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Insolvency problems

If a joint-stock company goes bankrupt and can not pay out its debts, then either the shareholders or the creditors are entitled to sell it out. But first of all a liquidation committee is formed to regulate the process of winding up. In case of a voluntary liquidation the commission is appointed by the shareholders of the general meeting, but if the winding-up is compulsory then a court, in majority cases an arbitration must appoint this committee to solve the problem.

    1. Match the equivalents:

      1. Apply for registration

      a) Акционерное общество

      2. Articles of association

      b) Государственная компания

      3. Bind (v)

      c) Добровольная ликвидация

      4. Capital

      d) Капитал

      5. Clause

      e) Ликвидационная комиссия

      6. Company’s authorized capital

      f) Ликвидация

      7. Company’s name

      g) Название компании

      8. Compulsory liquidation

      h) Неплатежеспособность

      9. Fixed nominal value

      i) Нотариус


      j) Обязывать

      11. Joint-stock company

      k) Официальный адрес правления компании

      12. Legal person

      l) Подать заявление на регистрацию

      13. Legal structure of business

      m) Подписчики (капитала)

      14. Liquidation committee

      n) Правовая организация бизнеса

      15. Natural person

      o) Принудительная ликвидация

      16. Notary

      p) Статья (договора)

      17. Objects

      q) Устав акционерного общества

      18. Private company

      r) Уставной капитал (фонд) компании

      19. Public company

      s) Установленная номинальная стоимость

      20. Registered office

      t) Физическое лицо

      21. Subscribers

      u) Цель (образования компании)

      22. Voluntary liquidation

      v) Частная компания

      23. Winding-up

      w) Юридическое лицо

    2. Answer the following questions:

  1. How many steps are there to be taken before starting your business?

  2. What is a crucial step in the decisions you will have to make?

  3. Why is it important to choose the legal form of your business?

  4. Which is the most popular form of business?

  5. What word must end a private company with?

  6. What word must end a public company with?

  7. What binds the company and its members?

  8. What do the articles of association contain?

  9. What should be done if a joint-stock company goes bankrupt?

  10. What happens in a case of a voluntary liquidation?

  11. What happens in a case of a compulsory liquidation?

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