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5) Translate from Russian into English.

1. Известно, что фотон - частица света.

2. Некоторые специалисты ожидают что фотон может

значительно увеличивать работу


3. Фотонные компьютеры возможно вполне вероятными в

недалеком будущем.

4. У ученых, работающих над новыми компьютерами – много проблем.

5 Компьютеры различных типов и размеров появились в каждой

стране мира.

6. В настоящее время трудно изготовить материалы нужные для

производства суперкомпьютеров.

7.Современный компьютер выполняет несколько сотен тысяч

вычислений за несколько секунд.

8.Сегодня слово «электроника» является словом общего


9. Центром любого электронного устройства является кристалл

или интегральная схема.

10. Интегральная схема является несомненно одним из сложных

изобретений человека, науки и техники.

11. В настоящее время компьютеры способны совершать

миллиарды операций в секунду.

12. Суперкомпьютер работает как мозг: все операции делаются


13. Фотон сделает работу компьютера в тысячу раз быстрее.

  1. Вычисления будут сделаны при помощи света.

  2. К концу 20 века новый век света может заменить все еще молодой электронный век.

  1. Компьютеры применяющиеся везде, сегодня делают нашу жизнь легче.

  2. Суперкомпьютеры похожи на обычные компьютеры.

  3. Заводы, на которых изготовляются части компьютера, должны быть суперчистыми.

  4. Каждый факультет нашего института имеет компьютер.

  5. Основная функция компьютера - делать большое количество вычислений на очень высокой скорости.

6) Expand the following ideas:

  1. There is no end to the computer race.

  2. We are living in an electronic world.

  3. The development of a computer.

Unit 4

Interesting Personality in a Computer World. Pre-reading tasks:

1) Answer the following questions:

What celebrities in a computer world do you know? What are they famous for?

2.Who started the history of automatic computers with?

3. What are the legendary names in Russia's computer industry?

4.Why are Russian computer programmers destined to from their homelands?

5.Who is credited with the invention of the first adding machine?

When was it?

6. Why is there so much hate for Bill Gates? 7.Do the computer celebrities do any charity?

2) Words to watch:

to peddle

разносить слухи, пропагандировать

to acquire





корпоративный, общий


помещение правления





to instil

вливать по капле, исподволь внушать


беззаботный, беспечный, весёлый

to immerse

погружать, окунать


настойчивость, упорство, упрямство


сообразительность, проницательность

to sense

ощущать, чувствовать, понимать

path breaking

прокладывающий путь





привлекательный, легко запоминающийся

to achieve


to be worth

стоить чего-либо

to gamble

играть в азартные игры, спекулировать, рисковать

to derive pleasures from

получать удовольствие от...

to lure

завлечь, приманить

to accomplish

достигать, завершать совершать

to contend






to incorporate

соединять, объединять, регистрировать, легализовать


воодушевление, оживление



И Reading tasks: 1) Read the text.

"Steven Jobs - Cofounder of Apple".

His aim was to make computers easy to use, attractive to look at. Jobs was born seven years after the transistor was invented. When the microprocessor was invented he was a teenager. It was left to him to take those inventions and put them to practical use.

He was no inventor, no technical genius. He was instead a businessman, a youngster after the big buck, an evangelist in the world of commerce with a big idea to peddle. And he peddled it well.

In allowing the average individual to acquire a computer, Jobs made his firm a 38

household world. The company began, in true American - dream

fashion, in a garage in 1977. Steve didn't invent the original Apple

computer. That was the work of Steve Wozniak. Steve the inventor

and Steve the entrepreneur together built Apple, going from the

garage to the corporate boardroom like a meteor. Wozniak had no

real interest in starting a company, but Jobs did. He was not born to

this business, young Steve Jobs. Computers didn't enter Job's mind

until relatively late in the game. He was an orphan, born on February

24, 1955, raised by adoptive parents, Paul and Clara Jobs. Steve's

adopted father was a machinist at Spectra - Physics. It was from his

father that Steve acquired his first interest in mechanical things and

electronics. His mother had taught him to read before he entered elementary school, so he found the first years boring. In his fourth grade he came under the influence of a teacher who instilled in him a disire to learn. He was twelve when he saw his first computer, a desktop at Hewlett - Packard. The company had invited a group of school children to the plant for lectures and some hands-on practice.

