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IV. Give the Russian equivalents of the parts of sentences. Pay attention to the tense form of the predicates in the passive form.

      1. the solution is provided (has been provided, will be provided, was provided);

      2. the unit was arranged (has been arranged, is being arranged, will have been arranged);

      3. the devices are manufactured (had been manufactured, were manufactured, are being manufactured);

      4. the structures were formed (have been formed, were being formed, will be formed).

V. In each sentence find the predicates and give their Russian equivalents.

a) 1. The results of two model tests will be presented in order to demonstrate the potentials of the model. 2. Computers are being used more and more extensively in the world today. 3. The experiments were conducted at the same time in London and Rome. 4. A GSM network is composed of several entities with specific interfaces. 5. Transistors are made of semi-conductors such as silicon and gallium arsenide. 6. A difficult problem is being solved now by engineers. 7. Many technical means will be improved in future. 8. Until modern times, most information processing machines were designed to do arithmetic. 9. The network of mobile communication is being built in this region. 10. Other automatic controller devices were being developed before the advent of industry standards.

b) 1. Unfortunately before we make the experiment their work will have been published. 2. The technical problems of colour television have already been solved. 3. When the reaction had been finished the temperature fell. 4. We have not been informed about the experiments. 5. By the early part of the twentieth century electromechanical machines had been developed. 6. This term has been used for a long time. 7. Two popular techniques have been developed for optimization process. 8. The weight of the mechanical part had been greatly reduced. 9. Dear clients! By this time tomorrow your telephone connection will have been restored completely. 10. The problem has been studied for three years, but they haven’t got any result.

c) 1. In an analogue signal, the signal is varied continuously with respect to the information. 2. Additional transformation was being got from satellites. 3. A Web site has been set up to keep the citizens informed. 4. The control system was developed and put into operation. 5. New industrial enterprises will be built here in the future. 6. The new equipment had been tested for two hours when the chief engineer came and stopped the experiment. 7. Before the sample was tested it had been carefully dried. 8. As it had been theoretically predicted, high-energy alpha particles were registered. 9. It had long been understood that sound was related to the vibration of a mechanical system. 10. It has been estimated that two-thirds of all scientific discoveries have been made since the Second World War.

Особые случаи соответствия страдательного залога в английском и русском языках

x1 + be + x2ed + (prp)

I. Предлог, стоящий после глагола в страдательном залоге и не относящийся к следующим за ним словам, при переводе на русский язык ставится перед тем словом, которое в английском предложении является подлежащим:

The results are relied upon.

На эти результаты полагаются.

Запомните значения следующих глаголов с предлогами:

agree upon (on)

arrive at

depart from

depend on (upon)

do away with

insist on (upon)

look at

look after

refer to

rely on (upon)

send for

speak, talk about (оf)

think about (of)

work at

договориться, условиться о

приходить к (заключению, решению)

отклоняться; уклоняться от

зависеть от

покончить с; отказаться от

настаивать на

смотреть на

наблюдать за

ссылаться на; упоминать о

полагаться на

посылать за

говорить о (об)

думать о

работать над