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In a Shop

(typical interaction) 1

Can I help you?

No, it's all right, thanks, I'm just looking round. That's O.K.

(in some minutes) I like this navy-blue jacket very much. Can I try it on?

Certainly. The fitting room is in the right-hand corner.

Ass.: Cust.: Ass.: Cust.:


Oh, it suits me very well, doesn't it?

Ass.: That's a really nice jacket. Pure wool, a modern

fashion. Cust.: How much is it?

Ass.: £ 55. English clothes are really good value. They

are so well-made. Cust.: All right. I can afford the price.


Can I help you?

Yes, please. I would like to have something from this shopping list.

Oh, your shopping list is very big. We stock only three items you ask for: butter, milk and cheese. Two packets of butter, a pound of cheese and three bottles of milk, please.

Here they are. Pay by cheque at the cash desk. Excuse me, do you happen to know where I could find some ham, minced meat and beef sausages? They are all sold at the butcher's. And I wonder if you stock any cigarettes here? I'm afraid we don't. You should try the shop next door for the cigarettes.


Cust.: Hello, I'm looking for a pullover. Can you show me one?

Ass.: Certainly, madam. What kind of pullover do you want?

Cust.: A woolen one. Medium size. Ass.: How about this one? It's very attractive. Cust.: Yes, but it's too thick. Ass.: How about this yellow one?

Cust.: Oh, it's quite nice but it's too short and I don't like

the colour. Cust.: What colour do you want? Ass.: I think blue or brown will do.

Ass.: Well, we have some pullovers of that colour. Here

they are. Which one do you like best? Cust.: Can I try this brown one?

Ass.: Of course, madam. ...Oh, it fits you perfectly. It's

Ass: Cust.:



Ass.: Cust.:




exactly your size. Cust.: Yes, but I don't think it suits me. Can I try that blue one? It matches the colour of my eyes.

Ass.: Unfortunately, we can't offer you exactly what you want. The colour, size, material, price are all wrong. Try another shop, please. Cust.: Excuse me, please.

Ass.: That's all right. But you'd better go to a big su­permarket next time. You'll find everything there. Cust.: Thank you very much. It was very kind of you to explain me all that. I'm a foreigner here and I'm not accustomed to your service and prices yet.

IX. Прочитайте текст и обсудите вопросы, следую­щие за ним.


Most shops in Britain open at 9.00 a.m. and close at 5.00 or 5.30 in the evening. Small shops usually close for an hour at lunch time. On one or two days a week — usu­ally Thursday/Friday some large food shops stay open un­til about 8.00 p.m. for late night shopping.

Many shops are closed in the afternoon on one day a week. The day is usually Wednesday or Thursday and it is a different day in different towns.

Nearly all shops are closed on Sundays. Newspaper shops are open in the morning and sell sweets and ciga­rettes as well. But there are legal restrictions on selling many things on Sunday.

In general, overseas visitors don't have much difficulty knowing where to buy things. Most shops sell the things that you would not expect them to. One problem is stamps. In Great Britain you can only buy these at post- offices.

Many large food shops (supermarkets) are self-service. When you go into one of these shops you take a basket and you put the things you wish to buy into it. You queue up at a cash-desk and pay for everything just before you leave.

If someone tries to take things from a shop without paying they are almost certain to be caught. Most shops have store detectives who have the job catching shoplift­ers. Shoplifting is considered a serious crime by the police and the courts.

When you are waiting to be served in a shop it is im­portant to wait your turn. It is important not to try to be served before people who arrived before you. Many people from overseas are astonished at the British habit of queueing.

  1. Are there any differences between shops in Britain and in your country?

  2. Which do you think is better, a small shop with per­sonal service or a big self-service shop?

X. Составьте короткие рассказы на заданную тему.

    1. The shops in my street.

    2. A self-service shop.

    3. My usual shopping round.

    4. At the baker's.

9 Зак. 2112

Conversational Topic MY FRIEND

Friendship is a very important thing in people's lives. It is so nice to have a person you can rely on. Close friends usually have similar ideas and beliefs. They under­stand, respect and trust each other. Your best friend al­ways helps you when you have problems or troubles. But we must also think how to keep friendship going because good friends are easier lost than found.

I have lots of friends around me. They make my life more interesting and enjoyable. Now I'd like to tell you about my best friend Olga. She is my classmate and lives next door to me. Olga is a pretty girl. She is thin, slender and stylish. She has got lovely dark hair, blue eyes with long lashes and a straight nose. Her skin is fine. She usu­ally wears sweaters with knee-length skirts or trousers.

Olga is an active and energetic person. She can't bear just sitting around doing nothing. It makes her impatient and restless. She knows what she wants, and I think she is sure to achieve her goal.

Olga is hardworking, organized and does well at school. She is a kind of person who always knows how to have a good time. Olga has a good sense of humour and never looks moody. She enjoys being the centre of attention while I am always nervous in public.

I can't say I'm passive, but still I'm different. My problem can be summarized in the words: lack of confi­dence. I'm shy with other people who may think I'm bor­ing and stupid sometimes. Lack of confidence also makes me indecisive: I spend days trying to make up my mind what to do about quite simple things. Unlike my friend I'm disorganized and sometimes absent-minded. I'm hard­working too especially when I'm doing something I'm in­terested in. But if you compare Olga and me, my friend is more mature for her age physically, emotionally, intellec­tually.

We both like reading fiction, exploring the city, its streets, churches and museums. We spend much time to­gether, help each other to do our homework, go to the ci­nema, walk in the park, exchange books.

I respect my friend for her strong will, cheerful and kind character, her intellect and modesty. She is always full of ideas and knows what and how to do. It's very pleasant to be with her around.

Тематический словарь

friend, n

друг, подруга

brown, а


friendship, n



make friends


blue, а


appearance, n


grey, а


ugly, a


nose, п


attractive, a


achieve the goal

достигать цели

slim, a


mature, a


slender, a


impatient, a


thin, a


absent-minded, a


plump, a


self-confident, a



indecisive, a


expression, n


worried, a


cheerful, a


angry, a


ordinary, a


superior, a


figure, n


kind, a


impressive, a


straight, a


well-built, a

хорошо сло­

habit, n



character, n


of medium

среднего роста

open-minded, a



strong, a


hair, n


honest, a


dark, a


sense of humour

чувство юмора

fair, a


face, n


blond, a


oval, a


curly, a


forehead, n


wavy, a


eyebrow, n


moustache, n


cheek, n


eyes, n


lip, n



I. Ответьте на вопросы.

      1. Have you got many friends?

      2. Who is your best friend?

      3. When did you make friends?

      4. What is your friend?

      5. How old is he?

      6. Where was he born?

      7. Where does he live now?

      8. What does he look like?

      9. Does he study at the University or at any other in­stitute?

      10. What year student is he?

      11. What is his future profession?

      12. Where does he work?

      13. What are the main features of his character?

      14. Can you rely on your friend in everything?

      15. Do you often spend time together?

      16. What is your friend's hobby?

      17. Is he married?

        1. Составьте предложения, употребив выделенные слова и словосочетания.

          1. My best friend is Oleg.

          2. In appearance he is an impressive figure.

          3. Oleg is particularly known for his strong character.

          4. We made friends with Oleg in childhood.

          5. Oleg is fond of music.

        2. Прочитайте и скажите, кто из ваших знако­мых соответствует следующим описаниям внешности.


She is attractive. She's got lovely long hair but the trouble is she knows it as well. She really thinks she's the greatest. She always thinks she's the best at everything. All she ever thinks about is herself. She can't stand criti­cism of herself.


He wears glasses and moustache. I can't see his face. Maybe because of this I can't really trust him. He looks Uke a bandit to me.

She is a dreadful person. She's got lots of money but she hates spending it. She is not very tall — about 156 cm and she's rather thin. I suppose she has got blond hair, but she is not at all attractive. That face! Oh, god! She's awful!

He is a man of 40, not good-looking and not yet ugly. His hair is reddish, cut very short, his eyes are small, blue or grey. He looks commonplace. He is just a good, dull, honest, plain man, a pretty bore. One can admire his qualities, but avoid his company.

He's always complaining about everything around. It gets on my nerves. And he hasn't got any sense of humour at all. If you spend more than five minutes with him you just want to sleep.

TV. Схематично изобразите лица людей, соответст вующие следующим описаниям.

    1. Не is 27 years old, 180 cm tall with short black hair and oval face. He is well-built and extremely strong.

    2. I think the glasses suit her. And she's got that beau­tiful long hair. She's always happy and smiling. It's im­possible to be depressed with her around.

    3. She is not particulary good-looking, but she's got lovely dark curly hair.

      1. Расскажите об окружающих вас людях:

а) друзьях, одноклассниках;

б) родителях, братьях, сестрах;

в) идеальном мужчине (женщине);

г) любимой актрисе и т.п.

      1. Переведите предложения на английский язык.

1. У меня много хороших друзей. 2. С Николаем и Денисом мы подружились в соколе, с Толей — во время службы в армии. 3. Мой брат выше матери, но он не такой высокий, как отец. 4. Кто твой друг по профес­сии? — Он будущий инженер. 5. У Олега впечатляющая внешность: его рост 185 см, он хорошо сложен, привле­кателен, открыт. Его жена — среднего роста, она изящная и добродушная. 6. Эти студенты обладают чувством юмора, они всегда веселы и довольны жизнью. 7. Как выглядит ваша учительница? — Она молода, стройна, со светлыми короткими волосами и карими глазами. 8. Дружба помогает им лучше узнать друг друга. 9. У этих молодых людей много общего.

      1. Перескажите содержание диалога в косвенной речи.

Wотап: Barbara reminds me of my niece. She's got the same lovely curly hair and blue eyes. Blue eyes and blond hair go together, don't they?

Man: Oh, yes. I normally prefer women with long hair but this is beautiful. It really suits her, anyway. If I wasn't married, I think I might .... Woman: You are always joking, John. Barbara has got a boyfriend. She is very serious and very helpful as well. If anything goes wrong she'll listen to your problem and help you if she can. Man: As for me I like another thing about her. She is always friendly and smiling. She never complains about the weather and other things. It's pleasant and easy being with her.

VIII. Переведите текст со словарем.


Friends play an important part in our lives and al­though we may take the fact of friendship for granted, we often don't clearly understand how we make friends. While we get on well with a number of people, we are usually friends with only a few — for example, the aver­age among students is about 6 per person.

Moreover, a great many relationship come under the term "friendship". In all cases, two people like one another and enjoy being together, but beyond that, the degrees of intimacy between them and the reasons for their mutual interest vary enormously.

Initially, much depends on how people meet and on fa­vourable first impressions. As we got to know people, we take into account things like age, race, physical attrac­tiveness, economic and social status, and intelligence. Al­though these factors are not of prime importance, it is more difficult to relate to people when there is a marked difference in age and background.

On a more immediate level, we are sensitive to actual behaviour, facial expression, and tone of voice. Friends will stand closer together and will spend more time look­ing at each other than mere acquaintances. Smiles and soft voices also express friendliness. A friendly look with the wrong facial expression can turn into an aggressive stare and nervousness may be misread as hostility. People who do not look one in the eyes are mistrusted when in fact, they simply lack confidence.

It is usual for close friends to have similar ideas and beliefs, to have attitudes and interests in common — they often talk about being on the same wavelength. It gener­ally takes time to reach this point, sometimes people click" immediately. The more intimately involved people become, the more they rely on one another. People want to do friends favours and hate to let them down.

In contrast with marriage there are no friendship ceremonies, no ritual to strengthen the association be­tween two people. But the experiences and emotions do create a powerful bond, which can overcome difficulties in background, and break down barriers of age, class or race.

IX. Подберите русские эквиваленты к следующим поговоркам и пословицам.

A friend in need is a friend indeed. When a friend asks, there is no tomorrow. Friends are thieves of time. A man is judged by his foes as well as by his friends.

Conversational Topic SEASONS AND WEATHER

There are four seasons in the year: winter, spring, summer and autumn. Each of them lasts three months.

Every new year begins in winter, on the first of Janu­ary. This day is a holiday in our country and people deco­rate their flats with New Year trees.

In Belarus winter is usually a cold season. It often snows, the rivers and lakes are frozen over. The average temperature is about 5 degrees below zero. The most un­pleasant thing about winter is that the sun sets early and rises late — especially in December and January. The days are short, the sky is often grey, nature is sleeping and sometimes it gets rather boring.

But at the end of March the weather gets gradually milder. The sun shines more brightly. The days become longer, snow begins melting. Spring comes and nature awakens after a long sleep of winter. All kinds of plants and flowers (snowdrops, tulips, primeroses, etc.) come out. The grass is amazingly fresh. I can't help loving it. The birds return from the South and make their nests. They look so happy and cheerful. I feel happy with them too listening to their pleasant songs. The farmers begin the sowing campaign. They fertilize the soil, plough the fields, plant trees and vegetables. Everybody is automati­cally much happier in spring. You feel as if you were born anew.

Spring is followed by summer. The weather gets still warmer and sometimes it is very hot. The sky is blue and cloudless. But sometimes there are storms with thunder and lightning. The gardens are gay with flowers all sum­mer months. The corn gets golden in the fields. In sum­mer people spend much time in the open air. They find time to go to the forest, to swim in the river, to sunbathe. Summer is a vacation time. I like it very much, but my favourite season is spring. As the great Russian poet A.S. Pushkin said: «Oh, summer, fine! I'd love you but for the heat, the mosquitos and flies».

Autumn comes in September with the beginning of the school year. Early autumn is still the harvest time, the time when fruits and vegetables become ripe. It is also a very beautiful time of the year, when the weather is still warm and the leaves change their colour from green to yellow and red. Everything around is greenish-gold.

Late autumn is less beautiful. It gets colder, the days are shorter, in the morning it often freezes. Last leaves fall from trees and cover the ground. There's much rain and fog. Birds fly away to warm countries. Low and heavy clouds hang in the sky. The landscape gets rather dull. Nature slowly falls asleep for winter.

In fact every season has its fine days and is pleasant in its own way. And it is not difficult to see this beauty.

Тематический словарь

season, n


hot, а


period, n


pleasant, а


year, n


strong, а


month, n


dry, а


day, n


mild, а


winter, n


wet, а


spring, n


rain, п


summer, n


rainy, а


autumn, n


cloud, п


weather, n


storm, п

шторм, буря

weather fore­

прогноз погоды

stormy, а



sky, п


climate, n


thunder, п


snow, n


lightning, п


snowy, a


landscape, п


sun, n


nature, п


sunny, a


grass, п


shine, v


ground, п


wind, n


leaf, п


windy, a


temperature, п'


blow, v


average, а


bright, a


sowing campaign


fine, a


fertilize the

удобрять почву

long, a



short, a


plough the

пахать поля

awaken, v



melt, v


plant trees

сажать деревья

freeze, v


harvest, n


cover, v


fruit, n


become, v


vegetable, n


it gets


gather, v


cold, a


ripe, a


cool, a


grow, v


warm, a


Речевые фразы

What is the weather like today? — Какая сегодня погода?

I'm wet to the skin. — Я промок насквозь. Have you heard the weather forecast for tomorrow? — Вы слышали прогноз погоды на завтра?


I. Ответьте на вопросы.

  1. How many seasons are there in the year?

  2. What are they?

  3. How long does each season last?

  4. What are the winter (spring, summer, autumn) months?

  5. What is the weather like in winter (spring, summer, autumn)?

  6. In what season of the year does nature return to life?

  7. What is the nature like in spring?

  8. Which season is the hottest in the year?

  9. Why do people like to have their holidays in summer?

  10. Do you stay in town or do you go to the country in summer?

  11. What season is the harvest time?

  12. Is the weather pleasant in September?

  13. Does it often rain in autumn?

  14. What is the shortest (longest) day of the year?

  15. What is the busiest season of the year?

  16. Which is your favourite season and why?

  17. What is the weather like today?

  18. What can depend on the weather?

II. Спросите своего друга:

какой самый холодный сезон года; когда больше всего бывает дождей; была ли снежной прошлая зима; замерзают ли реки в Беларуси;

где более мягкий климат: в Великобритании или в Беларуси;

катаются ли на лыжах в Мексике; когда берут с собой зонтик; когда одевают теплую одежду.

    1. Составьте предложения, употребив выделенные слова и словосочетания.

      1. There are four seasons in the year.

      2. Each season lasts three months.

      3. Last winter was very snowy.

      4. It often rains in autumn.

      5. It is getting cold.

    2. Вставьте слова rainy, sunny, snowy или windy.

      1. When it rains people say that the weather is ...; when it snows they say it is ...; when the wind blows, it is ...; when the sun shines, the weather is ... .

      2. Winter is ... in our republic, but not in England.

      3. There are many ... days in autumn.

      4. We had a ... summer last year.

      5. When it is ... we take umbrellas.

    3. Переведите предложения на английский язык.

1. Летом дни длинные, а ночи короткие. 2. Зимой мы носим теплую одежду, летом легкую. 3. В Англии не часто идет снег, но часто бывает дождь. 4. Весной становится теплей, а осенью холодней. 5. В середине лета бывает очень жарко. 6. В теплых странах зимы не холодные. Когда идет снег, он сразу же тает. 7. Мне не понравилась зима в прошлом году. Было мокро и сыро. 8. Начало осени часто называют «бабье лето» (Indian summer). 9. Когда идет дождь, я надеваю плащ или беру с собой зонт. 10. В Англии погода может меняться несколько раз в день.

    1. Прочтите текст и обсудите вопросы, следую­щие за ним.


You must know from your geography lessons that cli­mate is the average weather conditions of a place; it is made up of the average summer and winter temperature, the amount of sunshine, the direction of the winds, the average rainfall and so on. Climate may be hot, cold, dry, wet, mild, tropical, sub-tropical and continental.

Weather is the condition of the atmosphere at a certain time or over a certain short period. Weather is connected with atmospheric pressure, temperature, rainfall, cloudi­ness, and wind. Weather can be good, bad, fine, excellent, beautiful, rainy, snowy, stormy, dry, hot, cold, cool, warm, pleasant.

Samuel Johnson, an English author of the 18th cen­tury, said: "When two Englishmen meet, their first talk is of the weather". This is true because the weather on the British Isles is always uncertain. "Other countries have a climate; in England we have weather". This statement is often made by Englishmen to describe the meteorological conditions of their country.

Because the weather can change quickly in Britain it's useful to be able to find out what kind of weather to ex­pect in the next day or two. Information about the weather that's likely to come is called a weather forecast, though it's often included with information about recent weather in a weather report.

There are regular local and national weather reports on television and radio during the day and in the evening. You can also get weather reports by phone.

Mark the difference between:

  1. climate and weather;

  2. a weather forecast and a weather report;

  3. climate in England and on the continent.

    1. Прочтите следующие прогнозы погоды на вы­ходные дни и скажите, как они могут повлиять на вашу деятельность.

Образец: 10° С, heavy rain, gale force winds.

The forecast says it'll be quite cold and it's going to rain heavily. And it's going to be extremely windy. So it sounds like a day to stay at home and do some reading.

      1. 20° C, cloudy, no wind;

      2. -10° C, clear sky, windy;

      3. 30° C, hot, no wind;

      4. 0° C, snow, strong winds;

      5. 5° C, fog, no wind.

    1. Прочитайте следующие микродиалоги о погоде и выразите свое отношение к утверждению, что «раз говоры о погоде — это искусство говорить ни о чем».

  • It's very cold today, isn't it?

  • Yes, but it was colder yesterday.

  • But I hope it will get warmer soon, in two days at least.

  • Then it would be lovely at the weekend.


  • It's a lovely day today, isn't it?

  • Yes, it is. It has been a beautiful spring this year.

  • Yes, the farmers must be happy, I think.

  • Oh, yes, they can do a lot of work when the weather is fine, can't they?

  • Sure they can.

  • Lovely day, isn't it?

  • Yes, quite a contrast to yesterday's. It makes a nice change.

  • Let's hope it lasts!

    • Dark clouds gather in the sky and it's going to rain.

    • It looks more like snow. The clouds are too heavy and low. In fact rains seldom occur at the end of No­vember.

      1. Ответьте на вопросы.

    1. If it is colder (warmer) today than it was yesterday, what can you say about yesterday?

    2. When is a raincoat more convenient than an um­brella?

    3. When are we glad to see clouds in the sky?

    4. Where can you find shelter from the rain?

    5. Why do we enjoy the shade of a tree in summer?

    6. Which direction does a north wind blow?

      1. Выразите свое отношение к содержанию следую­щих стихотворений.

    When the weather is wet, We must not fret, When the weather is cold, We must not scold.

    When the weather is warm,

    We must not storm.

    But be thankful together

    Whatever the weather.

    Man is a fool

    When it's hot, he wants it cool;

    When it's cool, he wants it hot;

    He always wants what he has not got.

    XI. Прочитайте текст и передайте его содержание на английском языке.

    OBSERVING NATURE If people carefully observe nature it can tell them many interesting and useful things.

    Do you know that thanks to observing nature you can forecast weather? "How?" you may ask. By watching birds and animals, insects and flowers. It is known that some insects become more troublesome before a change in the weather. Flies and mosquitoes, for example, begin to hum and bite before the rain. Big blue-black beetles fly only on evenings before nice weather.

    You should know that the smell of flowers in the gar­dens and in the parks is very strong before it rains. Flowers have much sweet nectar before rain and the nectar is good food for insects. So if you see insects flying over flowers in large numbers you should know that it may rain soon.

    Birds and animals also help to forecast weather. Birds fly lower than usual before it rains. If you happen to see a bird hiding its head under its wing, it means that soon it will become colder.

    Even your cat can tell you what the weather will be like. The cat washing behind the ears is telling you about the coming rain. Look at the sky and it will tell you about the weather. A red evening sky tells of good weather the next day, to say nothing about a little yellow or green sky. A grey sunrise gives promise of a good day too. If you want to fore­cast weather, you must know something about winds too. The South wind brings wet weather, The North wind is wet and cold together, The West wind always brings us rain, The East wind blows it back again. Study nature, observe it and you'll understand that it needs your love and protection.

    Conversational Topic SCHOOL

    School is a very special place. It's a temple of knowle­dge, a place were you grow up and take courage, make friends and mould your personality. You come here as a youngster of six, happy, shy, full of expectations and leave it as a grown-up person of seventeen.

    This year I've finished school No 50 in Minsk. It is known for its academic excellence and strict discipline. The school is a two-storeyed building of a typical design. In front of the school there is a big sports-ground, behind it there is a small garden with beautiful flower-beds. Here on the sports-ground pupils have their classes in physical training when the weather is fine. They also have differ­ent festivities here.

    When you enter the school you can see a cloakroom, a canteen, a gym, workshops and a headmaster's office. On the first floor there is a teachers' room, a library, a large assembly hall where pupils hold their meetings, a com­puter class and a language laboratory. On the second floor there are numerous classrooms and laboratories. They are well-equipped and have all the devices for studying and making experiments in different subject fields. On the walls of the corridors you can see portraits of famous sci­entists, writers, outstanding people of our country. There are light curtains on the windows and many flowers on the window-sills. The halls are full of sunlight.

    I went to school six days a week. Classes began at 8.15 in the morning. We had six or seven lessons every day. We had classes in Russian, Belarusian, Literature, Eng­lish, Mathematics, Biology, Geography, Physics, Chemis­try, History, Computer Programming. We also had Music, Physical Education, Arts and Crafts. My favourite subject was English. I liked to learn new words, to dramatize texts and dialogues, I liked to discuss something inter­esting, to debate, to have small-group discussions, etc.

    The school was usually over at about two o'clock. After classes we didn't go home right away. We participated in extracurricular activities. Our social and cultural life was well-organized. We had an orchestra, a choir, an Arts Club, and International Friendship Club. I took part in the orchestra.

    At school we had good teachers who treated us with re­spect. They helped us to develop our critical and creative thinking, to form our views and characters, our attitudes to life and other people. The teachers also taught us to love our Motherland, to treat nature carefully, to be hon­est and hardworking. I enjoyed my school years and I shall remember them for the rest of my life.

    Тематический словарь

    school, n


    geography, п


    primary -


    literature, п



    language, п


    eight-year -


    mathematics, п


    secondary -

    средняя школа

    physics, п


    education, n


    chemistry, п


    upbringing, n


    biology, п


    tuition, n


    physical training


    uniform, n


    exercise-book, n



    bag, n


    pupil, n



    schoolboy, n


    wall newspaper, n

    стенная газета

    schoolgirl, n


    tape-recorder, n


    class-mate, n


    TV set, n


    form, n


    pen, n


    classroom, n


    science, n



    knowledge, n


    assembly hall

    актовый зал

    study, v


    laboratory, n


    learn, v

    учить что-л.

