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Motivation in Action

Imagine that you are a head of a company. Speak about motivation. What motivators are there in your company? What motivators can you offer to make your employees work more enthusiastically? To sound more naturally, use the phrases below:

It is a well known fact that …, It is interesting to note that …, Well…, Actually, …, In fact…,

All in all…, To sum up…, etc.

Source: Simon Sweeney. Series Eddition: Nick Brieger. Professional English Management, 2-nd imprssion 2002, First Published 2002, Pearson Education Limited, Edinburg Gate, Harlow, Essex CM20 2JE, England. Section 2. Unit 13.



Task 1. Discuss the following questions:

1.What is business ethic?

2.What of the opinions below do you agree with:

A businessman should always act with the law.

The goal of any enterprise is to give maximum profit to their shareholder.

A businessman should be responsible to his suppliers, customers and employees.

A business should adhere to common standards of morality and ethic. Business can`t be fair.

Task 2. Read and memorize the words below that will help you understand the text.

1.establish [ɪˈstæblɪʃ] – основывать

2.pension [ˈpɛnʃən] - пенсия

3.employee [ɛmˈplɔɪiː ] – работник

4.employer [ɪmˈplɔɪə ]- работодатель

5.employee stock ownership [ɛmˈplɔɪiː stɒk ˈəʊnəʃɪp] – принадлежность акций служащим компании

6.life insurance [ɪnˈʃʊərəns] – страхование жизни

7.scheme [skiːm ] - схема

8.unemployment [ʌnɪmˈplɔɪmənt] - безработица

9.legal service [ˈliːɡəl ˈsɜːvɪsɪz] - предоставление юридических услуг

10.charity [ˈtʃærɪtɪ ] - благотворительность

11.argue [ˈɑːɡjuː] – убеждать, приводить доводы

12.reason [ ˈriːzən] - причина


13.legitimacy [lɪˈdʒɪtɪməsɪ] - законность

14.existence [ɪɡˈzɪstəns] - существование

15.perfect competition [ˈpɜːfɪkt/ ˌkɒmpɪˈtɪʃən] – эк. совершенная конкуренция

16.inadequate [ɪnˈædɪkwɪt ] - недостаточный

17.welfare capitalism[ˈwɛlˌfɛə] – благополучный,состоятельный капитализм

18.favourable [ˈfeɪvərəbəl] - благоприятный

19.workforce [ˈwɜːkˌfɔːs ] – рабочая сила

20.loyal [ˈlɔɪəl ] - преданный

21.educated [ˈɛdjʊˌkeɪtɪd] - образованный

22.efficient [ɪˈfɪʃənt] – эффективный, результативный

23.benefit [ˈbɛnɪfɪt ] - преимущество

24.confine [kənˈfaɪn ] - ограничивать

25.initiative [ɪˈnɪʃɪətɪv] - инициатива

26.survival [səˈvaɪvəl] - выживание

27.conduct [ˈkɒndʌkt] - выполнять

28.conform [kənˈfɔːm] - соответствовать

29.exemplify [ɪɡˈzɛmplɪˌfaɪ] – иллюстрировать, показывать

30.stakeholder model [ˈsteɪkˌhəʊldə ] – модель акционера

31.approach [əˈprəʊtʃ ] - подход

32.board of directors [bɔːd ɒv dɪˈrɛktə] – совет директоров

33.local community [ˈləʊkəl kəˈmjuːnɪtɪ] - местная община

34.stockholders [ˈstɒkˌhəʊldə ] - акционер

35.proponent [prəˈpəʊnənt ] - сторонник

36.bear the costs [bɛə ] - нести расходы

Task 3. Read and translate the text.

Profits and Social Responsibility

In the 1920-th many large American corporations began to establish pension funds, employee stock ownership, life insurance schemes, unemployment compensation funds and high wages. They built houses, churches, schools and libraries, provided medical and legal services and gave money to charities.

In the Generous Corporations, Neil J. Mitchell argues that the reason for many of these actions was that large corporations had a legitimacy problem. The existence of large corporations showed that the classical economic theory of perfect competition was inadequate. Large corporations introduced “welfare capitalism” as a way of creating favourable public opinion. It was realized that a better paid workforce would be more loyal and would be able to buy more goods and services. A better educated workforce would also be more efficient one. Since the benefits of such initiatives are not confined to those who bear the costs, Milton Friedman has criticized them for being unbusinesslike and for threatening the survival of individual corporations. He


says that the business should be conducted to make as much money as it is possible, to the basic rules of the society.

