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The house of an englishman

Many families in London live in flats, but most people live in their own houses in the suburbs. Most of London's suburban houses consist of two floors, the ground floor and the first floor. All in all there are six or seven rooms in the house.

On the ground floor there's a dining-room, a sitting- room, a kitchen and a hall. In the hall you can see a stand for hats, coats and umbrellas. A staircase leads from the hall to the landing on the first floor. On this floor there are four bedrooms, a bathroom and a lavatory. On top of the roof there are three chimneys. In front of the house they have a small garden, in which they grow flowers: ro­ses, tulips and so on. At the back of the house there's a much larger garden with a lawn and some fruit trees. There's also a vegetable garden where they grow all kinds of vegetables, such as potatoes, cabbages, cauliflowers, onions and tomatoes. At the side of the house there is a garage, where they can keep their car. The garden is en­closed by a fence, with a gate in it.

  1. Прочитайте и перескажите содержание текста на английском языке.

Dear Uncle,

I am glad to inform you that I live now in quite com­fortable lodgings. My room is a bit small, rather dark and terribly cold, for my landlady requires extra pay for heating it. But I have to put up with it as I can't afford a better one. I even find my room nice and cosy. Though, to tell the truth, I can't call it quiet. Some good-for-nothing young people make an awful noise upstairs. Almost every evening they dance and sing and laugh at silly things. All of it greatly interferes with my studies. I spend my days in reading for the examinations. I need lots of money to buy books. I hate to ask you to send me an extra sum of money. I think it's a shame. I hate to trouble you. I hope the postman will lose my letter.

  1. Переведите текст со словарем.


A person's home is as much a reflection of his person­ality as the clothes he wears, the food he eats and the friends with whom he spends his time. Depending on per­sonality, how people see themselves and how they allow others to see them most have in mind an "ideal home". But in general, and especially for the students or new wage earners, there are practical limitations of cash and location on the way of achieving that idea.

Cash shortage, in fact, often means that the only way of getting along when you leave school is to stay at home for a while until things improve financially. There are ob­vious advantages to living at home: personal laundry is usually done along with the family wash, meals are pro­vided and you pay a minimum rent for it if any at all.

On the other hand, much depends on how a family gets on. Do your parents like your friends? Are you prepared to be tolerant when your parents ask where you are going in the evening and what time you expect to be back?

If you don't like the idea of living with the family the possibilities are well-known to you already. You can find a good landlady and rent a room till you make enough mo­ney to buy a flat or a house of your own.

Most families in Britain live in their own houses, rather than in flats or apartments. The houses are not al­ways very big, and they are often built very close to­gether. You may want to live in a detached house (the house of your own) or in a semidetached house (two houses under one roof). Many people live in the so-called "terraced houses", usually two-storeyed houses that are in a long line, connected to each other. Each entry here be­longs to one owner and is considered to be a house.

XI. Запомните следующие пословицы и поговорки. Дайте их русские эквиваленты и употребите в крат­ких ситуациях.

    1. An Englishman house is his castle.

    2. There is no place like home.

    3. Men make houses, women make homes.

Conversational Topic MY WORKING DAY

On week-days I usually get up at 7 o'clock. I make my bed, open the window and do my morning exercises. Then I go to the bathroom where I clean my teeth and wash my­self. If I have enough time I take a cold and hot shower. It really wakes me up and makes my body feel well. After bathroom I go back to my room where I dress myself and brush my hair. In 10 minutes I am ready for breakfast. It may be a cup of tea or coffee and a sandwich. I never eat cereal or corn flakes, and very seldom I eat scrambled eggs.

After breakfast I put on my coat, take the bag and go to school. As I live not far from school it takes me only five or seven minutes to get there. I don't want to be late for the first lesson so I come to school a few minutes be­fore the bell. I leave my coat in the cloakroom and go up­stairs to the classroom.

The lessons begin at eight o'clock in the morning and they are over at half past one in the afternoon. I have six lessons a day with short breaks between them. After classes I go home and have dinner there. I usually have something substantial for dinner, for example, cabbage soup for the first course, hot meat or fish with some vegetables for the second. Then I drink a cup of tea or milk. Sometimes when I have to stay at school after classes I go to the school canteen and have dinner there.