    Teacher's room


    teach, v

    учить кого-л.

    Headmaster, n


    treat, v


    workshop, n


    (с кем-л.)

    cloak-room, n


    attitude, n


    blackboard, n



    хорошо обору­

    chalk, n



    desk, n


    subject field

    область (знания)

    textbook, n


    debate, v


    lesson, n


    dramatize, v


    exam, n


    make experi­

    ставить опыты

    subject, n



    history, n


    academic ex­

    качество обу­



    device, n



    1. Ответьте на вопросы.

    1. What school did you finish?

    2. When did you finish school?

    3. Where is it situated?

    4. At what age do children go to school?

    5. Do you remember your first day at school?

    6. When is Knowledge Day celebrated in our country?

    7. What is there in front of your school and behind it?

    8. What is there on the ground floor (upper floors)?

    9. Where is the Headmaster's Office situated?

    10. What do your classrooms look-like?

    11. What laboratories are there in your school?

    12. Do you like your school teachers?

    13. Who was your favourite teacher?

    14. What was your favourite subject at school?

    15. Who taught you this subject?

    16. Were there any subjects you were bad at?

    17. Did you work hard at school?

    18. Did you have any problem with discipline?

    19. Do you think it's a great responsibility to be a teacher?

      1. Составьте предложения, употребив выделенные слова и словосочетания.

        1. I go to school No 4.

        2. Our school is a large building of a typical design.

        3. I was good at languages.

        4. Upbringing and education of children are in the

    centre of our teacher's attention.

      1. Спросите своего друга:

    • в какой школе он учится;

    • помнит ли он имя своей первой учительницы;

    • какое событие в школе он запомнил;

    • какие предметы ему нравятся;

    • когда начинается учебный год;

    • занимается ли он спортом;

    • сколько у него уроков каждый день;

    • какой иностранный язык он изучает.

    1. Составьте ситуации, употребив следующие сло­ва и словосочетания:

    1) to remember, not to forget, to get up earlier than usually, to feel excited, on the way to school, the first teacher, to have classes;

      1. to do well at, to be good at languages, to try one's best, to be too noisy, to take part in dramatic society, to go in for sports, to make a report;

      2. to be over, to ring, the bell, to walk in the corridor, to discuss problems, to get ready for the next lesson, to have a rest, to speak to.

    1. Перескажите диалог в косвенной речи.

  • Mum, let me introduce my teacher of English, Miss Black.

  • How do you do, Miss Black. I'm pleased to meet you. My name is Mrs. Martins. I'd like to know about my son's progress in English.

  • Oh, don't worry. He is a diligent pupil and is doing very well. But sometimes he is inattentive and likes to speak to his friend at the lesson.

  • I'm sorry to hear that, Miss Black. But you wouldn't really like him to be a model boy, would you?

  • No, of course not. Tom is just a normal boy. But if he is too noisy it will interfere with his schoolwork. I Want him to do well at school.

  • Thank you, Miss Black. I'll talk to him about it.

    1. Прочитайте текст и обсудите вопросы, следую­щие за ним.

    Pupils at the secondary school in England (that is, pu­pils between the ages of twelve and eighteen) have two main exams to worry about, both called G.C.E. (General Certificate of Education).

    They take the first one when they are about fifteen. It's called "O" (ordinary) level. There is an exam which you can take instead of "O" level: it's called the C.S.E. (Certificate of Secondary Education), and it's not as diffi­cult as "O" level.

    Most people take "0" level in about seven or eight dif­ferent subjects. There are lots of subjects to choose from — everything from carpentry to ancient languages.

    For a lot of jobs, such as nursing, you must have four or five "O" levels, and usually these must include English and Maths.

    You may leave school when you are fifteen. But if you stay at school after taking "O" level, you go into the sixth form, and start working for the second main exam: "A" (advanced) level. Most people take "A" level when they are about eighteen. It is quite a difficult exam, so people don't usually take it in more than three subjects — and some only take one or two subjects. Three "A" levels are enough to get you into most universities. For others, such as Oxford and Cambridge, you have to take special exams as well.

      1. Are schools in Britain the same as in your country?

      2. What similarities and differences have you noticed from the passage?

    VII. Прочитайте текст и передайте его содержание на английском языке.


    The Belarusian State University is one of the oldest in­stitutions of higher education in Belarus. It was founded in 1921 and 1,010 workers and peasants were admitted to its 2 faculties that year.

    The republic's first higher school rapidly grew and de­veloped and in the pre-war period a number of independ­ent higher schools for medicine, pedagogics, national economy appeared on the basis of the University.

    During the Great Patriotic War the University was razed to the ground by the nazi invaders.

    In the post-war years the University was quickly re­stored and in a short period of time it turned into one of the largest institutions of higher education of the coun­try.

    At present the University has 12 faculties: Physics, Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, Chemistry, Geogra­phy, Biology, Philology, Journalism, History, Economy, Law which train specialists in 17 professions and 50 spe­cializations. It has day, evening and correspondence de­partments where thousands of students study. There are more than 16,000 students at the University. They attend lectures and seminars. All the students study foreign lan­guages. Students' practical work is given much attention to.

    The students of the teachers' training faculties give lessons at secondary schools and work as leaders in chil­dren's summer camps.

    The University course lasts five years. An academic year is divided into two terms each ending in an examina­tion session. Those who pass the exams successfully get a scholarship.

    The students who have advanced knowledge in foreign languages work on a special curriculum and receive a spe­cial diploma which gives them the right to use a foreign language in their future work.

    In 1967 the Belarusian State University was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labour for its contribu­tion to the development of science and academic training.

    The University is a member of the International Uni­versity Association and actively co-operates with the Uni­versities of Sofia, Lyublyana, Warsaw and Krakow, Yena, Berlin and others. These Universities constantly expand the exchange of students, post-graduates and scientists.

    The students of the University can do any sport they like. A lot of students carry out research work in various laboratories which are equipped with up-to-date devices.

    Every year hundreds of young specialists begin work­ing in different branches of national economy, science, education, in mass media, prosecutor's offices and courts.

    VII. Запомните следующие поговорки.

        1. It is never too late to learn.

        2. Lost time is never found again.

        3. Money spent on the brain is never spent in vain.

    Conversational Topic MY ENGLISH STUDIES

    Learning a foreign language is not an easy thing. It is a long and slow process that takes a lot of time and ef­forts.

    We began studying English in the fourth form of the secondary school. We started with the ABC, transcription and sounds. Then we learnt some English words, conversa­tional phrases and dialogues by heart, read and translated easy texts, did exercises, wrote dictations. Once a week we worked in the language laboratory listening to the re­corded tapes and doing laboratory works.

    From lesson to lesson we improved our knowledge, learnt more and more new words, grammatical structures and put then into practice of speaking. We enjoyed our English classes and prepared carefully for them. At home we tried to listen to different educational programmes over the radio, watched English films on TV. You can't speak English well if you don't know grammar rules, so we often revised them.

    Soon we were able not only to read and translate texts but to discuss their contents in English, to communicate with one another making useful statements in real-life situations. I'm not a good speaker of English yet. It takes me long to read English book in the original. Adapted and abridged books are easier for me to read. But I hope that soon I shall know English well.

    One should say that English is not an easy language to learn. There is a big problem of spelling, of the large number of exceptions to any rule. This language is very idiomatic and the prepositions are difficult to remember. English is one of those languages which may seem easy in the beginning, but then the bridge between basic knowl­edge and mastery takes a long time to cross. But if you do cross this bridge it will give you great satisfaction. You will be able to speak to people from other countries, to read foreign authors in the original, which makes your outlook wider. It is not surprising that many intellectuals and well-educated people know many foreign languages.

    I want to know foreign languages because I have al­ways been interested in foreign countries, their cultures and peoples. I want to learn English in particular not only because it is the language of such great countries as the USA and Great Britain, but also because it has become the international language, the language of progressive sci­ence and engineering. To know English today is absolutely necessary for every educated man, for every good specialist.

    Тематический словарь

    the ABC transcription, n sound, n conversation, n phrase, n dialogue, n effort, n tape-recorder, n master, v

    practise, v contents, n communicate, v knowledge, n intellectual, n teach, v

    learn, v алфавит транскрипция звук беседа фраза диалог усилие магнитофон овладевать, изу­чать упражнять (ся) содержание общаться знание интеллигент учить, обучать

    кого-л. учить, узнавать

    study, v read, v translate, v adapted, a abridged, a language, n tongue, n statement, n outlook, n spelling, n exception, n idiom, n

    preposition, n cross, v учить(ся)







    утверждение кругозор орфография исключение идиома, устойчивое словосочетание предлог пересечь, перейти

    Речевые фразы

    You'll fail in your English if you miss many lessons.

    I passed English success­fully at my finals.

    Ты провалишь англий­ский, если пропустишь много уроков. Я успешно сдал англий­ский на выпускных экзаменах.


    I. Ответьте на вопросы.

          1. Is it easy to learn foreign languages?

          2. Which language in the world is spoken by most people?

          3. When did you begin learning English?

          4. How long have you been learning it?

          5. How long did it take you to prepare for your English lesson?

          6. Was there a language laboratory at your school?

          7. How often did you work there?

          8. Can you speak English well?

          9. How can you improve your English?

          10. Is it difficult for you to learn English?

          11. Why is English not an easy language to learn?

          12. Can you read English books in the original?

          13. Have you got any English books and dictionaries at home?

          14. What advantages have the people who know foreign languages?

          15. Why do you want to learn English?

            1. Составьте предложения, употребив выделенные слова и словосочетания.

              1. I study at school (the University).

              2. We learn grammar rules and structures.

              3. I shall teach history at school.

              4. You should practise English as much as possible if you want to improve your language.

              5. Now I can speak English well.

            2. Составьте ситуации, употребив следующие сло­ва и словосочетания:

    1. to be interested in, intensive studies of foreign lan­guages, a high level of knowledge, to speak to foreigners, to communicate with other people, once (twice) a week.

    2. to learn new words, to answer the teacher's ques­tions, to make up dialogues, to do grammar exercises, to recite poems by heart, to speak on different topics, to dis­cuss books (political events), to translate from English into Russian;

    3. it takes me ..., to get ready for, as a rule, to see for­eign films, to be good (not bad) at ..., to translate texts with (without) a dictionary, to work hard at ... .

      1. Переведите предложения на английский язык.

    1. Ученики нашей школы изучают два иностранных языка: английский и немецкий. 2. Иностранный язык преподают с пятого по одиннадцатый класс. 3. Я го­товлюсь к урокам иностранного языка регулярно и мне не требуется много времени для этого. 4. Ученики нашего класса упорно работают над английским, чтобы

    успешно сдать выпускной экзамен в школе. 5. Я соби­раюсь сдавать английский язык на вступительных экза­менах в университет. 6. Мы знаем, что иностранному языку нельзя научить, его можно только выучить. 7. Каждый седьмой человек в мире свободно говорит по- английски. 8. Английский язык заимствовал (borrowed) много слов из других языков, особенно из латинского и греческого.

      1. Прочитайте следующие утверждения и поставь­те вопросы, начинающиеся с вопросительного слова how many.

        1. Mandarin Chinese is spoken by 700 million people (70 % of the population of China). In a number of speak­ers (400 million) English in second only to Chinese. At the same time it is the most widespread language.

        2. English has the largest vocabulary, with about 500,000 words and 300,000 technical terms.

        3. The oldest written language is Egyptian, which is 5000 years old.

        4. India has the most languages, with 845.

        5. Cambodian has 72 letters.

        6. English has 20 vowel sounds and only 6 vowel let­ters.

      2. Прочитайте текст и обсудите вопросы, следую­щие за ним.

    Learning a foreign language when you're an adult isn't easy. It's a long, slow process that takes a lot of time and patience. When I was studying Russian, I found I could cope with the' grammar if I had my grammar book beside me, and with writing if I had my dictionary beside me. But when I went into the language laboratory it was aw­ful. I heard this really fast flow of language and at first I couldn't understand a word. After I'd practised listening to the same piece four or five times it was a bit better but I still didn't have the courage to speak into microphone. When I actually had to speak Russian in the classroom with my teacher and other students, I forgot all the grammatical rules and vocabulary I had learnt. I felt such indict (виноватым) as I wasn't able to express what I wanted to say and even when I managed to speak it was at a really primitive level. In fact, I gave up learning Rus­sian after one year and I still regret the fact that I don't speak it.

        1. Is learning a foreign language an easy thing?

        2. How does the writer's experience of learning a lan­guage compare with yours?

    VII. Прочитайте и перескажите содержание диало­га в косвенной речи.


    Р = Professor; S = Student.

    P: Today we turn our attention to Esperanto, an artifi­cial language.

    S: What are the facts about this artificial language?

    P: Well, it was invented in 1887 by a Polish doctor, Ludwig Lazarus Zamenhof. The vocabulary comes mainly from Western European languages, and the grammar is similar to Slavic languages. It sounds like Italian. From learner's point of view, it has the advantage that there are no exceptions to rules. It is spoken all over the world and there are many people who would like Esperanto to be the official second language of the world.

    S: What are the advantages that you see of Esperanto as a world language?

    P: I see many. The advantages of the world being able to talk freely to each other about business, politics, cul­ture, sport, hobbies are obvious. The cost of translation at any international conference is very big. Do you know that about 55 per cent of the EEC' budget in Strasbourg is taken up by translation costs?

    S: My goodnessl But why not English as the world lan­guage? There are already so many people who speak Eng­lish.

    P: Esperanto is a very easy language to learn. The tense system has none of the complications of English, and the grammar is based on just sixteen rules which have no exceptions. It has such internal logic that it could be­come the international computer language. But any idea that all other languages will die out is absurd.

    S: Thank you. Professor, ever so much.

    P: Thank you.

    VIII. Переведите текст со словарем.


    It is only in the course of the last hundred years that English has become a world language. In Shakespeare's time it was a "provincial" language of secondary impor­tance with only 6 million native speakers. Nowadays Eng­lish has become the world's most important language in politics, science, trade and cultural relations. In a number of speakers (400 million) it is second only to Chinese. It is the official language of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, of the United States of America, of Australia and New Zealand. English is used as one of the official languages in Canada, the Republic of South Africa and the Irish Republic. It is also spoken as a second language by many people in India, Pakistan, nu­merous countries in Africa. The number of second- language speakers may soon exceed the number of native speakers, if it has not done so already.

    Even more widely English is studied and used as a fo­reign language. In this respect it acquired an international status. It is used for communication across frontiers, lis­tening to broadcasts, reading books and newspapers, in commerce and travel. Half of the world's scientific litera­ture is in English. English is associated with technological and economic development of the great manufacturing countries and it is the principal language of international aid. It is the language of automation and computer technol­ogy. It is not only the universal language of international aviation, shipping and sport, it is to a considerable degree the universal language of literacy and public communication. It is the major language of diplomacy, and is the most fre­quently used language both in the debates in the United Na­tions and in the general conduct of the UN business.

    English has become a world language because of its es­tablishment as a mothertongue outside England, in all the countries of the world. This exporting of English began in the seventeenth century, with the first settlements in North America. Above all, it is the great growth of popu­lation in the United States, assisted by massive immigra­tion in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, that has given the English language its present standing in the world.

    Conversational Topic MY FAVOURITE WRITER

    I'm fond of reading. Usually I borrow books from the library, but I have a lot of them at home, too. I like to read books about the history of our country, about famous people and the life of my contemporaries abroad.

    Literature means much in my life. It helps to form the character and the world outlook, to understand life better.

    I've done regular reading since I was seven. At first there were small books for children, amusing stories for light reading, pieces of fantasy. Then came adventure and detective stories to be followed by fiction. These were dif­ferent kinds of books: for pleasure and entertainment, for general knowledge and education. Some of them remained with me for ever as a source of spiritual and emotional power. They are like an exercise for my soul and mind. In these books I find the answers to different problems I face in my life. They are the dearest teachers and advisers.

    The more I read the more I understand our classics: A.S. Pushkin, M.Y. Lermontov, F.I. Dostoevsky. They are all my favourites. But there is one more name in Russian literature that is very dear to me. That is Ivan Ser- geyevich Turgenev (1818-1883). For me he is a real intel­lectual and aristocrat, a man of culture, devoted to litera­ture, music and painting. Though he lived abroad for a long time he didn't stop to be a Russian writer for a mo­ment. He created a number of national characters in his books. The image of Turgenev's woman, deeply feeling, faithful and tender is an ideal of a Russian woman for me. It doesn't lose its charm even today. Turgenev's de­scriptions of nature are delightful too. Take for example his Byezhin Prairie, Torrents of Spring, etc.

    Turgenev's prose is very poetic. His style is perfect, his dialogues are easy-read, interesting, life-like, yet al­ways significant.

    One may think that Turgenev is too balanced, too po­etic for the new age, but one must admit that these are the qualities we badly lack today.

    Of the present day writers and poets I like Eugene Evtushenko, Valentin Rasputin, Valentin Pikul, Boris Vasilyev, Tatyana Tolstaya, Andrei Dementyev. Their works are very humane and realistic. They assert high moral principles into life. And this is very important nowadays.

    My favourite foreign writer is O'Henry. In childhood I was deeply impressed by his story The Last Leaf. Since then I bear in my heart the image of a young girl suffer­ing from an incurable illness and her friends doing every­thing they can to give her hope and bring back to life. The author penetrates deeply into a person's soul and reveals its best qualities. He obviously sympathises with common people, describes their feelings to other people, their warm-heartedness and kindness.

    Тематический словарь

    literature, n


    episode, п


    writer, n


    write, v


    author, n


    create, v


    playwright, n



    poet, n


    plot, n

    сюжет, фабула

    poetry, n


    in the original

    в оригинале

    poetic, a


    deal with, v

    иметь дело с

    work, n



    work of art





    publish, v


    poem, n


    translate, v


    verse, n

    стих, стихи

    series, n


    prose, n


    translation, n


    lyrical, a


    enrich, v


    novel, n


    inspire, v


    triology, n


    influence, v


    tragedy, n



    comedy, n


    describe, v


    drama, n


    reveal, v


    play, n


    success, n


    fiction, n


    talented, a


    adventure, n


    famous, a


    detective, n


    favourite, a


    masterpiece, n


    fame, n


    folklore, n


    recognition, n


    dialect, n


    image, n


    edition, n


    character, n


    volume, n


    style, n


    passage, n


    language, n


    contemporary, a



    1. Ответьте на вопросы.

      1. Do you enjoy reading books?

      2. What books do you like to read?

      3. Do you usually borrow books from the library?

      4. Have you a big library at home?

      5. Are you fond of reading books by Russian or by foreign authors?

      6. Who is your favourite Russian (Belarusian) writer?

      7. Which books by this writer have you read?

      8. Why do you like this author?

      9. Which of his characters do you like best of all?

    10. Is your favourite writer world famous?

    1. Were his books translated into any foreign lan­guages? Is he popular in our country?

    1. Are you fond of reading detective stories?

    2. Which famous American or British writers do you know?

    3. Have you read any of their books?

    4. Have you read them in the original or in Russian translation?

    5. Do you like poetry?

    6. Who is your favourite poet?

    7. Can you recite any of his poems?

    8. Have you ever tried to write poems?

    9. What are the most prominent names in modern Be­larusian literature?

    II. Составьте предложения, употребив выделенные слова и словосочетания.

      1. My favourite writer is Chekhov.

      2. Nekrasov and Turgenev created a number of na­tional characters.

      3. The image of Pushkin's Tatyana is an ideal of a Russian woman.

      4. The most prominent names in modern Belarusian literature are Maxim Tank, Nil Gilevich, Vasil Bykov, Vla­dimir Korotkevich, etc.

      5. His first success was a volume of verse. It was pub­lished in 1947.

        1. Переведите на английский язык.

    1. Писатель — это голос нации, ее наиболее талантливый, духовно богатый и одаренный предста­витель. 2. Настоящий талант принадлежит всему миру. 3. Многие считают, что «Гамлет» — вершина твор­чества Шекспира. 4. Золотой век английской лите­ратуры связан с именем Шекспира. 5. Самое известное из 375 произведений Д. Дефо — «Жизнь и странные приключения Робинзона Крузо». 6. Джон Голсуорси обогатил английскую литературу, создав прекрасный роман «Сага о Форсайтах». В ней он описывает жизнь буржуазного общества начала двадцатого века. 7. Мне трудно было читать Моэма в оригинале, я прочла его в переводе. 8. Многие известные писатели были врачами.

        1. Употребите следующие слова и словосочетания в своих предложениях:

    a favourite writer, to deal with, contemporary prose, to enrich literature with, to succeed in publishing a book, in the original, to inspire, to become famous, to get recogni­tion, the description of Nature, one's masterpiece, literary career, to have a great effect on the development of li­terature, to represent.

        1. Прочитайте диалог и перескажите его в косвен­ной речи.

    A: Have you already studied Maxim Gorky at school? B: Yes, we've read about four of his novels. A: And what was the last novel you've read? B: Let me see, it was his authobiographical Child

    hood. Apprenticeship and My Universities. A: Could you tell me more about the trilogy. What

    exactly do you like there? B: Well, as far as the first novel is concerned I can tell you that it deals with the author's courageous strug­gle as a child against poverty, injustice and oppres­sion. The second book describes the writer's wander­ing as a young boy (he began earning his living at the age of 9) and follows him through episodes of de­grading service before returning to visit his grandpar­ents. In the last of Gorky's trilogy he tries to gain en­trance to the university but poverty proves to be the

    block to his ambition. Life becomes his University

    teacher for a while. A: That's very exciting, indeed.

    VI. Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопросы, сле­дующие за ним.


    Yakub Kolas (1882—1956) and his colleague Yanka Kupala (1882—1942) are the voices of Belarus, a land ta­lented and humiliated (униженный), spiritually rich, but unrecognized as a nation for a long time. They spoke for the nation whose future then depended on the struggle for the right "to be called people", to use Kupala's words.

    Kupala represents one of the peaks of Belarusian po­etry. Not only owing to his genius, but to the fact that he was always with the people, most fully expressed the spirit, the character and hopes of his people, belonged to the people, and wrote works which all appealed to the people.

    Yakub Kolas was another Belarusian fighter-poet. He created many remarkable poems about the destiny of Be­larus, and later two larger epics — The New Land and Simon the Musician. His 275 books have been translated into 18 foreign languages, with a print of over 7 million copies. Is that not a convincing proof of the worldwide rec­ognition of both Kolas and his country's poetic identity?

    One of the wonderful Belarusian lyrists was Maxim Bogdanovich (1891—1917). He lived only 25 years but raised Belarusian literature to world level. His poems, preserving their profoundly national spirit expressed real pain for his people. His poems and songs are of interest to all people everywhere in the world.

          1. What national poets have every right to be called the voices of Belarus?

          2. What is the proof of their worldwide recognition?

          3. What is M. Bogdanovich's contribution to Belaru­sian literature?

    VII. Перескажите текст на английском языке.


    One day an inspector came to visit a small country school. Not only the children but also the teachers were very much afraid of him.

    At the lesson in a loud and terrible voice the inspector asked a little boy the question: "Who wrote Hamlet?" "Not I, sir", said the boy.

    The inspector was not angry, he laughed at this joke.

    After the lessons the inspector spoke with the school­master, to whom he told the joke. The schoolmaster smiled and said: "I know one little rascal (сорванец), maybe he wrote it after all".

    VIII. Переведите текст со словарем.


    Robert Burns (1759—1796) is Scotland's national poet and January 25 — the day of his birth — is always cele­brated in his country and all over the world, with great excitment. The celebrations are going on in every big city and in a small village pub, in every remote cottage with workers and farmers dressed in kilts or in ordinary working clothes.

    The love for Burns is indeed a unique phenomenon. Most nations consider political or military men as their national heroes. But Scotland, though she honours the memory of her two great national liberators, William Wallace and Robert Bruce, has adopted a poet as her true hero. Why is it so? I think because Burns' poetry was very much consonant to people's aspirations. It was closely connected with the national struggle of the Scot­tish people for their liberation from English oppression. Burns considered his literary work as his patriotic duty.

    Burns wrote many poems in English, but his best verses are written in the dialect of his own country, Ay- shire. His best poems are The Jolly Beggars, Halloween, The Cotter's Saturday Night, Holy Willie's Prayer, To a Mouse, The Two Dogs and others.

    Burns travelled a lot about Scotland collecting popular folk songs. Many of his own lyrical poems were put to music. All in all he contributed 2000 songs to the Scots Musical Museum. So Robert Burns is considered to be the creator of the Scottish song. His songs are memorable for extraordinary truthfulness passion and lovely melody. They reflect the people's soul and national character. The Poet's song Oh, My Love is Like a Red Red Rose is one of the most loved lyrical songs. Many of songs he devoted to his wife, the woman who had been the great love of all his life and the inspirator of his numerous verses.

