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2.2.6. Географічні назви

Відомі географічні назви мають традиційні українські відповідники, що нерідко зафіксовані у перекладних словниках і які перекладач повинен знати: Texas Texac, Great Britain - Великобританія (зараз все вживанішим стає відповідник "Велика Британія"), New Hampshire - Нью Гемпшир, Oak­land - Окленд, Rhode Island - Род-Айленд, the Alps - Альпи, the Ganges -Ганг, Iceland - Ісландія тощо. Менш відомі географічні назви не завжди ма­ють сталі відповідники або й жодних відповідників, що зафіксовані у пере­кладних словниках. У таких випадках рекомендується застосовувати спосіб практичної транскрипції із елементами транслітерування, що дозволяє до­сить точно ідентифікувати оригінальну графічну форму географічної назви: Galway - Гелвей, Alverno -Алверно, Ithaca - Ітака, Richfield - Річфілд, Wood-Lake - Вуд-Лейк, Dirty Devil - (річка) Дерті Девіл тощо.

Іншомовні географічні назви, що вживаються в англійських текстах, також мають певні українські відповідники: Munich - Мюнхен, Leghorn -Ліворно, Tromso - Тромсе, Antwerp - Антверпен, Trondheim - Тронгейм, Ruhr - Рур, Budapest - Будапешт, Wroclaw - Вроцлав, Kiel - Кіль, Ghent -Гент, Mexico-City - Мехіко, Aarhus - Opxyc тощо.


2.3. Загальний елемент у складі назв

і Деякі власні імена складаються частково або повністю з загальних слів, наприклад: Red Sea - Червоне море, Pacific Ocean - Тихий океан. Такі назви, як правило, перекладаються на українську мову: the United Kingdom - З'єднане Королівство, Department of Technology - технологічний факуль­тет (але є деякі винятки, наприклад, the English Channel - Ла-Манш).

Загальні слова, що входять до складу назв, які містять крім того власні імена, перекладаються чотирма основними способами (а власні імена в них транскрибуються або передаються існуючими українськими відповідниками):

  1. Загальний елемент перекладається: North Dakota - Північна Дако-та, AdmiraltyIslands- Адміралтейські острови, StraitofGibraltar- Гібрал­тарська протока (або: протока Гібралтар), William the Conquerer - Вільгельм-завойовник. Найчастіше такий спосіб застосовується у перекладі складних географічних назв, що містять такі загальні слова, як mountains, gulf, lake, sea, ocean тощо. Якщо ж загальне слово вжито у складі назви не у своєму прямому значенні, то воно не перекладається, а транскрибується: Black Is­land- Блек-Айленд (місто у США), RockSprings- Рок-Спрингс (місто в Австралії).

  2. Загальний елемент транскрибується, якщо у транскрибованій фор­мі він достатньо відомий користувачеві перекладу: Carson City - Карсон-Сіті, Kansas City - Канзас-Сіті.

  3. Загальний елемент і перекладається, і транскодується одночасно: Rocky Mountain - гора Рокі-Маунтин, the Grand River - ріка Гранд-Рівер, Bull Lake - озеро Булл-Лейк, Firth of Clyde - затока Ферт-оф-Клайд.

  4. Загальний елемент додається до назви: theStandardOil- нафтова компанія Стандард Ойл. Цей спосіб застосовується тоді, коли власна назва в англійському тексті вжита без загального елементу або коли загальний елемент є часткою назви.

Завдання 1 Перекладіть наступні назви навчальних закладів:

University of Surrey; University of Illinois at Chicago; University of Wis­consin, Milwaukee; Brown University; University of British Columbia; Pomona College; University of Chicago; University College London, Massachusetts Insti­tute of Technology; Swarthmore College; University of Belgrade; University of Texas at Austin; University of Melbourne; University of Iowa; University of Flo­rida; Indiana State University; State University of New York; University of Cali­fornia at Los Angeles; New York University; Brandeis University; Loyola Uni­versity of Chicago; State University of New York at Stony Brook; Vanderbilt Uni­versity, Polytechnic of Central London; Stanford University; Yale University; California State University, Fullerton; Harvard University; Georgetown Universi­ty; State University of New York, Buffalo; Adlai Stevenson College; Rhodes Uni-


versify, South Africa; Bryant College; Washington University, American Univer­sity, University of Amsterdam, Amherst College, Barnard College, Queen's Uni­versity of Belfast, Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn, California Institute of Tec­hnology, Cornish College of Arts, Drexel Institute of Technology, Catholic Uni­versity of Louvain, Occidental College, UN University.

