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Типы именных словосочетаний/определительных блоков существительного


power consumption

потребление мощности

network model

модель сети

information access

доступ к информации


a new Internet revolution

новая революция в интернете

process-dependent parameters

технологические параметры (параметры, зависящие от процесса)

oxygen free copper

бескислородная медь (медь, свободная от кислорода)

a gas-filled cable

газонаполненный кабель (кабель, наполненный газом)

a job accounting table

таблица учета заданий


a code-division multiple access technology

технология множественного доступа с разделением кода

voice synthesis and visualization technology

технология визуализации и синтеза речи

I. Переведите следующие определительные блоки cуществительного:

a) fabrication process, application area, technology supplier, telecommunication line, image transmission, computer design, signal processing, security support, transmission channel, design software, design activity, information carrier, amplitude modulation, light signals, process control equipment;

b) data system – data exchange system; technology transfer – technology transfer agreement; telecommunication service – telecommunication service request; computer systems – computer systems design, control system – microprocessor control system, access time – information access time, diagnostic system – process diagnostic system, computer-aided design – computer-aided design tools;

c) good picture quality, multi-channel systems, information exchange system, computing system speed, failure analysis report, integrated circuit components, mobile cellular communication system, digital microwave radio transmission system, complex commercial silicon-optical devices, many long-distance fiber-optic communications networks.

Показатели границ определительного блока существительного

Показатели начала определительного блока

Показатели конца определительного блока

артикль, предлог:

a basic fibre-optic system


a basic fibre-optic system that we …

местоимение (притяжательное, указательное, неопределенное, отрицательное):

these cellular radiophones

личное местоимение (в им. падеже):

The computer network we consider


three common



The rapid current growth during this process

союз: We know that computer models are…

глагол в личной форме:

Computer models are …/work


Computer-controlled machines that

неличные формы глагола:

To define information access time it is necessary …

неличные формы глагола:

Personal computers involving

II. В следующих предложениях выделите определительные блоки существительны. Укажите признаки их границ. Предложения переведите .

1. An analog transmitter sends the electronic signals as modulated radio waves.

2. You can determine your IP address and then use a special database to get the location of your city.

3. Wide area wireless data services provide wireless data to high-mobility users over a very large coverage area.

4. Bluetooth standard is based on a tiny microchip incorporating a radio transceiver that is built into digital devices.

5. Computer animation can also produce images from scientific data, and it has been used to visualize large quantities of data in the study of interactions in complex systems, such as fluid dynamics, particle collisions, and the development of severe storms.

6. These mathematically based models use animation to help researchers see relationships that might otherwise be overlooked.

7. The transceiver inside a cellular phone is a much more complex device than a conventional phone used over wire-based network.

8. The most important fields of research in this area are information processing, pattern recognition, game-playing computers, and applied fields such as medical diagnosis.

9. Products for enhanced communication services such as data, electronic mail, high resolution digital video or even full multimedia communication entered the market.

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