    Burns' songs are the soul of music and it is not sur­prising that Beethoven, Schuman, Mendelssohn and others compose music to the poet's verses. Russian composers have also set many of Burns' verses to music. The best known cycle to Burns' songs have been successfully writ­ten by Dmitri Shostakovich, Nikolai Myaskovsky, Juri Levitin, Mark Milman, Victor Oransky and a number of other composers. All songs are based on Marshak's trans­lations which are considered to be the best translations of Burns' poetry into Russian.

    ЮЗак. 2112

    Conversational Topic MY FUTURE PROFESSION

    Finishing school is the beginning of an independent life for millions of school-leavers. It is the beginning of a far more serious examination of your knowledge, abilities and character. We usually say that all roads are open before our school-leavers: vocational and technical schools, insti­tutes and universities. But actually it is very difficult to make up one's mind and choose one of the hundreds of jobs. While at school I changed my mind a lot of times and couldn't decide which science or field of industry to specialize in.

    At schools we have industrial training centres that are supposed to help in choosing a job. Teachers and parents also advise pupils, but still very few of them take a clear- cut view of what they want to do. Generally pupils are not realistic in thinking about jobs. They have dreams of playing football for some big clubs, or becoming pop stars, or heart transplant surgeons or international experts of some kind. Teachers and parents try to channel that en­thusiasm into something more realistic, to get the pupils away from their fantasy level without knocking the dream completely. But often it doesn't work and school-leavers get disappointed in life.

    While choosing a job many factors should be taken into consideration: wages and salaries, job-satisfaction, oppor­tunities to travel and to see much, etc. For me, the most important criterion is job-satisfaction, and that's why I have chosen the profession of a teacher. Teaching is a very specific and responsible occupation. Not everyone has enough courage to accept this responsibility. I believe teaching to be a very valuable and challenging profession that requires complete dedication, love of the subject and lots of enthusiasm. However, there are also disadvantages that apply to the teaching profession not only in our country but in other countries as well. It is regarded in many societies as low-status and underpaid work. Luckily my main interest is not money but the belief that educa­tion is very important for the success and progress of our society.

    The success of educating and upbringing of children depends on the personality of the teacher, his professional skills, moral principles, erudition and cultural back­ground. This noble profession demands from a teacher constant creativity, understanding of children and love for them.

    The teacher must be a model of competence, so he is a person who is learning as well as teaching all his life. Most jobs can be done within the usual office hours, but teacher's work is never done and evenings are mostly spent marking exercise-books and preparing for the next lesson. It is also a stressful job because you have to en­courage your pupils and keep them interested in the sub­ject you teach.

    A good teacher treats his pupils with respect and val­ues them as individuals. He understands that each child is unique and has special talents and capabilities. That's why he educates each pupil with special attention to his or her interests and encourages each one to make his best in life. He helps children to develop their critical and creative thinking, to form their views and characters, their atti­tudes to life and to other people. He teaches them to work independently and cooperatively, to be helpful and useful.

    A good teacher will do his best to bring up honest and considerate, patient and tactful, self-confident, objec­tively-minded and self-disciplined people, able to meet many challenges of adult life in a rapidly changing world.

    Тематический словарь

    profession, n


    responsibility, п


    the military


    specialize in




    make up one's


    choose, v





    аттестат о

    job, n

    занятие, работа


    среднем обра­

    occupation, n



    engineer, n


    science and

    наука и техника

    teacher, n



    doctor, n


    applied lin­


    lawyer, n




    journalist, n


    choose a career


    interpreter, n



    librarian, n


    general educa-


    agronomist, n




    electrician, n


    advantage, n


    driver, n


    pilot, n


    chemist, n


    sailor, n


    businessman, п


    shop assistant


    photographer, п


    nurse, n


    professor, п


    secretary, n


    cameraman, п


    accountant, n


    typist, п



    skilled, а


    policeman, n


    noble, а


    militiaman, n


    dream, v


    corpenter, n


    institute, n


    fitter, n


    decide, v


    turner, n


    employment, n


    gardener, n


    dedication, n


    actor, n


    competence, n


    musician, n


    challenge, n


    singer, n


    commerce, n


    scientist, n


    marketing, n


    physicist, n


    advertising, n


    economist, n


    promotion, n


    vocational school humane, a qualified, a

    apply to the University enter the University leave (finish) school get interested in earn money succeed in work as a teacher work at a plant (office) mark exercises bring up, v профтехучилище человечный, гуманный квалифицированный поступать в университет поступать в университет заканчивать школу интересоваться зарабатывать деньги преуспевать, достигать цели работать учителем работать на заводе (учреждении) проверять тетради воспитывать

    Речевые фразы

    What is your job? What are you? I wonder, what are you go­ing to do after leaving school?

    I'd like to enter the Univer­sity.

    Чем вы занимаетесь? Кто вы по профессии? Интересно, что вы собираетесь делать после окончания школы? Я хотела бы поступить университет.


    I. Ответьте на вопросы.

    1. Is there a great variety of jobs in our country?

    2. Can our young people choose any profession they like?

    3. Is higher education available to those who work?

    4. Is it easy to choose a profession?

    5. What profession can you get at the Institute (at the vocational school)?

    6. When did you decide to become a teacher?

    7. Who helped you to make your choice?

    8. What was your favourite subject at school?

    9. Why have you chosen the teacher's profession?

    10. Do you know much about your future profession?

    11. What quality must a good teacher possess?

    12. What must his attitude towards children be?

    13. A good teacher must keep on learning all his life, mustn't he?

    14. What is the teacher's duty?

    15. What other jobs do you know?

    16. Which of them do you like? Why?

    17. To what fields of science are you going to apply your knowledge of English?

      1. Составьте предложения, употребив выделенные слова и словосочетания.

    1 It's not easy to choose a profession.

        1. I made my choice yet in the childhood.

        2. Having finished school I tried to enter the Univer­sity.

        3. The professions of teacher and doctor are very im­portant.

        4. The teacher wants his pupils to be hardworking, ca­pable.

      1. Спросите своего друга:

    1. what professions he knows; what professions he likes most of all; what his father's (mother's, sister's) profession is; what he will do if he doesn't enter the insti­tute.

    2. why he has chosen this profession; why he doesn't want to be an engineer; why he didn't enter the Institute last year.

    3. who influenced the choice of his profession; who his favourite teacher was; who his teacher of English was.

    4. whether he knows much of his profession; whether he knows about the difficulties of his future profession; whether his parents are satisfied with his choice.

      1. Переведите предложения с русского языка на английский.

    1. Профессия врача и учителя — самые гуманные. 2. Чтобы стать учителем, надо закончить педагогичес­кий институт или университет. 3. Непросто выбрать профессию в школьном возрасте. 4. Перед выпускни­ками школ открыты все двери в высшие учебные заведения. 5. Мой друг работает слесарем, но он не доволен своей работой. 6. Все профессии важны и почетны. 7. Что ты собираешься делать после оконча­ния школы? 8. Я учитель и не могу представить свою жизнь без школы. 9. Многие наши ученые, экономисты, музыканты артисты стали очень известными. 10. Ква­лифицированные рабочие хорошо зарабатывают.

      1. Прочитайте диалоги и выразите свое отношение к обсуждаемым проблемам.

    Ann: What are you going to do when you leave school? Bob: Oh, I plan to go to the University. And you? Ann: I hope to enter the University too. Well ... pro­viding I pass my exams, of course. Bob: But I thought you said you were going to get a job?

    Ann: Yes, I had planned to, but I changed my mind. Bob: Oh, why's that?

    Ann: Because there aren't any jobs going at the moment

    — at least, unskilled ones. Bob: Yes, it's a problem. But supposing you could have any job in the world. Which one would you choose? Ann: Well, if that were possible, I think I'd like to be a

    famous writer. Bob: Oh! Any particular reason you'd choose that? Ann: Not really, except that it must be nice seeing your name in print.

    CHOOSING A PROFESSION Nick: Pete, have you already made up your mind what profession to choose?

    Pete: Yes, I am going to apply to the Law Faculty of the Belarusian State University as I want to be a lawyer. I think that the profession of a lawyer is one of the most important in the law-governed state which we are creating now. Lawyers have to solve many problems that still exist in our society. The duty of the lawyers is not only to punish people for various crimes: hooliganism, stealing, traffic violation and so on but they must do their best to prevent crimes, to fight against evil in our society. They should help those people who committed an error to find the right road in their life. The lawyers protect the rights and legal interests of citizens, institutions and organiza­tions. As for me, I want to be a defence counsel and to work at the People's Court. And where are you going to study?

    Nick: I decided to apply to the faculty of journalism at the Belarusian State University. I'd like to be a journalist. The press and journalists play a very important role in the life of any country and in the process of democratization of our society in particular. The journalists have done much to change the moral climate in this country since the 1980s. The duty of the journalists is to tell people the truth about success and shortcomings in all spheres of life in our Republic. In their publications they should truth­fully depict the life and aspirations of the people, political and economic problems facing our country and other countries of the world. The truthful information about our home and world events helps to create the atmosphere of confidence, justice, compassion, mutual support and understanding in the society.

    A journalist must be a model of competence himself. People often apply for his advice and help in difficult life situations. His honest position and objective information can help to solve a lot of problems and do much in bring­ing up the younger generation. To serve the interests of people is the main purpose of any good journalist. It is not so easy as may seem at first. One should have courage to defend one's point of view and to speak and write the truth about the facts and events going on around.

    Nobody can say exactly what the best qualifications for a career of a journalist are. They vary enormously ac­cording to the individual.

    But it is clear that those who have decided to take up journalism as a career should have genuine interest in people. A journalist should have the qualities of sympa­thy, open-mindedness and inquiring mind. He must be in­terested in many subjects but not just in one because he deals with many different people and various problems.

    The journalist must be a well-educated man with broad outlook to be successful in his profession. He must be able to write in clear, simple and direct language. The right to know is one of the citizens' rights and that's why it won't be an exaggeration to say that the moral health of any so­ciety depends upon honest and sincere attitude of jour­nalists to their work.

    Alex: History was my favourite subject at school. I was fond of reading historical novels describing life, culture and political events in different countries of the world. It was shortly before leaving school that I made up my mind to enter this faculty and take up History seriously as my future profession.

    Historians study and describe the historic events tak­ing place in different epochs and in different countries. Their descriptions and analyses should be strictly objec­tive and scientific.

    I'm deeply interested in the history of my native land Belarus. The period of the 14 th—15 th centuries attracts me greatly. It was the time when, the Belarusian nation was formed with its national language and cultural iden­tity.

    The profession of a historian is quite diversified. The graduates can work as teachers and research workers at secondary and higher schools, different museums and ar­chives. Many of them have become well-known scientists or have chosen public activity as their career.

    Whether I shall make a good teacher or a research worker remains to be seen. But I am sure I'll be quite knowledgable in the field of History, if enter and graduate from the Belarusian State University.

    Fred: There are two aspects I'd like to deal with in fu­ture: marketing and advertising which require applied linguistics.

    Marketing research, communication, planning and ad­vertising are simply impossible without a foreign lan­guage.

    Besides, marketing involves meeting both companies and customers' needs. Here is where the knowledge of English could help.

    Further, marketing provides information about fore­word demand for the company's products and services, and it helps identify and stimulate this demand for such products and services. In order to get this information you should read foreign literature; it is impossible with­out proper language knowledge to speed up production that is based on marketing intelligence study.

    Advertising is a part of the marketing strategy, it's a complex of activities and a comprehensive one.

    Advertising, public relations, direct mail and special events such as product shows, conferences and exhibitions comprise the communication mix where again people from different countries speak mostly English.

    I presume that this will be my primary occupation in future. I want to devote my life to it as the role of adver­tising is a very important and powerful tool. It formulates demand, promotes sales, helps create a market, informs the buyer of the company's products and services and cre­ates the company's image.

    Such are my plans for the future. As you can see they are rather complicated and far-reaching.

    VI. Переведите текст со словарем.


    A teacher. If you want to be a teacher, you have to pass an examination at about 18; and then you go to a college and you become a teacher after three or four years: when you have degree you must take a teaching diploma. After one year's teaching experience, you will be a qualified teacher.

    An accountant. There are many different ways of be­coming an accountant. Usually you go to University for three years and you study for three years for the account­ant's exam. But you must have a job in an accountant's office while you studying. You will be a qualified account­ant when you have passed your exam and have worked for three years.

    A journalist. Journalists often start their career work­ing on local papers: these are newspapers for people in one area of England, such as a town. Usually you have to work for years before you are a qualified journalist; if you have a degree, it is two years.

    A nurse. If you wish to be a nurse, you can start training when you leave school. You then train in a hospi­tal. Some of the time you are working in the hospital, some of the time you are studying for examinations. After two or three years' training you are a qualified nurse.

    A secretary-linguist. It is a special kind of secretary who can speak other languages. You need to know typing and shorthand and to speak and write another useful lan­guage.

    Conversational Topic TRAVELLING/HOLIDAYS

    Modern life is impossible without travelling. Thousands of people travel every day either on business or for plea­sure. They can travel by air, by rail, by sea or by road.

    Of course, travelling by air is the fastest and the most convenient way, but it is the most expensive too. Travel­ling by train is slower than by plane, but it has its advan­tages. You can see much more interesting places of the country you are travelling through. Modern trains have very comfortable seats. There are also sleeping cars and dining cars which make even the longest journey enjoy­able. Speed, comfort and safety are the main advantages of trains and planes. That is why many people prefer them to all other means.

    Travelling by sea is popular mostly for pleasure trips. On board large ships and small river boats people can visit foreign countries and different places of interest within their own country. Trips on the Volga, the Dnieper, the Yenisei, the Black Sea are very popular today. As for me I prefer travelling by car. I think it's very convenient. You needn't reserve your tickets. You needn't carry heavy suitcases. You can stop wherever you wish and spend at any place as much time as you like. Every year my friend and I go somewhere to the South for holidays.

    The Black Sea is one of the most wonderful places which attracts holiday-makers all over the world. There are many rest-homes, sanatoriums and tourist camps there. But it is also possible to rent a room or a furnished house for a couple of weeks there. Sometimes we place ourselves in a tent on the sea shore enjoying fresh air and the sun all day long. As a rule I make new friends there. In the daytime we play volleyball, tennis, swim in the warm water of the sea and sunbathe. In the evening I like to sit on the beach watching the sea and enjoying the sun­set. I'm fond of mountaineering. So I do a lot of climbing together with my friends.

    Time passes quickly and soon we have to make our way back. We return home sunburnt and full of impressions.

    Тематический словарь

    trip, n

    journey, n

    travelling, n travel, v by sea by air by road

    for pleasure

    on business on board a ship

    on foot car, n plane, n ship, n boat, n train, n electric train call a porter

    call a taxi advantage, n speed, n safety, n suitcase, n luggage, n railway

    station time­table, n carriage, n


    путешествие поездка,

    путешествие путешествие путешествовать морем по воздуху наземным

    транспортом ради

    удовольствия по делу на борту корабля пешком машина самолет корабль лодка поезд

    электричка позвать

    носильщика вызвать такси преимущество скорость безопасность чемодан багаж

    железнодорож­ный вокзал расписание

    вагон sleeping car

    riage dining carriage ticket, n single ticket

    return ticket

    ticket for a train to Kiev in advance sail, v take off, v flight, n fasten the

    belts change trains

    see off, v



    booking-office inquiry office

    fast, a

    slow, a enjoy, v admire, v walk, v

    tent, n rest-home, n sanatorium, n tourist camp спальный

    вагон вагон -ресторан билет

    билет в одну

    сторону билет туда и

    обратно билет на поезд

    в Киев заблаговременно отплывать вылетать рейс


    ремни делать

    пересадку провожать камера хранения билетная касса справочное

    бюро быстрый, скорый медленный наслаждаться восхищаться гулять, ходить

    пешком палатка дом отдыха санаторий туристическая база

    Речевые фразы

    How can I get to the station? — Как проехать на вокзал?

    When does the train leave? — Когда отходит поезд?

    When does the train get into ...? — Когда поезд прибывает в ...?

    How long is the flight? — Какая продолжительность полета?


    I. Ответьте на вопросы.

    1. Is travelling popular today?

    2. What means of travelling do you know?

    3. Which means of travelling are the most popular with the passengers? Why?

    4. Which is the fastest way of travelling?

    5. Have you ever travelled by air?

    6. How do people usually travel when they go abroad? Why?

    7. When you travel within the country, do you usually go by car, by plane, by ship or by train?

    8. What are the advantages of travelling by railway?

    9. When did you last travel by train?

    10. Do you like to change trains?

    11. Is travelling by sea faster or slower than by train?

    12. What are the most popular sea trips in our count­ry?

    13. Do you agree that travelling by sea is always enjoy­able?

    14. Have you seen a storm on sea?

    15. What makes travelling by car enjoyable?

    16. What are the disadvantages of travelling by car?

    17. Where do you usually spend your holiday?

    18. Where do you stay when you go to the South?

    19. What is the best time for travelling and tourism?

      1. Составьте предложения, употребив выделенные слова и словосочетания.

        1. I like travelling very much.

        2. I prefer travelling by air.

        3. People usually travel either on business or for plea­sure.

        4. The Black Sea attracts holiday makers.

        5. I've bought two tickets for a train to Kiev.

      2. Закончите следующие предложения.

    1. When I travel by train I usually book tickets (за­ранее). 2. You book your tickets (no телефону), don't you? 3. If I have a lot of luggage my friends (провожают меня до станции). 4. If you have a lot of luggage you (нанимаете носильщика). 5. Passengers usually wait for

    their trains (на платформе). 6. We leave our luggage (в камере хранения). 7. If you need any information about a train you address (справочное бюро).

    TV. Переведите на русский язык.

    1. Airplanes carry passengers to various parts of the world 2. Our carriage is near the dining car. 3. The train doesn't leave for another 10 minutes. 4. The journey was urgent and I went by air. 5. At exactly twelve o'clock the plane took off. 6 It wasn't long before we arrived at our destination. 7. The sea is perfectly calm and you won't be sea-sick. 8. We have a speed limit of thirty miles an hour in towns and build-up areas. So be careful not to exceed it, and remember to keep an eye on the traffic lights. 9. We were flying at an altitude of 2,000 metres. 10. I'll stop in Paris only for a few hours, after which I'll fly straight to London. 11. They heard their flight an­nounced. 12. The train to Murmansk leaves from platform 3 track 5.

    1. Выразите свое согласие или несогласие со следую­щими утверждениями.

      1. Travelling is the name of a modern disease.

      2. The best part of travelling is planning the trip.

      3. People always want to use the fastest way of travel­ling.

      4. Travelling by ship is a great pleasure for everybody.

      5. A big railway station is an interesting place.

      6. Staying in the country is a very pleasant way of spending a holiday.

    2. Перескажите диалог в косвенной речи.

    Mr. Blake: How do you feel about coming to Sweden for your holiday next summer? I'm sure you would like it. Mrs. Dickson: Well, nothing is settled yet, but I think we really might spend our holiday in Scandinavia.

    Mr. Blake: That's splendid! You would have not to worry about. I'll book a hotel and arrange everything for you. The journey itself is delightful, especially if you go there by ship.

    Mrs. Dickson: But actually we have some friends in Hel- sinky. And if I go by ship I can't visit them on my way to Stockholm. Mr. Blake: You see, Helsinky and Stockholm are both port cities. The distance is short enough to travel there by boat. Besides there's a sea ferry (паром) which can give you a fresh experience of travelling by water. Mrs. Dickson: Oh, that's very exciting indeed. Thank " you for information. I must think it over.

    1. Прочитайте текст и скажите, реальна ли описываемая в нем ситуация.

    Once a salesman, who had been travelling for years on a certain railway in America, found to his surprise that the train had come in on time. He immediately went to the guard and said: "Here is a cigar. I want to congratu­late you. I have been travelling this road for fifteen years, and this is the first time I have seen a train coming in on time".

    "Keep the cigar", said the guard, "this is yesterday's train".

    1. Прочитайте текст и поставьте несколько воп­росов к нему.

    Travel is extremely important nowadays. Two hundred years ago, most people never travelled further than a few kilometres. Whenever they travelled they walked, or went by carriage, or on horseback. But in the last quarter of the twentieth century, people have travelled a lot. Many people travel 50 or 100 kilometres daily by public trans­port or private car. Millions of people travel long dis­tances abroad on business trips or for holidays every year. Even a housewife who is going shopping may travel twenty kilometres.

    For most people, speed is a very important factor when they are travelling. They want to reach their destination as quickly as possible. There are now planes that can cross the Atlantic in just over three hours.

    Other people prefer comfort to speed. They like to relax during the journey and enjoy themselves as much as pos­sible.

    For almost everyone, safety is the most important fac­tor. For example, many people never fly because they be­lieve it is dangerous. In fact, it is probably much more dangerous to travel by car or to walk across a street.

    X. Запомните следующие пословицы и поговорки. Дайте их русские эквиваленты и употребите в крат­ких ситуациях.

      1. When in Rome, do as the Romans do.

      2. Every country has its customs.

      3. East or West, home is best.

      4. So many countries, so many customs.

    Conversational Topic SPORT IN MY LIFE

    Sport is a special world of its own. All people are fond of sports and games. Sport makes vis healthy, keeps fit, more organized and better disciplined. It unites people of different classes and nationalities.

    Many people do sports on their personal initiative. They practise skiing, skating, table tennis, swimming, volleyball, football, body-building, etc. All necessary fa­cilities are provided for them: stadiums, sport grounds, swimming pools, skating rinks, skiing stations, football fields. Sport is paid much attention to in our educational establishments. Gymnastics is a part of children's daily activity in the kindergartens. Physical culture is a com­pulsory subject at schools and colleges.

    Professional sport is also paid much attention to in our republic. There are different sporting societies, clubs and complexes. The most famous of them are the Olympic complexes "Raubichi", "Staiki", "Dinamo" stadium, etc. They are used for international matches and contests as well as for world competitions.

    In the last years Belarusian sportsmen take an active part in the world sports movement and in the Olympic Games. Major victories have been won by our gymnasts, weight-lifters, wrestlers, chess and tennis players. O. Korbut, V. Scherba, I. Ivankov, T. Samusenko, A. Med- ved, N. Zvereva, B. Gelfandt — these are prominent names in their own fields. They won fame for themselves and for our republic. Vitaly Scherba, for example, won six gold medals at the Summer Olympics in Barcelona in 1992. We are all proud of his victory.

    But sport is not just for participants; it's for specta­tors too. Millions of people all over the world spend hours every week watching sport events on television, or at sta­diums. They enjoy being "fans" or supporters of this or that team, and many professionals are now as popular and famous as the greatest Hollywood film stars.

    Of course, spectators particularly enjoy watching in­ternational matches and contests. Such events as the Olympic Games or the Football World Cup attract more and more spectators as time goes by.

    Sports are very much the same in most countries, but some sports are more popular than others. Nowadays football, gymnastics and tennis enjoy the greatest popu­larity in all countries.

    As for me I go in for table tennis (ping-pong). It needs mobility, liveliness and much energy. It keeps a person in a good form. I have been playing tennis for five years, but the more I play the more I like it. I get a real joy taking part in competitions or simply playing with my friends. Sometimes I go to tennis courts. Certainly, it's a great distance between my manner of playing and such favouri­tes as Jim Courier, Stefan Edberg, Pete Sampas, Boris Backer, Per Korda, but I do my training with great plea­sure and hope to play as well as the best players do.

    Тематический словарь

    gymnastics, n figure skating

    boxing, n chess, n hockey, n play hockey

    swimming, n fishing, n hunting, n skiing, n

    skating, n yachting, n


    athletics, n football, n basketball, n volleyball, n cycling, n

    wrestling, n tennis, n billiard, n fencing, n weightlifting, n

    rowing, n stadium, n championship, n tournament, n swimming pool гимнастика фигурное катание бокс

    шахматы хоккей играть в хоккей плавание рыбалка охота ходьба на

    лыжах бег на коньках парусный

    спорт легкая

    атлетика атлетика футбол баскетбол волейбол езда на велоси­педе борьба теннис биллиард фехтование тяжелая

    атлетика гребля стадион чемпионат турнир бассейн competition, п contest, п attract, v spectator, n supporter, n team, n sport facilities

    sporting ground tourist camp

    sporting society win victory

    lose victory

    go in for sports, do sports play chess

    cheer for hold the Olym­pic games

    be at one's dis

    posal score the goal coach, n court, n

    amateur, n fan, n match, n соревнование







    оборудование спортплощадка


    лагерь спортобщество одержать

    победу потерпеть

    поражение заниматься спортом

    играть в

    шахматы болеть за проводить олимпийские игры быть в

    распоряжении забить гол тренер корт,

    площадка любитель болельщик матч

    Речевые фразы

    What team are you supporting? — За какую команду вы болеете?