An alternative view was exemplified by Friedman`s article. It is a “stakeholder model”. According to this approach business managers have responsibilities to all the groups of people with a stake in: suppliers, customers, employees, the local community and stockholders. Proponents of the stakeholder approach suggest that suppliers, customers, employees and members of the local community should be strongly represented on the company`s board of directors.

Source: Ian MacKenzie, A course for Business Studies and Economics students. — 2nd edition. — Cambridge University Press, 2002. — 206 p.p.125 .

Task 4. Match Russian and English equivalents:




































Task 5. Make all possible collocations:




























































































































































































































of directors













































































and services






























Task 6. Fill in the gaps with the proper word or phrase:

perfect competition, establish, favourable, legitimacy problems, stakeholder, efficient, workforce, provide, society, unbusinesslike.


1.The primary objectives of the financial risk management function are to 1)… risk limits, and then ensure that exposure to risks stays within these limits. [JSCB Russlavbank. Financial Statements (2010)].

2.It is larger than the present office and will 2) … improved administrative facilities and a showroom [https://www.lingvolive.com/ru-ru].

3.To address the 3) … , some policy analysts diagnosed democratic deficits in regulatory procedures and stakeholder relations .[ http://regulation.upf.edu/ecpr-05- papers/llevidow.pdf ].

4.In economics and general equilibrium theory, a perfect market is defined by several conditions, collectively called 4) …


5.Public relations usually do with creating, promoting, or maintaining goodwill and a 5) … image among the public towards an institution, public body, etc. [https://www.lingvolive.com/ru-ru].

6.To spend so much on promotional company of a new product seems to be 6)

….among professionals. All should be done within reason.

7.Chief executive is usually responsible for the 7) … running of a company, organization, etc.

8.The size of the 8) … of an organization was achieved by not replacing employees who retire or resign.

9.An example of a 9) … is a person who has invested in a business and who will be impacted by whether the business is profitable or not [http://www.yourdictionary.com/stakeholder].

10.Lloyd's Register is a 10) … formed in 1760 by a group of merchants operating at Lloyd's coffee house to draw up rules concerning the construction of merchant ships [https://www.lingvolive.com/ru-ru].

Task 7. Answer the following questions. To state your opinion use the following phrases:

I think…. I believe…. I feel…. I suppose…. I guess … In my view…. In my opinion…. It seems to me that…. From my point of view … As far as I’m concerned…. Personally, I think…. I’d like to point out that…:

1.What did large corporations begin to establish in 1920-s?

2.What is Neil J. Mitchell1s opinion upon the company`s activities to establish public services?

3.What did the existence of large corporations show?

4.What was realized “welfare capitalism” was introduced?

5.Was the theory of “welfare capitalism” favourable for everyone?

6.What is “stakeholder model”?

7.What do proponents of the stakeholder approach suggest?

8.What kind of approach are you in favour of?


Task 8. Make the questions so that the expressions below are the answers:

a) 1920-s, b) houses, c) churches, d) schools and other establishments, e) Generous Corporations, f) favourable public opinion, g) Milton Friedman.

Task 9. a) Find the examples of the Passive Voice constructions in the text.

b) Fill in the sentences below with the verbs in the Past, Present or Future Passive forms.

charge, promote, prosecute, discriminate, inform, fine, accuse, install

1.A glass ceiling is an unofficial barrier. That means that people .... (not) even if theydeserveit.

2.In the beginning of her carrier she … for being a woman in a man`s world.

3.Last year the factory …. against dumping chemicals in the river.

4.At present a minister … against illegal expenditure.

5.A manager and a stockbroker … against illegallyexploiting market information.

6.Three car dealers … for fixing the prices of their vehicles.

7.The tracking systems … in the financial establishments last month to fight against crimes.

8.Nobody should … about the real financial situation of the company so that to provide fair trading.

c)Which of the sentences above describe the following crimes:

a) damaging the environment

d) bribery and corruption

b) unfair competition

e) unfair employment practices

c) insider trading


Source: Profile 2. Iintermediate student's book. By Jon Naunton. Print book. Thai. 2012 ... by Jon Naunton; James Greenan; Oxford University Press. 176 p. p. 95.

Task 10. Below are the activities of some companies. Decide if they conform to the basic rules of society, or not?

1.Bribing corrupt foreign officials in order to win foreign orders, on the grounds that where briberyis a wayof life, you have no alternative if you want to win a contract.

