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§ 9. Residence, seat, place of business and permanent establishment

(1) The terms “residence” and “seat” are used in this Act within the meaning of the General Part of the Civil Code Act.

(2) A place of business is the place of the permanent and continuous business or professional activities of a person, an association of persons without the status of a legal person or a pool of assets without the status of a legal person.

(3) A permanent establishment is the place through which, whether in full or in part, the permanent economic activities of a non-resident are carried out in Estonia. Non-residents whose economic activities in Estonia are carried out through an authorised representative pursuant to the provisions of the Income Tax Act also have a permanent establishment.

Division 2 Principal Obligations of Tax Authority

§ 10. Duties of tax authority

(1) A tax authority shall monitor compliance with this Act and with Acts concerning taxes within the limits of the competence granted to the tax authority by law.

(2) The duties of a tax authority are:

1) to verify the correctness of the calculation and payment of taxes and to monitor the payment of taxes and the application of tax incentives in the amount and pursuant to the procedure provided by law;

2) to calculate and make an assessment of tax and interest due in the cases provided by law and to return overpaid amounts and amounts to be compensated for;

3) to collect tax arrears;

4) to impose coercive measures and punishments permitted by law on persons who violate an Act concerning a tax.

(3) A tax authority shall conduct proceedings in a straightforward and efficient manner without undue delay, avoiding superfluous costs and inconveniences, in compliance with the general principles of administrative proceedings and ensuring that the rights of participants in the proceedings are protected.

§ 11. Principle of investigation

(1) When verifying the correctness of the payment of taxes and making an assessment of tax, a tax authority is required to take into consideration all facts relevant to the matter, including facts which increase and facts which decrease the tax liability.

(2) A tax authority shall decide on the need to perform acts in order to verify the correctness of the payment of a tax and on the type and extent of the acts and shall collect evidence which is necessary to make a decision in the matter. When ascertaining facts relevant from the point of view of taxation, a tax authority is not only restricted to the requests and evidence submitted by participants in the proceedings.

§ 12. Right of discretion

If a tax authority is authorised by law to consider taking a measure or to choose between different measures, the tax authority shall exercise the right of discretion within the limits of its authorisation and in accordance with the general principles of justice, taking into account the relevant facts and weighing up legitimate interests.

§ 13. Hearing opinion of taxable person

(1) A taxable person has the right to submit the opinion and objections of the taxable person to a tax authority before the issue of an administrative act concerning the taxable person’s rights.

(2) The right specified in subsection (1) of this section need not be ensured for a taxable person:

1) if prompt action is required to prevent damage arising from delay or to protect the public interests, or

2) if the tax authority does not deviate from the information provided by the taxable person in an application, request or explanation and there is no need for additional information, or

3) if the resolution is not made against the taxable person, or

4) if notification which is necessary to enable opinions or objections to be submitted does not enable the purpose of the administrative act to be achieved, or

5) in other cases provided by law.

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