Jobs was thirteen when he met his eventual business partner, Steve Wozniak. Jobs later said that Wozniak was the first person he had met who knew more about electronics than he did. Both had a gift for putting technology to light-hearted uses.

Jobs graduated from Homestead High School in Los Altos in 1972 and went to Reed College in Portland, Oregon. This was the beginning of an unfocused, experimental period in his life that continued for two years. He immersed himself in whatever the counter culture had to offer, whether the Ching, meditation, or LSD. He gave up meat and began visiting the Hare Krishna sect's house in Portland. The turning point in Job's young life came when he began dropping by the Home-brew Computer Club, an organization of computer enthusiasts. Wozniak, a founding member of Home-brew, had been designing calculators at Hewlett - Packard during this time. In the beginning there was Steve Wozniak's technical genius. And there was a steak of perseverance in the two young men. But there was no financial acumen. They bought a $25 microprocessor and decided to try to put together a computer. Jobs said, "Let's market it". He sensed that the market for personal computers was there. What the39

two men planned to sell was not the personal computer as we have come to know it. Their product was just a printed circuit board without a keyboard, case, memory, or power supply. It could, however, be used for developing programs, playing games, and running BASIC. If the Apple I lacked some important ingredients, it was nevertheless pathbreaking. While other small computers required add-on boards, the Apple I had only one board with sixty-two chips, half the number of chips other computers used. It was easy to work, and it didn't break down often - one of its biggest advantages, for home computers at that time were most unreliable. The product and the company the two Steves would found needed a catchy name. Jobs, according to the unofficial version, thought of a summer he had spent picking fruit off the trees in Oregon. The official version: the founders were looking for a name that represented the simplicity they were trying to achieve in the design and use of the computer - hence Apple. Jobs and Wozniak raised $1,300 as investment capital. To do so, Jobs sold his Volkswagen van and Wozniak his Hewlett - Packard programmable calculator. The formal introduction of the Apple I came in April 1976 before the Home-brew crowd. Eventually, the two young men sold 150 computers at $666 each. The firm now operating out of Job's garage, made $95.000. Jobs and Wozniak planned their next product Apple II. What was missing in the Apple I - keyboard, power s0pply, video terminal, and memory - would be found in the new model. The Apple II was introduced in 1977. Wozniak the pessimist thought no more than a thousand Apple II-s would be sold. Jobs evangelist hoped to put a computer in everybody's home.

The rise of Apple Computer was truly remarkable. Sales reached $117 million in 1980, $335 million in 1981, $583 million in 1982, $985 million in 1983. Job's block of stock was worth $165 million at the time, Wozniak's $88 million.

What makes Steve Jobs tick? For one thing, he has been willing to take large risks - gambling $15 million in advertising on the Macintosh, for example, Certainly in the early years he derived great pleasure from beating the adult world at its own game, the game of work and money and power. His appearance in those early years -scraggly beard, shoulder-length hair, blue jeans - was enough to


frighten off financiers. But he developed a way with people. He managed to lure Pepsi-Cola president John Sculley over to Apple in 1983 by telling him that if he stayed on at Pepsi, in five years he

would have accomplished nothing more than getting kids to drink a lot more Pepsi. Where as, if he came over to Apple, he could - in Job's hyperbolic phrase - change the world. The personal side of Steve Jobs has been difficult to uncover - so much of his life has been caught up in the Apple success story. Some of his heroes are Polaroid

camera inventor Edwin Zand, Chrysler chairman Lee Lacacca, and William Hewlett, cofounder of Hewlett - Packard. Jobs contends that he is not political or party oriented. On the subject of romance, he describes the kind of women he likes as "young, super intelligent, artistic".

Because of Steve Jobs the world has the Apple II, a computer that dominated the personal computer market for five years; after it came the Apple III, Lisa, Macintosh, and Macintosh Plus.

In 1985 poor sales and internal problems at Apple led to restructing and Job's forced resignation from the company. He took five Apple employees with him and started a new computer company, NEXT, inc. Jobs acquired capital from such sources as financier H. Ross Perot; Canon, Inc.; Stanford University; and Carnegie Mellon University. His new computers were innovative but expensive. When NEXT computers sold poorly, Jobs shut down the company's hardware division to focus on creating software.

