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Словарь звукоподражательных глаголов - Бен-Лев С

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jolt vt. [ME jotten, to jog, bump, of echoic orig.] 1 to shake up or jar, as with a bumpy ride or sharp blow толкать, встряхивать 2 to shock or surprise потрясать, удивлять - vi. to move along in a bumpy, jerky manner толкаться, проталкиваться

jug vi. [echoic] to make a nightingale's sound or a sound imitating it петь соловьем

knell vi. [OE cnyllan, to knell: prob. echoic] 1 to ring in a slow, solemn way; toll звонить в колокол 2 to sound ominously or mournfully звонить погребальный звон - vt. to call or announce by or as by the sound of a bell предвещать конец похоронным звоном

lilt vt. vi. [ME lilten, lulten, prob. of echoic orig.] to sing, speak, play, or move with a light, graceful rhythm or swing ритмично напевать, наигрывать

lisp vi. [OE wlyspian, of echoic orig.] 1 to substitute the sounds (th) and (th) for the sounds s and z, as in pronouncing sing as though it were thing шепелявить 2 to speak imperfectly or like a child сюсюкать - vt. to utter with a lisp or in an imperfect or childlike way

шепелявить, сюсюкать

loll vi. [ME lollen, to mumble, doze, of echoic orig.] 1 to lean or lounge about in a relaxed or lazy manner валяться, нежиться 2 to hang in a relaxed manner; droop свисать,

обвисать - vt. to let droop or hang loosely свисать, обвисать

lull vt. [ME lullen, of echoic orig.] 1 to calm or soothe by gentle sound or motion: chiefly in lull to sleep убаюкивать, усыплять 2 to bring into a specified condition by soothing or reassuring убаюкивать 3 to make less intense; quiet; allay успокаивать - vi. to become calm успокаиваться

lullaby vt. [ME lulla, echoic + -by, as in bye-bye] to lull with or as with a lullaby усыплять,


lush vi. vt. [ME lusch, ? echoic var. of lassch, soft, flaccid] [Slang] to drink (liquor) пить

(спиртные напитки)

maraud vi. [Fr maraud, vagabond, special use of maraud, tomcat, echoic of cry] to rove in search of plunder; make raids мародерствовать - vt. to raid; plunder; pillage мародер-

ствовать, грабить

mew vi. [echoic] to make the characteristic vocal sound of a cat мяукать

mewl vi. [< mew] to cry weakly, like a baby; whimper or whine хныкать, ныть, скулить

moo vi. [echoic] to make the characteristic vocal sound of cow мычать

mope vi. [MDu mopen, echoic of sound with tightly closed lips] to be gloomy, dull, apathetic, and dispirited хандрить - vt. 1 to make gloomy, dull, etc.: used reflexively and in the passive впадать в уныние, мрачнеть 2 to pass in gloom, dullness, etc.: with away


mother vt. [OE modor, mother, echoic of baby talk] 1 to be the mother of; give birth to: often used figuratively рождать 2 to look after or care for as a mother does заботиться,


mumble vt. [ME momelen, to mumble, of echoic orig.] 1 to speak or say indistinctly and in a low voice, as with the mouth partly closed; mutter бормотать 2 to chew gently and ineffectively, as with toothless gums пережевывать

mump vt. vi. [echoic or < ? Du mompelen, to mumble] 1 to mumble; mutter бормотать 2 [Old Slang] to beg клянчить, выпрашивать 3 [Old Slang] to cheat надувать, плуто-


mutter vi. [ME moteren, to mutter, of echoic orig.] 1 to speak in low, indistinct tones without much movement of the lips, as in complaining or in speaking to oneself бормотать 2 to complain or grumble брюзжать, роптать, ворчать 3 to make a low, rumbling, threatening sound, as thunder рокотать - vt. to say in low, indistinct, often angry or discontented, tones громыхать, рычать

neigh vi. [OE knaegan, to neigh, of echoic orig.] to utter the loud, characteristic cry of a horse; whinny ржать

nicker vi. [< OE knaegan, to neigh, of echoic orig.] to utter a low whinnying sound: said of a horse ржать

noodle vi. [echoic var. of doodle, to trifle, dawdle] 1 to play idly or improvise on a musical instrument наигрывать, импровизировать 2 to explore an idea рассматривать


oink vi. [echoic] to grunt as or like a pig хрюкать

pash vt. vi. [ME passchen, to pash, prob. echoic] to hurl or be hurled violently so as to break; smash швырять, громить, разбивать вдребезги

pat vt. [ME patte, pat, prob. echoic] 1 to tap, touch, or stroke quickly or gently, esp. with the hand, as in affectation, sympathy, or encouragement похлопать, потрепать 2 to tap

or stroke lightly with something flat хлопать 3 to flatten, shape, apply, etc. by patting

