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Topic 18 Important qualities of a good supervisor

When asked what are the important qualities of a supervisor, different people hold different perspectives (люди придерживаются различных точек зрения), due to their different experiences. After pondering (После размышлений) this question on many occasions (во многих случаях), I sum up (подводя итоги, суммируя) three vital qualities that a supervisor or a boss should possess (должен обладать).

In my understanding, the most essential (Наиболее существенной) trait of a boss is that he or she should be able to do what is required of his or her subordinates. As an English proverb says," Example is better than precept (предписание, правило)." If a boss wants the employees to be hardworking, he or she should be diligent (быть прилежным, трудолюбивым) himself or herself. The dean of my department (Декан моего отдела), for example, is a very conscientious (добросовестный) man. He is never late in the morning and never leaves earlier than the rest of the staff. By setting himself as a good example, he teaches us what is a right attitude to work.

Another crucial (ключевой, решающей) feature of a boss is communication skills. The duty of a boss is to give instructions and directions to his or her employees. If the purpose (цель) and the means (способы, средства) are not clearly explained, people may feel at loss (чувствовать себя в растерянности относительно того) as to what to do. Again, our dean is an expert in explaining a task. He usually not only lets us know what and how we should do, he also stirs up (активизирует, возбуждает) our interest and enthusiasm in the job to be done.

The last but not the least vital feature of a boss is that he or she should be an understanding or considerate (деликатным, учтивым) person. If an employee made a mistake, the boss should not rush to criticize him or her. Instead, the boss should first figure out the reasons behind the wrong deed (выяснить причины неправильного поступка). By saying that, I do not mean that a boss should always be lenient (мягким, нетребовательным). What I mean is that a boss should consider himself or herself equal to the employ as a human being. In that case, both parties can reach an understanding on the basis of mutual respect (на основе взаимного уважения). In short, a supervisor should be a person who is self-disciplined, expressive and considerate and who does not deem (не считает) him or herself a superior (лучшим чем) being to others.

Topic 19 Highways or public transportation?

Transportation is among the most important factors affecting the living conditions of people in the society. A prosper (процветать, здравствовать) transportation system has different components, among which the roles of public transportation facilities, highways and roads are prominent (видный, заметный). But if a government finds itself in the stage of defining its priorities in transportation, should it place higher importance on public transportation facilities, or should it prefer to invest more on highways and roads? There are many advantages in investing on roads and highways, however these advantages cannot surpass (превышать, превосходить) the advantages of investing on public transportation systems.

The most important advantages of investment on roads and highways include higher potential for the transportation of goods, reduction in costs pertaining (расходы, связанные) to problems caused by low-quality roads, and notable effect on (заметное влияние на) the thriving (процветание) of the whole region and country. If a government invests on roads and highways, the quality and quantity of roads and highways will increase, so that the potential of the region for transportation of goods will be improved which will result in booming (подъему) of the economy and higher income for the government. Furthermore, problems such as accidents, and gradual (плавный, постепенный) damages to vehicles that are caused by low-quality roads and highways will be reduced. So, the roads and highways will be safer and fewer (меньше) damages will be caused on drivers.

Finally, a country with vast number of high-quality roads and highways is more apt to prosperity (более склонны к процветанию). Because there will be more opportunities for the people of the country to have access to various resources. If the system is organized and managed well, it can lead to greater development.

However there are also many advantages in investment on public transportation facilities. A well-designed and managed public transportation system can eliminate traffic congestions (устранить пробки) in cities. Less traffic problem means the less air and noise pollutions, and can provide society with more physically and mentally healthy people. In addition, prosperous (преуспевающий) public transportation can save lots of our valuable time that otherwise is usually wasted in heavy traffic. Prosperous public transportation can also lower the huge amount of costs consumed on private vehicles including fuel, service and insurance costs. This saved money due to a good public transportation system can compensate the money spent on public transportation facilities. Finally, public transportation will increase people's contact with each other, while private cars may to some extent (до некоторой степени) isolate them from the society.

In conclusion, although there are many advantages in investing on roads and highways, there are more advantages in investing on public transportation. So, government should consider public transportation as its first priority in any transportation investments.

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