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§ 65. Making copies of documents and removal of documents and things

(1) A tax authority may make copies and extracts of documents submitted thereto by a participant in proceedings and officially certify the accuracy thereof. Documents shall be officially certified pursuant to the provisions of the Administrative Procedure Act.

(2) A tax authority may remove documents and things submitted thereto if:

1) the documents or things are necessary to resolve a tax matter and the tax authority has reason to believe that such evidence may not be available later, or

2) it is necessary in order to make extracts or copies of the documents, or

3) the documents and things refer to a possible offence.

(3) A report shall be prepared concerning the removal of documents stating the names of the documents, the number of documents and, in the event of files being removed, the number of pages. A report shall be prepared concerning the removal of things stating a description of the removed things and the number of removed things. The report shall be signed by the person who prepared the report and persons who participated in the act. If a participant in proceedings refuses to sign the report, the person who prepares the report shall make a corresponding notation in the report. A report shall be prepared in duplicate and one of the original copies shall be given to the participant in proceedings whose things or documents were removed.

(4) Documents shall not be removed in the cases provided for in clauses (2) 1) and 2) of this section if the participant in proceedings objects to their removal and bears the costs of making copies or extracts of the documents. The accuracy of copies and extracts shall be certified pursuant to the provisions of subsection (1) of this section and the participant in proceedings shall sign beside the notation concerning certification. If the number of certified copies or extracts is large, a report shall be prepared in which a list of the documents of which copies or extracts were made shall be set out. The report shall be signed by an official of the tax authority and the participant in proceedings. 

§ 66. Reimbursement of expenses to third party

(1) Documented travel expenses and accommodation expenses incurred and average wages which are not received due to performance of the obligations provided for in §§ 61 and 62 of this Act by a third party outside the residence thereof shall, at the request of the third party, be reimbursed thereto. A tax authority shall, on the basis of an invoice submitted thereto, pay for the making of copies or extracts in the amount of up to 0.20 euros per page of paper starting from the twenty-first page.

[RT I 2010, 22, 108 - entry into force 01.01.2011]


(2) A tax authority has the right to claim amounts paid to a third party for the reimbursement of costs from a taxable person if the taxable person:

1) fails to comply with an order of the tax authority requesting the submission of information, things or documents in the same matter, or

2) cannot be reached at the residence or seat of the taxable person or at any other address of which the tax authority has been informed, or

3) evades the proceedings, or

4) hinders the process of ascertaining facts relevant for the purposes of tax proceedings in another manner.

(3) A tax authority does not have the right to request the reimbursement of expenses of a third party from a taxable person if the tax authority contacted the third party without giving the taxable person the opportunity to submit information, except in the cases specified in clauses (2) 2)-4) of this section.

(4) A tax authority shall, in an order, submit a claim for the reimbursement of expenses to a taxable person, set a term for reimbursement and issue a warning stating that, in the event of failure to reimburse the expenses by the due date, the claim will be subject to compulsory execution pursuant to §§ 128-132 of this Act.

(5) Expenses specified in the first sentence of subsection (1) of this section shall be reimbursed in the amount and pursuant to the procedure established by a regulation of the Government of the Republic

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