Завдання 2 Перекладіть наступні назви підприємств:

Abbot Laboratories, Alcan Aluminium Ltd., Amerada Hess Corp., Ame­rican Brands Inc., Armsrong World Industries, Bethelhem Steel Corp., Chase Manhattan Bank, Compaq Computer Corp., Data General Corp., Deere & Co., Duracell International Co., General Dynamics, Hillenbrand Industries Inc., McGrow-Hill Corp., National Medical Enterprises, Occidental Petroleum, Paci­fic Telesis Group, Raytheon Company, Snap-on Tools Corp., Stanley Works, USAIR Group Inc., Union Carbide, Iv Communications, Hewlett Packard, S.A.K. Connection, B.T. Company.

Завдання З Перекладіть наступні назви журналів:

International Journal of Ethics, American Journal of Education, Scien­ce, Discovery, Archeology, Psychological Abstracts, Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, Daedalus, Anthropology, Geographical Review, Focus, Ameri­can Anthropologist, Journal of Experimental Psychology, American Philosop­hical Society News, Journal of the American Medical association, British His­torical Review, Perspectives,

Завдання 4 Перекладіть наступні назви наукових установ:

American Law Institute, Atlanta University Center, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art, Brookings Institute, Franklin Institute Science Museum, Institute for Advanced Studies, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Mari­ne Biological Laboratory, Middle East Institute, Scripps Institution of Oceanog­raphy, Smithsonian Institution, Well Institute of Architecture, Pratt Institute, Ar-cheological Institute of America, American Institute for Foreign Study.

Завдання 5 Перекладіть наступні назви наукових та технічних гро­мадських організацій:

Aaron Burr Association, International Fortean Organization, Acoustical Society of Germany, National Aeronautics Association, Experimental Aircraft Association, Flag Research Centre, Financial Analysts Federation, Society of Ar­chitectural Historians, Society of Mining Engineers, American Academy of Aller­gy and Immunology, Aerospace Industries Association, National Agricultural


Association, Society for Creative Anachronism, Institute for First Amendment Studies.

Завдання б Перекладіть наступні речення, звертаючи увагу на адек­ватність передачі назв у перекладі:

1. Dr. R. Dreyer Berg is director of the Canadian Centre for Culture and Technology, Port Alberni, Vancouver Island, BC, Canada. 2. Ip the 1980s in Sili­con Valley (Santa Clara County, California), for example, production workers ex­perienced hazardous working conditions, low pay, and expensive housing. 3. Star A. Muir is Assistant Professor in the Department of Communication at George Mason University, Fairfax, VA. 4. Peter Schwarz, former head of the London Stock Exchange, illustrates the reformational nature of the planetary economy by noting that international foreign exchange transactions reached 87 trillion dollars in 1986, trade being only about 10 per cent of that sum. 5. Almost immediately, the Carib­bean Data Services transmits the information via satellite to the American Airli­nes' control data-processing operation in Tulsa, Oklahoma. 6. Such projects as the Strategic Defense Initiative or Star Wars have as their ultimate goal giving the USA absolute strategic superiority. 7. Robert Lucky, an American Telephone and Telegraph executive involved with communication sciences research at Bell La­boratories, observed that with the addition of data, music, and graphics, "there is more of real life flowing by in computer databases and telecommunication.

  1. I spent most of my vacation in 1950 studying the first 354 pages of R.G.D. Allen's "Mathematical Analysis for Economists", because Professor Milton Fried­man said I needed calculus to take his University of Chicago course in price theory.

  2. This paper was originally presented at the 79th Annual Meeting of the Commu­nications Association in Miami Beach, FL, Nov. 18-21,1993, as part of a program entitled "Communication, Education, and Culture: Perspectives on the Scholarly Activity of Neil Postman". 10. Arthur Asa Berger, Professor of Broadcast Commu­nication Arts at San Francisco State University, has written many books on popular culture. 11. Michael Strauss, now a Professor of Chemistry at the University of Vermont, was an Imperial Chemical Industries Fellow as well as a Research Care­er Development Awardee (the National Institute of General Medical Studies). 12. He once was the Co-director of the Institute for Health, Behavior, and Environ­mental Policy at the University of Ohio. 13. John Esterley was on the faculty of a University of California San Diego project called "International Executive Fo­rum", which was a group of faculty and fellows globally arrayed that kept in touch by means of computer conferencing. 14. When I was teaching at the University of California Berkeley Law School, at a Lake Arrowhead conference I ran into an important IBM executive. 15. The product is manufactured, patented, and packa­ged in the US by the American Psychiatric Association (АРА), while in Canada it is administered by the APA's branch plant, the Canadian Psychiatric Association. 16. The British Columbia Medical Services plan pays psychiatrists an average of ninety dollars per hour (actually, per fifty minutes), which means that, at their


