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Розділ X


1. Врахування особливостей жанру і стилю при перекладі

Перекладаючи науково-технічні тексти, слід мати на увазі, що мо­жуть існувати різні жанрові і стилістичні норми текстів у мові оригіналу і перекладу. Так, існують певні розбіжності в організації і лексичних харак­теристиках патентів англійською і українською мовою (про них див. ни­жче), в англомовних наукових статтях автори частіше вживають займен­ник першої особи однини І, ніж в статтях українською мовою, в англомов­них наукових працях частіше, ніж в україномовних працях, вживаються розмовні лексичні та фразеологічні елементи тощо.

При перекладі на українську мову наукові і технічні тексті англійсь­кою мовою повинні бут адаптованими із урахуванням стилістичних і жан­рових норм, що існують в українській мові і культурі стосовно відповід­них текстів. Неврахування зазначених розбіжностей в перекладі призво­дить до стилістичних перекладацьких помилок, що, хоча й вважаються менш серйозними вадами перекладу, ніж смислові помилки, знижують якість перекладу.

2. Переклад сталих необразних фраз

Сталі необразні (тобто такі, що не містять певного експресивно­го образу) звичайно перекладаються існуючими в мові перекладу відповід­никами:

They are in a sense the deepest and most fundamental of all properties. Вони в певному сенсі є найглибшими і найфундаментальнішими з усіх влас­тивостей.

IHlhSSPJMM^JiEiSше opposite view began increasingly to assert itself. З часом все більше став стверджуватися протилежний погляд.

In the same way the complex situation can be described with remarkable simplicity. Подібним чином цю складну ситуацію можна описати досить-таки просто.

Одним із поширених в науково-технічних текстах є кліше injerms of, яке перекладається переважно сталими словосполученнями "з точки


зору", "в плані", "у вигляді" та под.:

Around the beginning of the 20th century, the study of cognition in terms oЈpsychology, linguistics, neuroscience and so on each developed into a distinct and separate area of inquiry. Десь на початку століття дослідження пізнання ^£точкизо£^психопогїі, мовознавства, нейрології та інших дисциплін при­звело до появи окремої чітко окресленої галузі дослідження;

Even today these peoples are exceptionally homogeneousjinte/mijg/'lan-guage and culture. Навіть і сьогодні ці народи є напрочуд однорідними в (илан^мови та культури;

Early debates concerned issues such as whether the storage of visual in­formation takes place intenns^of holistic images or of prepositional networks. Спочатку дискусії точилися навколо таких питань, як наступне: чи візуаль­на інформація зберітаегься^виглядрпоьяото і цілого образу або ук^иглядГ) пов'язаної сукупності пропозицій.

Типові для науково-технічних текстів є також наступні сталі словос­получення: in question "означений, про який йдеться",jiUssue "обговорюва­ний, спірний", to be true "бути правильним, підтверджуватися у випадку", with respect to "стоюоін??', in terms of "в термінах, з точки зору, в плані".

Завдання Перекладіть речення, визначивши адекватні відповідни­ки сталих необразних виразів, вжитих в реченнях:

(X/Teleology is the study of things or events in. Jerms. pf, their purposes or ends. 2. At issue for Kepler was a mere 8 feet discrepancy between theory and observation for the position of the planet Mars. 3. Violent storms and downward air currents frequently occur there, but studies have not revealed any significant peculiarities about the area in question. 4. Burgoyne's operation began well, as was true of most British campaigning during the Revolution. 5. Should such interactions exist, they would imply that the quasars in question are not as far away as had been thought. 6. The Romans scarcely knew that Scandinavia exis­ted. This was probably almost equally true of the 16th-century Mediterranean world. 7. He also presented a method for discovering definitions that involved examining several particular aspects of the thing in question and looking for what is common to each. 8. The chief point at issue was the degree of autonomy to be exercised by the KwaZulu region within the proposed new constitutional structure of South Africa. 9. What was true of the steam engine cylinder was \ equally true of all the basic inventions of the Industrial Revolution: they could not be manufactured until machine tools had been devised that were capable of producing accurate parts in quantity. 10. This mechanism is more precisely ter­med end-product repression, and it involves complete shutdown of the DNA-directed synthesis of the enzyme in question. 11. Perjury is the willful giving by a person under oath and in a judicial proceeding of false testimony or informati­on important to the matter at issue. 12. Arrangement concerned the number and order of the parts of an oration: the exordium, or introduction; the narration, or


