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Taxation Act.docx
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§ 133. Competence of tax authority as representative of state, rural municipality or city in liquidation, bankruptcy and judicial proceedings

(1) Upon the collection of tax arrears in liquidation, bankruptcy, reorganisation, debt restructuring or judicial proceedings, the state is represented by the Tax and Customs Board.

[RT I, 06.12.2010, 1 - entry into force 05.04.2011]


(2) Upon the recovery of tax arrears in liquidation, bankruptcy, reorganisation, debt restructuring or judicial proceedings, a rural municipality or city shall be represented by a rural municipality or city administrative agency with the powers of a tax authority.

[RT I, 13.12.2011, 1 - entry into force 01.01.2012]

(3) A tax authority may submit a petition for the declaration of bankruptcy of a taxable person as bankrupt if enforcement action taken by the tax authority or a bailiff does not result in the collection of tax arrears.

(4) A tax authority may submit a petition for the declaration of bankruptcy of a taxable person as bankrupt before the case specified in subsection (3) of this section if a basis specified in clause 10 (2) 3) of the Bankruptcy Act exists.

[RT I 2007, 23, 121 - entry into force 01.07.2007]

§ 134. Compulsory enforcement by way of international professional assistance

[RT I, 13.12.2011, 1 - entry into force 01.01.2012]

Division 2 Ensuring Performance of Non-Monetary Obligations

§ 135. Application of coercive measures

(1) The provisions of the Substitutive Enforcement and Penalty Payment Act  apply to the penalty payments and substitutive enforcement prescribed in §§ 67, 71 and 91 of this Act or in an Act concerning a tax, taking account of the specifications provided for in this Act or the Act concerning a tax. A coercive measure may be applied repeatedly until the objective intended by an administrative act is achieved.

(2) The application of a coercive measure may be suspended by a court  pursuant to the procedure prescribed in the Code of Administrative Court Procedure  or, on the basis of a reasoned request, by the tax authority which issued an administrative act. A tax authority may postpone the application of a coercive measure and issue a new warning setting a new term for compliance with an administrative act. A tax authority shall not postpone the application of a coercive measure for longer than two months. A decision to amend the application of a coercive measure shall be delivered pursuant to the procedure provided for in Chapter 4 of this Act.

[RT I, 23.02.2011, 3 - entry into force 01.01.2012]


(3) Penalty payments and the costs of substitutive enforcement shall be collected by way of compulsory execution pursuant to the provisions of subsection 128 (4) of this Act. 

§ 136. Warning of application of coercive measure

(1)  A person with regard to whom a coercive measure is to be applied shall be set a term for the performance of an obligation and the person shall be warned that coercive measures may be applied if the obligation is not performed by the due date.

(2) Warnings shall be prepared in writing. A warning may be issued in an administrative act if a coercive measure is applied in order to ensure compliance with the administrative act.

(3) The following shall set be out in a warning:

1) the name and address of the person to whom the warning is issued;

2) a reference to the administrative act imposing the obligation with which failure to comply will result in the application of a coercive measure;

3) the due date for voluntary performance of the obligation, except in the case of an obligation to refrain from a particular activity;

4) the type of coercive measure or, in the case of a penalty payment, the size of the penalty payment to be applied in the event of failure to perform the obligation by the due date;

5) the name of the tax authority which issued the warning;

6) the given name and surname of the official competent to sign and his or her signature;

7) the date of issue of the warning.

(4) If a tax authority intends to apply several coercive measures to ensure performance of the same obligation, the order of application and the dates of commencement of application of the coercive measures shall be indicated. The tax authority may apply a new coercive measure only if compliance with an administrative act is not achieved by the initial coercive measure.

(5) If a tax authority wishes to apply coercive measures of the same type to ensure the performance of several obligations, the coercive measure shall be indicated separately for each obligation in a warning.

(6) If a person is required by an administrative act to refrain from acting or to tolerate measures taken by a tax authority, a warning may state that a coercive measure may be re-applied upon each failure to comply with the obligation. 

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