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XI. Match the terms with their definitions.


2. The WWW

3. Web-site

4. Hypertext

5. URL

a) computer software and hardware that allows users to create, store, and view text and move between related items easily

b) a group of connected pages on the World Wide Web containing information on a particular subject

c) a standardized address of a location on the internet

d) a text description language that is used for electronic publishing

e) a vast network of linked hypertext files, stored on computers throughout the world

XII. Read the first and second sentences from passage 2 of the text and divide them into sense groups. Define the dependency relations between them.

XIII. Find the description of hypertext operation.

XIV. Find the information about connection between the number of users and the Internet transmission rate.

XV. Translate passage 2 into Russion.

Многофункциональные слова

Multifunctional Words

Признаки распознавания функций и значений that (this, these, those)

1 союз

that + придаточное предложение (C+CК) = что

The research has shown that Web user should be informed of the security measures used by the site.

2 союзное слово

that + сказуемое (СК) = который

A device that functions as both a transmitter and a receiver is called a transceiver.

3 слово-заместитель

that/those + of/причастие (Participle II)/прилагательное = переводится существительным, которое заменяет

This is new measuring equipment, its accuracy is much higher than that of the old one.

4 указательное местоимение

that (this, these, those) + существительное = тот, та, то (этот, эти, те)

At that time, computers were also becoming an increasingly important scientific tool.

I. Define the functions and meanings of the multifunctional word “that”. Give its features as a subordinating conjunction. Model these sentences.

  1. That x is more x than that xed in our x.

  2. The xs have been xing to x x that are ever xer to X.

  3. Xs that have x x of xed Xx are xing to x their x into xs.

  4. The x has xed that x x should be xed of the x xs xed by the x.

II. Define the functions and meanings of the words in bold. Give their Russian equivalents.

1. Security is a critical issue that almost everyone of us deals with. 2. To prove this law experimentally is very difficult. 3. The television audio signals are received by equipment similar to that used in other forms of radio. 4. These projects have not been put into effect yet. 5. The word semiconductor means rather generally a material which has electrical conductivity half-way between that of a metallic conductor, and that of an insulator. 6. The transistor consists of an emitter that supplies electrons, a collector that collects the electrons, and a base that controls the flow of electrons. 7. Research in these fields has led to the development of transistors, ICs, lasers and optical fibres. 8. These objects, called applets, follow a set of instructions written by the person that programmed the applet.