statement of the point at issue. 13. If the object in question was already in motion at the time that acceleration began, then the distance covered prior to that time has to be included and x = that distance. 14. At issue was whether organisms have capabilities derived not only from chemical and physical properties but also from an unknown and perhaps unknowable elan vital, or "vital force." 15. All the ma­jor cities of the United States, including the cities of the Great Lakes and the Gulf of Mexico, began as centers of trade. The same is true of London, Vienna, Stoc­kholm, Istanbul, Bombay, Hong Kong, and Singapore. 16. Another harsh fact regarding education today is the recognition that its tradi­tional role as a means to personal success and social mobility is increasingly in question. 17. The question at issue is whether it is possible to analyze moral concepts and judgments without at the same time presupposing moral beliefs. If so then metaethics can be morally neutral, otherwise not. 18. Various other works have been attributed to him, including the paraphrastic poems Genesis, Exodus, and Daniel. The same is true of the 9th-century poet Cynewulf, who may have come from Mercia. 19. Ramifications of his work in quantum mechanics led Heisenberg to assert that the scientist, as much a participant as an observer, in­terferes with the neutrality and very nature of the object in question. 21. Too few states were represented to carry out the original purpose of the meeting - to discuss the regulation of interstate commerce - but informal debate yielded ag­reement that there was a larger question at issue, namely, the inadequacy of the Articles of Confederation. 22. When an object having a finite number of degrees of freedom is considered among all the objects of that kind, the object in questi­on can be conveniently characterized and distinguished from the other objects by a set of coordinates. 23. In the modern world, regularity, uniformity, order, and a frequent respect for the structural properties of materials has created eco­nomical, functional buildings. This is true of Walter Gropius's Bauhaus buil­dings at Dessau (1925-26) as well as of Ludwig Mies van der Rohe's Lake Sho­re Drive apartments (1948- 51) in Chicago. 24. According to Aristotle every change involves three factors: (1) a feature or form that exists as a result of change; (2) the earlier absence of this form; and (3) the matter that was always there but which, as a result of the change, is now characterized by the form in question. 25. Despite independence, these territories are still, in varying degre­es, within the French legal tradition. This is particularly true of French-speaking African countries south of the Sahara, and to a lesser extent it holds true (especi­ally for obligations and commercial law) for North Africa - Algeria, Morocco, and Tunisia. 26. The three giants of the U.S. automobile industry - General Motors, Ford, and Chrysler—compete vigorously for their share of the market, as well as facing strong competition from foreign manufacturers.'The same is true of other industries in which a few large companies control 60% or more of the market. 27. Although some species sing only a single sound over and over, in extreme cases individual sounds may number in the hundreds or more. This is true of the American mimic thrashes, including the mockingbird. 28. Whenever the legislative or executive authority or lawful agent of any State in controversy


with another shall present a petition to Congress, stating the matter in question and praying for a hearing, notice thereof shall be given by order of Congress to the legislative or executive authority of the other State in controversy, and a day assigned for the appearance of the parties by their lawful agents, who shall then be directed to appoint by joint consent, commissioners or judges to constitute a court for hearing and determining the matter in question: but if they cannot ag­ree, Congress shall name three persons out of each of the United States, and from the list of such persons each party shall alternately strike out one, the peti­tioners beginning, until the number shall be reduced to thirteen; and from that number not less than seven, nor more than nine names as Congress shall direct, shall in the presence of Congress be drawn out by lot. 29. Wittgenstein held that any general theory of meaning would be inadequate to dispel philosophical per­plexity and that the way to escape the bewitchment of the mind by language is to examine in detail how the language in question is used in the particular language game in which it is found. 30. Greek atomism, however, did introduce the valu­able concept that the nature of everyday things was to be understood in terms of an invisible substructure of objects with unfamiliar properties. 31. The essence of their views is that all phenomena are to be understood in terms of the motions, through empty space, of a large number of tiny and indivisible bodies. 32. Bohr was able to derive the Rydberg constant, R, in terms of known physical con­stants and to calculate its value to within several percentage points. 33. A period of increasing prices occurs when the quantity of money grows faster than real demand for it, measured in terms of the goods and services the money buys. 34. As a result the average growth rate of real-money demand measured in terms of the goods or services to be bought is quite stable, and sustained inflations arise only from rapid money-supply growth. 35. Early civilizations had systems of measurement for areas of land, amounts of food, water, and materials, and dura­tion of time. In each case, the quantity to be measured is specified by giving its size in terms of a numerical relationship to another similar quantity. 36. The strength of this field is most familiarly recognized in terms of the weight that a body has, depending on its location with respect to the Earth. 37. The clear skies of the Mediterranean were essential in the first attempts of Greek sailors to navi­gate the seas; wind patterns merited equal consideration in terms of speed and safety. 38. The modern physician has become only one - although an essential -component in an enterprise that numbers among the largest in developed coun­tries, both in terms of money and in terms of the number of persons employed. 39. In terms of the future development of philosophy, the revival of ancient skepticism played the greatest role. 40. It was an attempt to define the behavior of machines or systems in terms of data inputs and outputs. 41. For the machine, any instructions must be encoded in terms of ones and zeros. 42. Epidemiology involves various techniques, the foremost being the descriptive approach, in which the disease or situation is defined in terms of time, place, and person. 43. Some psychologists would object to this definition. They would prefer to define intel­ligence strictly in terms of the set of specialized abilities. 44. In their study of


