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Topic 86 a time and a place in the past

If I were afforded the opportunity to go back to a specific time and place in the past, I would venture (Я бы рискнул) back to ancient Greece. During the 5th century B. C, the Greeks were in the process of developing and reforming (реформирование) a wide range of cultural, social, and scientific pursuits that still have a significant impact on the world today.

The trouble originated in a fault in the machinery. — Проблема возникла из-за неполадки в механизме.

In the arts, Greece excelled (преуспела) in many fields, particularly dramatic literature. The works of Sophocles, Euripides and Aristophanes have had a tremendous influence not only on western literature, but also western thought in general. The works of these playwrights are still performed on stages around the world today, and many of them have been adapted to movies. Still, it would be a rare and exciting opportunity to see these plays performed for the first time.

With whom did the idea originate? — У кого зародилась эта мысль?

The ancient Greeks also excelled in the social sciences. Perhaps their greatest contribution in this area came in the form of democracy. The Greek words "Demo" and "Crazy" mean "People" and "Rule" respectively. Today, many of the world's great nations have adopted, and to a certain extent, modified the ancient Greek system. Yet, it originated (возник из) from ancient Greece.

Academic subjects such as Philosophy, Astronomy, Physics and Biology also received a great deal of attention (большое внимание) in the ancient Greek world. The philosophical writings of Herbalists, Plato, and Aristotle have had a profound influence on western scholarship for well over two thousand years. The Mathematical theories of Pythagoras and Euclid, combined with theories from other great ancient civilizations, provided a foundation upon which later mathematicians such as Newton and Einstein based their work.

The world of the Ancient Greeks would most certainly be an exciting and stimulating place to go back to. Politics, Drama, Physics, and a number of other subjects were still in their infancy (младенчество), and all were being fiercely (яростно) debated and examined. It would undoubtedly be and an? enriching experience (богатый опыт) to observe and take part in such a fascinating civilization.

Topic 86 a time and a place in the past

Till now (до сих пор), there is only one thing that makes me feel repentant (каяться) of. My girlfriend died in Japan, and at that time I was doing my TOEFL test. If I could go back to some time and place in the past, I choose to go back to January 19th 2002...

My girlfriend's name was Christina. Her father is a Japanese, and her mother is a Chinese. She looks as beautiful as an angel. During last winter vacation, I started to prepare for the TOEFL test. Of course, I did not spend enough time with her as usual. I only saw her once every two weeks. The night before the TOEFL test, she came to my house. I enjoyed her cooking, and everything looked fine as usual. The next morning, she cooked the breakfast for me.

Before I left, she kissed me and said "Jackey, good luck. I love you!" I replied: "Thanks, honey! I love you, too." The test went fine. After the test, my cell phone rang as I turned it on. It is one of my best friends, Moon. He said "Jackey, Christina went back to Japan. She is very ill. Now she is in the hospital and she is in the dangerous period. You have to come to Japan right now. We will see you in Japan!"

Christina is ill! How come I did not know this! When I finally obtained the visa and arrived at the hospital in Japan, Christina said, "I think your business is more important than me. I do not think you need me any more! Goodbye, forever." She went forever. If I could go back, I will stay with her and spend much more time with her. I could even drop my test for her.

In fact, it is impossible to go back! Christina has died. There is no another Christina for me, but the TOEFL test will still be held (проводиться) four times per year!

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