расплющивать - vi. 1 to pat a surface сплющивать 2 to move along with a patting sound, as in running бежать упруго подскакивая

patter vi. [<ME patte, pat, prob. echoic] 1 to make a series of quick, light taps постуки-

вать 2 to run or move along so as to make a series of quick, light taps топотать

pebble vt. [< OE papol-(stan), popol-(stan), pebble (stone), prob. of echoic orig.] 1 to cover with pebbles or objects that look like pebbles засыпать галькой 2 to stamp (leather) so as to produce a pebbly appearance штамповать кожу придавая ей вид


peck vt. [ME pecken, to peck, pick] 1 to strike with a pointed object, as with a beak кле-

вать 2 to make by doing this клевать 3 to pick up with the beak; get by pecking клевать - vi. to make strokes as with a pointed object клевать, чеканить, гравировать

peep vi. [ME pepen, to peep, of echoic orig.] 1 to make the short, high-pitched cry of a young bird or chick; chirp; cheep пищать, чирикать, щебетать 2 to utter a sound or speak in a small, weak voice, as from fear пищать

ping vt. vi. [echoic] to make or cause to make a sound as by a bullet striking something sharply звенеть, звякать

pip vi. [var. of ME pepen, to peep, of echoic orig.] to peep or chirp, as a young bird щебетать, чирикать - vt. to break through (the shell); said of a hatching bird проклевывать-


pipe vi. [L pipare, to cheep, chirp, peep, of echoic orig.] 1 to play on a pipe играть на трубе, трубить 2 to utter shrill, reedy sounds or tones трубить 3 to signal a ship's crew by sounding a boatswain's pipe подавать сигналы на боцманской дудке - vt. 1 to play (a tune, etc.) on a pipe играть на трубе, трубить 2 to utter in a shrill, reedy voice or tone трубить 3 to affect or bring to some condition or place by or as by playing pipes

протрубить 4 to convey (water, gas, oil, etc.) by means of pipes передавать с помощью труб 5 to provide with pipes прокладывать трубы 6 to trim (a dress, etc.) with piping отделывать кантом, выпушкой 7 [Slang] to look at or notice замечать 8 to call together or alert (the crew), make (a specified call), or signal the arrival aboard or the departure of (someone) by sounding a boatswain's pipe созывать команду сигналами

боцманской дудки

piss vi. [OFr pissier, to piss, prob. of echoic orig.] to urinate мочиться - vt. to discharge as or with the urine помочиться

pitter-patter vi. [ME pyter-pater, echoic] to fall, move, etc. with a rapid succession of light beating or tapping sounds, as of raindrops барабанить, стучать

plash vt. vi. [echoic] to splash плескаться

plod vi. [of echoic orig.] 1 to walk or move heavily and laboriously; trudge брести, та-

щиться, плестись 2 to work steadily and monotonously; drudge кропотливо трудить-

ся, корпеть

plonk vt. vi. [echoic] to plunk бренчать

plop vt. vi. [echoic] 1 to drop with a sound like that of something flat falling into water with splashing плюхаться, хлюпать 2 to drop, or allow to drop, heavily бултыхаться

plump vi. [MDu plompen, to plump, of echoic orig.] 1 to fall suddenly or with full impact плюхнуться 2 to come in contact abruptly or heavily (against something) бухаться, шлепаться, ударяться обо что-либо 3 [Chiefly Brit.] to vote or opt (for someone or something) голосовать за кого-либо 4 to offer strong support (for someone or something) поддерживать - vt. to drop, throw, or put down heavily or all at once уронить,

