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Topic 30 Should a high school be built in your community?

I support the plan of building a new high school in my community, as currently there are no high schools in my community and the nearest one is almost three miles away from the community.

I will now take up (продолжать) my story where I left it.

Students in my community have to travel a long distance either by any available conveyance (vehicle транспортное средство) or independent transportation. As all of them (Как и все из них) cannot afford to have their own transport and the parents are also finding it difficult to drop their children daily at the school that is far away from their work places. As the high school is far away and many children have to take either auto rickshaws (рикш) or buses, there is a traffic problem caused in the route (по маршруту) during the school days. There are also potential dangers as the auto rickshaws tend to transport more children than it can carry, therefore there is a risk of accidents causing by these overcrowded autos.

The sea has been encroaching (up)on the land for years. — Море уже много лет наступало на землю.

Also the land that was allocated for high school construction (Кроме того, земли, которые были выделены на строительство школы) is being encroached (вторгаться, захватывать) by private people. Our community mostly consists of middle class people, and they cannot afford to send their children on school buses and there is a lot of time being wasted on transportation to the school. Our community consists of other facilities like a university and a hospital, but lacks a high school. It would also be comfortable for small children to go to the school if it is made in our community and the parents would not worry about dropping off their child at school.

Why did he take up fencing anyway? - И правда, зачем он занялся фехтованием?

Finally the high school that is going to be built in the community can also provide employment opportunities to college graduates who are unemployed in the community and ready to take up (заняться) the teaching profession. In sum, I support that a new high school should be built in my community.

Topic 31 Do you prefer to stay at one place or move around?

Staying in one place or moving in search of another place? Some people prefer to living in one place because they enjoy a harmonious relation (гармоничные отношения) with their neighbors and environments. While others prefer to moving from one place to another because of various reasons, a better job, house, community, or even climate. Looking back to my education and looking forward to my future career, I have been and will be moving a number of times. But considering my personality (Но, учитывая мою индивидуальность), I would rather live in one place when I am old.

I'm looking forward to some warmer weather after this bitter winter. — я надеюсь, что теперь будет потеплее, зима была такой суровой.

For a student, a good education opportunity is the most important concern (наиболее важная задача). Students leave their homes for good university education. Different schools have different teaching styles. It is very common for students to choose among different schools to find a most suitable one. I did pursue (преследовать (цель)) my bachelor's degree far from my hometown, and I am pursuing my master degree at another university, and would like to pursue a ph. D abroad. Career development is another important issue. In order to have a strong experience and to get a fulfilling job, people would work in a number of companies. In different companies, we could experience different cultures and ways of doing things. The variety of people and culture will do much good to our future career development.

What makes you bounce out of bed every morning to look forward to going to work?

However, frankly speaking, I am not an aggressive person. I would rather enjoy my live in a stable pace. When I am old and without the pressure to struggle (бороться) for a better job, I would prepare to stay in a peaceful and quiet place, where I could chat with my old friends everyday.

Taking into account all these factors, I would like to present myself such a solution: To try a number of places for better education and job opportunities when I am young; to stay in a peaceful place to enjoy live with my wife when I am old.

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