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    1. Ip: Initiation Stage

      1. Initiating a Project Process introduction

In the above heading, I have used the terms “Initiation Stage” and “Initiating a Project process.“ This can be a bit confusing, so let me explain.

Pre-project Initiation stage

Subsequent delivery stages (s)

Final delivery stage





Directing a Project

SB SB IP Controlling a Stage

Managing Product Delivery


Controlling a Stage Managing

Product Delivery

Based on OGC PRINCE2® material. Reproduced under license from OGC

Fig 3.8 Initiation Stage

  • Initiating a Project process refers just to the process “Initiating a Project.”

  • Initiation Stage is bigger and refers to all the work that has to be done in the Initiation process and the first Managing a Stage Boundary process.

As you can see from the diagram (figure 3.6), the Initiating a Project (or IP) process is triggered by the Project Board. This IP process is usually short, especially when compared to the rest of the

project. But it is perhaps the most important stage, as it describes what has to be done by the project and therefore should not be rushed.

The purpose of the IP process is to understand the work that needs to be done to deliver the required products and to produce the project plan. So there are a number of good questions to ask about the project and these are the most common:

  • What are the reasons for doing the project, the benefits and risks?

  • The scope – what is to be done and not to be done?

  • When can products be delivered?

  • How to ensure that quality will be achieved?

  • How risks, issues and changes will be identified and followed up?

  • How PRINCE2 will be tailored to suit the project?


Project mandate

Corporate or Programme Management

www.Mgm tPlaza.com


Project Board

Initiation Notification

Starting up a Project (SU)

Project Init Doc

Req. Deliver Project?

Authorize initiation

Authorize the project


Project Manager

Req. to Initiate a Project

Project Brief + IS Plan

Project Starts

Auth. To Initiate

Initiating a Project (IP)


Team Manager

-- Once during project

-- Once per stage

-- Many times during stage

-- Once per Work Package

Notification -- Notification

In itia ting a P ro je c t (IP ) Introduc tion

  • IP process is triggered by Project Board

  • Short process compare to rest of project

  • Purpose: Understand what needs to be done

  • Common questions

    • Reasons for project, plus Risks & Benefits

    • Scope (what will & will not be done)

    • How to ensure quality

    • How project will be tailored, etc...


-- Authorization

Mgmt Prod -- Management Product

Based on OGC PRINCE2® material. Reproduced under license from OGC

Pre-Project Initiation

Fig 3.9 Initiating a Project

Шаехова ______________________

Столярова ______________________

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