    What's the score? — Какой счет?

    Who scored the first point? — Кто открыл счет?


    I. Ответьте на вопросы.

    1. Is sport popular in our republic?

    2. What kinds of sports do you know?

    3. What sports are popular in England/America?

    4. When and where did the last summer and winter Olympic Games take place?

    5. Are you interested in tennis?

    6. Have you ever taken part in any sport competitions?

    7. Can you drive a car (a motor-cycle)?

    8. What are the main sporting events?

    9. When will the next Olympics be held?

    10. Who is our best swimmer, chess player, high jumper?

    11. Do you play football or any other "ball" game?

    12. What is your favourite football team?

    13. Do you cheer for Minsk Dinamol

    14. Which Dinamo football players do you like best?

    15. Who is the chief coach of the team?

      1. What was the score in the football match you saw last?

      2. Why do millions of people in our country go in for sports?

    II. Спросите своего друга:

    • what kinds of sports he knows;

    • what sport he goes in for;

    • if he has enough time to do sports;

    • why people go in for sports;

    • what his favourite football team is;

    • if he is interested in swimming;

    • if he drives a car;

    • if he ever goes to football matches or watches the games on TV;

    • if he belongs to any sport club;

    • who his favourite sportsmen are;

    III. Составьте предложения, употребив выделенные слова и словосочетания.

    1. Sport is very popular in our republic.

    2. I go in for speed skating.

    3. The athletes took part in competitions abroad.

    4. The competitions took place in Kiev.

    5. I often do my training in the evening.

    6. My friend is a champion in boxing.

    TV. Составьте ситуации, используя следующие слова и словосочетания:

    to be fond of sports, to go in for, to win the game, to do training, to train for competitions, to be a poor chess player, to play snow-balls, to keep healthy and strong, to be good at, to cheer for, sports fans, the next Moscow News prize competition.

      1. Закончите предложения.

        1. The most popular kinds of sports are ...

        2. Our sportsmen are provided with all necessary facili­ties such as ...

        3. The best known sport societies and clubs are ...

        4. My training includes running, ...

        5. Major victories at the Olympic Games were won by ...

        6. Sport makes people ..

      2. Переведите предложения на английский язык.

    1. Минские болельщики приветствуют участников соревнований по футболу. 2. Мы имеем удовольствие в течение трех дней наблюдать за игрой теннисистов. 3. Дважды в день я делаю зарядку. 4. В мире спорта не существует языковых барьеров. 5. Олимпийская дерев­ня построена накануне XXII Олимпийских игр, сос­тоявшихся в Москве. 6. Все необходимое спортивное оборудование предоставлено в распоряжение спортсме­нов. 7. Следующие Олимпийские игры будут проведены через год. 8. Футбол пользуется особой популярностью во всех странах Европы.

    VII. Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопросы, следующие за ним.


    According to Isomer, Pelops, the god of fertility sta­ged the most memorable games in antiquity, roughly in 1370 ВС. Later on games were organized several ti­mes. They can be considered the prehistory of the Olym­pics.

    The founder of modern Olympics of the 19th century was a Frenchman. Pierre de Fredy, Baron de Coubertin. In keeping with the romantic notion of the Olympic revival it was decided to hold the first Games in Athens, Greece in 1896. Only 12 countries were represented. Despite the many problems that arose in Athens the Olympic Games had come to stay. Their motto was "Faster! Higher! Stronger!"

    From that time on the Olympics were held more or less regularly, depending on the political situation on the con­tinent. In 1990 they were held in Paris, in 1904 — St. Louis, in 1906 — Athens again, in 1908 — London, in 1912 — Stockholm, in 1920 — Antwerp, in 1924 — Paris, in 1928 — Amsterdam, in 1932 — Los Angeles, in 1936 — Berlin, in 1948 — London, in 1952 — Helsinky, in 1956 — Melbourne, in 1960 — Rome, in 1964 — To­kyo, in 1968— Mexico, in 1972 — Sapporo, in 1976 — Innsbruck, in 1980—in Moscow, in 1984 —in the USA, in 1988 — Seoul, in 1992—in Alberwill, in 1994—in Lille- hammer, in 1998 — in Nagano .

    The 22nd Olympic Games took place in the Soviet Uni­on in 1980. Five cities: Moscow, Kiev, Minsk, Riga and Tallinn greeted the world's champions. Our sportsmen won 80 gold, 64 silver and 49 bronze medals there. That was the best result among other national teams.

    The Olympic Games are held every two years now. They contribute much to the struggle for peace, understanding and trust among peoples.

        1. What is the prehistory of the Olympics?

        2. Who is considered to be the founder of modern Olympics?

        3. When were the first Olympic Games held?

    1. In what cities did the 22nd Olympic Games take place? Were they a success?

    2. Where and when were the last Olympics held?

    3. Do the Olympics help to promote understanding among nations?

      1. Выучите наизусть следующие диалоги:

    • Hello, Mike is here. Can I speak to Nick, please?

    • I'll just see if he is at home.

    • Do please.

    • Are you still here? Sorry, but he's gone out.

    • Could you tell him to ring me up when he is back?

    • With pleasure... I expect him any minute.

    • Hello. This is Nick here. Did you call?

    • Yes, would you like to go to the football match bet­ween our University team and the Polytechnical Academy?

    • I'd love to. You know that I am a great football fan.

    • We'll meet at the stadium at a quarter to seven.

    • All right.

    • Sorry, I am late. What's the score?

    • It's a pity but 2:0 (two to nothing) in their favour. They've just scored the second goal. We are losing the game.

    • Cheer up! I'm here and everything will be all right. We are sure to win the match.

    • It would be nice...

    1. Прочитайте диалог и составьте на основании прочитанного устную тему «Спорт в Великобритании».


    Student: People all over the world are fond of sports and games. But there are national games which enjoy the greatest popularity in that country or another. I'd like to know about the most popular games in England today.

    Teacher: Well, I suppose football and cricket. Almost every Englishman plays these games. Tennis, golf, hockey, horse-racing are also very popular.

    Student: What football is preferable in England, soccer or rugby?

    Teacher: Soccer, I think. You see, this kind of football is played almost throughout the world. Rugby can be called hand football. It is more complicated, of course, but it is also gaining ground.

    Student: I've been told that Englishmen are mad on cricket.

    Teacher: In a way they are. At least, if their famous Marylebone Cricket Club loses the game it is considered a national disaster.

    Student: Tennis has become popular of late, hasn't


    Teacher: Oh, yes. In England tennis is played all the year round — on hard courts, or grass courts, or covered courts, in parks and in special tennis courts. Every sum­mer they hold a great international tournament in Wim­bledon, near London. Tennis players from all over the world take part in it. It's very honourable to win it.

    Student: And are there any winter sports in England? As far as I know their winters are mild.

    Teacher: You are quite right. There isn't much snow in winter there, and Englishmen don't often have the chance of skiing, skating or toboganning. But winter is the proper time for fox hunting if the ground is hard enough.

    Student: What about indoor games?

    Teacher: Well, there's chess, billiard, cards, table ten­nis again. By the way, do you play chess?

    Student: Well, I do, of course. But I'm not a profes­sional, just an ordinary amateur and not a very good one at that.

    X. Найдите соответствующие определения попу­лярным в Великобритании спортивным играм.

    Football Volleyball

    Golf is a kind of game

    Cricket in which you try Tennis

    to get a ball through a net to knock a ball into a hole to knock a ball in to a goal

    to knock a ball through

    some hoops to hit a ball so that your opponent cannot hit it

      1. Выразите свое согласие или несогласие со сле­дующими утверждениями.

        1. People practise sport for at least two reasons: first, they enjoy it and, second, they feel a need to keep fit.

        2. Many professional sportsmen are now as popular and famous as the greatest Hollywood film stars.

        3. People enjoy watching international matches. Events such as the Olympic Games or the Football World Cup at­tract more and more spectators as the time goes by.

        4. A lot of British people like sport, especially on TV. The number of people who actively take part in sport is quite small. On the whole British people prefer to be fat rather than fit.

      2. Переведите текст со словарем.

    Cassius Clay was born in Louisville, Kentucky in 1941. He first became famous in 1960 when he won a gold medal at the Olympic Games in Rome. He became a professional boxer in the same year. In 1964, the world was astonished when Cassius Clay beat Sonny Listen and became the World Heavy Weight Champion. He was a fast and ag­gressive boxer. His trainer said: "He floats like a butterfly and stings like a bee".

    At this time Clay became a member of the Black Mus­lim religious sect and changed his name to Mohammed Ali. After this he refused to speak to people when they called him Cassius Clay.

    In April 1967 Ali refused to join the US Army and fight in Vietnam. He went to many meetings, especially in universities, and told people why he didn't like the war. When Ali refused to join the army, the authorities sentenced him to five years of prison. The Boxing authorities took away his world title and his licence to fight. Ali didn't fight again for three and a half years but never went to prison. But on June 28th 1971, the US Supreme Court changed the decision. They said Ali really was a conscientious objector.

    He began to figh4 again in 1970. On March 8, 1971, he fought Joe Frazier for the World Title and lost. But he was not discouraged and in 1974 he had another chance to win the world title. This time he fought George Foreman in Kinshasa, Zaire, and beat him. He kept the title until February 1978, when Leon Spinks beat him in Las Vegas. But in September 1979 he regained his title again, when he beat Spinks at the Superdome in New Orleans.

    Conversational Topic ART IN OUR LIFE

    Art plays an important role in our life. In the variety of its forms — cinema, television, theatre, music, lite­rature — it develops our artistic taste and helps to appre­ciate beauty, to solve the eternal problem of good and evil. It enriches our life emotionally and spiritually.

    Hundreds of years ago theatre was the only attraction and enjoyed universal popularity. But with the invention of cinema, radio and TV theatre has lost its prominent po­sition. Now it is television that attracts millions. Theatre has become the entertainment for the elite, a fashionable pastime for those who really love it. To get tickets to the best theatres where famous actors star is almost impossi­ble.

    Some people enjoy occasional visits to the theatre. They look forward to seeing an opera, a ballet, a comedy, a puppet or a mime show, a music or a variety show. It goes without saying visiting a theatre is much more a festive event than going to the cinema.

    The most famous theatres in Minsk are the Opera and Ballet Theatre, the Music Comedy Theatre, the Gorky Russian Drama Theatre, the Yanka Kupala State Aca­demic Theatre, the Puppet Show Theatre. You can also go to the Circus or to the Philharmonic.

    Theatres are very much the same everywhere. Passing through the door you come to the box-office, where tick­ets are sold. If you want to get tickets for the first night you'd better take them in advance. The best seats at thea­tres are in the stalls, the circle and the upper-circle. Then comes the pit and the last of all is the gallery, where the seats are the cheapest. Boxes of course are the most ex­pensive. Most theatres have good orchestras and popular conductors.

    When you go to the opera for example you can get the best of everything: an excellent orchestra, famous conduc­tors, celebrated singers and a well-dressed audience. But if you are not fond of music and singing, opera won't inter­est you. Frankly speaking I'm not so keen on opera my­self. Drama and ballet are more to my liking.


    I'll never forget my first visit to the Belarusian Opera and Ballet Theatre. My friend and I wanted to see the fa­mous ballet Swan Lake by Tchaikovsky. We knew the plot very well. We also knew some pieces of music from this ballet (Small Swans' Dance) and decided to see the whole performance.

    We bought the tickets in advance and came to the theatre half an hour before the show. In the foyer we bought the programme. Such famous dancers as T. Yer- shova — International Competition Laureate, People's Artist of the Republic of Belarus (as Odetta) and V. Zak- harov — International Competition Laureate, Honoured Artist of the Republic of Belarus (as Zigfrid) were co- starring in this ballet. The ballet is about the great and true love of Prince Zigfrid and a beautiful young girl Odetta by name.

    At 7 sharp the performance began. From the very first minute I was deeply impressed by everything I saw on the stage. The setting and the dancing were superb and ex­citing. The costumes were fine, the music was thrilling. The ballet seemed to me a fairy-tale. I had never seen any­thing more wonderful before. My friend also enjoyed every minute of it.

    After the first act we went to look over the theatre. We saw the boxes, the pit, the dress-circle and the gal­lery. There were many portraits of famous opera-singers, ballet-dancers, musicians and producers on the walls of the foyer. Among them we could see the portraits of A. Savchenko, R. Petrov, M. Gulegina, etc.

    When the curtains fell at the end of the performance there came a storm of applause. It seemed that it would never end. The dancers received call after call. They were presented with large bouquets of flowers. We also ap­plauded enthusiastically. The performance was a suc­cess.


    Cinematography is one of the wonders of the modern world. In 1895 the Lumiere brothers gave the world's first real cinema show in Paris to an audience of 33 spectators. The first film they showed was "The Arrival of a Train at a Station". Moving pictures seemed so real that the audi­ence was frightened to death by the train rushing at them from the screen.

    Not long ago millions of people used to visit cinemas each week. Cinema houses were often packed full and one could see people queuing up in front of the box-offices. Now with the price of tickets far from reasonable, the growth of video production, flood of thrillers empty of se­rious contents, the cinema is rapidly loosing its popular­ity.

    Cinematography is truly an art of our time. It's com­plicated and multi-faced as the 20th century itself. Every­one can find something to his liking in the broad variety of its genres. Those who seek pure entertainment and rest to the mind prefer musical comedies, detective films, thrillers, horror-films and westerns. Other people consider that movies should be rather a thought provoking and earnest art.

    As for me, I really enjoy going to the cinema: it's one of my favourite pastimes even though I don't -really do that often. When I want to go to the cinema I usually see in the programme what films are on. Then I phone my friends and we discuss what films to see. We prefer fea­ture films but also enjoy cartoons and popular science films. To see a good love story, a musical or a detective film is a very pleasant way of spending free time. I par­ticularly enjoy films where you become so involved in the story that you forget where you are.

    If I want to go to an evening show I usually book tick­ets in advance. But for matinee performances I always buy tickets just before the show.

    I'd like to tell you about the film which has been a hit with the public for 20 years already and on the eve of every New Year it is shown on TV. I guess you know I'm talking about the film "Light Steam to You, or the Irony of the Fate". This film is very relaxing, it is for enter­tainment of heart and mind. It is Eldar Ryazanov's film released by the Mosfilm studio. The action takes place in St. Petersburg of our days. Such famous actors as R. My- agkov, B. Brylska, Ju. Jakovlev, A. Shirvindt, L. Akhed- zhakova are co-starring in the film. I think the acting was superb which is quite natural with such a cast.

    One more film I enjoy is a screen version of the novel Gone with the Wind by M. Mitchel. This film is in colour. It's an old film but still enjoys great popularity. There are many famous American actors in it with Vivien Leigh and Clark Gable in the leads. I was deeply impressed by their acting and the film itself. It hasn't lost its visual splender by the passage of time.

    Тематический словарь

    theatre, n


    music, п


    cinema, n


    box, п


    film, n


    dress-circle, п


    feature film


    balcony, п


    ный фильм

    piece of music


    matinee, n




    ballet dancer

    артист балета

    circus, n


    audience, n


    show, n


    applause, n



    applaude, v



    orchestra, n


    performance, n


    instrument, n



    play, v



    be a success

    иметь успех

    perform, v

    исполнять, играть

    buy tickets


    screen, n



    stage, n


    in advance


    cast, n


    box-office, n



    see over (the


    foyer, n

    фойе театра



    stalls, n


    be impressed

    находиться под

    pop music




    exciting, a


    pop singer

    эстрадный певец

    thrilling, a


    opera, n


    enjoy, v


    opera singer

    оперный певец

    be on, v

    идти (на сцене)

    conductor, n


    classics, n


    pit, n


    Речевые фразы

    What is on today? — Что сегодня идет (показывают)? I would like a programme, please. — Пожалуйста, дайте программу.

    Did you enjoy the film? — Вам понравился фильм? Let's go to the pictures. — Давайте пойдем в кино.


    1. Ответьте на вопросы.

      1. Do you like to go to the theatre?

      2. How often do you go there?

      3. What theatres are there in Minsk?

      4. Which do you prefer: a ballet, an opera or a drama?

      5. Do you enjoy visiting concert halls?

      6. Who is your favourite pop singer?

      7. Do you remember your first visit to the Belarusian Opera and Ballet Theatre?

      8. What was on? What performance did you see then?

      9. Did you enjoy it?

    10. Is it easy to get tickets for Minsk theatres?

    1. Which of the two, the theatre or the cinema, is more popular today? Why?

    1. When did you go to the drama theatre last?

    2. What play did you see? Was it a success?

    3. Who played the leading part in it?

    4. Who was the author of the play?

    5. Were you sitting in the stalls or in the balcony?

    6. What is the prevailing theme of modern theatre re­pertoire?

    7. Do you like classics on the stage?

      1. Спросите своего друга:

    • любит ли он музыку;

    • какую музыку он предпочитает: классическую, легкую, джаз и т.д.;

    • умеет ли он слушать музыку;

    • часто ли он ходит в филармонию;

    • что он предпочитает: оперу или балет;

    • кто его любимый артист кино;

    • кто из белорусских артистов эстрады ему нра­вится больше всех;

    • хорошо ли он поет;

    • на каком музыкальном инструменте он играет;

    • как он относится к фольклору.

    1. Прочитайте диалог и передайте его содержание на родном языке.

    Joan: We have a National Dance Week in June 16—22. The best companies will show their art. Would you like to see some of them?

    Ron: Oh, that's great. You know dancing is my hobby. Last year I attended the concerts of two Britain's flour­ishing modern dance companies. One is the London Con­temporary Dance Theatre, the other is Rambert Dance Company at Bristol Old Vie. They showed their new pro­grammes and I enjoyed them greatly.

    Joan: Then it's very difficult to surprise you. May be you're interested in some foreign dance ensembles which are going to come?

    Ron: Which ones do you mean?

    Joan: One of the best-loved foreign visitors is the Spanish Cumbre Flamenca. This company is a real thing and conside­red the best in Spain. Cumbre Flamenca brings together the guitar, song and dance of Andalusian gypsy culture.

    Ron: Yes. Flamenca is familiar to me. When in Spain I always go to the theatre and enjoy these breathtaking dances.

    Joan: Two more famous dance ensembles tour the country throughout June, the Red Army Ensemble from Moscow with over 100 of the most exciting dancers, sing­ers and musicians, and the Georgian State Dance Theatre.

    Ron: Really? It must be very interesting. As far as I know the Georgian dance is very original. The men dance there on their toes while the women provide decoration.

    Joan: Yes, I think it's worth seeing. I'll see regional press for some information on tour details and dates. I hope we'll enjoy it.

    IV. Прочитайте текст и обсудите вопросы, следую­щие за ним.


    Theatres are very much the same in London as any­where else: the chief theatres, music halls and cinemas are in the West End. If you are staying in London for a few days, you'll have no difficulty whatever in finding some­where to spend an enjoyable evening. You'll find opera, ballet, comedy, drama, musical comedy and variety. Films are shown in the cinemas during the greater part of the day.

    The best seats at theatres are those in the stalls and circle. Then comes the pit, and last of all the gallery where the seats are the cheapest. Boxes, of course, are the most expensive.

    At the West End theatres you can get unforgettable impression of everything — an excellent orchestra, fa­mous conductors, and celebrated singers. You can see most of the famous English actors and actresses. As a rule, the plays are magnificently staged: costumes, dres­ses, scenery, everything being done on the most lavish scale. Choose a good play, and you'll enjoy yourself from the moment the curtain goes up to the end of the last act. Get your seat beforehand, either at the box-office of the theatre itself or at one of the agencies. When you go to a theatre you'll probably want to sit as near to the stage as possible. If you are at a cinema, you may prefer to sit some distance from the screen. In fact, I would say, the further away the better.

      1. Are theatres and cinemas in London the same as in Moscow (Minsk)?

      2. What differences or similarities have you noticed?

        1. Прочитайте текст и передайте его содержание на английском языке.


    This is a story that Chaplin liked to tell about himself. It happened after the great actor had become world famous.

    A theatre announced that a competition would be held to see who could act like Charlie Chaplin. Those taking part had to dress like Chaplin, walk like Chaplin and act one of the roles in a Chaplin film.

    When Charlie Chaplin heard about it, he decided, as a joke, to take part in the competition himself. Naturally, he kept his plan secret from everybody.

    When the results of the competition were announced Chaplin said: "I didn't know whether to feel angry or only surprised. I didn't win the first prize".

        1. Переведите тексты со словарем.

    Art is a human activity in search of beauty. Art gives people aesthetic pleasure: art enriches man and develops the good in him. Literature, painting, sculpture, music, dancing, the theatre — all these are forms of art. In Eng­lish they are called fine arts as those in which mind and imagination are chiefly concerned. We enjoy the sight of a picture or sculpture. We derive aesthetic pleasure from a piece of poetry, from a good musical composition.

    Music is one of the most popular arts. It is an art re­flecting reality in artistic images and sounds. Music is one of the highest manifestations of human culture. The power of music is magic. Music as well as literature and the plastic arts originates from nature and peoples art.

    There exist different art-forms and genres in music. The most important of them are opera, symphony, cham­ber music, folk music, jazz and pop-music, country and Western music, choral, blues, etc.

    The music of every nation has its peculiarities which find expression in melody, rhythm, harmony. Music has a long history. Each people, each new century brought with it some changes. The 17th century — the period of rapid growth of antifeudal democratic movement, put into the foreground the gigantic figures of the Germans: Johann Sebastian Bach, George Friederich Handel, the Austrians: Joseph Haydn and Wolfgant Amadeus Mozart. In the creative works of these titans musical art achieved pro­found depth and richness of contents.

    The end of the 18th century the epoch of revolution liberation struggle, gave birth to Ludvig Van Beathoven. Few people in history have shown such a unity in their personality of world outlook and talent as he did. He be­came a genius and the artistic greatness of his creative works lies in the fact that he was inspired by the most ad­vance ideas of his time.

    In the 19th century a member of music-schools ap­peared which gave to the world such genius as Franz Pe­ter Shubert in Austria, Frederic Chopin in Poland, Robert Shumann, Johannes Brahms, Richard Wagner in Ger­many, Maurice Hector Berlioz, Gioachino Rossini in Italy, Edvard Grieg in Norway.

    Russian music had passed a long and glorious past. The Father of Russian music is Mikhail Ivanovich Glinka (1804—1857), he was the founder of Russian opera and symphony music. Alexander Dargomizhsky a younger con­temporary of Glinka was the precursor of the modern pe­riod of national Russian music.

    The first great Russian symphonist was Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky (1840-1893), whose music we enjoy very much. The follower of Tchaikovsky's tradition was Rakhmaninov (1873-1943). He wrote chiefly for the piano. Contemporaries of Tchaikovsky were Balakirev (1837- 1910), Mussorgsky (1839-1881).

    Soviet music is more than 70 years old. Sergei Prok­ofiev, the founder of the Soviet music school, Aram Khatchaturian, Tikhon Khrennikov, Dmitry Kovalevsky and many others have glorified in the music of our epoch. The greatest star among all Soviet composers is Dmitry Shostakovich. He had successfully tried his pen in all mu­sical genres and symphony music. Symphony music is an exciting world of great feelings of people, of deep serious thoughts. With great artistic power does symphony music express not only the most tender shades of man's expedi­ence, people's joys and sorrows, their dreams of happi­ness.


    The Bolshoi Theatre is the pride and symbol of Russian art. It comprises both Opera and Ballet troupes with many celebrities in them.

    Yelena Obraztsova is one of them. She is a brilliant op­era singer. Her programme includes nearly all leading parts in such operas as Carmen by Bizet, Tosca by Puc­cini, Boris Godunov by Mussorgsky, The Barber of Seville by Rossini, etc. Carmen is considered to be the summit of Yelena Obraztsova's art. Her talent reveals itself not only in operas. She gives many concerts both at home and abroad. The voice of the singer is very beautiful, her vel- vety-soft mezzo-soprano can rise to true soprano heights, it is light and has an immense emotional range.

    Maya Plisetskaya, Galina Ulanova, Nadezhda Pavlova, Vyacheslav Gordeyev, Lyudmila Semenyako are the pride of the Russian ballet school. They were all winners of the international ballet competitions. Most of them made their debutes on the Bolshoi stage in the title role of different ballets such as Gisettee by Adan, Cinderella by Prokofiev, Carmen Suite by Bizet-Shchedrin, Swan Lake by Tchai­kovsky, etc.