After dinner I have a short rest, read newspapers, make some telephone calls, go to the bakery. Then I do my homework. We study many subjects at school and it takes me three or even more hours to do the homework. Some­times I go to the library to get ready for my practical classes or to write a report. As a rule I have very little free time on my week-days. But when I have some spare time I do some work about the house: do the shopping and the cleaning.

Eight o'clock is supper time in our family. We all get together in the kitchen, then go to the sitting-room and watch TV, read books or discuss different problems. Then I go for a walk with my dog. Twice a week I go to school in the evening to play volleyball. I am a member of the school volleyball team and we have our training rather late.

At about eleven at night I go to bed.

Тематический словарь

working day week-days wake up, v get up, v do morning exercises

make one's bed

take a shower

(bath) wash (oneself), v dress (oneself), v clean teeth comb (brush) one's hair рабочий день будние дни просыпаться вставать делать утреннюю зарядку убирать

постель принимать душ

(ванну) умываться одеваться чистить зубы причесываться take a bus (tram, trolley­bus) go to work leave for work

work, v have a rest have a break make a tele­phone call do homework

be in a hurry go to bed ехать автобусом (трамваем, троллейбусом) идти на работу уходить на ра­боту работать отдыхать иметь перерыв звонить

делать домаш­нее задание торопиться ложиться спать


1. Ответьте на вопросы.

      1. When does your working day begin?

      2. What do you do when you get up?

      3. Do you do your morning exercises every day?

      4. Who makes breakfast for you?

      5. What time do you leave for school (for work)?

      6. How long does it take you to get there?

      7. When does your school (work) begin?

      8. How long does it last?

      9. When do you have dinner?

      10. Do you usually have dinner at home or at your school canteen?

      11. What do you usually have for dinner?

      12. Do you have a short rest after dinner?

      13. How long does it take you to prepare your homework?

      14. Do you sometimes go to the library to get ready for classes?

      15. What do you usually do in the evenings?

      16. What time do you go to bed?

        1. Спросите своего друга:

когда он встает, завтракает, уходит из дому, возвра­щается с работы, идет спать, просыпается;

где он делает зарядку, завтракает, обедает, делает уроки;

что он делает утром, днем, вечером, в школе, дома, в библиотеке.

        1. Составьте предложения, употребив выделенные слова и словосочетания.

          1. I usually get up at 7.

          2. My working day begins at eight o'clock.

          3. I have a sandwich with tea for breakfast.

          4. My classes last 6 hours.

          5. It takes me three hours to get ready for my lessons.

          6. I go to bed at 11.

TV. Переведите предложения на английский язык.

1. Мой рабочий день начинается в девять часов и длится 7 часов. 2. Он встает в семь, а уходит из дома в восемь. 3. Чтобы не опоздать на работу, мы вышли из дома на 15 минут раньше обычного. 4. Вчера мой брат был болен и не пошел на работу (остался дома). 5. В будние дни у них практически нет свободного времени. 6. Кроме работы в учреждении, ей приходится делать всю работу по дому. 7. Отец обычно обедает в столовой, дети — дома. 8. Я должен торопиться, чтобы не опо­здать на автобус. 9. Чтобы не опоздать на поезд, нам пришлось взять такси. 10. Придя с работы, Дина при­няла душ и пошла на вечер. 11. Тебе понадобится пол­часа, чтобы добраться домой на трамвае. Это долго. Бе­ри такси. 12. Он встал, умылся, оделся, позавтракал, вышел из дома и быстро пошел на остановку.

V. Перескажите содержание диалога в косвенной речи.

  • What time do you usually get up?

  • As a rule at half past six.

  • Why so early?

  • I live out of town. So I have to take the first morn­ing train if I don't want to be late for my work.

  • When do you get to the office?

  • At half past eight if I catch an early train.

VI. Прочитайте и скажите, знакома ли вам ситуа­ция, описанная в диалоге.

What have you been doing in the bath­room? I could hear the terrible noise. Is every­thing all right? I've just done the washing up. Well, I hope you haven't broken anything. Broken anything? Of course not. And I've been cooking too.

Cooking? But you don't even know how to boil an egg.

I've made you a nice plate of soup.

That's not cooking. All you had to do was to

open a tin. What about the sitting room?

Have you aired it?

But I aired it two days ago.

Two days ago?! Do you think it is still fresh


Well, it seems all right to me. Don't let me shout at you. I've still got a ter­rible sore throat.






Daughter: Mother:

Daughter: Mother:

Daughter: Mother:


Then you'd better have my warm soup. It'll be really good for you.

