our


Chris had some grave doubts about his




Dad’s chances of raising…


on the band and had them all


Ladies and gentlemen, we have to


signed at a concert.


cancel the match due…


enough to buy the penguin out


Please don’t draw everybody’s


of the zoo.




about the environment, they


No one knew that the tiny event would


were just desperate to get out




of the office.


He bought every single card, being


to me, I am not supposed to be


really keen…




I have no doubt that your book will


to her so that she remembered





7. Translate, using the vocabulary from the matching tasks and ex.6:

1. Разве я не сказал, что она любит театр? Так зачем ты повел ее в цирк?


2.У известности есть своя цена – нужно либо много работать, либо ее можно купить.

3.Этот фильм основан на реальных событиях.

4.Чтобы вылететь из этого заведения, нужно сильно постараться.

5.Мобильный телефон – незаменимая вещь для современного человека.

6.Что вызвало глобальное потепление?

7.Благодаря вашей помощи мы сможем выпустить наш продукт на рынок гораздо раньше, чем планировалось.

8.Никого не было ни в гостиной, ни в кабинете.

9.Какие качества вы цените в сотрудниках?

10.Как вам удалось раздобыть денег на ваш новый фильм после провала?

11.В этот период Англия претендовала на мировое господство.

12.Ваша решимость декорировать квартиру по образцу среднеамериканского мотеля меня пугает.

Reading and Speaking: Advertising and its history

1. Read and translate the text:

To advertise means to tell people publicly about a product or service in order to persuade them to buy it. Advertising – the techniques and practices used to bring products, services or opinions to public notice for the purpose of persuading the public to respond in a certain way toward what is advertised. Most advertising involves promoting goods that are for sale, but similar methods are used to encourage people to drive safely, to support various charities, or to vote for political candidates. In many countries advertising is the most important source of income for the media through which it is conducted. The media are all the organizations, such as television, radio, and the newspapers, that provide information for the public. In the ancient and medieval world such advertising as existed was conducted by word of mouth. The first step toward modern advertising came with the development of printing in the 15th and 16th centuries. In the 17th century weekly newspapers in London began to carry advertisements, and by the 18th century such advertising was flourishing. The great expansion of business in the 19th century was accompanied by the growth of an advertising industry; it was that century, primarily in the United States, that saw the establishment of advertising agencies. Advertising agency is a company that designs and makes advertisements for other companies. By the 1920s advertising agencies could plan and execute complete advertising campaigns.

2. Find equivalents for these in the text and say in your own words in what way they were used: для того, чтобы, представить что-то публике, реагировать, включать в себя, товары, быть предназначенным для продажи, источник дохода, проводиться устно, процветать, увеличение, сопровождаться, осуществлять.


3. Restore the order in the questions and answer them:

1) What is by the term "advertising" meant? 2) What most advertising involve does? 3) Where advertising is used? 4) What the most important source of income for the media is? 5) How was advertising in the ancient and medieval world conducted? 6) What the first step toward modern advertising was? 7) Who to carry advertisements in the 17th century in London began? 8) What was accompanied the great expansion of business in the 19th century by? 9) What century the saw establishment of advertising agencies?

4. Agree or disagree with the following statements.

1) To advertise means to make an announcement, for example in a newspaper or on a poster, that a job is available. 2) Advertisement is a picture, set of words, a film etc that is used to advertise a product or service. 3) Advertising is used to bring its preconceived opinions to public notice. 4) Advertising promotes unsaleable goods for sale. 5) Advertising encourages people to make traffic violations. 6) Advertising discourages people to back up various charities. 7) Advertising has the purpose of persuading the public that charity begins at home. 8) Advertising encourages people to vote for political candidates holding extreme views in politics. 9) Advertising encourages people to hold a candle to the devil. 10) Advertising is something that gives people what they want, knowing it is not good for them.11) Advertising is the most important source of income for the gutter press. 12) Advertising tuckers any man of sense out. 13) Advertising makes anyone extremely angry or annoyed.

Listening and Grammar Revision (Tenses): TV and Radio

1.All these variants are correct. Say in which situation which tense is used:

1.I read / I was reading a book on the plane.

2.When Alice arrived, I made a cake / I was making a cake / I had made a cake.

3.The film started / The film had started when we got to the cinema.

4.Jack was fired as he had stolen some money / he had been stealing money for years.

5.When I got to the garage, my car was being repaired / had been repaired.

2. Rewrite the sentences as one sentence, beginning with the part in bold.

Example: She won £2.000 in a competition. Last night Sally was celebrating. Last night Sally was celebrating because she'd won £2,000 in a competition.

1.He got up at dawn. He was driving for ten hours. Peter was tired when he arrived home.

2.I parked my car on a yellow line. It was towed away. I went to get my car, but it wasn’t there. (When...)

3.He wasn’t always poor. He had a successful business. Unfortunately, it went bust. Mick was a homeless beggar.

4.They were shopping all day. They spent all their money on clothes. Jane and Peter arrived home. They were broke. (When...)


5.He saw a house in Scotland. He first saw it while he was driving on holiday. Last week John moved to the house.

3.Listen to the first story. Correct the mistakes in the sentences.

Before you listen, make sure you know these words and phrases: to rescue sb, beneath, to be trapped, to dig, to collapse, an investigation.

a)Ten workers have died.

b)They’d been trapped up a mountain.

c)They’d been building a new road.

d)There was an avalanche.

e)Sixteen men managed to escape.

f)Ten were fatally injured.

g)The men were recovering at home.

h)The cause of the accident is known.

4. Listen to the second news item. Here are the answers to some questions. Write the questions.

Before you listen, make sure you know these words and phrases: to be missing, to issue sth, to search sth / sb, to spot sb / sth, to alert sb, a shed, for a dare.

a) For two days.

e) A neighbour.

b) After school on Wednesday.

f) In a garden shed.

c) Their photographs.

g) No, they hadn’t. (... realized...?)

d) Nearby houses.


5. Listen again and make notes, then write one-two sentences to summarise each extract. Exchange your copybook with your neighbour on your right and compare your versions. Discuss the differences in your summaries.

Dictionary Work: Synonyms

The ASA it concerned with the use of language in advertising. The use of the words ‘free’ and ‘guaranteed’, for example, are strictly controlled. The authority however admits that words like ‘best’ and ‘finest’ have become so devalued that they can be used in advertising. Imagine you are creating an advertisement. Which words would you choose for these sentences to make the product sell better?

1.The lipstick is: a) cherry red b) crimson c) blood red.

2.The eye-shadow is: a) black diamond b) coal black c) sooty.

3.The cigar has a strong a) aroma b) smell c) odour d) stink.

4.This jacket is especially suitable for men who are: a) fat b) stout c) well-built.

5.The new alcoholic drink is: a) sharp-tasting b) acid c) dry.

Reading, Speaking and Grammar: 3-D is Back

1.What have been the most important changes in technology in film-making and cinema, do you think? How do you think things might change in the


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