thirty-five hours a week and forty-eight weeks a year, the average B.C. psychiat­rist has an income Of $ 150,000.17. Scientists at SIBLA, the corporate spin-off of the Balk Institute for Biotechnology La Jolla, California, are preparing to com­mercialize the first predictive diagnostic test for Alzheimer disease. 18. They have recently published a number of papers in such journals as the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Annals of Neurology, and the Lancet. 19. In a pa­per reported in the Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, Alan Price states that it is a mistaken idea that road corrugation results from the frictional action of motor car wheels. 20. William E. Van Nostrand developed this antibody with Tun Wagner at the University of California at Irving. 21. Four patients at the John Douglas French Center in Los Alamitos, Calif., had spinal fluid withdrawn before taking an experimental drag. 22. At the First International Congress of the Cell Transplant Society held recently in Pittsburgh, 13 papers were delivered du­ring a special session on transplanting tissue obtained from fetuses. 23. On April 30 the U.S. responded to the French plan by detonating a nuclear bomb in a tunnel at the US Department of Energy Nevada Test Site. 24. Called the Sudbury Neutri­no Observatory, or SNO, it is similar to the Kamiokaude II but uses Kelog waters. 25. He received his Ph.D. in 1971 from the University of Freiberg, while he was working with Otto Westphal and Otto Luderitz at the Max Planck Institute for Immunology in Freiburg. 26. Opponents of the administration position - among them the American Medical Association, the Association of American Medical Colleges, the Association of Biotechnology Companies and several foundations -emphasize that their support for research on cell transplantation does not imply any particular view on abortion. 27. Andre Boiren of the Pasteur Institute in Paris, Walter Morgan of the Lester Institute in London and Walter Goebel of the Rocke­feller Institute in New York City made the first major analytic studies in the 1930s and 1940s. 28. Stephen G. Brash spent the 1994-95 academic year at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, N.J., analyzing how empirical tests affect scien­tists' choice of theories. 29. M. Alpher later joined forces with Robert Herman of the John Gopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory. 30. The World Space Congress brings together scientists and engineers from the Committee on Space Research and the International Astronautical federation. 31. Tethered Satellite System is a cooperative undertaking with NASA, to be operated with its space shuttle. 32. Jean-Claude Risset, now at the Laboratory for Mechanics and Acous­tics at the CNRS in Marseilles, created a simple tone that glided around the pit-chclass circle in a clockwise direction. 33. Over the past eight years, my colleagu­es and I at the Dutch nationally funded Center for Mathematics and Computer Science in Amsterdam have developed a new approach. 34. The Department of Transportation undertook a feasibility study, called the National Magnetic Levita-tion Initiative, a joint project that combined its own expertise with that of the Corps of Engineers and the Department of Energy. 35. This paper was originally presented at the 79th Annual Meeting of the Communications Association in Mi­ami Beach, FL, Nov. 18-23, 1993, as part of a program entitled "Communication, Education, and Culture: Perspectives on the Scholarly Activity of Neil Postman".


36.1 assembled the following fragments of conversations with elementary school children during the past five years as part of a National Science Foundation Teac­her Enhancement Grant project for teacher training in constractivist pedagogy in the physical sciences. 37. There are excerpts from a transcript of an address by Nicholas Johnson, who currently teaches at the University of Iowa College of Law, to the Third Conference on Computers, Freedom and Privacy held in March 1993 in San Francisco. 38. Participating in a panel discussion were Howard Livin­gston of Pace University and Kenneth Johnson, professor emeritus at the Univer­sity of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. 39. William Late serves as director of the Propa­ganda Graduate Program at Rutgers, has served as the head of the Committee on Public Doublespeak for the National Council of Teachers since 1991, and is editor of the Quarterly Review ofDoublespeak. 40. Philip A. Thomsen, Assistant Profes­sor of Geopolitics at William Ford College in Liberty, Missouri, currently holds a Marriner S. Ecdes Research Fellowship in Political Economy at the University of Utah in Salt Lake City. 41. Because CD-ROMs are now showing up in consumer products from NEC, Nintendo, Commodore, Kodak and others, the 12 cm optical medium will soon be commonplace.