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Making a Disaster Supplies Kit

During a disaster, you may have to evacuate quickly. You might not have time to gather all the supplies you need. That is why it is important to make a disaster supplies kit.

Remember to pack enough food, water and supplies to last for three days for each person in your family. Place the supplies into a duffel bag or a backpack. Ask your parents to keep kits at home, at work and in their cars.

Below is a list of sample list of items you need to have in your kit!

• Canned or dried foods that won’t spoil

• Can opener that turns by hand

• Water (one gallon for each person each day)

• Flashlight

• Radio

• Extra batteries for the flashlight and radio

• First aid kit and handbook

• Soap, toilet paper, toothbrush and other items to keep you clean

• Extra clothing and blankets

• Forks, spoons, knives and paper plates

• Eyeglasses and medicine

• Whistle

• Copies of IDs and credit cards

• Cash and coins

• A map of the area

• Baby food, bottles and diapers

• Pet food if you have a pet

If you live in a cold area, you and your family have to think about staying warm! Include these other items in your kit:

• Jackets and coats

• Long pants and long-sleeve shirts

• Sturdy shoes or boots

• Hats, mittens and scarves

• Sleeping bags and warm blankets

Remember to update your disaster supplies kit at least once a year!

Watch the video how to make an Emergency Kit and write down the items that you need: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N6Xl-jUzTrI

Vocabulary from the video:

unpredictable, to make a quick decision, flood, authorities, to take care, supplies, to keep safe, per person, can food, energy bars, dry food, flash lighter, to stay informed

Match the parts to know what to do, find out and take in the case of emergency:

It is important:

to make sure 112 is called

tune in

not to put yourself and others

before attempting to help others

to follow

the situation before acting

to keep calm and read

the advice of the emergency services

to check if you are injured

in danger

to go in, stay in,

if somebody is injured or if there is a threat to life and health

You should find out:

where and how to turn off

at workplace

the emergency procedures

in contact in the event of an emergency

the emergency procedures

water, gas, electricity supplies in your home

how your family will stay

for children at kindergarten and school

if there are elderly or vulnerable people

your local radio station

how to tune in

needed your help

You should take (if you have enough time):

a list of useful


home and car

credit cards

toiletries and




a battery radio, a torch with

phone numbers

lighters, candels and


a first aid




cash and

sanitary supplies

spare clothes and



spare batteries

ready-to- eat


a bottel/tin