2.Industrial espionage – spying on competitor`s R&D departments with concealed cameras and microphones, bribing their employees, etc. – rather than doing your own expensive research and development.

3.Selling supposedly durable goods with “built-in obsolescence”, which you know will not last more than a few years.

4.Telling only half the truth in advertisements or exaggerating a great deal or keeping quiet about the bad aspects of a product.

5.“Whistle blowing”, i.e. revealing confidential information to the police or to a newspaper that a companyis breaking health and safetyregulations and therefore putting people`s lives in danger.


Source: Ian MacKenzie, A course for Business Studies and Economics students. — 2nd edition. — Cambridge University Press, 2002. — 206 p.p. 126-127.

Task 11. Look at the ethical aspects that may occur in a company. Fill in the gaps with the proper word. Which of them do you find acceptable/unacceptable?

confidentional, testing, opportunities, whistle, advertizing, presenting, hospitality, promotion.

1.Fast food ….

2.Animal … of pharmaceutical products.

3.-blowing to expose violation of labour discipline.

4.Having unequal … policy in employment.

5.Revealing … information about your company to your competitors when changing job.

6.… gifts to your regular customers.

7.… of sweets to children.

8.Offering corporate … to employees.

Source: Simon Sweeney. Series Eddition: Nick Brieger. Professional English Management, 2-nd imprssion 2002, First Published 2002, Pearson Education Limited, Edinburg Gate, Harlow, Essex CM20 2JE, England. Section 2. Unit 29.

Task 12. Role play.

Student A: Imagine that you are in favour of welfare capitalism theory. Think of 10 reasons to prove that this theory is the only reasonable one. Present your views to the Student B. Listen to his/her opinion and disagree.

Student B: Imagine that you are in favour of stakeholder model theory. Think of 10 reasons to prove that this theory is the only reasonable one. Present your views to the Student A. Listen to his/her opinion and disagree.

Useful language:

Phrases for disagreeing

Phrases for interrupting

I see your point, but….

Sorry to interrupt, but….

Well, I see things rather differently….

Is it ok if I jump in for a moment….

That’s one way of looking at it, how-

If I might add something….


Do you mind if I add something….

Umm, I’m not sure about that….

Excuse me for a second, but….

I don’t really agree with that idea….

Let me finish what I have to say first….

I agree up to a point, but….

Excuse me for interrupting, but….

Well, I don’t quite agree with you….

Just a moment, I’d like to add some-

I’m afraid, I disagree….

thing here….



1. Do the crossword puzzle below, containing the vocabulary fromthe Units 1-3:










































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Создан cовместно с Кроссгеном на сайте Биоуроки, [Электронный ресурс]. – Режим доступа: URL: http://biouroki.ru/workshop/crossgen.html (время обращения – 20.08.2017).





Something that you come up with

2. something arranged in a definite pat-

when you make up your mind (N.).

tern of organization (N.).


The position above your level (N.).

3. A person who makes goods available


Practical ability

for some department in a company (N.).


The advantages the company offers

5. The synonym for the staff of the


company (N.).


The person is … when it is their job

9. favorable or desired outcome (N.).

to do smth. (Adj.).

10. the act or fact of being raised in po-

11. Strategy, way to do (N.).

sition or rank (N.).

14 Goal, aim (N.).

12. something arousing competitive in-



terest, thought, or action. Difficult but



interesting (Adj.).



13. something repeating over and over



again (Adj.).




Создан совместно с Кроссгеном на сайте Биоуроки, [Электронный ресурс]. – Режим доступа: URL: http://biouroki.ru/workshop/crossgen.html(время обращения – 20.08.2017).

2. Use the words below to complete the paragraph below. Notice that the stressed syllable changes in this group of words.



















Motivating Staff

A few years ago, Harry Coe`s, a large 1) … of tinned food 2) …s, decided that some of their workers were not 3) … enough. Much of the work of preparing fruit and vegetables was done on rows of tables rather than on a 4) … line. So they decided to introduce a piecework system, thereby workers got paid according to the amount of work they completed. The company thought that this would motivate previously 5) … workers, and thereby increase 6) …. . Yet the new pay scheme did not 7) … the results they expected: after six months they were still processing the same amount of agricultural 8) … , but there was a lot of dissatisfaction among the workers who were now all earning different amounts of money.

Source: Ian MacKenzie, A course for Business Studies and Economics students. — 2nd edition. — Cambridge University Press, 2002. — 206 p.p. 34.

Ethical Aspects of Management in Action

Think of other ethical aspects of Management. Which of them do you find important? What ethical aspects would you follow in your company?



