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Gastroenterology / Заболевания поджелудочной железы и кишечника для иностранцев со звуком.PPT
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of fat metabolism include:


-hypocholesterolemia, leading to a decrease in hormone synthesis, impaired permeability of cell membranes;

-steatorrhea - its obligatory companion - a deficiency of fat-soluble vitamins (dry skin, blurred vision and other symptoms of hypovitaminosis);

-hypocalcemia, which develops as a result of loss of calcium in the feces in the form of soaps and is manifested by numbness of the lips, toes and hands, ossalgia, aggravated at rest, osteoparosis and other symptoms.

carbohydrate absorption include: hypoglycemia that occurs after taking concentrated solutions of sugar, milk, polysaccharides.

Disorders of protein metabolism are characterized by hypoproteinemia, hypoalbuminemia, edema, pluriglandular insufficiency (hypocorticism, damage to the pituitary gland, hypogonadism, hypothyroidism), fatty degeneration of the liver. These disorders are inherent in the late manifestations of malabsorption syndrome.

symptom complex (SNP), caused by a violation of the digestion of nutrients due to a deficiency of digestive enzymes on the intestinal membranes (violation of membrane digestion) and in the cavity of the small intestine (violation of cavity digestion).

SNP is characterized by:

1. Upset stool with a predominance of diarrhea. In case of pathology of the small intestine, diarrhea is manifested by "large" stools (liquid unformed feces more than 500 g / day), and in pathology of the large intestine - by "small" stools

(irritable bowel syndrome).

formation, impaired absorption and removal of gases.

3. Pains of a different nature: associated with increased pressure in the intestine, in the pathology of the small intestine, they are localized in the navel (intestinal colic), in the pathology of the colon - in the iliac regions, decrease due to the passage of gases and the act of defecation; resulting from spasms (a sign of spastic dyskinesia of the large intestine) - spastic, cramping, decreasing after the act of defecation.

Irritable bowel syndrome:

(Synonyms: neurogenic mucous colitis, mucous colic, colonic dyskinesia

colon, chronic spastic colitis, etc.) - a functional disease of the colon

without structural changes in the intestine associated with a disorder of its absorption and secretory function motor (motor), transport function.

Due to the lack of specific biochemical and structural changes the diagnosis of irritable bowel syndrome can be made based on complaints (usually constipation, diarrhea or abdominal pain).

Diagnostic criteria (Rome, 1999): presence of abdominal pain or discomfort in for at least 12 weeks in the last 12 months that have at least

two of the following characteristics:

1.Decrease after defecation

2.Are accompanied by changes in stool frequency

3.Combined with changes in stool consistency. The following symptoms also support IBS:

- Changes in stool frequency (more than 3 races per day or less than 3 times per week)

characterized by a variety of clinical manifestations. During an attack - stabbing pain in the abdomen without a clear localization in combination with diarrhea, in the interictal period - flatulence, intolerance to certain foods and other dyspeptic phenomena. Often constipation (like "sheep" feces) alternates with diarrhea.

There may be an abundant secretion of mucus in the form of jelly, tubes (casts) or dense tapes, sometimes patients take them for a torn off mucous membrane or for worms.

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