VII. Переведите со словарем текст, в котором фото­модель Тина рассказывает о своем рабочем дне.

MY WEEK DAYS Well, the first thing that I do as soon as I wake up is to go and have a shower. I start with a warm shower and then, just before I get out of the shower, I turn the water onto cold and for a few seconds I have a really cold shower and let the water run over me. It really wakes you up, you know. After that I usually go into my bedroom, open the bedroom window and breathe in some fresh air and sit on the floor and do a few exercises. I think it's really important that you do a few exercises first thing in the morning: it makes your body feel good and keeps the muscles firm. I usually exercise my stomach muscles and my leg muscles. I also exercise my face muscles with my fingers for a few minutes and that keeps the skin of my face very firm, which is, I think, important for a model. Well, now, after I've brushed my hair, done my exercises

and had my shower, I go and have my breakfast. Now I really believe that it's important to have a really good breakfast. I don't think you should just have a cup of cof­fee, like some of the girls do. Well, anyway, I have orange juice every morning ... and often I have an egg and toast. I also like yoghurt and grapefruit. By 10 o'clock I am ready to get dressed and go to work. I usually take a taxi to work. I usually arrive at about 11. I don't usually eat anything for lunch, but sometimes I have a sandwich and a glass of milk. Then I work for about four hours with the photographer and he takes pictures, a lot of pictures. Usually they are the sort of pictures that are used in the weekly magazines, women's weekly magazines. I finish work at about 5, so as you can see I've got quite good hours: I only work from about eleven to five and then it's time to go home. When I get home I make some telephone calls, watch the news on telly, have a bath and change my clothes. Every night I usually go out. I like dancing. I go dancing quite often. I can't cook very well, so I like to eat out as often as I can afford it. I'd say I have a good life really, and I am well paid when you think about the num­ber of hours I work.

VIII. Заполните графы таблицы. Укажите, что мо­жет делать Тина (упр. VII) и что обычно делаете вы в указанное время.

Time What Tina does Time What you do

08.00 08.30

wakes up gets shower does exercises brushes hair has breakfast get up

08.00 08.30

leave for work

10.00 11.00 12.30 17.00 20.00 23.00

10.00 11.00 12.30 17.00 20.00 23.00

IX. Прокомментируйте следующие пословицы и по говорки.

  1. Early to bed and early to rise makes people healthy, wealthy and wise.

  2. Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today.

  3. A good beginning makes a good ending.

  4. If you want a thing well done, do it yourself.

  5. What is done cannot be undone.

Conversational Topic MY FREE TIME

I wouldn't say I have much free time on week-days when I study. But I'm more or less free on Sundays and on holidays, both short and long ones.

What I do on my days off really depends on what the weather is like. If the weather is cold and wet, it is not a big problem because there are plenty of things you can do indoors. You can read books, listen to music, watch TV. Watching TV is a very popular leisure activity. You may also go to different entertainment centers such as disco club, art centers including exhibitions, cinema, theatre, concert halls, etc. You can meet your friends at your place and have a nice time together. It's really very important to stay with friends because communication helps to form your views and makes life more interesting and exciting.

If you don't feel like staying in you can go to the park. You can find different things going on there, from sport competitions to musical entertainments of various kinds. You may simply relax on the grass, listening to a band perhaps. If you are tired and want to get away from noisy streets you can go to the countryside and enjoy fresh air and a change of scenery. Many people like to spend time in the forest, walking, gathering berries or picking up mushrooms.

During the summer holidays people have a greater va­riety of things to do. You can travel all over the country by car, plane, train, sea or on foot. In my opinion, the best and the most interesting way of travelling is by car. It's very convenient: you needn't reserve your tickets and carry heavy suitcases. You can enjoy the passing scenery through the window. You can stop wherever you wish and spend at any place as much time as you like.

Every year my family and I go to the Naroch or to the Black Sea by car. There are many rest-homes, sanatoriums and tourist camps there. But we usually rent a room or a furnished house for a couple of weeks. Sometimes we place ourselves in a tent on the sea shore enjoying fresh air and the sun all day long. As a rule I make new friends there. We swim, sunbathe, play different games. In the evening I like to sit on the beach watching the sea and en­joying the sunset. Sometimes I go to the disco, sit in a bar drinking juice, coke or soda-water.

