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Gastroenterology / Заболевания поджелудочной железы и кишечника для иностранцев со звуком.PPT
23.13 Mб

Radiography: duodenal stenosis in chronic pancreatitis:

10)Ultrasound: allows you to identify the nature and extent of the pathological process in the pancreas, an increase and change in the density of the pancreas, calcifications, pseudocysts, etc.

11)computed tomography: foci of necrosis, calcifications and pancreatic cysts

12)ERPHG - endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography, this method increased the accuracy of CP and expanded the therapeutic possibilities.

Ultrasound for chronic pancreatitis:

Computed tomography (norm):

Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography:

Increased intrapancreatic pressure due to pancreatic duct stenosis

Two areas of pronounced narrowing of the main RV duct, followed by post- stenotic expansion

Shock (hypovolemic) (blood pressure is low, expressed pain syndrome, tachycardia, pallor of the skin, cold sweat, cyanosis, oliguria, stupor)

2.went. - kish. bleeding (from varicose veins of the esophagus and cardiac section of the stomach, resulting from thrombosis of the splenic vein, with the breakthrough of pseudocysts or abscesses in the intestine).

3.Stenosis of the distal common bile duct

4.Obstructive jaundice, cholangitis (mb -

exacerbation of CP with necrosis) Clinic: fever, abdominal pain, chills, tension of the anterior abdominal wall, leukocytosis

6. Pancreatic ascites.

FATAL OUTCOME in CP is associated with two groups of causes

1 - complications of CP - shock, abscesses, sepsis, massive GI - bleeding, complications of diabetes

2 - a combination of CP + damage to other organs and systems. So chronic alcoholism, along with CP, develops CP, affecting. heart, lungs, which can be the immediate cause of death.

small and large intestines: Syndrome of insufficient absorption (malabsorption syndrome) is a violation of the processes of absorption (absorption) of one or more nutrients in the small intestine.

Malabsorption syndrome can be: primary and secondary.

deficiency, which leads to impaired absorption of a particular substance: intolerance to disaccharides;

gluten enteropathy - peptidase deficiency; intolerance to monosaccharides (glucose, fructose); violation of the absorption of vitamin B12 - folic acid;

impaired absorption of amino acids (Hartnap syndrome, cystinuria - hereditary disorders of tryptophan absorption in the small intestine)

Secondary (acquired) - decrease (disruption) many enzymes and malabsorption of many nutrients:

-gastrogenic (after gastrectomy);





-vascular bowel disease;

-endocrine (diabetes, thyrotoxicosis, hypothyroidism);

-iatrogenic (postoperative).