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1. Выделите придаточные предложения (по их признакам) с:

а) союзным подчинением

b) бессоюзным предложением

Предложения переведите.

  1. Some drivers slowdown when they approach one of the speed trap units.

  2. The first unit records the time each vehicle passes the speed trap and identifies each vehicle by its number plates.

  3. This information is relayed to the second unit which repeats the exercise.

  4. The desks they will use will have multiple flat screen voice interfaces, computer programs with human-like personalities and 3Dsound positioning.

  5. The presentation layer of a communication process ensures that the message is transmitted in a language that the receiving computer can interpret.

  6. I took the advice of a couple I met on the train and hired a car.

  7. I’ve found the car keys you were looking for.

  8. Hwang insisted he had no interest in profiting from hisdiscoveries.

II. В правой колонке найдите значения слов, приведенный в левой колонке, и заполните их.


маршрут, трасса








принимать (сигнал)


место назначения



III. Сгруппируйте слова, близкие по значению.

Internet, node, travel, compute, go to, reach, transmit, access, send, network, route.

IV. Прочитайте текст и ответьте: Как, и в какой форме передается информация от компьютера к компьютеру? The Internet

The Internet (or simply the Net) is a worldwide system, or network, of computers. It got started in the late 1960s. Back then it was called ARPAnet, named after the Advanced Research Project Agency (ARPA). When people began to connect their computers into ARPAnet, the need became clear for a universal set of standards, called a protocol, to ensure that all the machines “speak the same language”. All Internet activity consists of computers “talking” to one another. This occurs in machine language. However, the situation is vastly more complicated when data goes from one place to another a single computer.

In the Internet, data must often go through several different computers to get from the transmitting or source computer to the receiving or destination computer. These intermediate computers are called node, servers, hosts, or Internet service providers. Millions of people are simultaneously using the Net; the most efficient route between a given source and destination can change from moment to moment, as signals always try to follow the most efficient route.

If you are connected to a distant computer, say a machine at the National Hurricane Center, the requests you make of it and the data it sends you are broken into small units called packets. Each packet coming to you has your computer’s name written on it. But not all packets necessarily travel the same route through the network, Ultimately, all the packets are reassembled into the data you want, say, the infrared satellite image of a hurricane, even though they might not arrive in the same order they were sent. A file cannot be completely reconstructed until all the packets have arrived and the destination computer has ensured that there are no errors.

TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol) is now the standard format for transmitting data in packets from one computer to another on the Internet and various other networks. TCP deals with construction of data packets, while IP routes them from machine to machine.

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