In 1986 Jobs purchased the computer division of motion-picture studio Lucasfilm Ltd. for $60 million, incorporating the division as Pixar Animation studios. Pixar became a leader in computer animation and in developing software for advanced computer graphics. In 1995 Pixar completed Toy Story, the first fully computer-generated feature film. In 1996 Apple, seeking, a foundation for its new operating system, bought NEXT for 3400 million and made Jobs a consultant to the company he had founded.

2) Search the text for the English equivalents of the words and word-combinations listed below:

- сделать что-либо практически применимым

- технический гений

- приходить в голову (об идее)

- найти что-либо скучным

- попасть под влияние

- лженаука

- поворотный пункт

- разрабатывать программы

- работать с BASIC

- дополнительные схемы

  • большое преимущество

  • согласно неофициальной версии

  • восхождение компании было действительно замечательным

  • идти на риск

  • отпугнуть финансистов

  • гиперболическая фраза

  • изменить мир

  • по поводу

  • сконцентрироваться на создании

  • купил компьютерное отделение

  • передовая компьютерная графика

  • ища основу для своей новой операционной системы

III Comprehension Check.

1) Answer the following questions.


  1. What family was Steve Jobs born into?

  2. What kind of person was he?

  3. What was the turning point of his life?

  4. How did the Company get its name?

  5. How did the Apple I look like and what could it do?

  6. What features of character led Steve Jobs to success?

  7. What sources of capital did Steve Jobs have?


2) Complete the sentences with the names given below. Make sure you know the right answer.

a) Blaise Pascal

b) Charles Babbage

c ) William Gates

d) John Presper Eckert

e ) Adame Osborne

f) John Backus

Bill Gates

g) Gordon Bell

h) William Shockley

i) Howard Aiken

j) John von Neumann

1. ... made the computer portable. 2.... launched the age of the minicomputer. 3. ... the co-inventor of the transistor. 4. ... was the man who invented Fortran. 5. ... is the builder of the first American electronic brain. 6. ... is credited with the invention of the first adding; machine in 1642.

7. ... is the creator of the Microsoft company. 8 ... is considered to be the grand father of the computer pioneers. 9. John V. Mauchly and ... are the men who built ENIAC. 10. ... is credited with the invention of the first full electronical digital computer. A name synonymous with computers.

3) Review the article in English.

В 1997 году ушел из жизни талантливый человек -выдающийся ученый в области информатики и вычислительной техники, организатор науки, член-корреспондент Российской академии наук., директор Ярославского института проблем вычислительной техники РАН Юрий Александрович Маматов. Сообщение о смерти Ю. А. Маматова (а ученому не исполнилось и пятидесяти) прозвучало по одной из программ


российского телевидения. Особой болью резанули слова, что он покончил жизнь самоубийством.

Родился Юрий Александрович в Тамбове в семье военнослужащего, с 8 лет жил в городе Коломна Московской области. Школу закончил с серебряной медалью. Еще в юности Юра поставил перед собой цель и уверенно шел к ней. У него был строгий распорядок дня, он занимался по 16 часов в сутки. Юра увлекся кибернетикой. Как показало время, увлекся не на день или два, а по серьезному и на всю жизнь.

После школы Юрий Маматов поступил в Рязанский радиотехнический институт. Учился блестяще, всe 5 лет получал повышенную стипендию имени Н.М.Шверника. Стал усиленно изучать иностранные языки, так как требовалось читать специальную литературу на языке авторов.

Без ума был от трудов американского ученого Норберта Винера, который в своей главной книге "Кибернетика" сформулировал основные положения этой науке об общих законах получения, хранения, передаче и переработки информации...

Свой отдых Юра любил проводить на природе с друзьями. И звучали у костра песни. Юра любил петь и слушать студенческие песни, в восторге был от Визбора и Высоцкого.

Дипломная работа Юрия Маматова по оценке преподавателей была выполнена на уровне кандидатской диссертации.

В армии Юрий продолжал заниматься теоретическими изысканиями, которые нашли применение в военной области.