Task 1. Discuss the following questions:

1.What is crisis management?

2.What are the ways to avoid it?


Task2.Readand memorizethewordsbelow thatwillhelpyouunderstandthetext.

1.crisis [ˈkraɪsɪs] - кризис

2.effect [ɪˈfɛkt ] - влиять

3.bottom line – суть, определяющий фактор

4.at first blush – на первый взгляд

5.catastrophe [kəˈtastrəfi] - катастрофа

6.product recall [ˈprɒdʌkt rɪˈkɔːl] - отзыв товара с рынка

7.labor disputes [ˈleɪbər ] - трудовые споры

8.endless [ˈɛndləs ] - бесконечный

9.temporary [ˈtɛmp(ə)rəri] – временный

10.demise [dɪˈmʌɪz ] - прекращение деятельности; спад деловой активности

11.handle [ˈhand(ə)l] – обращаться, управлять

12.absorb [əbˈzɔːb ] – поглощать, принимать

13.losses [ˈlɒsɪz ] - потери

14.short haul [hɔːl ] - небольшой отрезок времени

15.lump [lʌmp] - сваливать в кучу

16.product tampering [ˈtæmpərɪŋ] - фальсификация продуктов

17.tamper-proof packaging [ˈtampə pruːf pakɪdʒɪŋ] - упаковка,

предохраняющая от ударов

18.liability insurance [lʌɪəˈbɪlɪti ɪnˈʃʊər(ə)ns] - страхование гражданской ответственности

19.blind-side - нанести неожиданный удар, ударить исподтишка

20.avoid [əˈvɔɪd] – избегать

21.oil spill [ɔɪl spɪl] - нефтяная утечка, пятно

22.BP – сокр. от British Petroleum (крупнейшая британская нефтяная компания)

23.insidious [ɪnˈsɪdɪəs ] - хитрый, неявно выраженный

24.respond [rɪˈspɒnd] - отвечать

25.threat [θrɛt ] – угроза

26.forecasting [ˈfɔːkɑːstɪŋ ] – прогнозирование

27.recover [rɪˈkʌvə ] – восстановиться

28.experience [ɪkˈspɪərɪəns ] – испытывать

29.intervene [ɪntəˈviːn] – вмешиваться

30.public relations [ˈpʌblɪk rɪˈleɪʃənz] - связи с общественностью

Task 3. Read and translate the text.

What is Crisis Management

a guest blog submission by Michael Nayor, founder and CEO of crisis consulting firm The Rhodell Group


A business crisis can be anything that can negatively affect a company’s reputation or bottom line. Many events at first blush may not appear to be serious. Natural catastrophes, product recalls, labor disputes, computer data losses. The list is endless. Some are temporary. Some can cause the demise of a company. Most can be handled with honesty and the realization that it may be necessary to absorb losses over the short haul in order to achieve a long and healthy business life.

Two distinct categories of crisis need to be recognized. In one we lump all those events over which we have no control, such as by outside forces or natural disasters. Even in these situations there are always some actions we can take: tamper-proof packaging,liabilityinsurance,proper protocols.But generallythese events can blind-side us.

The second category contains all those events that might have been avoided had we chosen to take the actions necessary to protect ourselves and the public. We look at the BP oil spill and see things that surely could have been done. Other events are not so obvious and these are the ones that can be insidious.

Crisis management is the nature of activities to respond to a major threat to a person, group or organization. Crisis management is a relatively new field of management. Typically, proactive crisis management activities include forecasting potential crises and planning how to deal with them, for example, how to recover if your computer system completely. Many people would refer to this, instead, as risk management and not crisis management.

Hopefully, organizations have time and resources to complete a crisis management plan before they experience a crisis. Crisis management in the face of a current, real crisis includes identifying the real nature of a current crisis, intervening to minimize damage and recovering from the crisis. Crisis management often includes strong focus on public relations to recover any damage to public image and assure stakeholders that recovery is underway.

Source: Free Management Library [Электронный ресурс]. – Режим доступа: URL: http://managementhelp.org/crisismanagement/ (время обращения – 15.08.2017).

Task 4. Match the words to their definitions:

1.bottom line


a shell that protects a good from damage



lasting for some time



the business of inducing the public to have


understanding for and goodwill toward a person,


firm, or institution;



acting in anticipation of future problems,


needs, or changes

5.public relations


basis, the most important part of something




6.tamper-proof packaging


to calculate or predict (some future event or





to bring back to normal position or condi-

