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Навчальний посібник з англійської мови для студентів 1 курсу економічних спеціальностей .docx
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Language skills

Ex.11. Ask questions to which the following sentences may be answers.

  1. There's no one universally accepted answer.

  2. In 1776, with the publication of Adam Smith's Wealth of Nations.

  3. The first comprehensive defence of the free market.

  4. Because previous tentative schools of economics were abandoned.

  5. They are land, labour, capital and entrepreneurship.

  6. It arises from the problem of scarcity.

  7. Because people want more than is available.

  8. Limited income (time or ability) keeps us from doing and having all that we might like.

  9. The option or options that a person gives up.

  10. The opportunity cost of a particular choice.

  11. What to produce? For whom to produce? How to produce?

  12. To determine the needs of individual consumers.

  13. In order to cater for many and varied needs of consumers.

  14. The demand from consumers and available resources.

  15. By the demand for the various products as well as the availability of the resources required to produce those goods and services.

Ex.12. Answer the following questions.

  1. How can you answer the question “What is economics?”

  2. What is the central concept of Adam Smith's Wealth of Nations?

  3. What is the difference between a good and a service?

  4. Which factors of production are there?

  5. What does land represent?

  6. What kind of work do labourers perform?

  7. Who can be called an entrepreneur?

  8. What is capital?

  9. Why is economics sometimes called the study of scarcity?

  10. What is the cost of any choice?

  11. What is the task of economics in the situation of scarce resources and unlimited human needs?

  12. Name the main problem in economics.

  13. What are the main branches of economics?

  14. Explain the difference between microeconomics and macroeconomics.

  15. What does economics teach, provide and help to understand?

Ex. 13. Make a presentation of the topic “What is economics”.


Ex.14. Write a plan for a summary of Text A.

Ex. 15. Write a brief summary (25-30 sentences) of Text A.

Ex. 16. Write an essay (100 – 150 words) about:

  • the problem of scarcity and opportunity cost.

Discussion points

Ex.17. Answer the following questions.

  1. What is economics?

  2. What is scarcity? Give some examples of rich people and poor people facing scarcity.

  3. Why does scarcity force us to make choices?

  4. Why do we care about what goods and services are produced? Give some examples of goods that you value highly and goods on which you place a low value.

  5. Why do we care about how goods and services are produced? (Think about cost.)

  6. Why do we care about when or where goods and services are produced?

  7. Why do we care about who gets the goods and services that are produced?

  8. What do we mean by the related ideas of trade-off and opportunity cost? Give some examples of trade-offs that you have made today and of opportunity costs that you have incurred.

  9. Explain why for the economy, as a whole, expenditure equals income and the value of production.

  10. Why does unemployment occur? Is all unemployment a problem?

Ex.18. Name as many famous economists as you know. Explain their role in the development of economic science.

Ex.19. Economics has been called “the study of scarcity and choice”. How does this relate to your budget for the week? How does this relate to your nation’s budget?