После армии его приняли на работу на кафедру в РРТИ и вскоре он великолепно защитил кандидатскую диссертацию, получив звание кандидата технических наук. Не прошло и трех лет, как была готова докторская диссертация. Но в полную силу талант Ю. А. Маматова развернулся в городе Ярославле. Он прошел путь от преподавателя Ярославского государственного


университета до директора академического института, который организовал, стал доктором физико-математических наук, профессором. Научные труды Юрия Александровича (а он автор и соавтор 135 научных трудов) были связаны с проблемами кибернетики и, в частности, построения высокопроизво­дительных вычислительных систем.

Около десяти лет Ю. А. Маматов стоял во главе крупного НИИ, который занимался разработкой суперкомпьютеров для космической отрасли. Совместно с академиком Мельниковым ему удалось разработать многопроцессорную ЭВМ, получившую название "Красный Крей"...

Выстрел в сердце был смертельным. Так русский ученый с мировым именем вынужден был поступить после того, как понял, что дело, которым он занимался всю жизнь, которое означало революцию в отечественной вычислительной технике, стало руководству нашей страны не нужно: работы приостановили из-за отсутствия финансирования. Покинуть Россию Ю. А. Маматов не захотел; не так был воспитан. Потому что был кристально честным человеком и по отношению к себе, и по отношению к людям, с которыми работал - к своим подчиненным. И он выбрал другое: покинул этот мир.

4) Speak about Youry Mamatov. Here are the words and words-combinations which are necessary to include in your retellings:

Experiments, strong - willed, to be obsessed with, contribution, persistent, to sacrifice oneself, active mind, honest, achievement, to cope with, conscientious, scientist, to work one's way up the leader, to be responsible for smth., to put the whole life into the work

5) Complete the following text by translating the words or expression in brackets.

John Sculley was born in New York City. In 1961 he (заработал звание бакалавра) from Brown University and in 1963 he (получил


звание магистра) from the Wharton School. After (окончания) he went to New York City to work in (реклама). In 1967 (он стал работать) Pepsi Co (в качестве стажера), and by 1977 he had become president and (главное исполнительное лицо) of Pepsi Co. Sculley was personally (нанят) by Apple cofounder Steven Jobs in 1983. He was (назначен) the company's president and CEO in 1983 and (председатель) of the company's board in 1986. When he (стал работать) Apple, the company was under $600 million in and (ко времени) he left, Apple's (доходы превышали) $8 billion. (К концу) 1992 Apple had achieved a No.l market share position in (производство персональных компьютеров). Mr. Sculley (сделал себе репутацию) for bringing big brand marketing to the personal computer in the early 1980's. In 1987 he was (выбран) by the Soviet General Secretary Michail Gorbachev to serve on the Board of the International Foundation for the (выживание) in Development of Humanity, an East-West cooperative effort on (человеческие нрава, образование, сокращение вооружения, мощь и окружающая среда).

  1. Imagine you are to interview a scientist. What questions would you ask? Make up a dialogue and discuss the questions in pairs. Choose the most essential!

  2. Speak about the interesting personalities in a computer world (a scientist, an inventor...) you know and admire. Say:

  • what kind of research he was engaged in;

  • whether he required a long investigation and why;

  • whether he stopped his research when he get disappointing results;

  • whether he had to apply all his skill, knowledge, experience and will power to succeed in the research he was involved in;

  • what personal and professional qualities of character he has.

Unit 5.

Types of Computers. I Pre-reading tasks:

1) Answer the following questions.

  1. What are the main principles of the computer classification?

  2. What is the difference between general-purpose and special-purpose computers?

  3. What are the specifications of a supercomputer?

  4. Do you use computers at school/college/university/work? If so, what type?

  5. What do you use a computer for?

  6. Would you say you are computer-literate?

  7. Do you find most computers user-friendly?

2) Words to watch:


прикладная программа, применение

to design


to perform

исполнять, совершать

to carry out


to alter

изменять, менять, переделывать



to measure


to code

шифровать, кодировать





to determine




to blur

затуманить, запачкать

to enable

давать возможность, делать годным




to couple

соединять, связывать

to increase


to cause

вызывать причину, быть причиной







to assign

назначать, определять

to attain

достигнуть, добиться





II Reading tasks: 1) Read the text: