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10. Give Russian equivalents:

to determine, free price system, fixed price system, to protect consumers, material wealth

11. Choose words from the list to fill in the gaps, then use them to make sentences:

material, free-price, government, private, labour, subsidized, sufficient, working

1. _____ intervention

5. _____ conditions

2. _____ supplies

6. _____ wealth

3. _____ commodity

7. _____ sales

4. _____ system

8. _____ enterprise

12. Fill in the gaps with the words and expressions from the text:

1. The system is based on _____ with _____ of.

2. Firms tend to be highly _____ in such an environment.

3. In a free market individual people are free _____ .

4. Some goods would be _____ if the government did not provide _____ supplies.

5. It is necessary to have _____ to pass laws _____ consumers and workers.

13. Answer the questions:

1. What’s a market economy?

2. What is this system based on?

3. What is the main difference between a market economy and a planned economy?

4. What are the advantages of a market economy?

5. What are the disadvantages of a market economy?

14. Use words/phrases from the list to help you retell the text:

division of labour, a free price system, the management of the economy, private enterprise, private ownership, determine the price of goods and services, adjust, to meet changing demands, competitive, to increase sales and profits, free to pursue their own interests, working conditions, safety standards, to pass laws.

Unit 6 Company structure (a) Jobs

1. Translate the jobs in the box.

managing director, head of research, purchasing manager, personal assistant, sales representative, marketing director, laboratory technician, quality control manager, training officer, lawyer, accountant, human resource officer, sales director

2(11). Listening. Isaac Cady is on a visit to Milan. Piera Macaluso introduces him to some collegues. Listen to a dialogue and write down the jobs they do.

a. William Bernstein ………………………..

b. Marianna Tardelli ………………………..

c. Carla Dendena ………………………….

d. Gianni Baresi ……………………………...

e. Daniel Jones ………………………………

f. Erika Chang ……………………………….

g. Frank Jensch ………………………………

3. Match the words with the descriptions below.

Managing director, purchasing manager, personal assistant, sales representative, laboratory technician, quality control manager, training officer.

1. I organize training courses for members of staff – languages, computers, etc.

2. I set up the equipment and do experiments and tests.

3. I am a senior executive.

4. I check that products are made to the right standards.

5. I visit customers and try to increase business.

6. I work with the Managing Director. I am responsible for his diary, organize his travel, and take calls for him.

7. I buy everything the company needs, from raw materials to stationary.