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Словарь звукоподражательных глаголов - Бен-Лев С

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titter vi. [of echoic orig.] to laugh in a half-suppressed way, suggestive of silliness, nervousness, etc.; giggle хихикать

tittle-tattle vi. [redupl. of tattle, of echoic orig.] to gossip; chatter сплетничать, разво-

дить тары-бары

tittup vi. [prob. echoic of hoofbeats] to move in a frolicsome or prancing way; caper важ-

ничать, ходить гоголем, гарцевать

toot vi. [LowG tuten, to toot, of echoic orig.] 1 to blow a horn, whistle, etc. in short blasts гудеть, трубить 2 to sound in short blasts: said of a horn, whistle, etc. гудеть, трубить 3 to make a sound like a horn or whistle гудеть, трубить - vt. 1 to cause to sound in short blasts гудеть, трубить 2 to sound (tones, blasts, etc.) as on a horn гудеть, трубить 3 [Slang] to sniff (cocaine) нюхать кокаин

touch vt. [< VL toccare, to blow lightly, of echoic orig.] 1 to put the hand, finger, or some other part of the body on, so as to feel; perceive by the sense of feeling трогать, осязать 2 to bring into contact with something else касаться 3 [Historical] to lay the hand on (a person with scrofula), as some kings once did, supposedly to effect a cure возлагать ру-

ки 4 to be or come into contact with касаться 5 to border on; adjoin соприкасаться,

граничить 6 to strike lightly хлопнуть 7 to be effective on contact; have a physical effect on: usually used in the negative касаться 8 to injure slightly тронуть 9 to give a light tint, aspect, etc. to: used chiefly in the past participle придавать вид 10 to stop at (a port, etc.) in passing: said of a ship делать остановку в порту 11 to lay hands on; handle; use прикасаться, трогать 12 to manhandle or molest грубо обращаться, приста-

вать 13 to taste or partake of: usually used in the negative притрагиваться 14 to come up to; reach; attain прикасаться 15 to compare with; equal; rival: usually used in the negative сравниваться, соперничать 16 to take or make use of without permission or wrongly; misappropriate растрачивать, расхищать 17 to deal with or refer to, esp. in a light or passing way; mention упоминать 18 to have to do with; affect; concern касаться, затрагивать 19 to arouse an emotion in, esp. one of sympathy, gratitude, etc. затраги-

вать 20 to hurt the feelings of pain поражать 21 [Slang] to ask for, or get by asking, a loan or gift of money from выпрашивать заем 22 to be tangent to касаться - vi. 1 to touch a person or thing касаться 2 to be or come in contact прикасаться 3 to come near to something; verge (on or upon) соприкоснуться 4 to pertain; bear (on or upon)

относиться, иметь отношение 5 to treat a topic slightly or in passing: with on or upon касаться предмета, задевать 6 to stop briefly or land (at a port, etc.) during a voyage

делать кратковременную остановку 7 to be tangent касаться

twaddle vt. vi. [var. form of tattle, in twittle-twattle for tittle-tattle, of echoic orig.] to talk or write in a foolish or senseless manner; prattle пустословить

tweedle vi. vt. [echoic of a reed pipe] 1 to pipe, whistle, sing, etc. shrilly гудеть, свистеть 2 to cajole or wheedle обхаживать

twitter vi. [Ger zwitschern, to twitter, of echoic orig] 1 to make a series of light, intermittent vocal sounds; chirp continuously or tremulously, as birds do щебетать, чирикать 2 to talk in a rapid, tremulous manner expressive of agitation, timidity, etc.; chatter болтать,

щебетать 3 to giggle or titter хихикать 4 to tremble with excitement, eagerness, etc. дрожать от возбуждения, задора и т.п. - vt. to express or say in a twittering manner


ululate vi. [L ululare, to howl: echoic] 1 to howl or hoot выть, завывать 2 to wail or lament loudly вопить, причитать

waffle vi. [< echoic waff, to yelp] to speak or write in a wordy, vague, or indecisive manner