    Igor Moiseyev is the director of the Folk Dance Ensem­ble. It has been performing for nearly 70 years, yet with

    11 Зак. 2112

    every year it has been more and more difficult to get a ticket to its concerts both at home and abroad. The group's best productions are The Russian Suite, At the Skating Rink, The Festival of Labour, Aragon Jota and Tarantella.

    Alia Pugachyova, singer and composer, has been one of the brightest lights on our variety stage for the past few years. First she appeared at the international variety fes­tival Golden Orpheus and sang a very original interpreta­tion of Bulgarian composer D.Dimitrov's Harlequin and won the Grand Prix. Since that time her career as a pop singer began.

    She has done so much that it is amazing she could have so much energy. She has recorded hundreds of songs for radio and screen, many of which she herself wrote to po­ems by Marina Tsvetayeva, Osip Mandelshtam, and the Petersburg poet Ilya Reznik.

    Pugachova is very emotional and expressive on the stage. She turns each of her songs into a spectacle. For analogues, there is Edith Piaf, who had the same emo­tional force and total freedom. Yet Pugachova is unique. She continues to look for her special style, and works hard to improve her technique, which helps her to convey the subtlest nuances of emotions.

    Mikhail Boyarsky is a film star. His films are certain to break all film-market records. Mikhail is also a talented actor.

    Be it a variety concert or a dramatic performance Boyarsky never leaves behind his guitar. His restrained manner of singing, his voice, not too strong and a bit hoarse seems to say: I sing the way you could.

    As a screen hero, as a rule, he is strong and manly, with perfect control of his body excellent at fencing and horse riding. As the legendary d'Artagnan, the actor won the audience's hearts with his charm and temperament.

    VII. Скажите, кому принадлежат слова:

    All the world's a stage and all the men and women merely players. (..As You Like It).

    UNIT 17

    Conversational Topic THE REPUBLIC OF BELARUS

    The Republic of Belarus is a small, beautiful country with the heroic past and difficult present. It is situated in Eastern Europe. The Republic borders on Russia, the Ukraine, Poland, Lithuania and Latvia. It has an area of 207,600 square kilometres and a population of more than 10 million. Belarusians constitute 77 per cent of the population, 64 per cent live in cities, the largest of which are Minsk (the capital), Gomel, Brest, Vitebsk, Grodno and Mogilev.

    Belarus is a broad plain. One third of the republic's territory is covered with forests. The largest of them are called pushchas. The most beautiful are the Belo- vezhskaya, the Nalibokskaya which have rich flora and fauna. There are 3,000 rivers in the republic. They flow into the Baltic Sea or into the Black Sea. The longest riv­ers are the Dnieper, the Nieman, the Western Dvina, the Pripyat and the Bug. There are 4,000 lakes in Belarus. The largest of the lakes is the Naroch, the pride of the republic.

    The climate in the republic is moderately continental, the breathing of the Baltic sea is constantly felt here.

    At the beginning of the 20th century Belarus was a backward province of the Russian Empire — called the North-Western region. About 80 per cent of its population were illiterate. The Belarusians were not even regarded as a nation at that time. In 1919 Belarus was proclaimed the Belarusian Soviet Socialist Republic and in 1922 became a member of the USSR.

    During World War II Belarus suffered greatly. It lost more than half of its national wealth. The fascists killed every fourth person living there. But despite all this, Be­larus has restored its cities, rebuilt its economy. Today Belarusian industry produces tractors, big lorries, auto­matic lines, computers, refrigerators, television sets, bicy­cles, watches, fertilizers and textiles.

    Agriculture specializes in milk and meat production. The main crops cultivated here are grain, potatoes, flax, herbs and vegetables.

    Belarus is a republic of well developed science and cul­ture. There are 37 state higher educational establish­ments, the Academy of Sciences, about 400 professional schools there. Secondary education is compulsory and free of charge.

    Nowadays the Republic of Belarus has become a sover­eign independent state. The Declaration of State Sover­eignty was adopted by its Supreme Soviet on July 27, 1990.

    There are three branches of state power in the Republic of Belarus — Legislative (Supreme Soviet), Executive (Council of Ministers) and Judicial (Supreme Court). Ac­cording to the existing constitution (1996) the head of the state is the President.

    Belarus is a member of the United Nations and a num­ber of other international organizations.

    Тематический словарь

    country, n


    flax, п


    be situated, v


    rye, п


    border, v


    herb, п


    area, n


    cultivate, v


    divide, v


    adopt, v


    population, n


    recognize, v


    consitute, v


    sovereign, a


    backward, a


    independent, a


    illiterate, a


    the Supreme


    regard, v

    считать, рас­




    the Council of


    proclaim, v




    wealth, n


    the Supreme


    restore, v




    rebuild, v


    legislative, a


    enterprise, n


    executive, a


    produce, v


    judicial, a



    I. Ответьте на вопросы.

    1. Where is Belarus situated?

    2. What countries does it border on?

    3. What is the territory and the population of the re­public?

    4. What are the largest cities in Belarus?

    5. The climate in the republic is moderately continen­tal, isn't it?

    6. What do you know about the republic's past?

    7. What can you say about Belarusian industry (agri­culture)?

    8. Is it true that Belarus is a republic of well developed national culture?

    9. What educational establishments are there in our republic?

    10. Is secondary education compulsory in Belarus?

    11. When did the republic become an independent state?

    12. Is our republic recognized as an independent state by many countries of the world?

    13. What are the highest bodies of state power in Be­larus?

    14. What is the capital of Belarus?

      1. Спросите своего друга:

    • знает ли он белорусский язык, историю своей страны, основные памятники культуры, известных лю­дей Беларуси;

    • когда Беларусь была образована, освобождена от фашистских захватчиков, стала независимым госу­дарством;

    • сколько в республике областных центров, высших учебных заведений, проживает населения;

    • какой процент жителей республики составляют белорусы, живёт в городах.

    1. Составьте предложения, употребив выделенные слова и словосочетания.

      1. The Republic of Belarus is situated in the centre of Eastern Europe.

      2. It borders on many countries.

      3. Belarus stretches for 650 kilometres from West to East and 560 kilometres from North to South.

      4. Belarusians constitute the largest part of the popu- ■ lation.

      5. It is an industrially developed country.

    2. Закончите следующие предложения.

      1. The Republic of Belarus is situated ...

      2. It borders on ...

      3. The territory of Belarus is ...

      4. The climate in the country is ...

      5. At the beginning of the century Belarus was ...

      6. The Republic of Belarus was founded in ...

      7. It suffered greatly from ...

      8. Belarusian industry produces ...

      9. Belarusians cultivate ...

    10. Now the Republic of Belarus is ...

    1. Составьте предложения, правильно употребив формы инфинитива страдательного залога.

    to be situated, to be divided, to be called, to be re­garded, to be proclaimed, to be produced, to be exported, to be imported, to be rebuilt, to be restored, to be adopted, to be recognized.

    1. Выразите свое согласие или несогласие со следую щими утверждениями. Дайте свое обоснование.

      1. Belarusian people suffered much in the course of their history.

      2. The Chernobyl catastrophe is a tragedy for the whole nation.

      3. In recent years the economic situation in our repub­lic has changed for the worse. The decline in industry and agriculture is gathering pace. But we hope that these dif­ficulties are temporary and they will come to an end soon.

      4. The Belarusians are generally recognized as hard­working, industrious and patient people.

      5. Although the Belarusians belong to the East Slavic ethnic group there is a strong mixture of Baltic and Scan­dinavian elements in their racial, linguistic and cultural background. A high proportion of the population is fair- haired and blue-eyed.

      6. The Belarusians want to turn their republic into a nuclear free zone. They pursue the policy of peaceful co­existence of states with different political and social sys­tems.

    2. Переведите текст и обсудите вопросы, следую­щие за ним.


    First of all, let us see what has been influencing the formation of the Belarusian national character. We'll start with the natural and climatic conditions.

    There is a precise definition for our climate, "mode­rate". We have no beat or biting frosts, no high tempera­ture jumps in the summertime and winter. Lithuania is not far away from Belarus, but it is a maritime area, where land and sea meet, while the sea is quite different a life. They've got storms, winds and unpredictability there. And the characters there are different: austere and busi­nesslike, they are formed by a transition from one element to the other. Sharp contrasts outside, inside and in the souls are not typical for Belarus.

    Now to the landscape. Our rivers are flat, calm and not very deep. They are homely and dear. All the rest of the landscape features follow the same pattern. Hills, rather than mountains. Fields, rather than deserts and prairies. The Belarusian character has no somberness and tense readiness for unexpected dangers. The nature of Belarus does not know storms or any cataclysms in general. There­fore, the Belarusians are trustful and on the whole opti­mistic, they never expect a misfortune.

    The Belarusians are accustomed to work hard, so as to produce something on this soil, sand or clay, that is why they are patient and hardworking. "Uparty Belarus", or an "obstinate Belarusian" is a very precise definition. The environmental peculiarities require our universality. We must be able of doing much, if not everything. Diligence and universality are the qualities that have been and still are helping us to survive. Moreover, the Belarusians are undemanding and modest. To a certain degree they are ac­customed to poverty. A Belarusian does not need very much any external demonstrations, he is more oriented at internal work.

    The Belarusian music, songs and folklore may also say a lot about the national character. They are merry, but not too much, there is suffering about them, but no horri­ble Russian misery. The word "destiny" is often mentioned in our vocabulary, although the Belarusians can hardly be named fatalists. Due to his calm and reserve a Belarusian is more conservative and stable in his styles and ways of life. Sometimes he may seem indifferent to everything around him. But it is also to a certain degree. If there is violence used against him, he has no other choice than to reach for a weapon to defend himself. History proves it too well.

      1. What kind of people are the Belarusians?

      2. What is their nature?

      3. Is there anything peculiar about a Belarusian to make him different from a Russian, Ukrainian, Pole or Lithuanian?

    VIII. Переведите текст со словарем.


    Belarus is the Eastern Slavic nation (variously called Byelorussia, White Russia, White Ruthenia). Historically part of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, Poland and Russia, it regained its independence on the 27th of July, 1990.

    Politically the rebirth of the nation, heralded by Kas- tus Kalinovski in 1863, dates back to the Proclamation of Belarusian Independence on March 25, 1918 and the es­tablishment of Belarus as a political entity on January 1, 1919.

    The original Belarusian tribes are the KryviCy. Kryvidy, Dryhvity, RadzimiCy, LuciCy and Sievieranie, were related to the Baltic nations, and grouped in inde­pendent principalities, of which the most powerful was Polatsk, a port and fortress on the river Dvina, which flows into the Baltic Sea. The princess of Minsk owed al­legiance (находилась в вассальной зависимости) to the principality of Polatsk, until they were united by mar­riage and political expediency (целесообразность) into the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and Belarus (1250).

    The middle Belarusian language was the official state language of the united Grand Duchy from the 13th to the late 17th century, and the Code of Laws of 1588 — the Lithuanian Statute was a compilation of that language. During this period Belarusian culture flourished to its highest, level and developed its distinctive quality in al­most every field.

    In the 16th century in the result of numerous wars, the Great Dukes formed the Union with the Kingdom of Po­land. The old principalities were remoulded into prov­inces, though the status of the Kingdom of Grand Duchy remained that of dual Monarchy with separate laws and customs, known as the ReCpaspalitaya (Commonwealth) until 1795. Cultural decline set in, the Belarusian lan­guage was greatly influenced by Polish.

    In the 18th century the territory of Belarus appeared under Russian rule followed by russification. Nevertheless the phenomenal advance of Belarusian studies in the 19th century was clearly observed. The publication of the first Dictionary of the Belarusian Language (1870) by I. Noso- vic (1788—1877) helped to lay the foundations of modern Belarus as a nation. A revival of the literary Belarusian language, expressed by a remarkable school of poets — Yanka Kupala and Jakub Kolas, Zmitrok Byadula, Maxim Bagdanovich and Ales Harun — through the journal Nasa Niva, led to a rebirth of national feelings, to the procla­mation of the country's independence.

    Conversational Topic MINSK

    Minsk is the capital of the Republic of Belarus, its po­litical, economic, scientific and cultural centre. It is one of the oldest and most beautiful cities in our republic. Its name was first mentioned in chronicles in 1067.

    Minsk is situated on the river Svisloch and occupies an area of 200 square kilometres. Its population is about 1,8 million.

    During the Great Patriotic War Minsk was destroyed by German invaders almost completely. In post-war years the city was rebuilt anew. Modern Minsk is a city of nu­merous plants and factories, modern buildings, tree-lined streets, beautiful parks and gardens. It is also a big traf­fic centre with a large network of railways, roads, airlines and two Metro lines.

    Minsk has a highly developed industry. There are hun­dreds of industrial enterprises in the city which produce tractors and automobiles, motor-cycles and bicycles, TV- sets and radio-sets, watches and refrigerators, electronic computers, textile, footwear, food and other goods. Our Belarus tractors and MAZ trucks enjoy a high reputation both in our country and abroad.

    Minsk is also known as a city of sciance and students. There are 16 state higher educational establishments there, the biggest of which are the Belarusian State Uni­versity and the Polytechnical Academy.

    Alternative, non-state-owned schools of various kinds have been opened in Minsk of late. Among are the is the Institute of Contemporary Knowledge, the European Hu­manitarian University, the International Institute of La­bour and Social Relations and many others.

    The cultural life of the people in the Belarusian capital is varied and interesting. In Minsk there are 6 theatres, a number of concert halls, a circus, dozens of cinemas, many palaces of culture, libraries and clubs. The most fa­mous theatres are the Opera and Ballet Theatre, the Yanka Kupala State Academic Theatre, the Gorky Russian Drama Theatre.

    Among the most interesting museums one can mention the Museum of the History of the Great Patriotic War, the Art Museum, Yanka Kupala and Yakub Kolas muse­ums.

    Minsk is a Hero-City. It was honoured with the title in 1974 for people's courage and heroism during the Great Patriotic War.

    The citizens of Minsk are proud of their city. It is beautiful at any time of the year. A lot of tourists from our country and abroad come to Minsk to see its sights.

    Minsk actively develops its cultural, humanitarian, so­cial and economic relations with its twin-cities, among which there are Nottingham (Britain), Detroit (USA), Ly­ons (France), Senday (Japan), Bangalor (India), Chanckun (China) and Merida (Mexico).

    Тематический словарь

    city, п


    industrial, а


    town, п


    scientific, а



    enterprise, п


    capital, п


    produce, v


    native, а


    tractor, n


    occupy, V


    automobile, n


    territory, n


    refrigerator, n


    population, n


    footwear, n


    be situated

    быть располо­

    food, n



    goods, n


    plant, n


    square, n


    factory, n

    фабрика, завод

    street, n


    building, n


    avenue, n


    park, n


    mention, v


    traffic, n


    honour, n


    network, n


    be honoured

    быть удостоен­

    centre, n


    ным чести

    be founded


    be proud of



    outskirts, n


    cultural, a


    sister (twin)-city


    Речевые фразы

    I'd like to go on an excur­sion about the city. Let's go sight-seeing today.

    Would you like to see the sights of this town?

    There are many places of interest in Minsk.

    Я хотел бы поехать на экс­курсию по городу. Давайте осмотрим досто­примечательности сегодня. Вы хотели бы осмотреть до стопримечательности этого города?

    В Минске много достопри­мечательностей .

    Excuse me, how can I get to the airport?

    Would you tell me where to get off for the Opera and Ballet Theatre, please? Is this the right trolley-bus for the Circus from here? It's the next stop. It's four stops after this one.

    It's three stops from here.

    Извините, как добраться до аэропорта?

    Скажите, пожалуйста, где мне выйти у театра оперы и балета?

    Я отсюда доеду до цирка этим троллейбусом? Следующая остановка. Четвертая остановка после этой.

    Три остановки отсюда.


    I. Ответьте на следующие вопросы.

    1. What is the capital of the Republic of Belarus?

    2. Is Minsk your native town?

    3. Where is Minsk situated?

    4. What is the population of the Belarusian capital?

    5. When was Minsk founded?

    6. When was Minsk liberated from the fascist occupation?

    7. Minsk is an industrial and cultural centre of Be­larus, isn't it?

    8. What industrial enterprises are there in Minsk?

    9. What industrial goods are produced at the Minsk factories and plants?

    10. Does our city cooperate with foreign countries?

    11. How many theatres and museums are there in Minsk?

    12. Which of them have you visited?

    13. Which of them do you like best?

    14. How many higher educational institutions are there in the Belarusian capital?

    15. Do you know when Minsk was awarded the title of the Hero-City and what for?

    16. What do you like in the city of Minsk most of all?

    II. Составьте предложения, употребив выделенные слова и словосочетания.

      1. The city was founded in 1067.

      2. I am going to see the sights of this city.

      3. Did you go sight-seeing in Moscow?

      4. How can I get to the Historical Museum.

      5. There are many residential areas in Minsk.

        1. Переведите предложения с русского языка на английский.

    1. В 1941 году в Минске было десять высших учеб­ных заведений, 49 средних школ, 8 кинотеатров и 16 больниц, 2. 28 июня фашисты оккупировали столицу Беларуси. 3. Когда Минск был освобожден, города практически не было. 4. Только руины, пепелища и деревянные дома на окраинах города увидели его осво­бодители. 5. Фашисты готовились взорвать Дом Прави­тельства перед уходом из города, но им не удалось сделать это. 6. После войны в районе Комаровки вы­росли здания института физкультуры, политехничес­кого института, клинический городок и Дом печати. 7. Трамвайная линия соединила центр города с промыш­ленными окраинами. 8. В 1974 году Минску было при­своено звание города-героя.

        1. Составьте свои диалоги по аналогии.


    A: Excuse me, how can I get to the Belarusian State University?

    B: You'd better go by Metro there.

    A: Where is the Metro station?

    B: It's over there, on the left.


    A: Excuse me, does bus № 51 go to the University?

    N: Yes, you'll get off in Independence Square.

    A: Is it far from here?

    N: No, it's four stops after this one.

    A: Many thanks.

    A: Excuse me, am I on the right way to the Univer­sity?

    N: Yes, cross the square, turn to the right and you'll see it.

    A: Excuse me, which is the quickest way to the rail­way station from here?

    N: Very sorry. I can't tell you. I'm a stranger here myself. You'd better ask someone else.

        1. Прочитайте текст и перескажите его содержа­ние на английском языке.


    Nottingham is Minsk's twinned city. Nottingham is situated on the left bank of the Trent River, by which it has access to the sea. It is 123 miles by road north-west of London. The population of the city is more than one mil­lion.

    Nottingham is an old city. The Anglo-Saxons were in occupation from the 6th century onward and gave their settlement the name of Snotingaham. In the Middle Ages some 200 square miles of the country were covered by Sherwood Forests, famous for its oaks and for the exploits of Robin Hood.

    Nottingham is a busy city of many industries and no­table buildings. It is famous for its bicycle, pharmaceuti­cal, cigarette and lace manufactures. Other important in­dustries include engineering and telecommunications equipment.

    Outstanding modern buildings include the County Hall, the University, the Council House, the Technical College, etc. The former palace is used for the city museum and art gallery.

    Minsk and Nottingham often exchange different dele­gations and have successfully developing contracts on dif­ferent levels.

        1. Переведите текст со словарем.


    More than 900 years ago on the banks of the Nemiga and Svisloch rivers came into existence the city of Minsk or Mensk as it used to be called before.

    The name of the city is believed to be associated with the river Menka that flowed into lake Ptych not far from the city. But the legends say that the city derives its name from the world "mena" as in the ancient times there was a barter market in the newly-founded settlement on the right bank of the Svisloch.

    Mensk was first mentioned as a town in the Principal­ity of Polotsk in a chronicle in 1067 in connection with a battle on the Nemiga between Prince Vseslav of Polotsk and Prince Yaroslav's sons: Yzyaslav, Vsevolod and Svya- toslav. As a result of this battle Mensk was ruined with all men killed, women and children taken to prison.

    In 1084 Mensk was burnt yet another time by the Great Russian Prince Vladimir Monomakh.

    In the 12th century the Polotsk Principality was di­vided among Prince Yzeslav's sons. Mensk became the centre of the independent principality.

    In the late 13th century the Principality of Mensk be­came part of the Great Duchy of Lithuania. The 14th— 15th centuries were very important in the life of Mensk and its inhabitants. It was the period when the Belarusian nation was formed with its national language and culture.

    But in 1569 the Lithuanian Princes united with the Polish kingdom and formed a joined state RzeCzpospolita. It was at that period that Mensk was renamed into Minsk.

    In 1793 Belarus the Russian Empire. Three was made a part of years later it was turned into a gubernia (province) with Minsk as its centre.

    Throughout the 17th—18th centuries the Upper Town remained the town's main administrative, trade and cul­tural centre. Minsk rapidly grew and developed. But in 1812 the Napoleon troops burnt the city again.

    In the 20th centure the foreign invaders not once occu­pied the Belarusian capital: in 1918 it was occupied by Germany, in 1919—1920 by Poland. The most horrible disaster befell the city of Minsk in 1941—1944 in the years of fascist invasion.

    Not only wars were responsible for Minsk's numerous devastations. Fires caused great damage to the city too. Especially damaging was the 1881 fire. Since then only stone and brick buildings have been constructed in the centre of Minsk.

    And every time our people rebuilt the city, it became more beautiful than before.

    Conversational Topic MY NATIVE TOWN

    My native town is Grodno. It's an ancient town. Not long ago it celebrated its 850th anniversary.

    The town of Grodno is situated on the river Neman. The river divides it into two parts. The older part of the town lies on the right bank of the Neman. Here you can see the old castle where kings once lived. Now it is a mu­seum of history and archeology. On the banks of the Ne­man one can also see modern apartment houses, offices and different architectural monuments. Among them there is a 17th century Roman Catholic church.

    Grodno is a fast-growing town. It's a regional centre with the population of over 250,000 people. There are some big plants here and some smaller factories. The larg­est enterprises are: the "Azot" Works, the Footwear Fac­tory, the Synthetic Fibre Mill, the Fine Cloth Mill, etc. There are several residential areas in our town. Every dis­trict has schools, kindergartens, shops, everyday services. The people of Grodno are very fond of their Zoo, the only Zoo in Belarus. Here you can see animals from all geo­graphical regions of the world.

    Grodno is a big cultural centre. There are three institu­tions of higher education, many schools, technical col­leges, some cinemas, drama and puppet theatres.

    There are also many public gardens and parks there. The newly built streets are wide and spacious, lined with trees and flowers. The streets of the old part of the town are not very wide, but they are clean and green.

    One of the main streets in Grodno is Ozheshko street. Here one can see a small old house. It is the house where Eliza Ozheshko, a famous democratic writer, lived and worked. Now it is a museum and a memorial library of foreign literature. Not far from it there is a monument to Eliza Ozheshko.

    It is interesting to know that Grodno has a twin-town in France. It's Limoges, an industrial centre with the population of about 200,000 people.

    Тематический словарь

    native, а родной

    ancient, а древний

    celebrate, v праздновать

    anniversary, п годовщина

    places of interest достопримеча-


    castle, п замок, дворец

    church, п церковь

    residential area жилой район

    enterprise, п предприятие

    works, n завод, мастерские spacious, a mill, n museum, n monument, n twin-town, n

    grow, v develop, v settlement, n village, n






    побратим расти





    I. Ответьте на вопросы.

    1. What is your native town?

    2. Is your native town a small ancient place or a big modern city?

    3. Where is it situated? Is it far from Minsk?

    4. What river runs through the city?

    5. What is your native town famous for?

    6. Are there any architectural monuments in your town? What are they?

    7. What famous people lived there?

    8. Which is the main street in your town?

    9. Who is it named after?

    10. Are there any industrial enterprises in your native town?

    11. What goods do they produce?

    12. What can you say about cultural life of your town?

    13. How do people spend their leisure time?

    14. Are there any everyday services in the town?

    15. Are you proud of your native town?

    II. Составьте предложения, употребив выделенные слова и словосочетания.

      1. I was born in the town of Polotsk. Polotsk is my na­tive town.

      2. It is an ancient town of about 10 centuries old.

      3. There are many places of interest in our town.

      4. Founded in 1960 the town has been growing and de­veloping rapidly.

      5. Grodno is a regional centre.

        1. Составьте ситуации, используя следующие сло­ва и словосочетания:

          1. to come from, not far from, a very convenient place to live, at the countryside, it takes me ... to get to Minsk, another advantage of living here;

          2. settlement, a picturesque place, a landscape, a vast green carpet, to grow fast, urban-type houses, all com­munal services, to transform the countryside, to be proud of.