sensitive emulsions, Ferdinand Hurter and V. C. Driffield used an actinometer in the form of a gas thermometer that registered the amount of light received in terms of the heat it produced. 45. Compliance with the FAA regulations has proved costly in terms of both money and the availability of suitable land for airport expansion. 46. From ancient times to the present, many philosophers and scientists have thought that various natural processes could be explained only in terms of the purposes that they were achieving or in terms of the ends or goals that they were reaching. 47. In the physics of Aristotle, four types of explanation were offered, but the most important one was in terms of the purpose (Greek: telos), or final goal, of physical change. For Aristotle all processes of change were purposeful. From the examination of the world in terms of purpose and the discovery of such apparent purposes, a teleological argument for God's existen­ce was worked out, claiming that purposes found in nature required a purposeful Designer. 48. In the development of modern science, one of the first contentions of Galileo Galilei and Rene Descartes was that purposes could neither be known nor discovered. Although scientists have progressively removed teleological inquiry from one branch of the study of nature after another, the central issue remains: whether teleological explanation is necessary to account for the beha­vior of living or conscious beings or whether all of their behavior can be expla­ined without it. 49. The six fundamental trigonometric ratios are defined in terms of the six different ratios that can be established between the lengths of the sides of a right triangle. Mathematical analysis defines the same six trigonometric ratios in terms of the coordinates of a point on the circumference of a circle, as shown in the illustration. The trigonometric functions, which are defined in terms of the trigonometric ratios, are therefore often known as the circular functions.

3. Переклад образної фразеології

Фразеологічні елементи не досить поширені у науково-технічній лі­тературі, однак вони можуть становити певні труднощі для перекладу, перш за все через те, що перекладач може не ідентифікувати фразеологізм, при­йнявши його за звичайне неідіоматичне сполучення слів, або ж невірно виз­начити його значення, яке не є звичайно простою сумою його складових.

Образні фразеологізми, що вживаються в англійській науково-тех­нічній літературі, перекладаються такими способами:

1) повним еквівалентом з ідентичною або подібною структурою, лексичним складом, стилістичними характеристиками, значенням та об­разністю: to read between the lines - читати поміж рядків, a Pyrrhic victory -піррова перемога, a Procrustean bed - прокрустове ложе, to cross the Rubi­con - перейти рубікон, to clip someone's wings - підрізати комусь крила (цей спосіб є найбільш адекватним, однак зовсім не завжди у відповідних ан­глійських та українських фразеологізмах співпадає образність);

2) відносним еквівалентом, що дуже подібний до англійського фра-


зеологізму за значенням та стилістичними характеристиками, але відмін­ний лексичним складом, образністю або граматичними ознаками: not to see the wood for the trees - за деревами не бачити лісу, to play into somebody's hands - грати комусь на руку, to make a mountain out of a molehill - з мухи робити слона, a hard nut to crack - міцний горішок, to beat the air - носити воду решетом, to kill two birds with one stone - убивати відразу двох зайців;

  1. варіантним відповідником, коли з кількох синонімічних фразео­логічних одиниць вибирається одна — та, що найадекватніша в даному випадку: to be poles apart - різнитися як небо і земля (бути відмінним як день і ніч); to hold one's ground - не здавати своїх позицій (міцно утримува­ти позиції, не поступатися ні на йоту);

  2. калькою, коли англійський фразеологізм перекладається послів­но: to acquire currency - набувати поширення, instrument of peace - інстру­мент миру, trial baloon - пробна куля, to have the last word - мати останнє слово, to get hold of the wrong side of the stick - ухопилися не за той кінець палки (слід зауважити, що калькування фразеологізмів можливе тільки тоді, коли зміст перекладеного фразеологізму буде зрозумілий читачеві);

  3. описово, коли передається значення англійського фразеологізму без збереження образності: plain as a pikestaff - абсолютно зрозумілий, to bear in mind - пам'ятати, acid test - точне випробовування, all in all - беручи все до уваги, as matters stand - за існуючого стану речей, to hold good - зали­шатися вірним (дійсним), to be beside the point - не стосуватися справи, to go one's own way - діяти абсолютно незалежно, to feel one's way - обережно просуватися, to burn the midnight oil - працювати до глибокої ночі (цей спо­сіб застосовується тоді, коли не спрацьовують інші способи).