плюхнуть, швырнуть, поставить

plunk vt. [echoic] 1 to pluck or strum (a banjo, guitar, etc.) бренчать на гитаре, банджо и т.п. 2 to throw or put down heavily; plump бросать, швырять - vi. 1 to give out a twanging sound, as a banjo бренчать 2 to fall or sink heavily упасть с грохотом

pooh-pooh vt. [redupl. of pooh, echoic of blowing away] to minimize or treat disdainfully; make light of; belittle презирать, гнушаться, относиться пренебрежительно, при-


pop vi. [ME poppen, to pop, of echoic orig.] 1 to make, or burst with, a short, light, explosive sound хлопать, треснуть 2 to move, go, come, etc. suddenly and quickly, and usually unexpectedly забежать, заглянуть, заскочить 3 to open wide suddenly, or protrude, as with amazement: said of the eyes широко раскрываться 4 to shoot a pistol, etc. стрелять 5 [Slang] to offer to pay: with for совать деньги - vt. 1 to cause to pop, as corn by roasting потрескивать при обжаривании 2 to fire (a pistol, etc.) стрелять 3 to put suddenly, quickly, or unexpectedly совать, всовывать 4 [Slang] to swallow (a pill, capsule, etc.) проглотить

popple vi. [ME poplen, to popple, of echoic orig.] to heave, toss, bubble, or ripple, as water in choppy sea вздыматься, бурлить

prang vt. vi. [echoic] [Slang, Chiefly Brit., etc.] 1 to cause (an aircraft, vehicle, etc.) to crash сбивать 2 to collide with сталкиваться 3 to bomb heavily бомбить

prate vi. [MDu praten, to prate, of echoic orig.] to talk much and foolishly; chatter бол-

тать, трещать - vt. to tell idly; blab болтать, разбалтывать, выбалтывать

prattle vi. vt. [MLowG pratelen, to prate] 1 to prate болтать 2 to speak in a childish way; babble лепетать

puff vi. [OE pyffan, to puff, of echoic orig.] 1 to blow in puffs, as the wind дуть 2 to give forth puffs of smoke, steam, etc. пускать клубы 3 to breathe rapidly and hard, as from running пыхтеть, запыхаться 4 to move, giving forth puffs: with away, out, in, etc. уез-

жать, оставляя клубы дыма 5 to come in puffs, as smoke идти клубами, кольцами

6 to fill (out, or up, as with air) надувать 7 to become inflated, as with pride (with out or up) надуваться 8 to swell (out or up), as skin tissue надуваться, раздуваться 9 to take a puff or puffs at a cigarette, pipe, etc. пускать клубы дыма - vt. 1 to blow, drive, give forth, etc. in or with a puff or puffs дуть 2 to swell; distend; inflate надувать, раздувать 3 to praise unduly раздуваться 4 to write or print a puff of писать хвалебную рецензию 5 to smoke (a cigarette, pipe, etc.) курить сигарету, трубку и т.п. 6 to set

(the hair) in soft, round masses or rolls укладывать волосы крупными кольцами

pug vt. [< ME pucken, to punch, strike, echoic of pounding] 1 to temper (clay) for making bricks, earthenware, etc. обжигать глину 2 to fill in with clay, mortar, sand, etc. for soundproofing замазывать глиняным раствором

puke vi. vt. [< ? Ger spucken, to spit, of echoic orig.] [Colloq.] to vomit рвать

pule vi. [echoic] to whimper or whine, as a sick or fretful child does хныкать

pump vt. [MDu pompe, pump, of echoic orig.] 1 to raise or move (fluids) with a pump качать, выкачивать воду насосом 2 to remove water, etc. from, as with a pump откачивать 3 to drive air into with a pump or bellows нагнетать воздух насосом 4 to force in, draw out, drive, move up and down, pour forth, etc. by means of a pump or as a pump does накачивать, откачивать, закачивать 5 to apply force to with a pumping, up-and- down motion раскачивать 6 [Colloq.] to question closely and persistently выспрашивать 7 [Colloq.] to get (information) from a person in this way выспрашивать 8 to

transfer or inject energy into (particles, the electrons of a laser, etc.) накачивать энер-