        2. Переведите предложения с русского языка на английский.

    Я живу недалеко от Могилева. Могилев расположен на реке Днепр. Его население составляет более 300 ООО жителей. Могилев — индустриальный город. Здесь развита машиностроительная, химическая, пищевая и легкая промышленность. В городе есть три вуза, драматический театр, несколько музеев.

    Поселок, в котором я живу, небольшой. Он нахо­дится в двадцати минутах езды от города. Мы поль­зуемся всеми преимуществами проживания в сельской местности: у нас чистый воздух, частный дом со всеми удобствами. Рядом — лес и река. В поселке есть торго­вый комплекс и культурный центр, школа, детский сад, поликлиника, административные здания.

        1. Прочитайте и перескажите диалог в косвенной речи.

    Denis: Where do you come from, Nick? Nick: Well, actually, I come from a place called Gorsk. Denis: Mmm ... Sounds great. But I've never heard of it.

    Nick: Many people haven't. It is in the north of our Re­public. It was a small, sleepy sort of place a hun­dred years ago. No industry, no enterprises. Denis: And now it's changed, hasn't it? Nick: Oh, yes, now it's a city. It's expanded a lot — new shops, factories, offices, steel works, a lot of heavy industry round about. Denis: Well, every town is growing now. One day the whole world is going to become one great city.

        1. Прочитайте тексты и поставьте несколько вопросов к каждому из них.


    Gomel is the second largest city in our republic and the largest city in Belarusian Polesye. It's population is about 400,000. It is situated three hundred kilometres to the south of Minsk. The landscape of this part of the country is very beautiful. The wide river Dnieper with sandy banks and large forest areas are stretching for many kilometres. Unfortunately, Gomel region suffered greatly after the Chernobyl tragedy.

    Gomel is a city of well-developed industry. The ma- chine-tool plant is the oldest enterprise in the city.


    Brest is often called the western gate of the country. On June 22, 1941 Brest was the first to take upon itself the concentrated fire of enemy divisions. Almost com­pletely destroyed by the Nazis, Brest rose, rebuilt from ruins after the war. Many streets in the city are named after the heroes of the war, the defenders of the legendary Brest Hero-Fortress.

    Brest today is an important transport junction and a major industrial centre. The city's industry supplies the country with computers, heat generators, gas stoves, car­pets, knitted goods, etc. The population of the city is more than 300,000.


    Vitebsk is one of the largest and oldest cities in Be­larus. It is situated on the river Dvina. The city was founded in 974. Its population is more than 300,000.

    Today Vitebsk is an important industrial centre. Its factories and plants produce modern metal cutting ma­chine tools and television-sets, textiles, clothing, foot­wear, carpets and other articles.

    Vitebsk is a big cultural centre. There are dozens of secondary and vocational schools, and four institutes here. The Drama Theatre is one of the oldest in Belarus.

        1. Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопросы, следующие за ним.


    There are many cities and towns in Belarus. Informa­tion has come down to us from ancient times not only about Minsk, but also about Grodno, Mstislavl, Zaslavl, Pinsk and Nesvizh. In its long and difficult life Belarus has seen and experienced a great deal; it more than once suffered from foreign invaders. Its cities shared its fate.

    There are also many young towns in Belarus. They sprang up quite recently, but they stand side by side with the old cities as if they had been there since ancient times. One of such towns is Novolukoml, the power engineering centre of the republic. The gigantic thermal power station built there provides nearly half of the electric power re­sources that Belarus has today.

    Beloozersk is another young town which owes its birth to a large terminal power station.

    The chemical industry gave life to the town of Svetlo- gorsk. Here a huge plant for the production of synthetic fibres has grown. And near the young town there is a high capacity district power station called after the settlement of Vasilevichi which is situated not far away.

    One more young town is Soligorsk, well known as a big producer of mineral fertilizers. In August 1993 Soligorsk celebrated its 35th anniversary. Only 35 years have passed since the day when vast deposits of potash salt were dis­covered and today the Belaruskaly Association supplies 15 per cent of the world output of potassium.

    The town of Zhodino was founded in 1963. Since then the town has been rapidly growing and developing. The republic's largest topping lorries and other motor vehicles are manufactured in Zhodino by the BelavtoMAZ Produc­tion Association. They are famous throughout the world.

    Novopolotsk is one of the youngest towns in Belarus. It is situated on the Dvina river. It came into existence as a town of chemistry. There are four large industrial enter­prises here: the chemical works "Polymir", the vitamin works, the measuring devices plant and the refinery. The population of the town constantly increases. It is a town of young people.

    1. What are the most ancient towns in Belarus?

    2. Are there any young cities and towns in the repub­lic?

    3. What are they famous for?

    VIII. Переведите текст со словарем.


    Most Belarusians, because of the natural formation of the urban infrastructure, are more at home in the coun­tryside than in the city. Though 64 per cent of the popu­lation live in towns and cities nearly half of them have moved there only recently. Their hearts and roots are still at the place where they were born.

    There is no other place like a countryside for those who have learned in childhood to love its monotonous land­scape with innumerable lakes, rivers, forests and fields, its small quiet villages and modern settlements. I do love all that. I like the village with its winding streets, local people, green carpets of meadows. I like to stand on the highest hill, where there is a monument to those killed in action during World War II. I like to see how the Pripyat flows unhurriedly to the Dnieper. The working men and women who live on its banks are as tireless as the river it­self. They mow the thick grass in the meadows, gather in the rich grain harvest and build new plants.

    A distinctive feature of modern countryside is its in­dustrialization. Numerous workshops and even small fac­tories are set up on collective farms, such as workshops for the processing of vegetables and fruit, for the produc­tion of furniture, clothes, overcoats, jackets and sheep­skin coats. All this has entailed a change in the structure of trades. Technologists and construction workers have become particularly important men, as well as grain- growers and machine operators.

    Today's countryside has its own infrastructure: roads, service establishments, stadiums. New buildings are mush­rooming here: urban-type two-storeyed houses with all mod­ern conveniences, with a garage and a telephone. Over the last few years a number of such urban-style settlements have been built in which every house is an attraction.

    Some people, however, prefer to live in wooden houses with big orchards and gardens attached to them. It is really very important not to lose the delights of the vil­lage way of life. It is particularly dear to every villager to hear a cock that crows every morning.

    It is impossible to tear a peasant from the land, from everything that has gone into his heart and mind since his childhood. The roots of the real villager are always to be found in the soil he loves.

    Conversational Topic FAMOUS PEOPLE OF BELARUS

    The Belarusian land gave birth to many famous people whose names are known all over the world.

    The history of the Belarusian culture is more than one thousand years old. The names of such Belarusian think­ers as Euphrosyne Polotskaya and Kirill Turovsky have been known since ancient times. Since the 12th century we have known the name of the great Belarusian jeweler Lazar Bogsha and his priceless creation — the Cross of St. Euphro­syne, which was decorated with numerous precious stones.

    The age of Renaissance enriched our culture with new names of great Belarusian statesmen, writers and print­ers. For example, Lev Sapega, the dynasty of Radzivil, Mikola Gusovsky and many others. The name of the first printer Francisak Skaryna and his followers Symon Budny and Vasily Tyapinsky are known throughout the world. In 1990 we celebrated the 500th anniversary of the birth of Dr.F.Skaryna, the first-printer and the first translator of the Bible into the native Belarusian language.

    It goes without saying Belarusian literature has made a great contribution to world literature. The names of Yanka Kupala and Yakub Kolas, Maxim Bagdanovich, Kandrat Krapiva, Vladimir Korotkevich, Vasil Bykov are world famous. These names are followed by a number of other well-known writers and poets, such as K. Chorny, P. Brovka.I. Shamyakin, M. Tank, V. Bykov, N. Gilevich, A. Adamovich. Their works are translated into many European languages. Many of Minsk streets are named af­ter the Belarusian writers.

    As for Belarusian art the names of K. Malevich, Mark Shagal, Ya. Drosdovich,A. Isachev, M. Savitsky and others are known far beyond the borders of our country.

    The Belarusian culture is also famous for its ballet. The Opera and Ballet Theatre in Minsk is the centre of the national Belarusian school of ballet. V. Elizaryev is one of the famous choreographers in the world. The national Be­larusian theatre school is well-known too. The names of G. Makarova, S. Stanyuta, N. Eremenko, L. Filatov and other actors of the Y. Kupala Academic Theatre are also of great popularity abroad.

    It's also a pleasure to mention the names of such fa­mous Belarusian composers as N. Churkin, I. Luchenok, V. Alovnokov, A. Bogatyrev, N. Aladov. The Belarusian vo­cal groups "Pesnyary", "Verasy", "Charovnitsa" and dance group "Khoroshky" have been a great success in Europe.

    Many prominent names in the history of Belarus of the 20th century are connected with two main events, the Se­cond World War and space exploration. All Belarusians fought heroically defending their Motherland. But we are especially proud of the heroes of the last war: K. Zaslonov, E. Osipova, N. Gastello, V. Talalikhin, the defenders of Brest fortress and many others. In the family of cosmonauts there are also two Belarusians, A. Kovalyonok and P. Klimuk.

    At the present day time, the time of revaluation of values, it's difficult to find heroes, especially among poli­ticians. Time will put everything in its place and give eve­rybody his due. But one thing is obvious: great times are created by great men. Their names are sure to become his­tory whatever it may be.

    Тематический словарь

    famous, a creation, n first printer make contri­bution well-known, a leading, a prominent, a

    outstanding, a public figure, n

    intellectual, n space, n exploration, n politician, n hero, n знаменитый творение первопечатник вносить вклад




    известный выдающийся общественный

    деятель интеллигент космос исследование политик герой create, v become history

    revaluation, n value, n give one's due

    be named after mention, v include, v

    constitute, v

    generation, n peace-loving, a industrious, a monument, n

    создатель войти в

    историю переоценка ценность воздать

    должное носить имя упоминать включать,

    содержать составлять, об­разовывать поколение миролюбивый трудолюбивый памятник

    Упражнения I. Ответьте на вопросы.

    1. Are there many famous people in the Republic of Belarus?

    2. What are they?

    1. Who is considered to be the classic of Belarusian literature?

    2. What other famous writers and poets do you know?

    3. Are any of Minsk strtets named after these writers?

    4. Who are the leading Belarusian composers of the present century?

    5. Do you know the names of the heroes of World War


    1. Are there any Belarusians in the family of cosmo­nauts?

    2. Can you give the names of any political or public figures of Belarus?

    10. Who are the famous scientists in our republic?

      1. Составьте предложения, употребив выделенные слова и словосочетания.

        1. There are some prominent names in the history of our country.

        2. The scientists created new methods of analyses.

        3. We are proud of our cosmonauts.

        4. His name is sure to become history.

        5. The University is named after the great scholar.

      2. Переведите на английский язык.

    Беларусь славится своим трудолюбивым и миролю­бивым народом. На каждом промышленном предприя­тии, в колхозе и совхозе, учебном или медицинском уч­реждении трудятся десятки известных в своей отрасли людей. Совместно с нашими ведущими учеными, писа­телями, деятелями культуры, общественными деятеля­ми они составляют гордость нашей нации, ее золотой фонд. Имена наиболее прославленных из них увекове­чены (perpetuate) в названиях улиц и городов. Много прекрасных памятников установлено в их честь.

    Одним из наиболее величественных является памят­ник прекрасному белорусскому лирику М. Богдановичу (1891—1917). Он прожил только 25 лет, но поднял белорусскую литературу на мировой уровень. Его стихи сохраняют национальный дух, выражают истинные страдания народа. На стихи Богдановича написаны пес­ни, которые поют до сих пор. Имя Богдановича широко известно как в нашей стране, так и за рубежом.

      1. Прочитайте текст и перескажите его на английском языке.


    In 1990 Belarusians were celebrating the 500th anni­versary of the birth of Doctor Francisak Skaryna, the first translator and publisher of the Bible (1517—1519) in the Belarusian language. The impact of Skaryna's work has been profound both on the cultural development of Belarus and on the Belarusian patriotic movement in the 20th century.

    Belarusian printing owes its beginnings to Dr. Franci­sak Skaryna, a prominent scholar and humanist. Dr. Skaryna was born into a wealthy merchant family in the old Belarusian city of Polatsk in 1490. After attending lo­cal schools he studied at Krakow and other universities. He received his degree in liberal arts, and later, at the University of Padua, he received his degree in medicine. He was a true Renaissance man — his intellectual inter­ests embraced theology, literature, linguistics, poetry, art, law, medicine, botany, and printing.

    The most important of his achievements was the translation and publication of the Bible into the Belaru­sian language, first in Prague in 1517—1519, and later in Vilnya. Skaryna's Belarusian Bible was the second work printed in a native Slavonic tongue.

    Like other translators working elsewhere in Europe at that time, he wanted to "make knowledge available to the people in their own language". He said, "I vow it shall be­come a language of books, and not only of speech".

      1. Прочитайте и скажите, что нового вы узнали о культуре и истории Беларуси.

    In the 16th century in the town of Nesvizh there lived and worked the world known philosopher Symon Budny. Now a monument has been erected in his native town to honour his memory.

    A * *

    The first book published on the territory of the present Belarus was the book «Малая падарожная кшжка» by the first printer, Dr. Francisak Skaryna, a Belarusian from Polatsk. The book was printed in the town of Vilnya in 1522.

    The collection of laws — the famous Statute of the Great Principality of Lithuania — an excellent monument of the 15 century, was written in the Belarusian language. The statute was translated into the Russian, Polish, Ger­man, Ukranian languages. Many European countries based

    their collections of laws upon this Statute.

    * * *

    Not far from New York City in the USA there is a park called Arrow Park. You can see standing there four monu­ments to honour the memory of Alexander Pushkin, Taras Shevchenko, Walt Whitman, and Yanka Kupala, poets who sang so dramatically, so passionately about their peo­ple's hardships and sufferings, their joys and their sor­rows.

    * * it

    Waclaw Zidlicky from Chechoslovakia knows Belaru­sian very well, and he has done a lot in popularizing Be­larusian literature.

    Once speaking on TV in Minsk (in Belarusian, by the way), he said that it was the word "siabry" that made him get interested in the Belarusian language. He started studying it and got to love it.

    VI. Прочитайте текст и выразите свое отношение к обсуждаемой проблеме.


    These words must be familiar to you. It is the begin­ning of Anton Chekhov's famous quotation: "Everything must be beautiful in a person — face, clothing, spirit and mind".

    What is more important in a person: his character or his appearance? Most often you will hear that both should be taken care of. Many people say that beauty is a harmo­nious combination of outward appearance and high moral qualities. Others think that character is the main thing, and there is even a saying which is a reminder that ap­pearances are often deceptive. As an old English saying goes, "judge not according to the appearance". The impor­tance of character is also expressed in the following lines written many years ago," When wealth is lost, nothing is lost; When health is lost, something is lost; When charac­ter is lost, all is lost".

    So you can judge for yourself which is more important and whether you should think more about your character training or outward appearance.

    VII. Переведите текст со словарем.


    In the past few years our literature has made new strides forward. M. Tank, P. Panchenko, N. Gilevich and others are as prolific as ever.

    The novels by I. Melezh (The People of the Marshes. Breath of the Thunderstorm), Ya. Bryl (Birds and Nets), I. Shamyakin (Springs, Anxious Happiness, The Heart in Hand), V. Bykov (Sotnikov, The Alpine Ballad, The Third Rocket), M.Lynkov (The Never-to-Be Forgotten Days) are well known in our republic and abroad. They are trans­lated into many languages of the world.

    Comedies and tragi-comedies by A. Makayonok (Pardon Us, If You Please, The Tribunal, The Tablet Under Your Tongue, etc.) are very intersting and humorous. A. Makayonok is a talented playwright, possessing a crea­tive manner of his own.

    After these came a new generation of talented poets and prose writers, enriching our writing. They contribu­ted to our literature, making it still more brilliant. They are R. Baradulin, a fine master of verse, A. Adamovich, Ya. Sipakov, B. Sachanka and others.

    We have plenty of artists who portray the natural beauty of Belarus, its heroic past, and its no less heroic present. The names of E. Zaitsev, V. Tsvirka, V. Volkov, K. Krasovsky, M. Savitsky and many, many others are known far beyond the borders of the Republic.

    No less significant are the achievements in sculpture. Leaving aside the older masters — A. Bembel (one of the creators of Brest memorial), and Z. Azgur (his monument to Ya. Kolas has been erected in Minsk), the younger ones are also doing their bit. They are S. Vakar (his expressive and very poetic monument to M. Bogdanovich stands in front of the Opera and Ballet Theatre), I. Misko (his monument to I. Buinitsky is in Prasaroky), A. Anikeychik (his artistic monument to Ya. Kupala is watched by all guests of Minsk) and others.

    Belarusian music is on the upswing. A great many popular songs, operas and symphonies have been created by the well-know composers as A. Bogatyryov, author of In the Polesye Pushcha, V. Alovnikov (his song My Dear Homeland have become the callsign of the Belarusian ra­dio). There are wonderfully melodious romances and songs by A. Turankov, as well as V. Semenyaka's operas, and G. Vagner's ballets. And even more popular younger com­posers are D. Smolsky, S. Kortes and V. Glebov, a ta­lented author of opera and ballet music. I. Luchenok's songs are known all over the country.

    The Belarusian vocal group Pesnyary and Verasy folk song and dance group have been great success in Europe, the USA, Latin America and in Africa.

    Conversational Topic HEROISM OF THE BELARUSIAN


    On June 22, 1941 Belarus was among the first Union republics to be attacked by Nazi Germany. From the very first day to the last the Belarusian people fought heroi­cally against the enemies. They all rose up to defend their freedom and independence.

    Over a million of Belarusians were in the Army. They took part in the battles of Moscow and Leningrad, at Stalingrad and the Kursk bulge, in the liberation of the Caucasus, the Ukraine, the Crimea and the Baltic repub­lics. Over 300,000 soldiers and officers, natives of Belarus were awarded the orders and medals, nearly 400 of them were conferred the title of the Hero of the Soviet Union.

    A massive movement was launched on the occupied ter­ritories. It ammounted to 374,000 people. It is not by chance that Belarus came to be called a partisan republic. Belarusian partisans opened one more front and helped the Army to win victory over the invaders.

    Heroism and selfnessness became ordinary standards of behaviour for millions of people in the field of battle and in the rear. All our heroes cannot be mentioned, but here are a few: Konstantin Zaslonov, who organized acts of sabotage at the Orsha railway station; Nikolai Gastello, who rammed his burning plane into a column of German tanks near Radashkovichi; Anna Mazanik and Mariya Osipova, who killed the Gauleiter of Belarus, the governor Wilhelm Kubbe.

    Among our heroes were F. Smolyachkov, who killed 125 Hitlerites; general Davator, who was in command of a cavalry raid in the Nazi rear; the pilot A. Gorovets, who in a single air battle brought down 9 enemy planes at the cost of his own life; the defenders of the Brest Fortress who kept rebuffing in a besieged fortress for a month and many others.

    In the summer of 1944 Belarus was completely cleared of the enemy troops. But the victory over the fascist in­vaders was not an easy one. We lost nearly every fourth citizen of the Republic and more than half of our national wealth.

    The contribution of the Belarusian people to the defeat of Nazism was enormous. Due to this fact the Republic of Belarus was invited in 1945 to become a founding member of a new international organization — the UNO (United Nations Organization).

    Тематический словарь

    war, n peace, n fight, v enemy, n defend, v freedom, n independence, n liberate, v award, v confer, v launch, v occupy, v front, n win a victory invader, n

    rear, n война мир

    бороться враг










    одержать победу захватчик, за­воеватель тыл battle, п courage, п selflessness, п

    display, v ram, v

    be in command

    bring down, v fortress, n rebuff, v besiege, v victory, n deed, n

    contribution, n take into ac

    count the UNO

    сражение мужество самоотвержен­ность проявлять таранить руководить,

    командовать сбивать крепость отбиваться осаждать победа подвиг вклад

    принимать во

    внимание ООН


    I. Ответьте на вопросы.

    1. When did the Great Patriotic War begin?

    2. When was Belarus attacked by the Hitlerite Ger­many?

    3. How long had the republic been occupied by the Na­zis?

    4. Did the Belarusians display mass heroism and cour­age in the struggle with the enemy?

    5. How many Belarusians were there in the Army during the war?

    6. How many of them were awarded the orders and medals?

    7. Why was Belarus called a partisan republic?

    8. What fortress has become a symbol of courage?

    9. What heroes of the war do you know?

    10. What heroic deeds did they perform?

    11. Did Belarus suffer greatly during the war?

    12. How many people were killed in our republic?

    13. When do we celebrate Victory Day?

    14. Why did the Republic of Belarus become a founding member of the UNO?

      1. Составьте предложения, употребив выделенные слова и словосочетания.

        1. In 1941 the Hitlerite Germany attacked our country.

        2. Thousands of people courageously fought in towns and villages.

        3. Many people displayed heroism and courage during the war.

        4. They fought to win victory over the Nazis.

        5. The Belarusians performed many heroic deeds.

      2. Переведите на английский язык.

    1. 30 апреля 1945 года группа солдат 1-го Белорус­ского фронта ворвалась (burst) в рейхстаг. 2. Николай Егоров и Мелитон Кантария первыми установили (plan­ted) знамя победы над рейхстагом. Их героический подвиг вошел (go down) в историю. 3. Это знамя стало символом победы над нацистской Германией. 4. Егоров и Кантария принимали участие в параде Победы в Москве. На следующий день знамя было передано в Центральный музей вооруженных сил (Central Museum of Armed Forces). 5. Подвиг народа, проявленный во время войны, будет жить в веках. 6. Наш народ и пра­вительство делают все возможное, чтобы ужасы войны не повторились. 7. Мы хотим жить в мире и дружбе со всеми странами.

      1. Выразите свое согласие или несогласие со следую щими утверждениями.

        1. During the Great Patriotic War the entire nation was fighting.

        2. Nazis had blown up and burned down everything they could.

        3. The Victory came as a triumph for peace-loving peo­ple all over the world.

        4. The Soviet Army was the Army of liberation.

      2. Прочитайте текст и поставьте вопросы по его содержанию.


    The Brest Fortress heroic deed is known all over the world. Cut off from the rest of the army the defenders of the Fortress beat back numerous attacks of the enemy. The people lost strength but would not give in. They stood to death. Here are some examples.

    One of the defenders, Vladimir Shablowski, a Belaru­sian, was badly wounded and taken prisoner. When he and other prisoners were crossing the bridge over the Bug Shablovski shouted: "Everybody,- follow me!" and jumped into the water. This fact became a legend.

    Paralysing fascist forces of considerable length the Brest Fortress heroic defenders who represented 33 na­tions, withstood about a month's siege. On the walls of the Fortress one can read the inscriptions made by its de­fenders: "There were three of us. It was hard but we did not lose our courage and are, dying a hero's death", "I'm dying but shall not surrender. Farewell, Motherland".

    The soldiers continued to fight on under their Commis­sar Fomin, their commander Major Gavrilov and other of­ficers. One day, heavily wounded, Fomin was captured and shot. The Nazis broke into the fortress only after its de­fenders had been killed. When the Nazis occupied the ru­ins Major Gavrilov hid in a big cellar where he spent seve­ral days without food or water. When his thirst got too much for him he would press his mouth against the cold brick wall. Finally he lost consciousness. But the moment, the Nazis entered the cellar he came to and fought back for a whole hour until he had no hand grenades left and only one remaining bullet in his revolver. At that moment he was shot from behind and captured. He went through the entire hell of Nazi concentration camps. Pyotr Gavrilov was later awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union for his gallantry.

    VI. Переведите текст со словарем.


    The liberation of Belarus began in the autumn of 1943, when the Germans were driven out of Gomel and a num­ber of districts.

    At daybreak on June 23, 1944 the Red Army began a major operation code-named Bagration to liberate the

    whole of the republic. July 3 saw the liberation of Minsk. By the end of the month the whole of the republic was free from the invaders.

    It was not an easy victory that the people of Belarus won over the fascists. Over 2,230,000 people were killed and 380,000 people had been forcibly sent to Germany. The fascists destroyed over 209 cities and towns, 9,200 villages, over 10,000 industrial enterprises. Minsk and Gomel were 80 per cent destroyed, Polotsk — 96 per cent. Nearly every fourth citizen of the Republic fell in the fight against fascism. 136 Belarusian villages were burnt down together with their inhabitants and couldn't return to life . Today you will find their names on the memorial plagues of monuments, built in their honour.

    The Mound of Glory is one of them. It was erected in memory of the Battle of Minsk. Earth for this 35-metre mound was brought from different Hero-cities. The mound is crowned with an obelisk in the shape of four bayonets (штыки). They symbolize the joint operations of four army groups that were linked up here in 1944.

