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Навчальний посібник з англійської мови для студентів 1 курсу економічних спеціальностей .docx
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Ex.1. Write the numbers and practise saying them.

1. seven hundred and fifty (BrE) = seven hundred fifty (AmE)

2. nine hundred and ninety-nine

3. one thousand four hundred and forty six

4. nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine

5. seven hundred and fifty thousand

6. two hundred and sixty thousand, one hundred and twenty-seven

7. ten thousand and one

8. seven and a half million

9. one million, two hundred and twenty-five thousand

10. three hundred and three million

11. three point nine per cent

12. twelve point five per cent

Ex.2. Write the figures in words, then practise saying them.

1. 100; 101; 175; 210; 777

2. 1,000; 1,040; 1,100; 2,400

3. 100,000; 260,127; 500,000; 999, 900

4. 1,000,000; 1,225,375; 2,666,300; 4,385,567

Ex.3. Read aloud the following information about the total area of some countries.

  1. With the third-largest population in the world after China and India, the USA is the fourth largest country in the world. The total area of the country is 9,629,091square kilometres.

  2. In comparison, the total area of the United Kingdom is 242,900 square kilometers.

  3. The total area of the largest country in the world, Russia, is 17,098,242 square kilometres.

  4. The world’s second largest country, Canada occupies the whole of the northern part of the North American Continent. The total area of Canada is 9,984,670 sq. km.

Do you know the total area of your country?

Ex.4. How would you say these sums of money in English?

$1 or $1.00 one dollar; $25.01 – twenty-five dollars and one cent

1. $8.75; $34.10; $432; $5,642; $3,350.55; $26,836,000;

2. €10.50; €1,280; €150, 263; €1,786,000;

3. ₤150.99; ₤255,000; ₤805,600; ₤1,490,000

Ex. 5. Write these numbers in a decimal form.

1. three hundred twenty-one point seven - 321.7

2. one hundred twenty seven point five

3. eight hundred seventy-three point four

4. twenty-five point nine eight seven

5. nought point five four eight

6. nought point five five

7. nought point oh one

8. nought point oh oh one

Ex.6. Compare and read the following numbers out.

1. 3,141 and 3.141

2. 15.001 and 15,001

3. 26.012 and 26,012

4. 1.125 and 1,125

5. 7,010 and 7.010

6. 2.012; 2,212; the year 2012

7. 1.917; 1,917; the year 1917

8. 21.019 and 21,019

Ex.7. Read the sentences aloud.

  1. The most common item of lost property on London transport is the umbrella. 23,250 umbrellas were handed in to London transport lost property offices last year.

  2. The country with the most telephones in the world is Monaco. It has 733 telephones per 1 000 population.

  3. The smallest country in the world is the Vatican City with an area of 1.14 square kilometres and a population of 826.

  4. We opened our new office on 5 April, 2000.

  5. Visits to our website have increased to 82,000 daily. We now have over 400,000 regular users.

  6. Sales increased from €5m to €5.8m. And we expect to increase our sales target by at least 50% and become the leading on-line designer clothing company.

  7. We can usually offer a discount of 1/3 off the list price.

  8. $1,000,000? But that’s over €1,090,000!

  9. For more information, call free phone 0800 521 382.

  10. You can also fax on 1569 242 677.

  11. Call me at the office. You can usually catch me there after 8.30.

  12. It takes me 3/4 of an hour to walk to the office.

  13. 14% of land is privately owned, which is a small percentage.

  14. It’s either 0.431 or 4.031, I can’t remember.

  15. No, it’s 14,236, not 14.236!

Ex.8. A hundred, one hundred, or hundreds of?

Complete the sentences, using the words in brackets in the correct form. The first two sentences have been done for you.

  1. I’ve told you __________ times. (hundred) - I’ve told you a hundred times. (which means ‘many times’)

  2. I still have ______things to do. (thousand) – I still have a thousand things to do.

  3. __________ refugees are flooding into the neighbouring country. (thousand)

  4. We’re prepared to sell the item for a sum of __________ pounds. (hundred)

  5. He wants __________ dollars for his car. (thousand)

  6. I’ve heard that excuse __________ times. (million)

  7. There were only half __________ people at the party. (dozen)

  8. We received __________ of applications for the job. (hundred)

  9. Wow! You look like __________ dollars tonight! (million)

  10. Los Angeles has a population of over three __________ . (million)

Ex.9. Use the numbers as adjectives. Be attentive with all the necessary changes.

1. forty five minutes, a lesson – a forty-five-minute lesson

2. two hours, a trip – a two-hour trip

3. twenty minutes, a walk – _________________________

4. seventy-five dollars, a price cut – ___________________

5. twelve weeks, a semester – ________________________

6. twenty degrees, a fall in temperature – _______________

7. twenty thousand pounds, a car – ____________________

8. forty thousands, a loan – __________________________

9. fifteen percent, a discount – ________________________

10. ten tons, a truck – ______________________________

Ex.10. Samantha Baretti has just returned to the office after her marketing trip to Malaysia. She turns on the answer phone and hears the following messages. Complete her notes in a numerical form.

Marketing meeting scheduled for the tenth of April at two o’clock in room three. Expected to last two hours. Please confirm you can attend by phoning extension sixty-five, double six.

Marketing meeting on ______ at ______. in ______ . Call ext. ______ .

