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VI. Find Participle II and name its features. Model these sentences. Instead of Participle II Passive use the verb «делать» in the appropriate form.

1. The xed x xed xx.

2. The x xed xed to the x of the x xed.

3. The x xed xed the x x.

4. The xed x was xed in the xx.

5. The x of the x xed xed x of many x.

VII. Compare the words in bold type by form and meaning, define their similarities and differences.

1. The technique employed used a single probe. 2. They employed a new type of robot. 3. The designers used different techniques to eliminate interception attacks. 4. The encrypted message contained sensitive information. 5. They encrypted the data to provide more security. 6. Moving across foreign domains resulted in increased risk to user information. 7. Computer viruses increased the vulnerability of an operating system. 8. The research conducted contributed to the solution of the problem investigated. 9. The scientists conducted a series of tests to prevent hackers’ attacks.

VIII. Find Participles II in the function of an attribute, name their features and give their Russian equivalents.

1. Each Web document contains coded information about what is on the page. 2. A proposed adjustment or correction to the baseline should only be made if it is absolutely necessary. 3. The reason for the required login should be made clear. 4. Integration of security features into mobile devices must take into account applicable restrictions such as a small pocket size, low bandwidth, limited processing and storage resources. 5. The solution of the problem required the concentrated efforts of many designers. 6. Encryption doesn’t protect against users transferring restricted data to insecure media such as email, flash drives or mobiles.

IX. Give the Russian equivalents of the following noun phrases.

Predefined process; produced devices; computerized analysis; modified function; increased pressure; problem-oriented database; parameter-oriented model; model-based analysis; model-based expert system; modified frequency system; diagnostic-related group; effective-radiated power; speed-controlled motor; Internet-enabled system; computer-supported work; computerized information retrieval system.

X. Give the Russian equivalents of the following sentences.

1. The substance obtained contained some admixtures. 2. Then we discussed the quality of the machine tested. 3. The equipment produced is of high quality. 4. The device invented showed good performance. 5. The complexity of the technique involved increased considerably. 6. The results achieved confirmed the theoretical assumptions. 7. The investigation carried out provided both decryption keys and decryption applications. 8. Engineers should wait for the manager to officially accept proposed changes before implementing them.

Инфинитив в функции определения

1 X to х /to be хed

после определяемого существи-тельного → инфинитив в действительном/ чаще страдатель-ном залоге (Infinitive Active/Passive) → какой? = который нужно сделать/который будет делаться1

The problem to consider next is concerned with data transmission.

The terms to be insisted on are as follows.

a) Проблема, которую нужно рассмотреть далее, касается передачи данных.

b) Проблема, которая будет рассматриваться далее, касается передачи данных.

a) Условия, на которых надо настаивать, заключаются в следующим.

b) Условия, на которых будут настаивать, заключаются в следующем.

2 to х/ to be хed

после порядковых числительных (the first, the second) или прилагательного the last → инфинитив в действительном залоге или страдательном залоге (Infinitive Active/Passive) = заменяет придаточное определительное.

He was the first to answer the question. (He was the first who answered the question.)

His was the last test to be checked. (His was the last test which was checked.)

Он первым ответил на вопрос.

Его тест проверили последним.

1Инфинитив в функции определения заключает в себя a) модальный оттенок долженствования, возможностей (иногда желания) или b) передаёт будущие время в зависимости от ситуации и переводится на русский язык определительным придаточным предложением, с оттенком значения, указанным выше.