гию - vi. 1 to work a pump качать 2 to raise or move water, etc. with a pump выкачивать воду 3 to move up and down or go by moving up and down like a pump handle or piston качаться 4 to flow in, out, or through by, or as if by, being pumped накачиваться,

откачиваться, закачиваться

purr vt. vi. [echoic] to make or express by a low, vibratory sound made by a cat when it seems to be pleased мурлыкать

quack vi. [echoic] to utter the characteristic sound or cry of a duck, or a sound like it кря-


racket vt. [echoic] 1 to make a noisy confusion; take part in a noisy activity создавать шум, гвалт 2 [Now Rare] to lead a boisterous social life; revel пировать, кутить 3 to ramble or travel in a casual, reckless way, as in search of excitement: often with around

стремиться к наслаждениям

rap vt. [ME rappen, to rap, of echoic orig.] 1 to strike quickly and sharply; tap стучать 2 [Slang] to criticize sharply выругать, разносить - vi. 1 to knock quickly and sharply стучать 2 to perform rap or a rap исполнять рэп 3 [Slang] to talk; chat бормотать, бол-

тать 4 [Slang] to talk seriously and frankly with another or others разговаривать откро-


rattle vi. [ME ratelen, to rattle, of echoic orig.] 1 to make a series of sharp, short sounds in quick succession дребезжать 2 to go or move with such sounds грохотать 3 to talk rapidly and incessantly; chatter: often with on барабанить, тарахтеть - vt. 1 to cause to rattle дребезжать 2 to utter or perform rapidly барабанить 3 to confuse or upset; disconcert сбивать с толку

rustle vi. vt. [ME rustelen, to rustle, of echoic orig.] to make or cause to make an irregular succession of soft sounds, as of leaves being moved by gentle breeze or of papers being shuffled шуршать, шелестеть

screech vi. [ON skraekja, to screech, of echoic orig.] to utter or make a shrill, highpitched, harsh shriek or sound визжать, клекотать - vt. to utter with a screech визжать,


scrounge vt. [prob. echoic] [Colloq.] 1 to manage to get or find by hunting around рыскать 2 to get by begging or sponging; mooch выпрашивать, жить на чужой счет 3 to take without permission; pilfer красть, тащить, стянуть - vi. [Colloq.] to seek (around) for something; forage рыскать

scrunch vt. vi. [< crounch, of echoic orig.] 1 to crunch, crush, or crumple хрустеть,

мять, комкать 2 to hunch, huddle, or squeeze горбить, сутулить, принижать, при-


scupper vt. [< VL skuppire, to spit, of echoic orig.] 1 to sink (one's own ship) deliberately

умышленно утопить собственный корабль 2 [Colloq.] to wreck; ruin разрушать,


shrill vi. [ME shrille, shrill, of echoic orig.] to make a high-pitched, piercing noise or sound

визжать, горланить - vt. to utter shrilly визжать

skirr vi. [of echoic orig.] to move, run, fly, etc. swiftly and, occasionally, with a whirring sound жужжать - vt. 1 to cover in searching; scour рыскать повсюду 2 to throw and cause to skim жужжать

slap vt. [LowG sklapp, of echoic orig.] 1 to strike with something flat, specif. the palm of the hand шлепать, хлопать 2 to put, throw, hit, etc. carelessly or with force хлопать,

шлепать - vi. to make a dull, sharp noise, as upon impact шлепнуться

smack vt. [MlowG smacke, smack, of echoic orig.] 1 to press (the lips) together and part them suddenly so as to make smack чмокать 2 to kiss loudly чмокать 3 to slap loudly

шлепнуть, хлопнуть - vi. to make a loud, sharp noise, as on impact чмокать

smatter vt. [ME smateren, to chatter, gossip, of echoic orig.] [Now Rare] 1 to speak or utter (a language, words, etc.) with only slight knowledge говорить слабо владея языком 2 to study or learn (a subject) superficially изучать поверхностно

snick vt. vi. [echoic] to click щелкать

snicker vi. [echoic] 1 to laugh in a sly or derisive, partly stifled manner хихикать 2 to neigh; nicker ржать - vt. to utter with a nicker хихикать, ржать