New shelving for your office to be delivered on the eleventh of March after ten o’clock. Dimensions are four point five metres wide, two point eight metres in length and forty centimetres deep. Please ring two six two seven three one if this time is not convenient.

Delivery on ______ after ______ . Dimensions: ______ . Ring ______ .

Don’t understand your marketing expenses. Your receipts are for one hundred and fifty pounds, five hundred euros, one thousand fifty Indonesian rupiahs, and seven thousand four hundred and sixty Malaysian ringgits. This does not convert to eight hundred sixteen pounds. Please ring accounts.

Marketing receipts: _____________________________________________

Ex.11. List your three biggest monthly expenses. Say how much you spend each month on rent, food, shopping, transportation, and/or entertainment.

Ex.12. Ask each member of your mini-group about their expenses. Compare group averages. You can start your questions in the following way:

A: Susan, how much do you spend on __________ (telephone, electricity, room payment, food, entertainment)?

B: Oh, I spend about __________ . What about you?

C: Nothing, I live with my parents but every month I spend _______ on _______.

Ex.13. Someone is querying some invoices. Give them the information using the data below.

e.g. Invoice number fifteen, dated December the seventeenth two thousand and eleven, is for five hundred and twenty six pounds, seventeen pence.

Invoice No.







December 17th 2012

12th January 2013

Aug. 30th 2012


21st Feb.2012







Ex.14. Make a brief presentation of the company.

Nike, Inc.

(founded in 1964 as Blue Ribbon Sports, officially became Nike, Inc. in 1978)

Main business activities

Head office


Net income

Number of employees

Manufacture of sportswear and sports equipment

Washington County, Oregon, US

$19,2 billion

(Fiscal Year) 2009)

$1,49 bln

(FY 2009)

30,200 worldwide

Ex.15. Find the required information on the economy of the United Kingdom. Then, using the data, make a brief report.


Labour force:

Unemployment rate:






External debt:

Ex.16. Correct the mistakes if there are any.

  1. There were hundreds of people in the square.

  2. Kenya is still paying off a multimillion-dollars loan to the IMF.

  3. Two third of the field was under water.

  4. Six hundred thousands people were left homeless after the earthquake.

  5. Richard is on the top floor, in room eight hundred and two.

  6. May I take your telephone number? – Certainly. It’s two hundred and forty-five, sixty-five, double seven.

  7. We expect a five and a half per cent wage increase.

  8. This watch normally retails at sixty hundred pounds, but I got it for only three hundreds fifty-five.

  9. They are firing almost quarter of the workforce.

  10. The phone rang at half past four o’clock in the morning.

  11. In the early thirty of the last century this hotel was very popular with tourists.

  12. The city spent one million and two hundreds dollars for snow removal last year.

  13. The company’s profits rose by eleven per cents in the first quarter of the year.

  14. A centimeter is about two-fives of an inch, or nought point three nine four inches to be exact.

  15. Two per cents of the British population owned ninety per cent of the country’s wealth in nineteen and ninety-two.

Ex.17. Translate the following word combinations into English.

А. 20 кілограмів, 350 грамів, півтори тонни, 3/5тонни;

33 сантиметри, 2 ½ дюйма, сто метрів, 1/4 кілометра, 60 кілометрів;

500 доларів, 501фунт, 47 процентів, 2,65 процентів, 0,65 проценту;

B. півгодини, півкілограма, півкілометра, півмільйона євро;

півтори години, півтора століття, півтори тонни, півтора метра;

десяток ящиків - десятки ящиків, дюжина яєць – дюжини червоних троянд,

сто років – сотні туристів, тисяча вибачень – тисячі туристів;

C. 60 км за годину, 2 дні на тиждень, 4 рази на рік, 500 доларів на тиждень, 5 тонн вугілля за місяць;

D. двогодинна подорож, десятивідсоткова знижка, п'ятитонна вантажівка, тримільйонний доларовый контракт/ контракт на три мільйони доларів

Ex.18. Translate into English. Write the numbers in words.

  1. Сотні людей бажають знати іноземні мови.

  2. 2\3 студентів одержали на екзамені відмінні оцінки.

  3. Кімната 303 на третьому поверсі.

  4. Тімоті не вистачило грошей на машину, і він позичив 1,300 у свого дядька.

  5. Я не зрозумів. 2.933 або 2,943?

  6. Вони спромоглися продати будинок за €200,000.

  7. На цій світлині центр нашого міста, як він виглядав на початку двадцятих років минулого століття.

  8. У 1900 році тільки 15% населення США мешкало у великих містах, у 1970 – 73,5%.

  9. У неділю температура в Нью-Йорку впала до -10°С.

  10. Не могли б Ви підказати мені номер його телефону? – Безумовно, 3572 637 622.

  11. Мій літак відправляється о 15.30. – Тоді нам краще відправитись в аеропорт о 12.30 або навіть раніше. Ми доїдемо туди приблизно за півгодини.

  12. “Я заплачу”, - сказала Еліс і витягла 20 фунтову купюру.

  13. Учора французький уряд ухвалив проект розвитку східної частини Парижа на суму €701,266,000.

  14. Це утворить додатково 22,000 робочих місць до 2015 року.

  15. Порівняно з минулим роком, продажі “The Financial Times” цього місяця збільшилися на 12,4%.