    The 40 metres Obelisk in Victory Square is another monument built in Minsk in 1954. The theme of the monument is the victory of our country in the Great Pa­triotic war as reflected by the four moulded bronze panels around the plinth. The Eternal Flame, like a living heart, beats at the foot of the obelisk reminding of all those who gave their lives defending Motherland.

    One more memorial complex is erected on the territory of the Brest Fortress. Every visitor here feels as if time had stood still: there are empty openings at windows of burnt barracks, ruins of the fortress structures, walls of building scarred with holes left by bullets, the smell of smoke and burning. The names of the defenders of the fortress are carved on the granite slabs of the memorial.

    There is one more famous memorial exposing the hor­rors of the war. The tragedy of Khatyn — a small Belaru­sian village — broke out on March 22, 1943. Early in the morning fascists arrived in lorries. They broke into the peaceful homes, drove the inhabitants into a big shed and set it on fire. There were 149 people in all, 76 of them were children. The nazis set fire to all the houses in the village.


    A memorial complex was set up in Khatyn in 1969. The main figure here is a bronze statue of one of the villagers

    12 Зак. 2112

    Yosif Kaminsky who is holding his dead son on his arms. Twenty-six burnt village houses are presented by monu­ments in the form of high brick chimneys with the bells attached to them. Every two minutes the bells ring out mournfully. There is a list of names of the members of each family embedded in the monument. Ivan Zhelobkovich Sofia Zhelobkovich Lena Zhelobkovich, 10 years Lyonya Zhelobkovich, 4 years Misha Zhelobkovich, 2 years

    We have never seen or known the perished inhabitants of Khatyn; nor have we ever heard their voices. But they are still with us. Their voices didn't burn in the fire: they remained under the sky and have reached us.

    "Kind people, remember: We loved life, our mother­land, and you, our dear ones. We were burnt alive in fire. Our request to all is this: Let grief and sorrow turn into courage so that you may be able forever to preserve peace and tranquility on Earth, so that life may never again burn in flames!"


    The world knows the names of many great scientists: mathematicians, physicists, chemists, biologists, linguists, historians etc. A lot of discoveries have been made by them in different fields of science and engineering. The role of science when it serves the interests of man and so­ciety is very important. It's a great productive force which helps to develop the economy and solve social prob­lems increasing in this way the well-being of people.

    Among the names of great scientists who contributed much to different fields of science and engineering one should mention Isaac Newton, the founder of modern mathematics, physics, spectroscopy, the discoverer of the law of motion and the universal law of gravitation; Dmitri Mendeleyev, the discoverer of the Periodic System of Ele­ments; Mikhail Lomonosov, the great Russian scientist; Alfred Nobel, the great Swedish inventor and industrial­ist; Igor Kurchatov, Pierre and Marie Curie, the physi­cists; Yuri Gagarin, the cosmonaut; I. Prigozhin, the chemist; A. Kuprevich, Nobel laureate, biologist and others.

    The list of outstanding people of the world is long. I'd like to speak about the people whose names are closely connected with the greatest event of the 20th century: the flight of Man into space. Special tribute should be paid to Russian scientists. Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky is one of them.

    K. Tsiolkovsky (1879—1935) was born in a small Rus­sian village near Ryazan. He dedicated all his life to the problem of interplanetary travel. He worked out the the­ory of cosmic flights. K. Tsiolkovsky believed that "mankind will not remain on Earth forever", and he dreamt of that day.

    The man who was standing behind Soviet space strat­egy from the 1930s was Sergei Pavlovich Korolev. An outstanding scientist, he devoted all his life to rocket re­search, constructing artificial satellites. The first artifi­cial sputnik launched on October 4, 1957 was the practical accomplishment of his ideas.

    Some years later the most remarkable event in the his­tory of cosmonautics took place. On April 12, 1961 the spaceship "Vostok", piloted by Yuri Gagarin, went up. It is due to Korolev's genius and some other top engineers' talent that Russia became the world leader in conquering space.

    Yuri Gagarin was the first man who made his historic flight into space. The whole world applauded this hand­some young man. He orbited the earth once, staying in space for only 108 minutes, but he was the first to fly to stars. Mankind will always remember him. In commemora­tion of Gagarin's flight April 12th has been made the In­ternational Day of Cosmonautics.

    With Gagarin's flight to space Tsiolkovsky's "utopian" dreams came true. A new age of space exploration be­gan.

    Тематический словарь

    science, n


    carry out, v


    scientific, a


    ( исследования)

    scientist, n


    work out, v


    engineering, n


    launch, v


    discovery, n


    spaceship, n


    merit, n



    flight, n


    pilot, v


    space, n


    go up, V



    due to, adv


    research, n


    conquer, v



    genius, n


    exploration, n


    orbit, n



    star, n


    artificial, a


    come true


    satellite, n


    commemoration, n


    inventor, n


    Упражнения I. Ответьте на вопросы.

    1. Do you know any outstanding scientists of the world?

    2. Which of them made great discoveries?

    3. Who invented the electric candle?

    4. Who discovered the Periodic Law of elements?

    5. Who is the man standing behind the rocket indus­try?

    6. Who is the first Russian (American) cosmonaut?

    7. What famous inventors do you know?

    8. What distinguished writers lived in the 20 century?

    9. Are there any world famous composers of the 20 century?

    10. Are there any outstanding politicians and public figures in our country?

    11. What people are considered to be outstanding?

    12. What qualities must they possess?

    13. Is it enough to be talented to be called outstanding?

      1. Составьте предложения, употребив выделенные слова и словосочетания.

        1. Lomonosov made a number of discoveries in natural sciences.

        2. He was the first to compile a Russian grammar.

        3. The most famous inventors were Polzunov and Kuli- bin.

        4. Tsiolkovsky worked out the theory of cosmic flights.

        5. Newton carried out many experiments with prism.

      2. Спросите своего друга:

    • кого он считает выдающимися учеными современ­ности;

    • может ли он привести примеры, когда талант че­ловека проявлялся не в созидании, а в разрушении;

    —. можно ли считать гуманистами создателей ядер­ного оружия;

    • возможно ли остановить прогресс;

    • как он понимает роль личности в истории.

    ГУ. Прочитайте и скажите, чем знамениты эти ученые.


    Isaac Newton, one of the greatest men in the history of science, was born in a little village in England in 1642. When Isaac was nineteen he became a student of Cam­bridge University. He began to study physics, astronomy and mathematics.

    Newton's contribution to these sciences is so great that he may be considered the founder of modern mathematics, physics and spectroscopy. Newton discovered the law of motion and the universal law of gravitation. He studied

    the nature of light and colour and came to the conclusion that white light is composed of many different colours known to us as the spectrum. Such a phenomenon was quite unknown before Newton's work.

    So long as humanity lives, Isaac Newton, the greatest of men of science, will never be forgotten.


    In 1869 the great Russian scientist Dmitri Mendeleyev announced the discovery of the Periodic Law of elements. So science received the key to the secrets of matter. All the greatest discoveries which have been made since then in the fields of chemistry and physics have been based on this law.

    The elements in Mendeleyev's Periodic Table follow one another in the order of their atomic weights. They are ar­ranged in periods and groups.

    Mendeleyev's discovery made it possible for the scien­tists to find 38 new chemical elements to fill the empty spaces left in the Periodic Table. At the same time they tried to find elements heavier than the last element in the Periodic Table. In 1955 the American scientist Dr. Glenn Seabord obtained element No 101 and named it Mendele- vium in honour of the creator of the Periodic Law.

    V. Прочитайте и скажите, каким образом имена изобретателей отражены в наименованиях их изобре­тений.

    Charles Mackintosh (1766—1843), a Manchester textile chemist developed a rubber solution (резиновый раствор) for covering fabric which led to the production of water­proof raincoats, or mackintoshes.

    Samuel Finley Morse (1791—1872), an American por­trait painter who invented the telephonic short sound (.) and long sound (-) alphabet known as Morse code.

    Adolphe Sax (1814—1894), a Belgian musician who invented an instrument called the saxaphone after his name Sax. It was only one of the whole family of new in­struments, which were also called the saxophones.

    Hans Wilhelm Geiger (1882—1945) a German physi­cist. In 1906—1909 he designed a counter for detecting radioactivity. This was the beginning of modern geigers or geiger counters.

    Rudolf Diesel (1858—1913), a German engineer who invented the diesel engine in 1897 and so began a trans­port revolution in cars, lorries and trains.

    VI. Прочитайте текст о выдающихся деятелях сов­ременности и скажите, каким образом они сочетали в себе качества ученого и общественного деятеля.


    Two twentieth-century leaders who have continued to influence non-violent social protest movements interna­tionally are Mohandas Gandhi and Martin Luther King. Of different races and cultures, born on opposite sides of the world, in nations vastly different in wealth and technolo­gy, these two men in their later years shared the philoso­phy of non-violent, but direct action and expended their lives in pursuit of peaceful solutions to social inequities. An examination of their lives, consequently, reveals both similarities and differences in their family backgrounds, ideology, and plans for social action.

    The family backgrounds of the two men show obvious parallels and also striking differences. Gandhi was a Hindu of the Baniyu (Trading) caste; his father, never­theless, was chief minister of the small state of Kathiawad. At the age of 19, Gandhi broke with the tradi­tion of his family and went to study law in England, where he had his first contact with Western culture. Al­though he read and studied the Bible with interest, he be­came more deeply convinced of the logicality and profun­dity of the Hindu religion.

    King was a Black American born into a family of Christian ministers. His father was the paster of a church which his father-in-law had founded many years before. Unlike Gandhi, King decided to follow in the footsteps of his father and grandfather and study for the ministry. It was only after studying the philosophic works of Plato, Aristotle, Hobbes, Marx, Neitzsche, and finally Gandhi that he began to formulate his own philosophy. Early en­vironment, family tradition, and study, at some points similar but at most points different, shaped the characters of Gandhi and King and formed their expectations for their societies and their people.

    A. SAKHAROV: MAN AND LEGEND Andrei Dmitrievich Sakharov, an outstanding scientist and public figure, was born in 1921. The biography of A. Sakharov as one of the "secret" authorities in thermo­nuclear physics mainly falls on the times of the "thaw" (оттепель). In 1948 he began serious work on hydrogen bomb and while working on the problem he came to the conclusion that any atomic and nuclear weapon should be banned. He wrote many articles on the problem which were published abroad. He protested against the invasion in Afganistan, against every violation of human rights. Abroad Sakharov was recognized as a civil rights activist and received the Peace Nobel's Prize. At home he was per­secuted, deprived of all his titles and orders and exiled to the city of Gorky. In Gorky he continued to work for peace, justice and human rights.

    Only in 1985 A. D. Sakharov was allowed to come back to Moscow. He was given back all his titles and was elected a deputy of the Supreme Soviet. But he died in December 1989.

    A. D. Sakharov is remembered by everybody as an out­standing humanist and philosopher. He realized even in 1968 that our society should develop in a new direction. He foresaw the changes that are taking place now.

    VII. Переведите текст со словарем.

    ALFRED NOBEL MAN OF CONTRASTS Alfred Nobel, the great Swedish inventor and industri­alist, was a man of many contrasts. He was the son of a bankrupt, but became a millionaire, a scientist with a love of literature, an industrialist who managed to remain an idealist. He made a fortune but lived a simple life, and al­though cheerful in company he was often sad in private. A lover of mankind, he never had a wife or family to love him; a patriotic son of his native land, he died alone on foreign soil. He invented a new explosive, dynamite, to improve the peaceful industries of mining and road building, but saw it used as a weapon of war to kill and injure his fellow men. World-famous for his works he was never personally well-known for throughout his life he avoided publicity.

    Alfred Nobel was born in Stockholm on October 21, 1833 but moved to Russia with his parents in 1842, where his father, Immanuel, made a strong position for himself in the engineering industry. But soon he went bankrupt and returned to Sweden where Alfred began his study of explosives in his father's laboratory. He had never been to school or University but had studied privately and by the time he was twenty was a skilful chemist and excellent linguist, speaking Swedish, Russian, German, French and English. Like his father, Alfred was imaginative and in­ventive, but he had better luck in business and showed more financial sense. He was quick to see industrial openings for his scientific inventions and built up over 80 companies in 20 different countries. Indeed his greatness lay in his outstanding ability to combine the qualities of an original scientist with those of a forward-looking in­dustrialist.

    But Nobel's main concern was never with making money or even with making scientific discoveries. Seldom happy, he was always searching for a meaning to life, and from his youth had taken a serious interest in literature and philosophy. Perhaps because he could not find ordi­nary human love — he never married — he came to care deeply about the whole of mankind. He was always gener­ous to the poor. His greatest wish was to see an end of wars, and thus peace between nations, and he spent much time and money working for this cause until his death in Italy in 1896. His famous will, in which he left money to provide prizes for outstanding works in Physics, Chemis­try, Physiology, Medicine, Literature and Peace, is a me­morial to his interests and ideals.


    The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is situated on the British Isles. It consists of four parts: England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. England, Wales and Scotland occupy the territory of Great Britain. Northern Ireland is situated in the north­ern part of Ireland.

    The territory of the United Kingdom is about 244,000 square kilometres, it takes the 75th place among other countries in the world. The population is more than 57 million. About 80% of the population is urban. The capi­tal of the country is London. Great Britain is separated from the continent by the English Channel which is 34 km wide in its narrowest point. The country is also washed by the North Sea, the Irish Sea and the Atlantic Ocean.

    The surface of Great Britain varies greatly. The north­ern and western parts of the country is mountainous and is called the Highlands. All the rest (south, east and cen­tre) is a vast plain which is called the Lowlands. The mountains are not very high. The rivers are not long. The most important of them are the Severn, the Thames, the Trent . There are many beautiful lakes in the mountainous parts of the country.

    The mountains, the Atlantic Ocean and the warm wa­ters of the Gulf Stream influence the climate of Great Britain. It is mild the whole year round.

    Great Britain is a highly developed industrial country. It is known as one of the world's largest producers and exporters of iron and steel products, machinery and elec­tronics, chemicals and textile, aircraft and navigation equipment. One of the chief industries of the country is ship­building. 7 per cent of the population is engaged in farming.

    Great Britain is a country with old cultural traditions and customs. The most famous educational centres are Oxford and Cambridge universities. They are considered to be the intellectual centres of Europe. The education is not free, it is very expensive.

    The United Kingdom is a monarchy and the Queen is the head of the state. But in practice it is ruled by the elected government with a Prime Minister at the head. The British Parliament consists of two chambers: the House of Lords and the House of Commons. It sits in the House of Parliament in Westminster.

    There are three main political parties in Great Britain: the Labour, the Conservative and the Liberal parties. The Labour party with Antony Blair at the head is the ruling party nowadays. There's no written constitution in Great Britain only precedents and traditions.

    Тематический словарь

    country, n power, n be situated

    wash, v island, n urban, a surface, n vary,v high, a low, a and, n plain, n vast, a lake, n navigation, n shipbuilding, n equipment, n cotton, n iron ore oil, n rubber, n river, n climate, n mild, a industry, n heavy and light industry страна держава быть располо­женным омывать остров городской поверхность отличаться высокий низкий земля, страна равнина огромный озеро

    судоходство кораблестроение оборудование хлопок

    железная руда нефть

    резина, каучук река климат мягкий

    промышленность тяжелая и лег­кая промыш­ленность

    occupy,v territory, n border on, v population, n density, n develop, v produce, v export, v import, v natural re

    sources raw, n goods, n steel, n machinery, n

    electronics, n chemical, a textile, n aircraft, n political set-up

    authority, n belong (to), v government, n chamber, n ruling, a











    ископаемые сырье товары сталь машинное

    оборудование электроника химический текстиль самолеты политическое

    устройство власть

    принадлежать пр авительство палата правящий

    Географические названия

    The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland — Соединенное Королевство Великобритании и Северной Ирландии England — Англия Scotland — Шотландия

    Wales — Уэльс

    The Northern Ireland — Северная Ирландия

    The English Channel — принятое в Великобритании название пролива Ла-Манш


    I. Ответьте на вопросы.

    1. What is the official name of Great Britain?

    2. Where is the U. K. situated?

    3. What parts does it consist of?

    4. What is the territory and the population of the United Kingdom?

    5. What city is the capital of the U. K.?

    6. What is the surface of the country?

    7. Are there any big rivers and lakes?

    8. Why is the climate of the British Isles milder than that of the Continent?

    9. The United Kingdom is a highly developed industrial country, isn't it?

    10. What goods does the British industry produce?

    11. What industrial cities are there in Great Britain?

    12. What outstanding people of Great Britain do you know?

    13. Are there any big educational establishments in Great Britain?

    14. Great Britain is a constitutional monarchy, isn't it?

    15. What is the name of the Queen of Great Britain?

    16. Is her power limited by Parliament?

    17. How many chambers does the British Parliament consist of? What are they?

    18. What are the main political parties in Great Bri­tain?

    19. Who is the Prime Minister of Great Britain?

    20. Which political party does he represent?

    II. Составьте предложения, употребляя выделенные слова и словосочетания.

      1. The British Isles are washed by the Atlantic Ocean and the North Sea.

      2. On the continent the country borders on France.

      3. It occupies the territory of about 244,000 square kilometres.

      4. Great Britain is a highly developed industrial coun­try.

      5. The power in the country belongs to the Queen and the two Houses of Parliament.

        1. Спросите своего друга:

    • знает ли он официальное название Великобрита­нии;

    • знает ли он, почему страну часто называют Англия;

    • знает ли он, кто является премьер-министром Вели­кобритании;

    • интересуется ли он политическим устройством стра­ны;

    • что он думает о системе образования в стране;

    • что он думает о промышленном развитии Велико­британии;

    • что он думает об уровне жизни англичан.

    1. Закончите следующие предложения.

      1. The United Kingdom consists of ...

      2. The British Parliament consists of ...

      3. There are the following political parties in Great Britain ...

      4. There are some famous educational establishments such as ...

      5. The United Kingdom is situated on ...

      6. The British Isles are washed by ...

      7. The Queen's rights are limited by ...

      8. The territory of Great Britain is ...

      9. The population is ...

    2. Переведите предложения на английский язык.

    1. Британские острова расположены на континен­тальном шельфе (shelf). 2. Пролив Ла-Манш отделяет Великобританию от континента. 3. Пролив неширокий, не более 32 километров. 4. Великобритания — одна из наиболее густонаселенных стран мира. 5. Считается, что Шотландия такая же красивая, как и Швейцария. 6. Туристы со всего мира приезжают в эти страны, что­бы полюбоваться красотой пейзажа. 7. Уэльс — один из крупнейших шахтерских районов страны. 8. Велико­британия получила большую прибыль (gain profit) от эксплуатации своих колоний. 9. Северная Ирландия бы­ла первой колонией Англии. 10. Сегодня Великобри­тания — крупный производитель железа и стали, электронного и машинного оборудования, текстиля.

    VI. Выразите свое согласие или несогласие со сле­дующими утверждениями.

      1. Great Britain lies about the same distance from the equator as the Crimea.

      2. The climate of the country is much milder than that of Belarus.

      3. The English Channel separates England from France. On a clear day the French coast can be easily seen from the Downs.

      4. The waters of the English Channel are very shallow, and there are many fishing villages along the coast.

      5. The highest body of state power in the United King­dom is the Congress which consists of the Senate and the House of Representatives.

      6. Wales is one of the big mining districts in Great Britain. In the towns and villages of Wales you can see thousands of miners.

    VII. Прочитайте диалог и скажите, что нового вы узнали о Великобритании.

    Teacher: I've told you that the scenery of Great Britain is very diverse. You can find the fine combi­nations of low- and highlands, plains and mountains. And what are the highest regions in the country? Student 1: The highest regions are in Scotland and in the North Wales. The highest peak in Scotland is Ben Nevis, 1343 m. In Wales the highest peak is Snowdon. There is also the Pennine chain in North England with some wild mountains for climbing. Here is Lake District which con­sists of 16 lakes or «lochs» as they call them. The largest lake is Windermere and the deep­est one — Westwater. Teacher: That's right. Lakes and rivers are roads of water which are not less important as rail­ways or roads. And now who'd like to speak about English rivers?

    Student 2: There are many rivers in Great Britain, but the greatest rivers are the Thames flowing to the East, the Severn to the West and the Trent to the North. The longest river is the Severn — about 200 miles. The busiest river is the Thames. It is also the most beautiful river. The Trent is the fastest. Teacher: And who can tell me about the most beautiful

    lowlands in Britain? Student 3: I think the South English plain is very attrac­tive. It is not only beautiful but the richest, the most fertile and that's why the most populated in the country.

    VIII. Прочитайте текст и расскажите об истории и достопримечательностях Великобритании.


    Britain is a small, beautiful and crowded country, separated from the continent by the English Channel and the Strait of Dover.

    Numerous historical and cultural places of interest on its territory remind of the tremendous past of the coun­try.

    The island, inhabited by the Celtic tribes (the name Britain probably derives from one of them) long before our era survived the Roman conquest from the first till the fifth centuries of our era, the Anglo-Saxon occupation in the middle of the fifth century, the Danish attacks in the 8th—10th centuries and the Norman invasion in 1066. All these contributed to the evolution of the people who became the English and to the formation of the language that became the English language.

    Let's start our tour from the score of Britain, England, from its nearest to the continent part, the Chalk country. The striking feature of this part of England is the gleam­ing whiteness of the Kentish shore which made the Roman invaders name Britain Albion (Lat. — the white land). It is here that the most ancient building of England, Dover Castle, is situated. Within a few miles there is the jewel of medieval architecture, Bodian Castle, now it is turned into an observatory.

    Here you can see Pevensey, a Roman fortress. It was here that William of Normandy pitched his tent in the year 1066. From here he marched to Hastings to meet Harold, the Saxon King, and it was here that William be­came the Conqueror and the Normans became the rulers of England.

    If you leave the crowded seashore, you'll soon be in the country. The flowers are so bright here, the fields so rich. The villages are kept like models of bygone days or like museums. Wherever you go, there is a tower or an ancient church outlined against the sky.

    One of the oldest cities of England is ancient Canter­bury. Canterbury stands on the road of invaders and saw the Romans, the Danes and the Normans passing that way to colonize the country. It is Canterbury and its Cathedral that is the seat of the Archbishop of the Anglican Church. The Cathedral was built by the monks who in 597 of our era came from Rome to peach the Christian faith in the country. The Danes destroyed the cathedral, then the Normans rebuilt it.

    The names of famous men Chaucer and his Canterbury Tales and Dickens associate with this ancient place.

    Bath is of the greatest interest too as it is the most important Roman relic in England. Bath is the oldest spa (курорт с минеральными водами) in Britain, created by the Romans in the 1st century of our era. The architec­tural ensemble of the town is unique not only in England but in all Europe.

    Oxford and Cambridge are the two Great Universities known all over the world. They are situated in the beauti­ful cities of Oxford and Cambridge and date back to 12 and 13 centuries. The industrial England is chiefly in the Midlands with the largest cities of Birmingham, Coventry, Wolverhapton, Nottingham, Sheffield and Leeds.

    At last we are in Scotland, the land of mountains lost in clouds, valleys, plains and famous lochs. This is the land of romance and most eventful history. Scotland has her own national heroes, they fought in endless battles against the English.

    The Romans never managed to conquer the territory of Scotland and they had to build the Great Roman Wall to protect their camps in the northern part of England. One can see this wall separating England from Scotland even now.

    Almost all Scotland's history is associated with and re­flected in many castles and forts that are to be seen all over the country. Mary Stuart, the Queen of Scots, was born in one of them, Robert Bruce defeated the English here.

    Scotland has her own national dress, the kilt, that should be worn only by men, national instruments and dances, national drink, Scotch. It has its own system of education and law. Edinburgh and Glasgo are the two great centres of Scotland. Robert Burns and Walter Scott sang of the beauty of Scotland and its people in their works.

    13 Зак. 2112

    Conversational Topic LONDON

    London is the capital of Great Britain, its political, economic and commercial centre. It is one of the largest cities in the world (together with Tokyo and New York) and the largest city in Europe. Its population is about 8 million.

    London is situated on the river Thames. The city is very old. It has more than a 20century-old history. Tradi­tionally it is divided into several parts: the City, West­minster, the West End and the East End. They are very different from each other.

    The City is the oldest part of London, its financial and business centre. Numerous banks, offices and firms are concentrated here, including the Bank of England, the Stock Exchange and the Old Bailey. Few people live in the City but over a million come to work here. Two master­pieces are situated within the City: St. Paul's Cathedral and the Tower of London. St. Paul's Cathedral was built in the 17th century by Christopher Wren. The Tower of London was built in the 11th century. It was used as a fortress, a palace and a prison. Now it's a museum.

