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Словарь звукоподражательных глаголов - Бен-Лев С

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Сергей Бен-Лев

Словарь звукоподражательных глаголов

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© 2003 Сергей Бен-Лев

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bark vi. [OE beorcan, of echoic orig.] 1 to make the characteristic sharp, abrupt cry of a dog лаять 2 to make a sound like this лаять 3 to speak or shout sharply; snap гаркать 4 to cough кашлять 5 [Slang] to advertise a show, sale, etc. by shouting about it in public прокричать - vt. to say or advertise with a bark or shout прокричать

bash vt. [echoic orig.] 1 to strike with a violent blow; smash (in) ударять, обрушиваться

2 to attack or abuse, as with blows or with words ругать, нападать, налетать

bay vi. [OFr baiier, echoic of howling] to bark or howl in long, deep tones лаять - vt. 1 to bark at; howl at лаять 2 to chase with yelps and barks травить 3 to bring to or hold at bay затравить 4 to utter in long, deep tones лаять

beep vi. [echoic] to make the brief, high-pitched sound of a horn, as on an automobile or bicycle гудеть в клаксон - vt. to cause to make such sound гудеть в клаксон

bell vt. [OE belle, to sound, roar (orig. < ? echoic)] 1 to attach a bell or bells to подвеши-

вать бубенцы 2 to shape like a bell делать в форме колокола - vi. 1 to flare like a bell иметь раструб в форме колокола 2 to utter long, deep sounds, as a hound in pursuit of game; bay; bellow мычать, реветь

blab vt. [ME blabben, echoic] 1 to give away (a secret) in idle chatter выбалтывать,

разбалтывать 2 to chatter; prattle болтать

blabber vt. [ME blabberen, echoic] to blab or babble болтать

bleep vi. [echoic] to beep подавать сигнал клаксоном - vt. to censor (something said), as in telecast, by substituting a beep заменять сказанное сигналом клаксона

blip vi. [echoic] to make a blip or series of blips делать засечки на радаре

blob vt. [echoic: to represent the sound produced in forming a bubble with the lips] to splash or mark, as with blobs плескаться

blurt vt. [prob. echoic] to say suddenly, without stopping to think: often with out сболт-

нуть, выпалить

bomb vt. [Gr bombos, deep and hollow sound: orig. echoic] to attack, damage, or destroy with a bomb or bombs бросать бомбы - vt. [Colloq.] to be a complete failure прова-

литься, быть в проигрыше

bong vt. [echoic] to make a deep ringing sound, as of a large bell or gong звонить в


boo vi. [echoic] to make a prolonged sound made to express disapproval, scorn, etc., or, more abruptly, to startle фыркать, освистывать - vt. to shout "boo" at фыркать, ос-


bop vi. [echoic] to walk, esp. in an easy but strutting way пританцовывать

bubble vi. [ME bobel, echoic] 1 to make bubbles; rise in bubbles; boil; foam; effervesce пузыриться 2 to make a boiling or gurgling sound клокотать - vt. 1 to form bubbles in; make bubble пузыриться 2 [Colloq.] to cause (a baby) to burp рыгать

bump vt. [echoic] 1 to hit or knock against with a jolt; collide lightly with наталкиваться, сталкиваться 2 [Slang] to displace, as from a job, plane reservation, etc. увольнять 3

[Slang] to raise (a price, a salary, a bet in poker, etc.) повышать - vi. 1 to hit or collide with a jolt наталкиваться, сталкиваться 2 to move with jerks or jolts толкать, встря-


burp vi. [echoic] to belch рыгать - vt. to cause (a baby) to relieve itself of stomach gas, as by putting its back отрыгивать

burr vi. [echoic] 1 to speak with a burr картавить 2 to make a whir жужжать - vt. to pronounce with a whir жужжать

buzz vi. [echoic] 1 to make a sound like that of a prolonged z; hum like a bee жужжать 2 to talk excitedly or incessantly, esp. in low tones гудеть 3 to gossip сплетничать 4 to move with a buzzing sound жужжать 5 to be filled with noisy activity or talk надоедать - vt. 1 to utter or tell (gossip, rumors, etc.) in a buzzing manner сплетничать 2 to make

