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Topic 1 Why go to university?

University is no longer a fresh word to people nowadays. Since the beginning of this century, more and more youngsters choose to enter university after they have completed the study in high schools rather than to join the army or become an apprentice (стать учеником, подмастерьем). Therefore, it is kind of interesting to find out the reason behind.

First of all, students can only learn fundamental knowledge during high school while they are able to focus on their own interested majors (специальность) in universities. This period is the key to knowledge accumulation, which will contribute a lot to the future of an individual (который внесет большой вклад в будущее). Moreover (кроме того, более того), university is no doubt the symbol of high education. It offers more than pure (чистое) knowledge. A degree from a university gives people certain identity that makes them stand out (выделяет их) among their competitors (конкурентов). It can be seen from the fact that most international companies will only hire those who have at least a Bachelor's degree in China.

But, as far as I know (Но, насколько я знаю), sincere (искренние) dreams might also be the reason for university or college. For instance, in the 60s and 70s, people in China experienced hard times. Many of them had to give up (отказаться, броосить) advanced education and take up (взять на себя) the burdens of life (тяготы жизни) at their early age. Now, as they became parents or even grandparents, their dream for university education had no doubt realized by their younger family members. Those young people, as reported, often study very hard in order to fulfill the expectations of two generations.

There is no doubt that university can be the turning point of one's future, because higher education will provide people with not only knowledge prepared for their careers, but also the fulfillment of their life goals. Meanwhile (Между тем), the society has improved its strength to sponsor higher education. Compared with the past, people now attend universities also because they are able to secure various scholarships and supports from different channels. A very good example is that many Chinese students are now studying in the U. S. Their incentive (стимул) for application should be attributed (должен быть приписан) to not only to their own performance but also the comprehensive education frameworks (комплексные структуры образования) in the U. S.

Broadly speaking (Вообще говоря), people who study in universities have their hopes: to fulfill themselves. At the same time, our society generously (великодушно, щедро) provides such an environment for people to achieve such goals. Therefore, when we see more and more fresh smiles on the campus of universities, let us just wish them a promising future (многообещающего будущего).

Topic 1 Why go to university?

People attend college for various reasons. Some people consider college as a challenge and others take it as a new experience. In my opinion, I think that people attend college to increase knowledge, meet new people and develop a career. Studying at a college can benefit a person greatly since it augments (ɔ:ɡmənt увеличивать, расширять увеличиваться... поскольку он увеличивает) a person's knowledge, aids in developing a career and gives a chance to meet new people of different backgrounds (с новыми людьми самого разного происхождения).

Knowledge is such a powerful tool that possessing (обладание) it can diminish (уменьшать, снижать) nearly (почти) all life problems. A college or a university is the place where one can gain knowledge and become valuable to the society. An individual can acquire knowledge (Человек может приобрести знания) about a wide variety of subjects. When my brother was in college, he learned about bacteria and viruses. He had learned that at high school a little bit, but in college he studied it in depth. In addition, he also learned how deal with life problems in college.

Developing a career is a very important stage in our life. Most students, after graduating from high schools, go to colleges or universities to be trained and educated. Some major in various subjects while others go for professional degrees. Universities help students in achieving their goals by preparing them for the career they have picked. If I go to a medical school, I know that the school will prepare me well enough for me to become a successful medical doctor.

Interacting with new people is always a challenge (Взаимодействие с новыми людьми, это всегда вызов). A university is a place where people from different backgrounds get opportunities to interact with each other. Information about different cultures, different life styles and certain (определенных) types of food is shared among students. My father used to study at a university, and he told me about all the different cultural backgrounds of the students there.

A college or a university is the place where dreams can be fulfilled. The subjects such as how to deal with life, how to interact with people and how to become independent are taught (учат) and experienced there. A college or a university makes an individual complete and help him/her to lead a successful life.

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