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§ 80. Closing interview

(1) At the end of a tax audit, the tax auditor shall conduct an interview with the taxable person or a representative of the taxable person. An interview is not conducted at the end of a tax audit in the case specified in subsection 81 (3) of this Act or if the taxable person or a representative of the taxable person refuses to participate in an interview or if no facts altering the tax liability are discovered as a result of the tax audit.

(2) In the course of an interview, the taxable person shall be informed of the results of the tax audit, disputable facts shall be discussed with the taxable person and he or she shall be given the opportunity to provide explanations regarding such facts. At the request of the taxable person, the tax auditor shall explain how the facts ascertained in the course of the tax audit may affect the tax liability of the taxable person. The interview may be combined with the examination of the audit report. Officials of the tax authority who did not participate in the tax audit may be involved in an interview, along with experts and specialists. Explanations given in the course of an interview shall be recorded in the minutes if necessary.

(3) If elements of a misdemeanour or a criminal offence become evident in the course of a tax audit, the tax authority shall inform the taxable person thereof and explain that the offence will be heard and the facts necessary therefor will be ascertained in the course of separate proceedings. 

§ 81. Audit report

(1) At the end of a tax audit, the tax auditor shall prepare an audit report setting out all the factual information and legal facts ascertained in the course of the tax audit and relevant for taxation purposes. If an expert or specialist is involved in the tax audit, their participation shall be indicated in the audit report.

(2) The taxable person or a representative of the taxable person has the right to examine the audit report and, if the taxable person or representative does not agree with the facts stated therein, to request that his or her dissenting opinion be added to the audit report. A notation concerning the addition of a dissenting opinion shall be made at the end of the audit report.

(3) The audit report shall not be examined and an interview shall not be conducted prior to delivery of the administrative act issued as a result of the tax audit, if examination would hinder the truth from being ascertained in criminal proceedings or tax from being collected.

(4) The audit report shall not be examined if no facts altering the tax liability are discovered as a result of the tax audit. A corresponding written notice shall be delivered to the taxable person. The notice shall be considered to be equivalent to a notice of assessment (§ 95) issued as a result of a tax audit and the provisions of §§ 101-103 of this Act apply to the amendment or repeal thereof.

Chapter 71 covert investigation and secret co-operation

[RT I, 21.03.2011, 2 - entry into force 01.01.2012]  

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