sniff vi. [ME sniffen, to sniff, of echoic orig.] 1 to draw in air through the nose with enough force to be heard, as in clearing the nose or smelling something сопеть, нюхать 2 to express disdain, skepticism, etc. by sniffing сопеть, посапывать - vt. 1 to breathe in forcibly through the nose; draw in or inhale nasally вдыхать 2 to smell (a substance) by sniffing нюхать 3 to detect, perceive, or get a suspicion of by or as by sniffing: often with out


sniffle vi. [< ME sniffen, to sniff, of echoic orig.] to sniff repeatedly, as in checking mucus running from the nose принюхиваться

snigger vi. vt. [echoic] to snicker хихикать, ржать

spank vt. [echoic] to strike with something flat, as the open hand, esp. on the buttocks, as in punishment шлепать - vi. to move along swiftly or smartly топать, чеканить шаг

spat vi. [echoic] 1 [Rare] to slap шлепать, хлопать 2 to strike with a quick, lapping sound хлопать 3 [Colloq.] to engage in a spat or quarrel препираться, браниться - vt.

[Rare] to slap шлепать, хлопать

spatter vt. [< ME spatten, to splash, spurt] 1 to scatter in drops or small blobs брызгать, разбрызгивать, забрызгивать 2 to splash, spot, or soil with such drops or blobs

брызгать, обрызгивать 3 to defame or slander обливать грязью - vi. 1 to emit or spurt out in drops or small blobs, as fat in frying брызгаться, разбрызгиваться 2 to fall or strike in or as in a shower, as raindrops or pellets брызгать

splurge vi. [echoic blend of spl(ash) + (s)urge] [Colloq.] 1 to make any very showy display or effect; show off раскошеливаться 2 to spend money extravagantly пускать деньги

по ветру

splutter vi. [< MDu sputteren, to spit] 1 to make hissing or spitting sounds, or to throw off particles in an explosive way, as something frying; sputter шипеть 2 to speak hurriedly and confusedly, as when excited or embarrassed лопотать - vt. 1 to utter hurriedly and confusedly; sputter лопотать 2 to spatter брызгать, разбрызгивать

squawk vi. [echoic] 1 to utter a loud, harsh cry, as a parrot or chicken клекотать 2

[Colloq.] to complain or protest, esp. in a loud or raucous voice ворчать - vt. to utter in a squawk клекотать

squeak vi. [ON sqvakka, to gurgle] 1 to make or utter a short, sharp, high-pitched sound or cry скрипеть 2 [Colloq., Chiefly Brit.] to act as an informer; squeal стучать, доносить

- vt. 1 to utter or produce in a squeak скрипеть 2 to cause (a door, etc.) to squeak скри-


squeal vi. [ON sqvala, to cry out, yell] 1 to utter or make a long, shrill cry or sound виз-

жать 2 [Slang] to act as an informer; betray a secret: often with on доносить - vt. to utter in a squeal визжать

squelch vt. [echoic] 1 to crush or smash by or as by falling or stamping upon; squash да-

вить, расплющивать, раздавить 2 [Colloq.] to suppress or silence completely and with a crushing effect пресекать, подавлять - vi. 1 to walk heavily, as through mud, making a sucking sound идти издавая чавкающий звук 2 to make such a sound чмокать,


squib vt. vi. [echoic] 1 to shoot off a type of firecracker that burns with a hissing, spurting noise before exploding запускать шутиху взрывающуюся с шипящим звуком 2 to write or utter a short, sharp, usually witty attack in words извергать фейерверк слов 3 to explode with a hissing, spurting noise взрываться с шипящим звуком

squish vi. [echoic var. of squash] to make a soft, splashing sound when walked on, squeezed, etc. раздавливать - vt. [Colloq.] to squeeze into a soft mass; squash раз-


squoosh vt. [var. of squash] [Colloq.] 1 to squeeze or crush into a soft, liquid mass раз-

давливать 2 to slosh шлепать по грязи

strum vt. vi. [echoic] 1 to play (a guitar, banjo, etc.), esp. with long strokes across the strings and often in a casual or aimless way, or without much skill бренчать, тренькать

2 to play (a tune) in this way бренчать, тренькать

swap vt. vi. [ME swappen, to strike (echoic): from the striking of hands on concluding a bargain] [Colloq.] to exchange, trade, or barter заключать сделку, ударять по рукам

swash vi. [echoic] 1 to dash, strike, wash, etc. with a splashing sound; splash плескать,

