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Навчальний посібник з англійської мови для студентів 1 курсу економічних спеціальностей .docx
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If you're determined not to be caught cardless again, here are some tips to help you remember:

a) Invest in new cards.

If you haven't ordered business cards within the past two years, there's a good chance that the information or photo is out of date by now. And if your last order was for 1000 cards and there are still 990 cards left, ask yourself why you haven't been passing them out. If it's because you dislike the cards, pitch them and get business cards you're proud of!

b) Draft and practice a business card presentation.

Unless you're comfortable and confident when handing out your card, you won't do it. Besides, the words and actions that accompany your business card when you give it to someone can really cement a positive first impression.

c) Tuck a few business cards everywhere.

Your car's glove compartment. Your briefcase. Your gym bag. Your wife's purse. Next to the front door on the table where you keep your keys. Your desk drawer. Your secretary's desk. The pocket of your coat. Your suitcase.

A. Look at the phrases and words in italics in the text and explain what they mean.

B. Answer the following questions:

  1. What tips about business cards do you find interesting?

  2. How to invest in new cards?

  3. To your mind, which method of remembering about cards is better?

  4. How can your business card cement a positive first impression?

  5. Where would you keep your business cards?

C. Complete the sentences:

    1. If it's because you dislike the cards, pitch them and ____________________.

    2. If you haven't ordered business cards within the past two years, there's a good chance that ____________________________________________________.

    3. Besides, the words and actions that accompany your business card when you give it to______________________________________________________.

    4. If your last order was for 1000 cards and there are still 990 cards left, ask yourself ______________________________________________________.

    5. Forgetting your business card is __________________________________.

Grammar present tenses

Ex.1. Find the verbs in the sentences below, define their tense forms and translate the sentences into Ukrainian.


Every morning my grandfather reads a fresh newspaper. (Present Simple) He is reading his favourite newspaper now. (Present Continuous) He has been reading it for half an hour. (Present Perfect Continuous) Oh, he has read the newspaper, and is now discussing the news with my father. (1- Present Perfect; 2 – Present Continuous)

  1. The factory produces electric motors. The factory has been producing electric motors for 50 years. Recently, the factory has produced a new model. The factory is launching a new model these days.

  2. Lucy is a florist. She works for Evelyne’s. She has been working there for two years. This week Lucy is working at the exhibition of flowers.

  3. - Maggie, it’s time to go.

- Has it stopped raining?

- No, but it isn’t raining heavily.

- Paul, it has been raining all day. I don’t want to leave home and get wet.

  1. - What are you watching?

- BBC weekly news.

- Do you know what is on after the news?

- A serial. This soap opera has been running for about a year. You won’t believe this; my mom has already seen more than two hundred series.

Ex.2. Define what tense forms should be used in the following micro-situations. Refer to the Table of Present Tenses if necessary. You don’t need to translate the sentences.

  1. Алекс, ти керуєш машиною? – Ні, але я вчуся. Ось уже два тижні, як я хожу на курси водіїв.

  2. Сьюзан, де Фред? – Він в аналітичному відділі. Вони з Мaйклом з самого ранку коректують базу даних.

  3. Энтонi, м-р Райт вже підписав документи? – Ні. М-ра Райта немає на місці. Я чекаю на нього. Між іншим, я чекаю на нього з 3-ої години.

  4. Що ти шукаєш на моєму столі, Мері? – Вибач, Хелен, нашому босу знадобився лист від М&S. Ми з Евелін шукаємо його з самого ранку.

  5. Займайтесь своїми справами. Я вже віддала йому листа.

  6. Дивись, Люсі знову з кимось розмовляє по телефону. Наша нова співробітниця забагато теревенить з подружками.

  7. Може, зараз вона розмовляє по справі? – Навряд, ось вже хвилин 10 як вона обговорює з кимось колір нової сумочки або щось там ще.

  8. Ви вже надрукували звіт? – Ні ще, я якраз цим займаюсь. – Єво, але ви друкуєте цю сторінку вже цілу годину.