People may also have their special interests and hobbies to occupy themselves in their free time: writing, painting, computer programming, gardening, mountaineering, wal­king, working with wood or paper, learning languages, collecting something and what not. Each person chooses his own way of spending free time, either passive or ac­tive. In any case leisure should be a refreshment and a source of inspiration.

Тематический словарь

day off, n

выходной день

listen to music

слушать му­

week-end, n

конец недели


hobby, n


play games

играть в игры

enjoy, v


lie in the sun


make plans


come to smb's

приходить к

spend time





receive guests

принимать гос­

discuss, v



have a rest


gather berries

собирать ягоды

lesure, n


pick up mush­

собирать грибы

spare time

свободное время


entertainment, n


scenery, n


relax, v


refreshment, n

отдых, восста­

go to the country

ехать за город

новление сил

go for a walk

идти на про-


Упражнения 1. Ответьте на вопросы.

    1. Which day of the week do you like best and why?

    2. What time do you get up on Sunday?

    3. What do you do in the morning?

    4. How do you usually spend your days off?

    5. What does your leisure depend on?

    6. Do you often go to the country on your days off?

    7. What are the best places around Minsk?

    8. How do you like travelling? Why do you prefer trav­elling by car?

    9. Do you often go to see your friends?

10. How often do you spend the week-end with your parents?

      1. With whom do you like to spend your free time bet­ter: with your friends or with your parents?

      2. Do you sometimes go to the theatre on Sundays?

      3. Which do you like best, the cinema or the theatre?

      4. Do you like music?

      5. What is your hobby?

      6. How do you usually spend the evenings on your days off?

      7. Do you sometimes receive guests on Sunday?

      8. How do you plan to spend your next Sunday?

        1. Составьте предложения, употребив выделенные слова и словосочетания.

          1. Sunday is my day off.

          2. On my days off I get up later than usual.

          3. We make plans for the week-end.

          4. My friends often come to my place.

          5. I like to spend time out of town.

          6. Reading is my hobby.

        2. Спросите своего друга:

как он проводит выходной день, собирается провести свой отпуск, добирается до кинотеатра, готовится к экзамену;

чем он увлекается, занимается по вечерам, интере­суется;

часто ли он ходит в кино, проводит выходные с роди­телями, ходит на прогулки по вечерам.

        1. Переведите на английский язык:

1. Где вы проводите свой свободный день? 2. В во­скресенье мы встаем позже, чем обычно. 3. Иногда мы ходим в лес собирать ягоды и грибы. 4. На вечере мы пели, танцевали, играли в различные игры. 5. Они прекрасно провели время в прошлые выходные. 6. Мое хобби — коллекционирование марок. 7. За городом мы загораем, играем в футбол, волейбол, теннис. 8. Конец недели мы проведем в деревне у бабушки. 9. В плохую погоду мои друзья приходят ко мне. Мы слушаем музы­ку, читаем книги, обсуждаем различные проблемы. 10. Мне нравится отдыхать у телевизора.

        1. Перескажите следующий диалог в косвенной речи.

Mary: Hello, Granny! How are you? Granny: Oh, that's you, Mary. How nice of you to ring me up! I'm all right, thank you. And what about you? How are your studies progressing? Mary: It's O.K. I'm quite satisfied with the progress.

This week I was very lucky at school. Granny: And how are you going to spend the week-end? I remember you asked me to take you to the thea­tre once.

Mary: It would be fantastic, Grannyl Opera and Ballet

then. Do you know what is on there? Granny: Swan Lake. I hope it won't bore you to see an old ballet. I'm attached to the old tunes. And Swan Lake was the first ballet in which I saw Pavlova.

Mary: All right then. It must be a very beautiful bal­let.

        1. Закончите следующий рассказ письменно.

At breakfast the family decides how to spend the day. As usual, they can't agree. Mr. Davies and Paul want to go to a football match, while Mrs. Davies and Veronica would rather spend the day in town buying souvenirs (they are on holiday, staying in a hotel). In the end they split up (расходятся) and go separately...

        1. Прочитайте и переведите текст со словарем.

Eating out in a restaurant is now very popular. In most towns there is a wide variety of restaurants serving dif­ferent types of food at different prices. Most British towns have Chinese or Indian restaurants which serve quite cheap food; Italian restaurants are also popular and French restaurants are famous for high quality (and ex­pensive) cooking. Many pubs now have restaurants or grill-rooms. In some you can get a full range of food; in others the choice is more limited.