    Westminster is the aristocratic official part of London. It includes Buckingham Palace where the Queen lives and the Houses of Parliament stretching for nearly 1000 feet along the north bank of the Thames.

    The Clock Tower of the Houses of Parliament is famous for its big hour bell, known as *Big Ben». Westminster Abbey is the place where coronation of nearly all kings and queens has taken place. Many of them are buried here as well as some other famous people of the country (G. Chaucer, Tennyson, Newton, Ch. Dickens, T. Hardy, R. Kipling, etc.).

    The West End is the richest and most beautiful part of London. It is a symbol of wealth and luxury. The best ho­tels, restaurants, shops, clubs, parks and houses are situ­ated there. English aristocracy lives in this region. One of the busiest streets in the West End is Oxford street. There are many various shops here which attract customers from different countries of the world.

    Trafalgar Square is the geographical centre of London. It was named in the memory of Admiral Nelson's victory at the battle of Trafalgar in 1805. The tall Nelson's Col­umn stands in the middle of the square.

    Opposite the Nelson monument is the National Gallery and the National Portrait Gallery. They contain the finest art collections in the world. Not far from the National Gallery is the British Museum famous for its rich library (about 7,000,000 books).

    The East End is an industrial district of London. There are many factories and the Port of London there. The re­gion is densely populated by working class families, those people who have built the palaces of the West End. Old residents of the East End are proud to be called cockneys which means true Londoners, hereditary inhabitants of the area. They love the district very much.

    Тематический словарь

    capital, n


    residence, п


    centre, n


    official, а


    region, n


    gallery, п


    street, n


    painting, п


    district, n



    palace, n


    masterpiece, п


    royal, a


    art, п


    fortress, n


    collection, п


    cathedral, n


    library, п


    hotel, n


    wealth, п


    park, n


    inhabit, v


    statue, n


    resident, n


    monument, n


    attract attention


    memory, n



    victim, n


    contain, v


    stretch, v


    occupy, V


    museum, n


    advertisement, n


    the Bank of England — Английский банк the Stock Exchange — Лондонская фондовая бнржа the Old Bailey — Центральный уголовный суд, находящийся в Олд-Бейли.

    Уп ражнения

    I. Ответьте на вопросы.

    1. What is the capital of Great Britain?

    2. Is London a big city?

    3. What is its population?

    4. What river does London stand on?

    5. What parts is London divided into?

    6. Why is the City called the business centre of Lon­don?

    7. What places of interest does Westminster include?

    8. Who is buried in Westminster Abbey?

    9. What is the West End famous for?

    10. Why is the central square in London named Trafal­gar Square?

    11. Where is the National Gallery situated?

    12. What do you know about the British Museum?

    13. The East End is a working class area, isn't it?

    14. What is situated in the East End?

    15. Is London the city of big contrasts?

    16. Would you like to live there?

    17. What part of London would you like to live in?

      1. Составьте предложения, употребив выделенные слова и словосочетания.

        1. London is more than 20 centuries old.

        2. The City is the business centre of London.

        3. No 10 Downing Street is the official residence of the Prime Minister.

        4. Trafalgar Square was named in the memory of the victory at the battle of Trafalgar, 1805.

        5. The museum contains a great collection of ancient things.

      2. Спросите своего друга:

    • if he has ever been to London;

    • if it is possible to see anything of London in one day;

    • if he is interested in churches and cathedrals;

    • whether he knows the history of Britain:

    • whether Great Britain took part in World War II;

    • whether London was bombed during the war;

    • what famous theatres he knows in London;

    • what big University he knows in London;

    • what places of interest he would like to see first.

    1. Закончите следующие предложения.

      1. London is situated on the banks of the river ....

      2. The oldest part of London is ... .

      3. Its population is ... .

      4. The aristocratic official part of London is called ...

      5. The symbol of wealth and luxury is ....

      6. The industrial district of London is called ....

      7. The well-known people of England are buried in ... .

      8. Most Government offices in London are situated in ... street.

      9. The official residence of the Prime Minister is in ...

      10. One of the busiest shopping centres in London is in ■ street.

      11. The place where Monarch lives is called ...

      12. The place of meetings and demonstrations in London is called ...

      13. In the middle of Trafalgar Square there is a ...

      14. The museum which contains a great collection of pictures of different schools is called ...

      15. The largest park in London is ...

      16. Old residents of the East End call themselves ...

    2. Воспроизведите ситуации из текста, где были употреблены следующие слова.

    20 centuries old history, to be concentrated, a palace, to include, to stretch, to be famous for, to take place, a geographical centre, at the battle of, to be populated by, to be called.

    1. Переведите предложения на английский язык.

    1. Лондон — самый большой город в Европе. Он про­стирается почти на 30 миль. 2. Вместе с окраинами и пригородными районами город называется «Большой Лондон». 3. «Сити» — это старейшая часть города. Именно с этого места начал расти Лондон. 4. Во время второй мировой войны «Сити» был сильно разрушен. 5. Трафальгарская площадь — это то место, где обычно проводятся различные демонстрации. 6. Картинные га­лереи Лондона — богатейшие в мире. 7. «Сохо» — район города, где живут люди творческих профессий: художники, писатели, артисты. 8. В Британском музее содержится большое количество древних рукописей, мо­нет, скульптур. 9. Лондон гордится своими прекрас­ными мостами через Темзу. Из 15 мостов наиболее из­вестны Лондонский мост, Тауэрский и Вестминстер­ский.

    VII. Прочитайте диалоги и скажите, что нового вы узнали о Лондоне.

    • Here we are in England. I'm glad the trip is over.

    • How long are you planning to stay in London?

    • Only three days. That's why I'd like to make a trip through the streets of London right now to get a general impression of the city.

    • Let me accompany you. I know the city well. And the weather is so fine.

    • Oh, that's the first surprise of mine. We used to think that there are fogs or rains in London nearly every day of the year. But the weather is very good today. A slight wind is blowing and the air is full of spring smells.

    • We'll see more of the city if we take a bus and begin in the West End.

    • Now we are moving along Oxford Street. You can see numerous shops, banks, restaurants on both sides of the street. The pavements are crowded with people. In the roadway there is a constant stream of cars, taxis, buses. It's dangerous to cross the road until the traffic is stopped.

    • An unusual thing is that your drivers keep to the left.

    • Oh, yes. It's very important. We have left-hand traffic here. Remember this while crossing the street.

    • And your buses differ greatly from our buses. They are all red and double-decked. Are there also trolleybuses and trams in London?

    • Yes, in some parts of the city. — Don't you find it's too noisy in the street?

    • Oh, yes. The noise lasts till midnight. But people get used to it very soon.

    • Look right! Isn't it the building of the Houses of Parliament? I recognize it from the pictures.

    • You are quite right. It is the Houses of Parliament, the place where the Government has its seat. And can you recognize Westminster Abbey?

    • Unfortunately not.

    • Here it is, on the left. I recommend you to come here tomorrow and to see the Poets' Corner.

    • Sure I will. I'd like to visit the British Museum, the National Gallery and Buckingham Palace to watch the ceremony of the changing of the guard.

    • But there's bus stop just over there. We'll ask the conductor to put us down at Trafalgar Square and we'll see the National Gallery.

    • OK. And then we'll spend the rest of the day in some of the parks nearby.

    • We are in Hyde Park, aren't we?

    • Yes, it's the famous Hyde Park.

    • It's splended here! There are a lot of old trees, green lawns and a few ponds. The ducks are swimming in the pools. People in light spring clothes are walking around. To my surprise they are walking not only along the paths but also across the grass.

    • Oh, people are allowed to do everything here. You can sing, or dance, or cry, or preach and nobody will make you a remark.

    • I've heard a lot about the Speaker's Corner.

    • It's a big open place where a man can stand on a chair, or on a platform, or on the ground and speak every­thing he likes. You can listen to him, ask questions or you may pass him by without any reaction.

    • By the way, are there any other parks in London?

    • Quite a lot. Except Hyde Park there is Queen Park, Kensington Gardens, St. James Park and others. People call them «lungs of London».

    • Really, it's a wonderful place to spend time in.

    VIII. Прочитайте текст и перескажите его содержа­ние на родном языке.

    People abroad often have very fixed ideas about the British — they are cold, reserved, aristocratic, lazy, etc. Many people believe that half Britain is always on strike, and the other half wears a suit, a bowler hat and carries an umbrella. But the British people are different from any fixed idea you may have.

    One thing British people share is a love of politeness. It is important to be polite in Britain, even to people you do not know. But their politeness is not always real.

    English people are very tolerant, and you rarely see anyone turning round when a funny-dressed person walks through the streets. They are waiting patiently for buses, for their turn to be served. But the British do not like people who shout loudly in the street or push their way through crowds with their elbows. People don't put on their best clothes on Sundays, but are relaxed and pleas­antly untidy. And I like this.

    IX. Переведите текст со словарем.


    London has a great deal to offer visitors. Whether your tastes are modern or traditional, sofisticated or simple, there's plenty in London for you. Most visitors do some shopping, and there is an enormous range of possibilities, from the bargains of Pertticoat Lane to the jewellery and furs of Bond Street. A simple walk along Oxford Street will satisfy most ordinary needs or, if you want every­thing from pins to pianos — under one roof, then Harrods is the shop for you. You will probably want to mix your shopping with a little sightseeing. You can visit the great buildings, such as St. Paul's and Westminster Abbey, or you can watch the Changing of the Guard, or you can rest your feet in one of the large central parks, and all free. Not all the sightseeing is free, of course; you'll have to pay for jewels in the Tower, or for a boat trip along the Thames. The British Museum and the Victoria and Albert Museums have enormous collections of art from many dif­ferent countries, and the National Gallery in Trafalgar Square houses paintings by the old masters.

    The more modern world can be seen in the Science Mu­seum, the Planetarium and in the paintings and sculptures of the Tate Gallery.

    In the evening, when you have walked far enough for one day, you can simply enjoy a drink in the atmosphere of a London pub. But if you want organised entertain­ment, you will always find a film, a concert or a play to in­terest you among the hundreds that are put on every day.

    Turning to the question of food it must be admitted that the English have no great reputation as cooks but visitors to London can taste food from all over the world; from Mexican to Russian, from Scandinavian to Japanese. In particular, there are hundreds of Indian, Pakistani, Chinese and Italian restaurants, most of which serve good, relatively cheap meals.

    This brief survey should give you some idea of the great variety of things to do in London. There is literally something for everyone at almost any time during the day.

    London is the first place on the list for a lot of visi­tors, and the only place for some. But there are some other cities and towns beyond London that are also very popular with visitors to Britain, such as Bath, Cambridge, Canterbury, Chester, Edinburgh, Exeter, Norwich, Ox­ford, Stratford-upon-Avon, York.

    The reason people know about them is that all of them have lots to do and see and they all have beautiful build­ings of some kind, e.g. castles, cathedrals (an important kind of church, usually large) or university colleges. An­other reason is that you can get lots of beautiful and in­teresting places near these cities and towns.

    There's a third group of cities and towns to think about — those you pass on your way to more famous places. If your route goes through an industrial city, you could stop to go shopping or perhaps to visit an excellent museum (such as in Birmingham or Glasgow). You might also enjoy exploring the market in market towns or walk­ing round tiny villages.

    Conversational Topic ECOLOGICAL PROBLEMS

    Since ancient times Nature has served Man, being the source of his life. For thousands of years people lived in harmony with environment and it seemed to them that natural riches were unlimited. But with the development of civilization man's interference in nature began to in­crease.

    Large cities with thousands of smoky industrial enter­prises have appeared all over the world today. The by­products of their activity pollute the air we breathe, the water we drink, the land we grow grain and vegetables. Every year world industry pollutes the atmosphere with about 1000 million tons of dust and harmful substances. Many cities suffer from smog. Vast forests are cut and burn in fire. Their disappearance upsets the oxygen bal­ance. As a result some rare species of animals, birds, fish and plants disappear forever, a number of rivers and lakes dry up.

    The pollution of air and the world's ocean, destruction of the ozone layer is the result of man's careless interac­tion with nature, a sign of ecological crises.

    As a result of the Chernobyl tragedy the Belarusian people faced the most horrible ecological disaster. About 18 per cent of the territory of Belarus was contaminated with radioactive substances. A great damage has been done to the republic's agriculture, forests and people's health. The consequences of the atomic power station ex­plosion are tragic for the Belarusian nation. Only a small per centof Belarusian land remains uncontaminated. To­day we have a great increase in children cancer and leu­kaemia. New spots of radioactive contamination are being discovered every year.

    Not only Chernobyl but many of our "peaceful" facto­ries and towns cause a great damage to the environment. Dangerous dust and blow-outs of the enterprises are being carried out by winds for long distances destroying the life around.

    People all over the world are worried about what is happening to the environment. They understand that the Earth is their common home, a big green home. The envi­ronmental protection should be our universal concern. Se­rious joint measures to create a system of ecological secu­rity should be taken.

    Some progress has been already made in this direction. As many as 159 countries — members of the UNO - have set up environmental protection agencies. Numerous con­ferences have been held to discuss questions of ecologi­cally poor regions including the Aral Sea, the South Urals, Kuzbass, Donbass, Semipalatinsk and Chernobyl. An in­ternational environmental research centre has been set up on Lake Baikal. The international organization Greenpeace is also doing much to preserve the environment.

    But these are only the initial steps that must be carried forward to protect nature, to save life on the planet not only for the sake of the present but also for the future generations.

    Тематический словарь

    nature, n source, n environment, n

    interference, n interaction, n increase, v by-product, n

    power-station, n contaminate, v cause damage pollute, v breathe, v harmful, a careless, a substance, n upset, v oxygen, n prevent, v природа



    среда вмешательство взаимодействие возрастать побочный продукт электростанция загрязнять причинять вред загрязнять дышать вредный небрежный вещество нарушать кислород предотвращать dry up, v rare, а animal, n destruction, n disaster, n damage, n consequence, n explosion, n protection, n concern, n security, n research centre

    save, v measure, n to take mea­sures to take care (of) высыхать




    несчастье, беда


    последствие взрыв

    защита, охрана забота

    безопасность научно-иссле- довательский центр спасать мера


    меры заботиться


    I. Ответьте на вопросы.

    1. Is nature the source of people's life?

    2. For thousands of years people lived in harmony with nature, didn't they?

    3. Has man's interference in nature increased with the development of civilization? What has it led to?

    4. Why did some species of animals, birds, plants dis­appear from the Earth?

    5. What is the result of man's careless interaction with nature?

    6. What do you know about the Chernobyl ecological disaster?

    7. What are the consequences of this tragedy?

    8. Environmental protection is a universal concern of everyone, isn't it?

    9. Has anything been done to solve ecological prob­lems?

    10. Is international cooperation necessary to create a system of ecological security? Why do you think so?

      1. Спросите своего друга:

    • знает ли он что-либо об экологических проблемах нашей республики;

    • что является источником загрязнения окружаю­щей среды;

    • какие последствия небрежного вмешательства че­ловека в природу можно наблюдать сейчас;

    • что он знает об экологической обстановке в зоне Чернобыльской аварии;

    • какова экологическая обстановка в районе Араль­ского моря (Белого моря, озера Байкал, Кузбасса, Дон­басса);

    • почему охрана окружающей среды является все­общим делом;

    • какие меры принимаются для предотвращения экологической катастрофы.

    1. Переведите предложения с русского языка на английский.

    1. Взаимодействие человека и природы неотделимо от самой истории человечества. 2. Экологические изме­нения — одна из важнейших проблем, с которой столк­нулось человечество. 3. Загрязнение воды и воздуха яв­ляется результатом небрежного отношения человека к природе. 4. Планета Земля — наш общий дом, поэтому охрана окружающей среды должна стать нашей общей заботой. 5. Международное сообщество предпринимает конкретные меры для охраны природы.

    TV. Переведите текст и ответьте на вопросы, сле­дующие за ним.


    Government measures to control environmental pollu­tion are long established, and are complimentary to the planning system to conserve the country's heritage.

    The Control of Pollution Act 1974, which applies to England, Scotland and Wales, sets out a wide range of powers and duties for local authorities, including control over wastes, air and water pollution and noise. It contains important provisions on the release of information on en­vironmental conditions to the public. The Act also in­creases the penalties for a large number of pollution of­fences. The provisions relating to noise and air pollution are fully in force, as are a substantial number of those relating to waste on land. Similar legislation applies in Northern Ireland.

      1. What are the government measures to control envi­ronmental pollution in Great Britain?

      2. Are there any similar measures taken in our coun­try?

    V. Прочитайте текст и озаглавьте его.

    In the past wars left their scars only where they were waged, and did not affect the atmosphere or the World Ocean. The impact of nuclear weapons is global and will affect land, air and sea environment. Nuclear explosions on the ground will cause irreversible changes in the chemical composition of the upper atmosphere. Life on the Earth is impossible without ozone. This gas, concentrated chiefly in the stratosphere (at an altitude of 10— 50 kilometres), creates an "ozone shield" which protects life on the planet from the deadly impact of harsh ultraviolet radiation from the Sun.

    Observations of anamalous phenomena in the atmos­phere and data on weather and climatic changes in the pe­riod between 1958 and 1962, whe~n the most powerful at­mospheric nuclear tests were held, indicate that nuclear conflict would bring about an ecological disaster and the death of civilization on the Earth.

    VI. Переведите текст со словарем и скажите, что нового вы узнали о насущных проблемах экологии.


    Our ancestors considered the Earth's resources to be boundless and endless. We have no right to blame our an­cestors for their ecological ignorance: they fought to live.

    Even in the 19th century when the word "ecology" was born people continued to use nature as consumers, consi­dering Man to be "lord and king" of nature and not the child.

    In the 20th century with the rapid growth of science and technology human achievements in conquering nature became so great that man's economic activities began to produce an increasingly negative effect on the biosphere.

    People's striving to reach an immediate objective, their consumer attitude to nature in disregard of natural laws break natural balance. According to the International Union for the Protection of Nature 76 species of animals and some hundred species of plants have disappeared from the planet in the course of the last 60 years. 132 mammal and 26 bird species face extinction not so much due to hunting as due to the pollution of the biosphere.

    The destruction of nature gradually led to the loss of the most essential element of existence, a healthy biologi­cal habitat. Environmental pollution increases the cases of disease, raises the cost of medical services, reduces the life-span of a man. By now the pollution and poisoning of the soil, water and air have reached a critical level.

    Environmental pollution has become a significant ob­stacle to economic growth. The discharge of dust and gas into the atmosphere returns to the Earth in the form of "acid rain" and affects crop, the quality of forests, the amount of fish. To this we can add the rise of chemicals, radioactivity, noise and other types of pollution.

    Economic, social, technological and biological processes have become so interdependent that modern production must be seen as a complex economic system. It is wrong to see economy and ecology as diametrically opposed: such an approach inevitably leads to one extreme or the other.



    С. 16.

    а) like, fine, cosy, rose, late, name, open, ice, town, make;

    б) front, pencil, cut, went, did, fond, fresh, book, fog, butter, switch, tram, best, cap, dress, tent;

    в) or, ski, teeth, theme, form, car, see, do, fork, forty, first, teacher, read, turn.

    C. 22.

    luck — lack, pull — pool, pan — pen, bad — bed, man — men, bird — board, send — sand, seats — seeds, live — leave, feel — fill.

    C. 32.

    [ei], [ж], [а:], [о:], [o], [a:], [еэ], [э], [i:], [e]; [э:], [ю], [i], [ai], [i], [a], [aia], [i:], [ai], [i]; [j]; [ou], [о], [л], [э:], [и:];[л], [u], [ju:].

    С. 32.

    our — hour, meat — meet, peace — piece, cent — sent, knew — new, too — two, sea — see, there — their, whole — hole, fool — full, be — bee, flower — flour, week — weak.

    C. 39.

        1. s—[s] — see, keeps, vessel, list, space, scene, register;

    с—[s] — space, mice, fence, pencil, chance;

    g—[g] — gate, girl, ago, guest, guide.

        1. [k] — chemistry, technique, scheme, equipment, kitchen, Kate, clever, economic, cow, box, cycle, car, scan, except, succeed.



    Упр. 11.

    а) 1. My friend's son. 2. My friend's sons. 2. My friends' son. 4. My friends' sons. 5. Our teacher's book. 6. Our teacher's books. 7. Our teachers' book. 8. Our teachers' books. 9. My sister's friend. 10. My sister's friends. 11. My parent's friend. 12. My parents' friends. 13. This student's dictionary. 14. This student's dicti­onaries. 15. These students' dictionary. 16. These students' dictionaries. 17. Felex's family. 18. The doctor's name.

    б) to draw with a pen, to tell Dima, to give money to the friends, to write a letter to the parents, to write about the weather, the expression of the face, to cut with a knife, to open the eyes, to defend the independence of the country, to show the translation to the teacher, the exercise done by the students, the dinner made by mother, to be interested in art, to go to the park, to look at the picture.


    Упр. 2.

    а) 1) the, the, the, —; 2) an, the; 3) a, —, the, the;

        1. a, the, an; 5) —,—; 6) —,—; 7) the, the; 8) the; 9) the; 10) -, —, -; 11) -,-,-; 12) -; 13) -; 14) the;

    б) 1) —,—,—,—,—; 2) the; 3) —,—; 4) a;

        1. the; 6) the, —,—,—; 7) _,_,_,_,—; 8) a,—; 9) —; 10) the,—; 11) a, the; 12) the; 13) a.

    Упр. 3.

    1. Autumn is a rainy season in Belarus. 2. Water and air are necessary for life. 3. In the evening I drink tea or milk but not coffee. 4. The milk is too hot, don't drink it. 5. He asked for a glass of water. 6. It's a very simple question. A pupil can answer it. 7. Show me the article you have written. 8. The Ivanovs have gone to the South this morning. 9. It's a pity I can't have dinner with you.


    Упр. 8.

    1) the longest; 2) the coldest; 3) larger; 4) new; 5) more beautiful; 6) the best; 7) the worst; 8) longer; 9) colder;

    10) more difficult; 11) the highest; 12) stronger; 13) the longest; 14) better.

    Упр. 9.

    1. The hottest days are in summer. 2. The most rainy weather is in autumn. 3. The more I read the more I know. 4. March is not so cold as February. 5. Mathematics is the most difficult subject at school. 6. Vitebsk is farther from Minsk than Orsha. 7. It is as cold today as it was yesterday. 8. Better late than never. 9. This film is as interesting as that one. 10. Ann is the best student in the group. 11. This song is very popular now.


    Упр. 2.

    а) 1) somebody; 2) some, somewhere; 3) anything; 4) anybody; 5) anything, nothing; 6) nothing, anything;

          1. nobody;

    б) 1) many; 2) many; 3) much; 4) much, little; 5) many; 6) a little; 7) little; 8) much; 9) a few; 10) more; 11) less; 12) much; 13) many.

    Упр. 3.

    1) my, yours; 2) your, mine; 3) mine, them; 4) me; 5) I (he, she ...), him (her, them, ...); 6) himself; 7) our;

          1. themselves; 9) which; 10) some, any.

    Упр. 4.

    1. These pencils are mine, take them if you want. 2. Help us, please. 3. I know him and his brother. 4. We often meet them here. 5. He always makes dinner himself. 6. We have much work to do today. 7. There are few children in the skating-rink. 8. We have little brown bread for supper. 9. Wait a little. I'll ask somebody to buy some milk and bread. 10. Somebody rang you up today and wanted to tell you something interesting. 11. Nobody knows anything about it. 12. She didn't answer anything (answered nothing). 13. I saw nobody there.

    Глагол to be, to have

    Упр. 10

            1. 1. is, isn't, 2) to be, am, 3. is, 4) are, am, 5. have, have, 6. had, am, 7. shall/will have, am, 8) were, are, 9. is, will be, 10. are, aren't, am, 11. are, is

            2. 1. has, is, 2) was, 3) is, 4) have, 5) is, 6) is/was, 7) was, 8) are, 9) had, 10) is, 11. is, 12) has, is, 13) is, 14) are, 15) is

    there + be

    Упр. 4

              1. 1. It is, it is, 2. there was, there are, 3. It is, it is,

                1. it is, 5. there are, 6. it is, there is, 7. there are, 8. there will be

              2. 1. There is, 2. it is, 3. it is, 4. there is, 5. it is,

    1. there is, 7. there is, 8. it's, 9. there is, 10. it is,

      1. there is, 12. there is, 13. it is, 14. there are, 15. it is, 16. it's, 17. Is there, 18. It's, 19. There is, 20. It's, 21. There are, 22. It's