(wings, etc.) buzz жужжать 3 to fly an airplane low over (a building, etc.), often as a signal

гудеть 4 to signal (someone) with a buzzer гудеть 5 [Colloq.] to telephone позвонить

cachinnate vt. [L cachinnare, echoic orig.] to laugh loudly or too much ржать,

кудахтать, смеяться

cackle vi. [ME cakelen, echoic orig.] 1 to make the shrill, broken vocal sounds of a hen кудахтать 2 to laugh or chatter with similar sounds кудахтать - vt. to utter in a cackling manner кудахтать

caterwaul vt. [ME caterwrawen, echoic] to make a shrill, howling sound like that of a cat at rutting time; screech; wail вопить, отчаянно мяукать, визжать

champ vt. [prob. echoic] to chew hard and noisily; munch чавкать

chat vi. [ME chateren, orig. echoic] to talk or converse in a light, easy, informal manner


chatter vi. [ME chateren, orig. echoic] 1 to make short, indistinct sounds in rapid succession, as birds, apes, etc. болтать, щебетать 2 to talk fast, incessantly, and foolishly бол-

тать, пороть чепуху 3 to click together rapidly, as the teeth do when the lower jaw trembles from fright or cold клацать зубами 4 to rattle or vibrate трястись - vt. to utter with a chattering sound болтать

chirp vi. [ME chirpen, echoic var. of chirken, to chirk] 1 to make the short, shrill sound of some birds or insects чирикать, щебетать, стрекотать 2 to speak in a lively, shrill way щебетать - vt. to utter in a sharp, shrill tone верещать

chirrup vi. [var of chirpen] 1 to chirp repeatedly чирикать, щебетать, стрекотать 2 to make a series of sharp, sucking sounds with the lips, as in urging a horse on чмокать

chug vt. [echoic] to make or move with a series of abrupt, puffing or explosive sounds, as of steam-powered locomotive пыхтеть как паровоз

clack vi. [ME clacken, to chatter; of echoic orig.] 1 to make a sudden, sharp sound, as by striking two hard substances together цокать 2 to talk fast, foolishly, etc.; chatter тарах-

теть, болтать 3 to cluck or cackle клохтать - vt. to cause to make a sudden, sharp sound цокать

clang vi. [L clangere, echoic] 1 to make, or strike together with, a loud, sharp, ringing sound, as of metal being struck лязгать, звякать 2 to move with such a sound лязгать

3 to make a loud, harsh cry, as esp. crane курлыкать - vt. to cause to make a clanging sound звякать, лязгать

clap vi. [OE clappan, to throb, beat] 1 to make a sudden, explosive sound, as of two flat surfaces being struck together хлопать 2 to strike the palms of the hands together, as in applauding хлопать, аплодировать - vt. 1 to strike together briskly and loudly хлопать 2 to applaud by clapping the hands аплодировать 3 to strike with an open hand, as in hearty greeting or encouragement хлопать 4 to put, move, set, etc. swiftly мчаться 5 to put together or contrive hastily упрятывать, упекать

clash vi. [echoic] 1 to collide or strike together with a loud, harsh, metallic noise сталкиваться 2 to come into conflict; disagree sharply сталкиваться 3 to fail to harmonize

дисгармонировать - vt. to strike together with a loud, harsh, metallic noise сталки-


clink vi. vt. [ME clinken, echoic] to make or cause to make a slight, sharp sound, as of glasses striking together звенеть, чокаться

clop vt. [echoic] to make, or move with, a sharp, clattering sound, like hoofbeats on a pavement клацать, громыхать

cluck vi. [OE cloccian, echoic] to make a low, sharp, clicking sound, as of a hen calling her chickens or brooding клохтать - vt. to utter with such a sound клохтать

cock vt. [OE coc, echoic] 1 to tilt or set (a hat, etc.) jauntily on one side одевать набек-