Завдання Перекладіть речення, звертаючи увагу на вибір адекват­ного способу перекладу фразеологізмів:

1. But evidence indicates that it is not the whole story. 2. But the job of^' shifting the routine work onto mechanical shoulders is easier for the laymanto propose than for the scientist to accomplish. Specialists in the government and industry have been working on it for 10 yeaijand they don't see light yet. 3. In order not to run the risk of a larger error in correction between pictures, the gain correction was made only on the basis of the green image. 4. For Charles Dar­win, eusocial insects such as honeybees were potentially the Achilles' heel of his theory of evolution by natural selection. 5. He arrived at this estimate on his own, after Alpher and Herman had published their prediction. 6. Marlens later joined forces with Denton of the John Hopkins University Applied Physics La­boratory. 7. Then, in April of that year, George P. Smoot and his colleagues at Berkeley released evidence that might fill this gap in the theory. 8. Advocates of the old theory also took heart from the failure of earlier attempted refutations. 9. Yet many scientists, particularly in Britain, liked the simplicity of the model and so continued to cling to the concept. 10. Although some astronomers argued


that he had not proved his case, additional supporting evidence emerged when astronomers discovered quasi-stellar objects or quasars. 11. In order that realism may be seen in a more neutral light, this section presents a different, counterba­lancing, perspective. 12. No single viable model has been devised, let alone ex­plained, the overall phenomenon of this change. 13. This holds true even if we consider some insightful approaches to the modification in time. 14. Yet we sho­uld also keep in mind that all predictions in these matters remain highly specula­tive, not to say hazardous. 15. To begin with, the concept of divergence, taken in isolation and carried to its logical conclusion, is upon closer examination not altogether different from the old idea. 16. Admittedly, it may be useful or even' advisable, in a first approximation, to construct a theoretical system arrived at by projecting it, as it were, onto a single time plane from the evidence available. 17. But thought these matters are of much interest, they do not so far throw any light at all on our problem. 18. Let us make some general comments on these three classes, leaving them still fairly rough. 19. No hard and fast rule exists on these matters. 20. Many of the machines which have become part and parcel of our everyday life would be impossible to build is their designers were to use only the metals and alloys that existed a mere fifty years ago. 21. Logical Empiricism always oscillated between the Scylla and Charibdes of realism and instrumenta-lism. 22. This line of argument completely misses the point. 23. Lastly we may ask - and here I must let come of my cats on the table - does this notion apply in all cases ? 24. There is no short cut to expounding simply the full complexity of the situation which does not exactly fit any common classification. 25. Thus we see that we can reconcile Leibnitz' views with a theory of matter which at first glance seems most incompatible with them. 26. The emphasized phrase begs the question which divides conceptualists and realists, since an empirical inquiry is one based on information supplied by the senses. 27. Thus, eliminating the con­tradictions is a pyrrhic victory because the cost is so high that the resulting posi­tion remains clearly inferior to its realist alternative. 28. He has not made up his mind about which approach should be taken. 29. She failed to make her point about more cooperation between the two laboratories. 30. They are never at one with each other, no matter what the subject of discussion is. 31. In 1982 the inhabitants of Guam voted to seek U.S. commonwealth status, and a draft act to that effect was under discussion in the U. S. Congress in the early 1990s.

  1. Other things being equal, the hue of an isolated patch varies with the wave­length of the light at the eye; the lightness varies with the intensity of the light's energy; and the saturation varies with the purity of any wavelength mixture.

  2. All other things being equal, these proportions will be constant from genera­tion to generation; the formula is called the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium formu­la. 34. This is not a problem to be swept under the rug, however. 35. The argu­ment that in the end weighed with the UK parliament, and that led to the legitimi­zing of research, up to the 14-day limit, was that pre-14-day embryos were not to be counted as meriting equal consideration with adults or children or even foetu­ses at a later stage of development. 36. Three secular works merit attention: the


Waltharius Manufortis (c.930; trans, as Walter of Aquitaine, 1950), which intro­duced classical hexameter; Ecbasis Captivi (c.940), the earliest extant beast fab­le in German literature; and Ruodlieb (c.1050; Eng. trans., 1959), a tale of the adventures of a young hero. 36. Before I go any further, I wish to make the point that I intend making only a few preliminary comments at this stage. 37. Socrates used his trial, described in Plato's Apology, as a final opportunity to make his general point. 38. Bear in mind that not every description that seems to make sense actually denotes a set. 39. These stated objectives make clear the framers' commitment to the proposition that government should serve to enhance the va­lue and dignity of the individual. 40. The field of sociology, on the other hand, seems to lay claim almost to the whole of human life beyond the biological level because virtually all human activities possess a social aspect - sociology is per­haps best viewed as a broad perspective on human activities that differs from the particular viewpoints from which such activities are perceived by direct partici­pants or by students of other social scientific disciplines. 41. When Charles XII returned to the north in 1714, he tried to pull his battered empire together but was killed (1718) during a campaign against Norway. Sweden was then forced to accept peace. 42. In the 1920s, McDougall's theory came under attack from pro­ponents of behaviorism such as John Watson. 43. Although Locke's psychology and epistemology were to come under increasing attack as the 18th century ad­vanced, other thinkers such as Adam Smith, David Hume, and Abbe de Condil-lac would aspire to become the Newtons of the mind or the moral realm. 44. With the advent of modern technology and the explosive growth of human populati­ons, this attitude has come under serious attack by a number of persons active in the area of animal rights, for practical as well as ethical reasons. 45. His views, however, did find support among a gradually increasing number of people. 46. Ancient astronomers believed this actually to be the case, with the stars as crystal studs, or distant holes through which fire is observed. 47. If the reverse is also found to be the case, no insurmountable barriers will exist to the transfer of genes between the animal and plant kingdoms. 48. This curriculum allows bacca­laureate degree-oriented students to take courses closer to home and at lower cost than would otherwise be the case. 49. The great military theorist Carl von Clausewitz put it another way: "Tactics is the art of using troops in battle; strate­gy is the art of using battles to win the war." 50. Gadamer believes that methodo­logical concerns alone cannot do justice to the experience of truth. 51. In many other countries, however, civil rights are empty phrases in constitutions and other documents, and they are not recognized in practice. Nevertheless, even such lip service is a testimony to the growing consciousness of rights everywhere. 52. Whereas national leaders often pay lip service to international norms, they actually demand full loyalty to their own national symbols. 53. Bureaucracy in science administration management is criticized for being plagued by red tape, indecisiveness, and excessive paperwork.


4. Переклад метафоричних термінів

1. В науково-технічних текстах серед загальнонародних слів та тер­

мінів вживаються як мовні («стерті»), так і мовленнєві (індивідуально-ав­

торські) метафори. Перекладні відповідники перших, як правило, зафіксо­

вані у перекладних словниках і мовні метафори перекладаються, як і інші

слова, шляхом вибору словникового відповідника. При цьому такі метафо­

ри зовсім не обов'язково перекладаються на українську мову метафорич­

ним словом, якщо внаслідок перекладу певним чином порушуються сти­

лістичні та жанрові норми мови перекладу та мовлення, оскільки вживан­

ня таких метафор не є ознакою стилю автора.

Отже, мовні метафори у перекладі можуть передаватися: 1) метафо­ричним словом (coal basin - вугільний басейн, apron - козирок, captain's bridge - капітанський місток, shear lips - губи зрізу {ділянки в 'язкого руйну­вання) або 2) неметафоричним словом {altar - горизонтальний шельф, ne­edle beard - крючок голки, bedroom - спальне купе, beetle - важка киянка).

У деяких випадках перекладу мовної метафори перекладач має мож­ливість вибору між метафоричним та неметафоричним відповідником: на­приклад, метафоричний термін logic family може перекладатися як «серія логічних елементів», «система логічних елементів», так і «сімейство (ро­дина) логічних елементів». У таких випадках вибір метафоричного чи не-метафоричного варіанту перекладу визначається перекладачем на підставі загального стилістичного аналізу тексту, проте насправді переважно не має принципового значення.

У тих випадках, коли мовна метафора перекладається метафорою, остання не обов'язково містить той же образ, що й відповідна метафора у мові оригіналу. Наприклад, українськими відповідниками метафоричного терміну arm можуть бути такі метафоричні українські терміни, що містять різні образи, у тому числі й той, який присутній в англійському терміні, як «рука, плече, коромисло, хобот, гілка, промінь, стріла» тощо: bridge arm -плече (вимірювального) мосту, cantilevered arm - хобот, arm of crane - стрі­ла крану, anchor arm - ріг якоря, illuminated arm - крило із запаленим сиг­нальним вогнем, motional arm - динамічна гілка, wash arm - миючий душ.