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5. Использование артиклей с абстрактными понятиями и терминологией

1. Артикли неиспользуются, когда речь идет о каком-то понятии, явлении, в общем

e.g. One of the most important features of a computer is programmability.

2. При наличии описательного определения неисчисляемые абстрактные существительные могут употребляться:

а) без артикля, когда говорится овременном качестве, степени, подлинностипонятия, явления (modern,great,high,perfect,real,authentic,etc.)

e.g. The computer field continues to experience huge growth.

It demanded advanced programming.

More user-friendly machines such as the Apple Macintosh (based on the Xerox Alto), combined with more sophisticated software, resulted in computers that were inexpensive and powerful, yet easy to use.

Kilby used germanium and Noyce used silicon for the semiconductor material.

The combination of smaller size, better reliability, and lower cost made these second generation computers very popular with buyers.

б) с неопределенным артиклем, если определение выражено прилагательнымиcertainилиpeculiar, описательными придаточными предложениями или другими описательными прилагательными:

e.g. It required a specific engineering

Turing described an abstract digital computing machine consisting of a limitless memory.

3. С абстрактными понятиями используется определенный артикль the, если они используются с уточняющим определением или ситуация конкретизирует данное существительное

e.g. This phenomena occurred because of the increased performance, reduced size, and reduced cost of the newer computers.


Lieutenant Goldstine had received his doctorate in mathematics at the University of Chicago.

At the Ballistics Research Laboratory his activities included a training responsibility in the mathematics of ballistic computations.

6. Особые случаи использования артиклей

as a result – в результате

in the origin – в оригинале

on the one hand … on the other hand …- с одной стороны … с другой стороны …

at presentв настоящее время

on the whole – в целом

at a time– за (один) раз, за одно время

a number of – ряд, много

the number of – число, количество

e.g. As a result of these techniques, computing and programming became much faster.

In 1987 the number of network hosts broke 10,000.

In 1989 the number of hosts broke 100,000.

Ex. 4 Read and translate the sentences. Explain the usage of the articles.

  1. The minicomputer was a significant innovation in the 1960s and 1970s. 

  2. The creation of the computer was centered around the concept that a single unit would be used to perform complex calculations with greater speed and accuracy than humans could achieve.

  3. A step towards automated computing was the development of punched cards.

  4. The start of World War II produced a large need for computer capacity.

  5. The first generation of modern programmed electronic computers was built in 1947.

  6. The IBM PC came with a 5.25-inch disk drive.

  7. The GUI allowed the user to click a mouse button on an icon to launch a program, print a document, or copy a file.

  8. Demanding scientific users spared no expense to get the fastest ‘supercomputers’ optimized for solving complex mathematical problems.

  9. The microprocessor is a special kind of integrated circuit that performs data processing within a computer.

  10. The introduction of the IBM PC in 1981 was the most important event of that decade, creating a standard that is still in use today.

  11. This concept greatly increased the flexibility of computers.

  12. The UNIVAC used magnetic tape to store input/output rather than the punch tape which had been used in the earlier machines.

  13. Turing's proposal, on the other hand, supplied detailed circuit designs and specifications of hardware units.

  14. WYSIWYG meant that a person could format a document with special fonts and spacing.

  15. In 1985, the Commodore Amiga 1000, which featured multitasking, graphics, sound, and video in a windowing operating system, exposed people to multimedia.

Ex.5 Fill in the articles, if necessary.

  1. Charles Babbage was ___ mathematics professor.

  2. Another mode for ___ fast, powerful machines is called ___ time-sharing.

  3. The computer field continues to experience ___ huge growth. ___computer networking, ___ computer mail, and ___ electronic publishing are just a few of ___ applications that have grown in recent years.

  4. ___ first machines appeared in ___ 1600s.

  5. BASIC becomes ___ most popular introductory programming language for microcomputers.

  6. ___ good worker needed to know desktop publishing, two or more word processing programs, at least ___ spreadsheet program, and ___ graphics package.

  7. Many people learned ____ latest software.

  8. As ____ result, manual slide rules (логарифмическая линейка) quickly became obsolete (устарелый, ненужный, вышедший из употребления).

  9. ____ workstations were still more suitable for applications needing ____ data visualization or ____ complex graphics, but PCs were adequate for ____ word processing, databases, and communications.

  10. In ___ mid-1970s, ____ increased availability of inexpensive microprocessors led to ____ development of “personal computers”– affordable computers intended for ____ single user.

  11. In the early days, a computer was capable of performing only one job at ____time.

  12. ____ multiprogramming enabled the computer to run ____ number of jobs simultaneously.

  13. But it was great for ____ IBM because they sold ____ lot of computers.

  14. ____ earliest computing machines in ____ use were not digital but analog.

  15. Today the PC is ____ communication channel more than it is ____ computational tool.

Ex.6 Read the story. Fill in the missing articles, if needed. Write the articles in the right column.

Cray Research and Control Data Inc. dominated field of supercomputers,

or most powerful computer systems,

through 1970s and 1980s.

Later Japanese government announced

gigantic plan to design and build

new generation of supercomputers.

new generation will be used in area

of artificial intelligence, such as voice recognition.

Ex.7 a) Read, translate.

The second major event of 1981 was the introduction of the first portable computer, the Osborne 1. This self-contained, suitcase-sized PC, developed by Adam Osborne, was not only the first portable PC, but also the first to be sold with software. The Osborne I came with BASIC, CBASIC, WordStar for word processing, and the SuperCalc spreadsheet program. Over the next two years, the Osborne Computing Company would go from nothing to a company with $70 million in revenue and then into bankruptcy.

b) Answer the following questions.

1. What was particular about the company (the computer)?

2. Why do you think the company went into bankruptcy?

3. What are other reasons for going bankrupt for any company engaged in computer business (lack of money, competitors, poor management…)?

Ex.8 Read and memorize the following word-combinations.

  1. (to) achieve – достигать

  2. affordable- доступный

  3. (to)announce– заявлять, объявлять

  4. (to) appear- появляться

  5. bankruptcy- банкротство

  6. capability– способность, возможность

  7. circuit- схема

  8. compatible - совместимый

  9. (to)complete– завершать, выполнять

  10. (to)consume– потреблять, расходовать

  11. core- ядро

  12. (to)cover– покрывать, охватывать, покрытие, обложка

  13. development- разработка

  14. difference– различие, разница

  15. engine–устройство, машина, двигатель

  16. generation- поколение

  17. (to) influence – влиять

  18. innovation– инновация, введение

  19. invention- изобретение

  20. large-scale- широкомасштабный

  21. punchedcards- перфокарты

  22. purpose - цель

  23. release– выпуск,

(to) выпускать

  1. research– (научно-исследовательская) работа

  2. revenue– (годовой) доход

  3. (to)ship– выпускать, выходить

  4. (to) solve - решать

  5. storage – память, область памяти, хранение

  6. successful - успешный

  7. valve – электрическая лампа

  8. general purpose – общее назначение

  9. binary math - двоичная система счисления

  10. mercury-delaylines– ртутные линии задержки

  11. timesharing – разделение времени

  12. magnetic core memory – запоминающее устройство на магнитных сердечниках

Ex.9 Read and translate the text.

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