рень, заламывать шапку 2 to raise to an erect position поднимать торчком 3 to tilt or turn (the eye or ear) toward something наклоняться 4 to set the hammer of (a gun) in firing position взводить курок 5 to set (a tripping device, as for the shutter of a camera) ready to be released взводить затвор 6 to draw back (one's fist, arm, etc.) ready to strike стискивать кулак - vi. to assume an erect or tilted position поднимать торчком

coo vi. [echoic] 1 to make the soft, murmuring sound of pigeons or doves, or a sound like this ворковать 2 to speak gently and lovingly ворковать - vt. to express gently and lovingly; utter with a coo ворковать

crash vi. [ME crashen, echoic var. of cracken, to crackle] 1 to fall, collide, or break with force and with a loud, smashing noise разбиваться 2 to make a sudden, loud noise, as of something falling and shattering разбиваться, раскалываться 3 to move or go with such a sound грохотать 4 to fall or land violently out of control so as to be damaged or smashed: said of aircraft разбиваться, потерпеть аварию 5 to come to sudden ruin; collapse; fail разбиваться, потерпеть аварию 6 [Slang] to sleep засыпать 7 to get a place to sleep temporarily находить ночлег 8 [Slang] to come down swiftly from the euphoria induced by a drug выплывать из наркотического дурмана 9 to become inoperable because of a malfunction in the equipment or an error in the program отказы-

вать - vt. 1 to break or dash into pieces; smash; shatter разбиваться, разваливаться 2 to cause (a car, airplane, etc.) to crash потерпеть аварию 3 to cause to make a crashing sound грохотать 4 to force or impel with or as with a crashing noise: with in, out, through, etc. вламываться 5 [Colloq.] to get into (a party, theater, etc.) without an invitation, ticket, etc. вламываться, продираться

crow vt. crowed or crew, crowed [OE crawan, echoic of hoarse cry] 1 to make the shrill cry of a rooster кукарекать 2 to boast in triumph; exult протрубить (победу) 3 to make a sound expressive of well-being or pleasure, as a baby does курлыкать, гулькать

crunch vi. vt. [ME craunch, of echoic orig.] 1 to bite or chew with a noisy, crackling sound хрустеть 2 to press, grind, tread, fall, etc. with a noisy, crushing sound хрустеть, со-

провождая действие

cuckoo vi. [OFr coucou, echoic of the bird's cry] to utter or imitate the call of a cuckoo ку-

ковать - vt. to repeat continually, as the cuckoo does its call куковать

dash vt. [ME dashen, to strike, rush; prob. of echoic orig.] 1 to throw so as to break; smash разбивать, разламывать 2 to strike with violence бросить изо всех сил 3 to throw, knock, or thrust: with away, down, against, etc. смахивать, сбивать, стряхивать 4 to splash or spatter (liquid) on (someone or something) брызгать, забрызгивать 5 to mix with a little of another substance взбивать 6 to destroy; frustrate разрушать 7 to depress; discourage подавлять 8 to put to shame; abash стыдить, смущать, конфузить 9 [Old Colloq.] to damn: usually in the imperative as a mild curse проклинать - vi. 1 to strike violently (against or on) биться, ударяться 2 to move swiftly or impetuously; rush порываться, торопиться

father vt. [L pater, echoic of baby talk] 1 to be the father of; beget порождать 2 to look after or care for as a father does ухаживать, воспитывать 3 to bring into being; found, originate, or invent происходить, основывать, порождать 4 to take responsibility for

отвечать 5 to impose improperly as a responsibility; foist возлагать ответственность

flap vt. [ME flappen, echoic] 1 to strike with something flat and broad; slap взмахивать 2 to move back and forth or up and down as in beating the air, usually with some noise махать 3 to throw, fling, slam, etc. abruptly or noisily отмахиваться, хлопать - vi. 1 to move back and forth or up and down, as in the wind; flutter взмахивать 2 to fly or try to fly by flapping the wings махать крыльями 3 to hang down as a flap делать взмах 4

[Slang] to become excited or confused возбуждаться

flash vi. [ME flashen, to splash, sprinkle, of echoic orig.] 1 to send out or reflect a sudden, brief blaze of light, esp. at intervals светить, мигать 2 to sparkle or gleam вспыхивать,

мигать 3 to speak abruptly, esp. in anger: usually with out воспламеняться, вспыхи-

вать 4 to come, move, or pass swiftly and suddenly; be seen or realized for an instant like a flash of light быстро появляться или исчезать 5 [Colloq.] to expose one's genitals, breasts, etc. briefly and deliberately in public заниматься эксгибиционизмом 6