расплескивать 2 to swagger or bluster выступать, идти важной поступью - vt. to splash (a liquid), as in a container плескаться

swat vi. [echoic] to hit with a quick, sharp blow шлепать

swish vi. [echoic] 1 to move with a sharp, hissing sound, as a cane swung through the air рассекать воздух со свистом 2 to move with a light, brushing sound, as skirts in walking потрескивать 3 to pass through the basket without hitting the hoop or backboard: said of a ball просвистеть - vt. 1 to cause to swish рассекать воздух со свистом 2 to whip or flog пороть 3 to move (liquid), esp. in the mouth, with a light, hissing or gurgling sound булькать, клекотать 4 to cause (a ball) to swish забить с треском мяч

swoosh vi. vt. [echoic] to move, pour, etc. with or as with a sharp rushing or whistling sound просвистеть

tap vt. [OFr taper, to tap, prob. of echoic orig.] 1 to strike lightly and rapidly стукать 2 to strike something lightly, and often repeatedly, with постукивать 3 to make or do by tapping выстукивать 4 to choose or designate, as for membership in a club избирать 5 to repair (a shoe) by adding a thickness of leather, etc. to the heel or sole прибивать набойки - vi. 1 to strike a light, rapid blow or a series of such blows стучать, постукивать 2 to perform a tap dance танцевать чечетку 3 to move with a tapping sound постуки-


tattle vi. [MDu tatelen, to tattle, of echoic orig.] 1 to talk idly; chatter; gossip болтать, сплетничать 2 to reveal other people's secrets; tell tales выбалтывать, распускать слухи 3 to inform against someone доносить - vt. to reveal (a secret) through gossiping

выболтать, проболтаться

tee-hee vi. [ME tee-hee, echoic] to titter or snicker подсмеиваться, хихикать

throb vi. [ME throbben, prob. of echoic orig.] 1 to beat, pulsate, vibrate, etc. биться, пульсировать, вибрировать 2 to beat strongly or fast; palpitate, as the heart under exertion биться, пульсировать 3 to feel or express emotion; quiver with excitement вы-

плескивать чувства, дрожать от возбуждения

thrum vt. [echoic] 1 to strum (a guitar, banjo, etc.) бренчать, тренькать 2 to tell in monotonous, tiresome way бубнить, бормотать 3 to drum on with the fingers барабанить,

выстукивать пальцами - vi. 1 to thrum a guitar, etc. бренчать, тренькать 2 to sound when so played бренчать, тренькать 3 to drum with the fingers барабанить, высту-

кивать пальцами

thump vt. [echoic] 1 to strike with a thump or thumps давать тумака 2 to thrash; beat severely колотить 3 to defeat decisively сшибить с ног - vi. 1 to hit or fall with a thump давать тумака 2 to make a dull, heavy sound; pound; throb падать с глухим звуком

thunder vi. [< OE thunor, loud rustling, deep noise] 1 to produce thunder: usually in the impersonal construction греметь, извергать гром 2 to make, or move with, a sound like thunder громыхать, грохотать 3 to make vehement speeches, denunciations, etc. громогласно осуждать - vt. 1 to say in a thundering voice громыхать 2 to strike, drive, etc. with the sound or violence of thunder пробиваться

thwack vt. [prob. echoic] to strike with something flat; whack трахнуть, треснуть

tick vi. [MHG zicken, to tick] 1 to make a tick or series of ticks, as a clock тикать 2 [Colloq.] to function characteristically or well; operate; work работать как часы - vt. 1 to indicate, record, or count by a tick or ticks отмечать, помечать птичкой 2 [Chiefly Brit., etc.] to mark or check off (an item on a list, etc.) with a tick: usually with off отмечать

птичкой в списке

tinkle vi. [ME tynclen, to make a tinkling sound, of echoic orig.] 1 to make a series of small, short, light, ringing sounds like those of a very small bell звякать 2 [Colloq.] to urinate: child's term мочиться - vt. 1 to cause to tinkle звякать 2 to indicate, signal, etc. by tinkling звякать