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Iron (press), V

mend, v sew, v

sew a button on

knit, v repair, v fix, v

feed, v hairdresser's (shop)

barberes (shop)

cut the hair

do one's hair

tailores (shop)

dry cleaner's shoemaker's


(shop) have one's

photo taken it leaves much to be desired полоть грядки

бытовое обслу­живание утюжить, гла­дить чинить шить

пришивать пуговицу вязать

ремонтировать укреплять,

устанавливать кормить парикмахерская (жен.)


(муж.) постричь волосы сделать при­ческу (жен.) швейная

мастерская химчистка сапожная

мастерская фотография

сфотографиро­ваться оставляет же­лать лучшего


1. Ответьте на вопросы.

            1. Do you help your mother about the house?

            2. What are your household duties?

            1. How much time do you spend on your work about house?

            2. Do you like to do everyday shopping?

            3. Is it difficult to keep your flat tidy?

            4. How often do you clean your flat?

            5. Do you sometimes have to cook meals for the fami-


            1. Are you a good cook?

            2. What everyday services do you visit?

            3. Are you a regular customer at the local hair­dresser's?

            4. Where do you usually have your shoes repaired?

            5. Do you press your own clothes or do you have them pressed for you?

            6. What does your brother (sister) usually do about the house?

            7. Do the household duties of villagers differ from those of citizens?

              1. Спросите своего друга (подругу):

  • how long it takes him (her) to make his (her) bed;

  • if he (she) has flowers in his (her) room and if he (she) waters them every day;

  • if he (she) cooks a substantial breakfast;

  • if he (she) sets the table for meals;

  • who does the cooking in his (her) family;

  • when he (she) makes his (her) dinner himself (herself);

  • how often he (she) cleans the flat;

  • if he (she) looks after his (her) younger sister (brother);

  • what his (her) brother's (sister's) duties are;

  • how he (she) helps his (her) grandparents in the village.

  1. Составьте предложения, употребив выделенные слова и словосочетания.

    1. I do my room every day.

    2. It is Mother who does the cooking in our family.

    3. I wash up dishes and clear them away from the ta­ble.

    4. Could you repair the chair, Tom?

    5. Feed the cat, Lena.

  2. Переведите предложения на английский язык.

1. Не обращайте внимания на беспорядок. Я как раз убираю в комнате. 2. Я не готовлю завтрак утром, так как у меня всегда мало времени. Я выпиваю чашку чая или кофе и ухожу в школу. 3. Как правило, утром мне некогда подметать пол, вытирать пыль и мыть посуду. Я только убираю постель и открываю окно, чтобы проветрить комнату. 4. Моя бабушка всегда заботится обо мне. Она шьет и вяжет красивые вещи. 5. Мой младший брат сам пришивает пуговицы в своей одежде. Он может также повесить книжную полку на стенку и отремонтировать электрический утюг. 6. Раз в месяц я хожу в парикмахерскую, чтобы постричь волосы.

  1. Составьте диалоги, аналогичные заданному. Из­мените вид деятельности.

Ann: What are your plans for tomorrow, Lora?

Lora: Well, first I'm going to do the washing up.

Ann: Poor you. While you're doing the washing up, I'll be having breakfast in bed.

Lora: It's all right for some people.


wash up

clean a living room change the clothes prepare dinner look after a baby do one's homework go to bed have breakfast in bed walk in the country drink in a pub talk to friends visit a night-club dance see sunrise