[Colloq.] to have sudden idea, thought, insight, or recollection: usually with on осенять - vt. 1 to send out (light, etc.) in sudden, brief spurts мигать 2 to cause to flash вспыхи-

вать 3 to signal with light or reflected light сигналить, мигать 4 to send (news, messages, etc.) swiftly or suddenly, as by radio сообщить (с быстротой молнии) 5 to put flashing on so as to make weatherproof перекрывать крышу 6 [Colloq.] to show briefly or ostentatiously выставлять, демонстрировать 7 [Colloq.] to expose (one's genitals, breasts, etc.) briefly and deliberately to (someone) заниматься эксгибиционизмом 8 to put (a colored film of glass) on other glass покрывать глазурью 9 to coat with a colored film of glass покрывать глазурью

flick vt. [echoic] 1 to strike, throw, remove, etc. with a light, quick, snapping stroke, as with a fingernail щелкать 2 to make a light, quick, snapping stroke with (a whip, etc.) смахи-

вать - vi. to move quickly and jerkily; flutter вздрагивать

flicker vi. [OE flicorian, to flutter] 1 to flap the wings rapidly, as in hovering; flutter: said of a bird хлопать крыльями 2 to move with a quick, light, wavering motion трепетать, махать 3 to burn or shine unsteadily, as a candle on the wind мерцать, мигать 4 to pro-

ject an image with flicker проецировать изображение с миганием - vt. to cause to flicker or waver мерцать, мигать, трепетать

flip vt. [echoic] 1 to toss or move with a quick jerk; flick швырять, бросать 2 to snap (a coin) into the air with the thumb, as in betting on which side will land uppermost бросать монету 3 to turn or turn over переворачивать - vi. 1 to make a quick, light stroke, as with the finger or a whip; snap щелкать, хлопать 2 to move jerkily подпрыгивать, крутиться 3 to flip a coin, as in letting chance decide something бросать монету 4 to turn over quickly; specif. to execute a flip переворачиваться, исполнять переворот 5 to look (through) in a quick, random manner перелистывать 6 [Slang] to lose self-control as a result of excitement, anger, madness, etc.: also with out вспылить, взбеситься

flop vt. [echoic var. of flap] 1 to flap, strike, throw, or cause to drop noisily and clumsily

хлопать, швырять, ронять 2 to turn (a film negative) face down before exposure to a metal plate, in order to create a desired mirror image получать зеркальное изображение - vi. 1 to move or flap around loosely or clumsily, usually with a thud or thuds хло-

пать 2 to fall or drop in this way валиться, хлопаться, плюхаться 3 to make a sudden change крениться, переламываться 4 [Colloq.] to be a failure проваливаться 5

[Slang] to go to sleep отправляться спать

flunk vt. [< ? echoic] 1 to fail in (schoolwork) проваливаться, срезаться 2 to give a mark of failure to (a student) выставлять плохую оценку, срезать - vi. [Colloq.] 1 to fail, esp. in schoolwork проваливаться, срезаться 2 to give up; retreat сдаваться

flurry vt. [< obs. flurr, to scatter (? echoic)] to confuse; agitate возбуждать - vi. to move in a quick, flustered way порываться

flush vi. [ME flusshen, to fly up suddenly, blended with echoic elements] 1 to flow and spread suddenly and rapidly потечь, растечься 2 to become red in the face, as with embarrassment or anger; blush краснеть, багроветь 3 to glow вспыхивать 4 to become cleaned, washed or emptied out with a sudden flow of water, etc. промываться 5 to start up from cover: said of birds выкуривать - vt. 1 to make flow вытекать 2 to clean, wash, or empty out with a sudden flow of water, etc. промывать, смывать 3 to make blush or glow покраснеть, побагроветь 4 to excite; animate; exhilarate: usually in the passive voice возбуждаться, воспламеняться, оживляться 5 to drive (game birds) from cover выкуривать 6 to make level or even делать вровень

flute vt. [OFr flaute, flute] 1 to sing, speak, whistle, etc. in a flutelike tone щебетать 2 to play on the flute играть на флейте 3 to make long, rounded grooves in (a column, etc.)

