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II. In each line below find the predicates meaning:

a) делал, делает:

  1. X was 1ing, X 2, Xs have 3ed, X 4s, X was being 5ed, Xs have been 6ed;

  2. Xs have 7ed, X is being 8ed, X 9ed, X will be 10ing, X had been 11ed;

  3. X will have 12ed, Xs are 13ing, Xs were being 14ed, X will 15;

  4. X has 16ed, Xs are 17ed, X 18es, Xs are 19ing, X will have 20ed;

  5. Xs were being 21ed, X will 22, X had been 23ed, Xs are 24ing;

  6. X was 25ed, X will have been 26ed, X was 27ing, X will be 28ed.

b) сделал, сделает:

  1. X was 1ing, Xs 2, Xs have 3ed, Xs 4s, X was being 5ed, Xs have been 6ed;

  2. X have 7ed, X is being 8ed, X 9ed, X will be 10ing, X had been 11ed;

  3. Xs are 12ing, X will have 13ed, Xs were being 14ed, X will 15;

  4. X has 16ed, Xs are 17ed, X 18es, Xs are 19ing, X will have 20ed;

  5. Xs were being 21ed, Xs will have 22ed, X had been 23ed, Xs are 24ing;

  6. X was 25ed, X will have been 26ed, X has 27ed, X will be 28ed.

III. А) Find the predicates with the verb have. Give their Russian equivalents.

1 had translated, 2 will have translated, 3 was translating, 4es been translating, 5 am translating, 6s have translated, 7s are translating, 8s have been translating, 9 is translating, 10s were translating, 11 will have been translating, 12 has translated, 13 translates, 14 will translate.

b) Find the predicates with the verb be. Give their Russian equivalents.

1 had received, 2s have been receiving, 3s are receiving, 4 will have received, 5 is receiving, 6 was receiving, 7 receives, 8 will be receiving, 9s were receiving, 10 has been receiving, 11 am receiving, 12s have received, 13s have been receiving, 14 is receiving, 15s were receiving, 16 will have been receiving, 17 has received.

IV. Give the Russian equivalents of the parts of sentences below.

1. the discovery is leading to; 2. the discovery is critical; 3. the improvement has a reason; 4. the improvement requires; 5. we have studied the emission properties of gas plasma; 6. the concept predicts; 7. the improvement has influenced; 8. the density determines; 9. the laser has provided; 10. the devices performed.

V. In each sentence find the predicate and give its Russian equivalent.

a) 1. We are still learning how to exploit the potential of integrated circuits. 2. Small and reliable sensing and control devices are the essential elements in complex systems. 3. This allows computers to provide multiple independent output channels. 4. The invention of the transistor triggered the rapid growth of the electronics industry. 5. Experiments lead to new theories. 6. Electrical activity takes place constantly everywhere in the universe. 7. Google Glass is the most hotly anticipated new arrival in «wearable computing» – which experts predict will become pervasive. 8. The semiconductor industry exploits the ‘whole periodic table’ to manufacture its components. 9. Integrated electronics will move not only towards more functions per slice, but towards new types of functions. 10. The Higgs boson gives all elementary particles mass, allowing for the existence of matter.

b) 1. Electronics has extended man’s intellectual potential. 2. The most striking characteristics of the microelectronics industry has been a rapid decline in cost. 3. In recent years active research has been going on in one of the fields of space industrialization – space material study and production of new materials of better quality. 4. Moore’s law has yielded fast, smart computers, with pretty graphics and worldwide connections. 5. A microelectronic technology has shrunk transistors and other circuit elements to dimensions almost invisible to unaided eye. 6. Researchers have found a way to hide messages in the data sent by voice-over-internet phone systems. 7. Scientists in Japan have found a deposit of highly concentrated rare earth minerals, crucial for the manufacturing of electronics. 8. Apple has introduced two-step authentication for iCloud and other services to beef up security against possibly hacking attacks. 9 Tweeters have been organising their thoughts using hashtags for years. 10 In the past 50 years we have moved from "mainframe" computers that needed their own rooms to ones that fit in a pocket; any smartphone nowadays has as much raw computing power as a top-of-the-line laptop from 10 years ago.

c) 1. The attempts to miniaturize electronic components are largely successful. 2. Several research groups have recently reported progress in this field. 3. The advances in DNA-based circuits offer a new, powerful platform to potentially realize researcher’s long-held biocomputing dreams. 4. His collaborators are working on a microchip modeled after neurons. 5. His team is trying to create an alternative to the architecture common to nearly every computer constructed since its invention. 6. He emphasizes that cognitive-computing architectures will not replace conventional computers but complement them. 7. Even before the invention of the transistor the electronics industry had studied the properties of thin films of metallic and insulating materials. 8. Electricity provides light, heat, and mechanical power. 9. A device that counts photons individually will help to greatly extend the range of networks that send encrypted quantum communications. 10. A new scheme for a quantum communications link will allow a sender to relax in the knowledge that only a recipient in exactly the right location can read his message.

VI. Explain the way of word formation of the verbs below. Give their Russian equivalents. (see Appendix, p. …)

Disconnect the wires; count in tens; rewrite a program; devise a new system; revolutionize the computer industry; activate a user account; enlarge our vision; simplify this method; forecast the weather; cause an accident.