болтать без умолку, запинаться

whack vt. vi. [echoic] to strike or slap with a sharp, resounding blow трахнуть,

треснуть, дать тумака

whiz vi. [echoic] 1 to move swiftly with or as with a buzzing or hissing sound свистеть 2 to make the buzzing or hissing sound of something moving swiftly through the air свистеть, нестись - vt. to cause to whiz, esp. by rotating rapidly свистеть

whomp vt. [echoic] [Colloq.] 1 to beat, strike, hit, thump, etc. колотить, громыхать 2 to defeat decisively разбить наголову

whoop vi. [ME houpen, to call, shout, echoic] to utter, or move along with, a loud shout, cry, or noise выкрикивать, гикать - vt. 1 to utter with a loud shout, cry, or noise выкрикивать, гикать 2 to drive, urge on, chase, bring about, etc. with a loud shout, cry, or noise гикать, кричать ату

whoosh vi. [echoic] 1 to make the quick, hissing, or rushing sound of something moving swiftly through the air свистеть 2 to move swiftly with or as with this sound

просвистеть, нестись - vt. to cause to whoosh свистеть

whop vt. vi. [< ME wappen, to whop, prob. echoic] [Colloq.] 1 to hit, strike, beat, etc.

плюхнуться, шлепнуться 2 to defeat decisively разбить в пух и прах, раздолбать,


wow vt. [echoic] [Slang] to be a great success with; arouse enthusiasm in выражать


yak vi. [echoic] [Slang] to talk much or idly; chatter болтать без умолку, трещать

yank vt. vi. [< ? ] to jerk дергать

yap vi. [echoic] 1 to make a sharp, shrill bark or yell тявкать 2 [Slang] to talk noisily and stupidly; jabber болтать, тараторить

yawn vi. [ME yanen, to gape, prob. echoic of the yawning sound] 1 to open the mouth wide, esp. involuntarily, and breathe in deeply, as a result of fatigue, drowsiness, or boredom зевать 2 to be or become wide open; gape зиять, разевать - vt. to express or utter with a yawn зевать

yawp vi. [ME yolpen, var. of yelpen, to yelp] 1 to utter a loud, harsh call or cry кричать 2 [Slang] to talk noisily and stupidly тараторить 3 [Colloq.] to yawn aloud; gape зевать

yip vi. [echoic] [Colloq.] to yelp, or bark тявкать

yodel vt. vi. [Ger yodeln, to yodel] to sing with abrupt alternating changes between the normal chest and the falsetto петь йодли

yuk vi. [echoic] [Slang] to laugh loudly хохотать

zap vt. [echoic blend < z(ip) + (sl)ap, popularized in comic-strip use] [Slang] to move, strike, stun, smash, kill, defeat, etc. with sudden speed and force грохнуть, шарахнуть,

убить, оглушить, ошеломить

zing vt. [echoic] [Slang] 1 to strike or affect forcibly грохотать, стучать 2 to criticize sharply разносить, давать нагоняй, поносить

zip vi. [echoic] 1 to make, or move with, a short, sharp hissing or whizzing sound, as of passing bullet шипеть, визжать 2 [Colloq] to act or move with speed or energy мчаться 3 to become fastened or unfastened by means of a zipper застегиваться на молнию - vt. to fasten or unfasten with a zipper застегивать на молнию

zonk vt. [echoic] [Slang] to strike, beat, hit, stun, etc. треснуть по башке, огреть, оше-

ломить, ошарашить - vi. [Slang] to lose consciousness, fail to function, etc. одурма-

нить, опьянить, ошеломить

zoom vi. [echoic] 1 to make a loud, low-pitched, buzzing or жужжать 2 to move with a zooming sound гудеть, жужжать suddenly and sharply at an angle greater than normal, using

humming sound гудеть, 3 to climb in an airplane the energy of momentum

взмывать 4 to rise rapidly взлетать 5 to change the focal length of a zoom lens so as to change the apparent distance of the object being viewed увеличивать видимое изо-

бражение, меняя фокусное расстояние - vt. to cause to zoom взмывать, взлетать