делать бороздки, канавки - vi. 1 to play on the flute играть на флейте 2 to sing, speak, whistle, etc. in a flutelike tone щебетать

flutter vi. [L fe, to f] 1 to flap the wings rapidly, as in short flight or without flying at all хлопать крыльями 2 to wave or vibrate rapidly and irregularly развеваться 3 to move with quick vibrations, flaps, etc. вибрировать, хлопать 4 to be in a state of tremulous excitement; tremble; quiver дрожать, трепетать 5 to move restlessly; bustle суетиться - vt. 1 to cause to move in a quick, irregular motions развеваться 2 to throw into a state of excitement, alarm, or confusion возбуждать

frizz vt. vi. [echoic of fry] to fry with a sputtering, hissing noise; sizzle шипеть, трещать

frizzle vi. vt. [echoic of fry] 1 to make or cause to make a sputtering, hissing noise, as in frying; sizzle шипеть, трещать 2 to become or make crisp by broiling or frying thoroughly


fudge vt. [? echoic, as in Ger futsch, gone, ruined] to make or put together dishonestly or carelessly; fake притворяться - vi. 1 to refuse to commit oneself or give a direct answer; hedge отпираться, откручиваться 2 to be dishonest; cheat плутовать, жульничать

fuss vi. [< ? echoic] 1 to cause or make a fuss поднимать шум, скандалить 2 to bustle about or worry, esp. over trifles возиться, хлопотать без нужды 3 to whine, fret, etc. as a baby хныкать - vt. to bother or worry unnecessary затевать возню, хлопотать

без нужды

gag vt. [ME gaggen, of echoic orig.] 1 to cause to retch or choke давиться 2 to put something over or into the mouth of, so as to keep from talking, crying out, etc. засовывать, забивать кляп 3 to keep from speaking or expressing oneself freely, as by intimidation запугивать 4 to prevent or limit speech in (a legislative body) прерывать, огра-

ничивать речь 5 to choke or stop up (a valve, etc.) закрывать клапан - vi. 1 to retch or choke давиться 2 [Colloq.] to make a gag or gags; joke делать гэг, шутить

gawk vi. [ < ME gouk, goke, a simpleton, of echoic orig.] to stare stupidly, like a clumsy, stupid fellow таращиться, глазеть

gibber vi. vt. [echoic] to speak or utter rapidly and incoherently; chatter unintelligibly бор-

мотать, тараторить, нести чепуху

glug vi. [echoic] to make the muffled, gurgling sound of liquid flowing in spurts as from a bottle булькать - vt. to drink, esp. by taking large gulps of пить большими глотками

gnar vi. [echoic] [Now Rare] to snarl or growl рычать, огрызаться

gobble vi. [echoic] to make the characteristic throaty sound produced by a male turkey

квохтать как индюшка

growl vi. [ME groulen, to rumble, of echoic orig.] 1 to make a low, rumbling, menacing sound in the throat, as a dog does рычать, ворчать 2 to complain in an angry or surly manner ворчать 3 to rumble, as thunder, cannons, etc. грохотать - vt. to express by growling ворчать

grump vi. [echoic of ill-tempered cry] to complain and grumble брюзжать, ворчать

haw vi. [echoic] to hesitate in speaking; grope for words; falter: usually in hem and haw

мямлить, искать слова

hawk vi. [echoic] to clear the throat audibly отхаркиваться - vt. to bring up (phlegm) by coughing отхаркивать

hello vi. [ME halou, echoic] to say or exclaim "hello" приветствовать - vt. to say "hello" to приветствовать

hem vi. [echoic] 1 to make the sound as by clearing the throat as in trying to get attention or in showing doubt кашлять, привлекая внимание или выражая сомнение 2 to make this sound, or grope about in speech, while searching for the right words: usually used in the phrase hem and haw мямлить, искать слова

hiccup vi. [ModE hikop, hickock, of echoic orig.] to make a sudden, involuntary contraction of the diaphragm when it begins to allow air into the lungs only to have the glottis suddenly close, producing an abrupt sound икать - vt. to utter with hiccups заикаться