For many British people, the pub is the centre of their social life. People from some countries find this rather shocking, but for most people in Britain a pub is a place with a friendly atmosphere where they can meet their friends and talk over a drink and often over a meal.

It is quite normal for women to go into pubs in Britain — but like everybody else they must follow certain laws. These are very complicated and control the time pubs are allowed to open. The times vary in different parts of the country, but pubs are usually open from about 11.00 until about 2.00 or 2.30, and in the evening from about 6.00 until 10.30 or 11.00 (except on Sundays when opening times are shorter). The laws also control who is allowed into pubs. You must be 16 before you are allowed to go into a pub, and 18 before you are allowed to buy alcoholic drinks. If the landlord of a pub thinks you are under 18 he will refuse to serve you.

VIII. Выразите свое согласие или несогласие со сле­дующими утверждениями.

          1. The British are terribly conservative. You can't find any food at all in their restaurants except traditional English cooking.

          2. The good thing about pubs is that they are open all day.

          3. You don't have to buy alcoholic drinks in pubs. You can buy soft drinks as well.

          4. Women never go to pubs. That's unheard of!

VII. Прочитайте и скажите, какие две строчки сти­хотворения передают его основную мысль.

What is this life if, full of care, We have no time to stand and stare. No time to stand beneath the bughs. And stare as long as sheep or cows. No time to see, when woods we pass, Where squirrels hide their nuts in grass. No time to see, in broad daylight, Streams full of stars, like skies at night. No time to turn at Beauty's glance, And watch her feet, how they can dance. No time to wait till her mouth can Enrich that smile her eyes began. A poor life this is, full of care, We have no time to stand and stare.

W.H. Davies (1871—1940)

Conversational Topic MY HOUSEHOLD DUTIES

This is my last year at school and I work hard to pass my final exams successfully. As I am very busy I can't help my parents much about the house.

But still I have some household duties. Every day I do my room and my bed, wash up dishes, dust the furniture and take the garbage away. It is also my duty to buy bread and milk. I usually go to the baker's after I have dinner. I buy some brown and white bread, biscuits and cakes there. The shop is not far from our house and it doesn't take me long to do everyday shopping.

Once a week I help my mother to do all other work about the house. We wash our linen, iron and mend it, clean the flat. We beat the dust out of the carpets, va­cuum the floors and polish them. It's not difficult to keep the flat tidy if you do your rooms regularly. This is my usual round of duties. But sometimes I have some other things to do.

When my mother is ill or away from home I do the cooking and washing up, buy food and plan my meals. I am not a good cook, but my vegetable soup is always tasty. I can also boil an egg or fry some meat. I also lay the table and clear away the dishes. If I'm too busy or can't do these things, all the duties are organized among other members of our family.

Sometimes I have to visit everyday service establish­ments: hairdresser's, shoemakers', tailor's, dry cleaners', photographer's. At the hairdresser's I have my hair cut and waved. At the shoemakers' I have my shoes and boots repaired, at the photographer's I have my photo taken. Service is generally good, but in some cases it leaves much to be desired.

My brother has his own duties at home. He helps to fix and repair some things. For example, he repairs electrical appliances when they are out of order. He has already re­paired our mother's electric iron, my desk lamp and his own shaver.

Last year I was at my grandparents'. They are elderly people and need our care and attention. During my stay there I swept the floors and washed them, fed the chick­ens, collected the eggs and weeded the vegetable-beds. I didn't learn to milk the cow but I helped to feed the other animals: lambs, sheep and pigs. I enjoyed this work very much.

Тематический словарь

household du­ties keep house

mess, a

do (tidy up) the

room do (make) the

bed make tea (coffee) do the cooking do the shopping sweep the floor water the flow­ers

lay the table

dust, v look after, v

keep the room tidy-

do the laundry wash up, v boil potatoes

peel potatoes

fry meat (fish)

tasty, a cook (make)

smth. v bake pies


обязанности вести хозяйст­во

беспорядок убирать комна­ту

убирать постель

заваривать чай

(кофе) стряпать делать покупки подметать пол поливать цветы

накрывать на

стол вытирать пыль присматривать,

заботиться поддерживать порядок в комнате стирать (белье) мыть посуду варить карто­фель чистить карто­фель жарить мясо

(рыбу) вкусный готовить

(стряпать) печь пироги weed vegeta-

ble)-beds everyday servi­ces