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Topic 8 Has tv destroyed communication?

I do strongly support the statement that television has destroyed communication among friends and family. This I support with the following reasons. First let me describe the role of television today. Nowadays people spend a tremendous amount of time (огромное количество времени) in front of the television. Thus communication among friends and family has become much more difficult in the 21st century. Because television always keeps you up to date (держит вас в курсе), gives you a good laugh (дает хороший смех) and a lot of handy tips for life (Многие полезные советы для жизни), people do not need their friends and family members anymore to support them in achieving their goals.

Sadly enough the likelihood of becoming addicted (К сожалению достаточно вероятность стать зависимым от) to television nowadays is tremendously high. Once you start to communicate less with your friends and family members because you prefer to watch television you will get lonelier and lonelier. In this case people will start to replace their own family members and friends with talk shows and comedies. In some dramatic situations people believe they are a part of the families shown on TV and therefore entirely lose their feeling for reality.

Last but not least I wish to say that I consider the television as a very useful information tool nevertheless it should be used like everything within some borders.

Topic 8 Has tv destroyed communication?

Nowadays, television plays an important role in people's life. It is the main information source and its popularity is still growing.

Every day many new technological inventions are introduced. Almost all activities at home have already been mechanized. We use machines for everything. For example, we use microwave ovens to prepare food more quickly than we used to do it before; we order food, books and anything else we need just by clicking on a few buttons on the computer keyboard. Also we use mobile phones to be always in touch with our family, friends and the rest of the world.

This is the good side of using technology. A few centuries ago people used to read newspapers and find out everything that had happened all over the world. Today newspapers are almost completely replaced by a newly invented gadget. This innovation is called television. It has been the most popular information "supplier" since its invention.

Every evening family members sit in front of the TV set and watch programs such as talking shows, news, and movies for hours, sometimes without even saying a word to each other. Instead of sitting around the dining table and telling each other about what happened earlier that day they sit on the sofa and gaze at the TV screen (смотреть на экране телевизора).

Is that right? Apparently (очевидно), it is not. Everybody has to think for himself whether he and his family want to become 'couch potatoes' or they should continue to communicate with each other and avoid using television and all other technological achievements so much. We should ask ourselves whether we want to lead such a life with no real contact with other human beings. Is it really worth it?

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