hiss vi. [ME hissen, of echoic orig.] 1 to make a sound like that of a prolonged s, as of a goose or snake when provoked or alarmed, or of escaping steam, air, etc. шипеть 2 to show dislike or disapproval of by hissing шипеть - vt. 1 to say or indicate by hissing шипеть 2 to show dislike or disapproval of by hissing шипеть 3 to force or drive by hissing


holler vt. [var. of hallo < ME halou, echoic] to shout or yell кричать, выкрикивать

hollo vt. vi. [var. of hallo < ME halou, echoic] 1 to shout (at) in order to attract attention призывать, обращать внимание 2 to urge on (hounds) by calling out "hollo" кричать собакам "ату" 3 to shout or call as in greeting приветствовать

honk vi. [echoic] to make a sound, as the call of wild goose or the sound of an automobile horn трубить, гудеть - vt. 1 to express by honking трубить, гудеть 2 to sound (an automobile horn) гудеть

hoot vi. [ME houten, of echoic orig.] 1 to utter its characteristic hollow sound: said of an owl ухать 2 to utter a sound like this ухать 3 to shout or cry out, esp. in scorn or disapproval освистывать - vt. 1 to express (scorn, disapproval, etc.) of by hooting освисты-

вать 2 to drive or chase away by hooting освистывать

howl vi. [ME hulen, echoic orig.] 1 to utter the long, loud, wailing cry of wolves, dogs, etc. выть, завывать 2 to utter a similar cry of pain, anger, grief, etc. выть, реветь 3 to make a sound like this выть, реветь 4 to shout or laugh in scorn, mirth, etc. хохотать - vt. 1 to utter with a howl or howls завывать 2 to drive or effect by howling вопить

huff vt. [echoic] 1 orig., to blow, swell, or puff up дуть, фукать 2 to treat insolently; bully; hector дерзить 3 to make angry; offend разозлиться, обижаться, оскорбляться - vi.

1 to blow; puff дуть, фукать 2 to become angry; take offense разозлить, обижать, ос-

корблять 3 [Obs.] to swell with pride or arrogance фыркать

hum vi. [ME hummen, of echoic orig.] 1 to make a low, continuous, murmuring sound like that of a bee or a motor гудеть, жужжать 2 to sing with the lips closed, not producing words напевать 3 to give forth a confused, droning sound бубнить, дудеть 4 [Colloq.] to be busy or full of activity кипеть - vt. 1 to sing (a tune, etc.) with the lips closed напевать 2 to produce an effect on by humming гудеть, жужжать

hush vt. [ME huschen, of echoic orig.] 1 to stop from making noise; make quiet or silent

утихомиривать, шикать 2 to soothe; calm; lull усыплять, убаюкивать - vi. to stop making noise; be or become quiet or silent утихать, стихать

jabber vi. vt. [ME jaberen, prob. echoic] to speak or say quickly, incoherently, or nonsensically; chatter; gibber болтать, тараторить

jape vi. [OFr japer, to howl, of echoic orig.] 1 to joke; jest подшучивать 2 to play tricks

разыгрывать - vt. [Now Rare] 1 to make fun of; mock высмеивать, насмехаться, подшучивать 2 to play tricks on; fool разыгрывать, дурачить, обманывать

jar vi. [echoic] 1 to make a harsh sound or a discord; grate коробить 2 to have a harsh, irritating effect (on one) раздражать 3 to shake or vibrate from a sudden impact потря-

сать 4 to clash, disagree, or quarrel sharply ссориться, затевать свару - vt. 1 to make vibrate or shake by sudden impact потрясать 2 to cause to give a harsh or discordant sound дисгармонировать 3 to jolt or shock толкать, сотрясать

jingle vi. [ME gingelen, prob. echoic] 1 to make a succession of light, ringing sounds, as small bells or bits of metal striking together; tinkle звенеть, позвякивать 2 to have obvious, easy rhythm, simple repetition of sound, etc., as some poetry and music звенеть,


jitter vi. [ME jitter, < echoic] to be nervous; have the jitters; fidget нервничать, ерзать,

егозить, суетиться

jitterbug vt. [ME jitter, < echoic] to dance the jitterbug танцевать джиттербаг